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Why did people first start using your site?

Use physical features of the site as well as your own

knowledge to support your answer. [20marks]
Otherwise had to create a man made hill
The site I have chosen is Framlingham castle.There were numerous why the Bigods started using my site
however the most significant was the natural features and landscapes as it provided many benefits including
defensive features

One of the most significant reasons why the Bigods first started using the site is because of the natural spurr that
the castle is situated on. There are a number of reasons why this was a factor in the Bigods choosing to use this
site, one being because it was a natural spurr which meant they didn't have to create a man made hill which was
typical for a lot of castles at the time. However one of the most significant reasons why the natural spurr caused
the Bigods to start using my site is because it was a defensive feature which was important as the Bigods were
very rebellious so they were under a continuous threat of attack. The natural spurr worked as a defensive feature
because they had higher ground and as the land surrounding was very flat they could see enemies approaching
meaning they were always prepared for attack. So the natural spurr gave the Bigods a huge advantage and a
good reason to use my site

Another very significant reason why the Bigods started using my site is because of the meer.
The meer was significant because of 2 main reasons. One significant reason being because of how intimidating it
was to others in the surrounding area the reflection of the castle made it appear bigger and more opposing than it
was which must have been very intimidating for attackers. However the most significant reason why the meer
was a reason for the Bigods to use my site is because of the constant supply of food and water. This was
necessary as the Alan Sorrel painting gives evidence of many carpenters, blacksmiths and brewers showing that
there were many mouths to feed emphasising the need for the meer highlighting why the Bigods first started
using my site.

Another significant reason why the Bigods first started using my site is because of the flat fertile land surrounding
the area. This was significant because the flat land allowed the Bigods to have an advantage over their enemies
as they could see an attack coming so they would be prepared. The Bigods needed defensive features like this
as from my own knowledge I know that they were very rebellious and had a lot of enemies meaning attacks were
very typical. An example of this is when in 1216 John attacked Framlingham or the rebellious acts against many
of the kings such as refusing the king's orders to supply soldiers in 1297.

Lasty, another reason why the Bigods first started using my site is because of the town of Framlingham which
was already there.This was not very typical as most castles were built and then a town formed around it. The
town of Framlingham was a significant reason as it meant that they could easily trade and make money.
However it also supplied workers for the castle which was needed as Framlingham would have been impossible
for the Bigods to maintain and upkeep on their own.

Overall the most significant reasons why the Bigods chose my site is because of the landscape features that
were already there such as the meer and natural spurr as it provided the Bigods as it worked as a defensive
feature and a supply food for Framlingham castle.

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