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<p>Cereal is a popular breakfast food that many people enjoy.

When you think of soup, you

probably think of a savory and hot liquid dish made with various vegetables, meat or grains.
However, the question remains, is cereal a soup? </p><p>To answer this question, we must first
define what soup is. A soup is a liquid dish that usually contains vegetables, meat, or grains that
have been cooked in broth or water. These ingredients are usually simmered together to infuse
flavors and to create a hearty meal. Furthermore, soups are often served hot, which is not the
case for cereal. </p><p>Cereal, on the other hand, is typically served cold and dry, often
accompanied by milk poured over it. Milk is the only liquid that is added to cereal, and it is not
cooked together. Cereal is also usually sweet and not savory, which is another fundamental
difference from soup. In addition, cereal does not typically contain any meat, vegetables, or
other ingredients commonly found in soup dishes. </p><p>While some may argue that hot
oatmeal cereal is a type of soup, there is a difference between the two. Oatmeal cereal is made
by adding water and heating the oatmeal until it thickens. The addition of spices and other
ingredients such as raisins can also enhance the flavor of the oatmeal, but it does not change
the fact that it is different from soup. </p><p>In conclusion, while cereal and soup may have
some similarities, they remain different dishes. The fundamental differences between the two
center on the method of preparation, temperature, and common ingredients. Ultimately, cereal is
cereal, and soup is soup, and they should be considered as different dishes in their own

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