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These days, people are able to work, shop and contact by internet-connected devices instead of

direct communication. While there are some negative aspects of these online activities, I
believe the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
On the one hand, there are some disadvantages when people work, shop and contact online.
Firstly, there are several problems which can affect online meetings such as disconnection or
poor audio conferencing. Secondly, when people shop via the Internet, they cannot try on the
products first before buying. Therefore, products may differ considerably from what they
expect. In addition, when communicating online, they can easily get disrupted by many factors
like advertisements or notifications of the social media. However, these problems can be solved
easily when people mute the notifications.
In my opinion, the benefits of work, shop and exchanging information via the Internet are
irreplaceable in today’s society. Firstly, people do not need to go to the company for work,
because they can work from home, and it also save time and money. Moreover, companies can
reduce lots of money on business trips and holding regular meetings. They can use this budget
for other purposes like marketing or training staff to increase their profit. For shopping, people
can compare products from many different shops before making a buy decision. For example,
there are also many e-commerce platforms such as Tiki and Lazada are available, so people can
buy almost everthing they need on these websites. Additionally, people nowadays can stay in
touch with their family and friends more easily. There are many instant messaging applications
which support for video call like Messenger and Viber, and these apps can also send pictures,
videos and use emoticons.
In conclusion, although there are some negative aspects for work, shop and communicating via
the Internet, the benefits of this development are more significant. The disadvantages of
contact via the Internet can be gradually reduced, which in turn can bring more benefits to

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