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Caharodin M.

Sarilama EDM136
BSEd Mathematics

On 24th day of January, a webinar entitled “Celebration of the International Day of

Education” happened. It took place via zoom meeting and can be watched on youtube.
In every webinar I join, I make sure to learn something new-same goes with this webinar.
There are a lot of learnings I’ve got in this webinar. The first speaker talked about “Outcomes of
Transforming Education Summit” also known as TES, which is the most important gathering on
education since decade to put a transforming education at a highest level. The speaker also
shared the key concept of outcomes of TES which are; high level political commitment and
cross-sectoral, stakeholder engagement at the country level, a global movement, a vision
statement from the UN secretary general, national statements of commitment to transform
education systems, calls to action and TES global initiatives. According to Ms. Margarete, the
Un secretary general said that we have to rethink of the purpose and content of education in the
21st century and his vision speaks about the learning to learn , learning to live together, learning
to do, and learning to be. There are these four pillars of knowledge or learning in which its
purpose is to ensure the continuous growth of a person. At global or societal level, it educates the
individuals as a part of society or global village whether they can develop social responsibility
necessary in building a better place to build.
Dr. Margarete, director of International Cooperation office of the Department of
Education, highlighted that re-information means two things; first is we must strengthen our
current interventions and introduce new ones to address both recurrent and emerging threat to
our learners, second is that we must up boldly and ambitiously if our education system is for full
recovery from the pandemic and prepare for an increasingly uncertain feature. Despite of many
challenges in terms of communication, online education, time management, anxiety, and even
stress because of fear of coronavirus the learners and educators positively reported the
effectiveness of online learning.
With so much have been said, I can say that this webinar is very informative and true to
all, which gathered educators with the same concern to improve the education system.

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