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Choosing the appropriate professional for diagnosis and treatment can be

confusing. Each specialty has strengths and weaknesses. Here is a short list
of who does what.

A psychiatrist, an M.D. who treats the brain, may A neurologist is a doctor who specializes in treatment
prescribe medication or other treatment. of the brain and central nervous system.
Advantages Advantages
• Trained in diagnosis. •Can determine if other conditions, such as seizure
• Able to diagnose, prescribe medication, and treat.
disorder, are present.
Fees usually start at about $200 an hour and go up •Expensive.
from there. While psychiatrists can diagnose and
treat, they may not be trained in counseling, especial-
•EEG testing for ADHD isn’t needed for diagnosis or
ly in the areas of day-to-day life skills that may be
needed by the person who has ADHD.
•Patient must be referred for any counseling or therapy.


PSYCHOLOGIST A master level counselor has a master’s degree in
A psychologist understands how the mind works, but psychology or counseling. They may be able to do an
is not an M.D. and cannot prescribe medications. If initial assessment if they have the appropriate training.
the psychologist feels that medications are needed, Advantages
he or she must refer the patient to either a medical
doctor, nurse practitioner, or a psychiatrist.
• Is able to provide counseling, behavior manage-
ment, and problem solving.
Advantages • Less expensive than psychiatric care.
• Trained in diagnosis. Disadvantages
• Trained in counseling. • May have trouble with a differential diagnosis (iden-
• Costs less than a psychiatrist. tifying other possible problems).
Disadvantages • Will need to refer patient to a doctor or other pro-
• Cannot prescribe medications. fessional.
• Patient must be referred for an MRI or any other test
that could assist in diagnosis.
• Cannot prescribe medication.

FAMILY DOCTOR OR NURSE PRACTITIONER A Master of Social Welfare (MSW) or a Licensed
Most family physicians know of ADHD but may lack Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) is often employed by
the extensive knowledge of more specialized an agency (for example, public health-care resources)
professionals. to provide counseling to people served by the
Advantages agency Social workers can help with some behavior
• Is already familiar with you and your medical history. issues that adults with ADHD may experience.
• Is usually easier to see for an appointment. Advantages
• Can prescribe medications if needed. • Inexpensive.
• Less expensive than a psychiatrist. Disadvantages
Disadvantages • May have trouble with a differential diagnosis
• May have limited experience with ADHD, especially (identifying other possible problems).
in adults. • Will need to refer patient to a doctor or other
• Cannot offer counseling. professional.
• Brief office visits often mean a hurried diagnosis. • Cannot prescribe medication.

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