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Roman Superhighway, Balanga City, Bataan

Criminology Department
SEMI FINAL Examination
(2nd Sem, AY 2018 – 2019)

Name: _____________________________________________________ Score: ________________

Year & Section: _____________________________________________
Date of Examination: _________________________________________ Permit #: ______________

INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze the directions, questions and choices CAREFULLY.

Part I. IDENTIFICATION (2 points each)

1. __________________- the result of intelligence planning, planning is always ahead of operation

although an operation can be made without a plan, it is usually due to sudden and inevitable
situations but definitely this is poor intelligence management.
2. __________________ - an agent assigned in target areas with the primary mission of supporting the
cover story.
3. __________________ - a biographical data through fictional that will portray the personality of the
agent he assumed, a scenario to cover up the operation.
4. __________________ - the means by which an individual group of organization conceals the true
nature of its acts and/or existence from the observer.
5. __________________ - an investigative technique in which agent conceal his official identity and
obtain information from that organization.
6. __________________ - an account consisting of biographical which when adopted by an individual
will assume the personality he wants to adopt.
7. __________________ - a form of clandestine investigation which consists of keeping persons, place
or other targets under physical observation in order to obtain evidence or information pertinent to an
8. __________________ - an accomplice or associate of the subject used to avoid or elude surveillant.
9. __________________ - a cover supporting the surveillant who can become a convoy whenever
surveillant is burned.
10. __________________ - a person who conducts surveillance.

PART II. ESSAY (10 points)

1. Discuss the following Phases of Intelligence Cycle (10 points)

2. Enumerate the Evaluation Guide for the processing of raw information as to; the Accuracy,
Reliability & Source of Information (10 points)


1. What are the 14 operational cycles of conducting intelligence operations? (14 points)

2. General Objectives and Purposes of Surveillance (Covert Intelligence) (10 points)

3. What are the Basic Preparations in Surveillance? (4 points)

4. Do’s and Don’ts in Surveillance (10 points)

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Prepared by

JO2 Mart Law S Ocampo

Approved by:


Dean Director for Academics

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