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Reddit /u/imrooniel

They hide something in place they forgot about.

They once knew a man of a silver skin.
They have horns that none can see.
They once went into mists and brought something back without knowing.
They haven't slept in five years because they're afraid of something and for good
They have a mark that burns with hellfire.
They have a part of an ancient spell engraved in their mind.
They have a mark of sect they didn't joined to.
They stole something from someone powerful.
They lost something that's not obvious and they want to get it back.
They found a shrine in their basement and began worshipping it.
They saw you die in their dream.
They cannot see faces, but somehow are able to recognize people. They see something
They once wielded a weapon to smite evil and still feel the call.
They killed someone that was not of this world and it marked them for ever.
They have a painting that bleeds instead of them.
They have a ring that will make one wish true at cost of their life.
They used to trade in forbidden knowledge, they still have some left.
They hear voice of minor god.
They befriended local rats and can talk with them.
They found a device that supplies them with tremendous power at cost of their
They have a sword in them that they can call in hour of great need.
Their hands and heart are bound to an ancient spirit.
They rely on rare herbs to suppress visions of chalice.
They are spying on their neighbours.
They are in debt to someone and are forced to act.
They can transmute knowledge into life power. Each year they need more for same
result and can never use the same thing again
They enchant others with their voice without wanting it.
They have talent they're ashamed of.
One of their patents are not of this world.
They can enforce their will upon the land, but at high cost.
They have urges they try to suppress.
They are forced to help those in need because of ancient curse.
They are tied to this land and cannot leave it.
They attract weird creatures and must stay on the move.
They carry blood of kings.
They are from another era, their knowledge is useless.
They sacrificed someone for folly god.
They invited someone one should never invite into household.
They drank with beings not of this world.
They are destined for greatness and they try to fight the fate.
Their tears can heal.
Their flesh grands tremendous powers, but is very addicting.
They took something from ancient ruins and lost it. Now they're hunted by malicious
They are animal transformed into human.
Their blood is blue.
They built machine that defies logic.
They're trying to take over local power.
They have habit of drinking blood, but are not vampires.
They hoard something, but none can know about it.
They discovered hidden passage that leads somewhere.
They're burdened with object of great significance but of no power.
They protect someone unlikely.
They can't get drunk.
They are famous for something they didn't do.
They failed someone they admired.
They are spying for other powers.
Their gender is not what it seems to be.
They ran away from their responsibility, they are fugitive and are hiding.
They lost one of their limbs and it got replaced with something else.
They don't know their origin.
Sometimes wings of light appear on their back.
They couldn't kill someone they really should and now they're running away.
Their actions lead to death of their sibling.
They have holy powers, but believe in no god.
They were made, not born.
They betrayed for greater good.
They hide someone unwillingly.
They hear the call of lonely gate.
Their hair sometimes burns like coal.
They saw once scarlet moon and await day with ashen sky.
One of their hands burns with fever and other one is cold as death.
They have mark that grows like a rose.
They are leader of a cult.
They have an affair with someone from their family.
They experienced unimaginable pain that scarred them for ever.
They are empty inside.
They dared to perform midsummer dance and what they summoned changed them.
They have golden eyes and must hide them from mortal men.
They tamed great evil and called it snuffles.
They are incapable of making important decisions and break down under pressure.
They have odd shard in eye, their tears are of mercury.
They killed treasured animal of forest king.
They spoke to great tree few times, learned nothing despite saying otherwise.
They have travelled far and wide, yet have no tale to tell.
They can hear peculiar music, it's driving them mad.
Their blood can change to that of anyone they ever touched.
They have died once already.
They traded lives with cat, they have 7 left.
They inspire great fear in beings of not this world.
They know the language of thought and cannot lie or be lied to.
Their power is stolen and someone will come to get it back.
They have nails of emerald.
They have two steel coins and one of iron.
They don't have to breath.
They are god and forgot about that.
They actually don't mind the demons.
They once could obtain immortality and refused the gift.
They know the name of one God and it brings them nothing but trouble.
They can see beyond the veils and shadows.

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