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Describe Scout´s situation at the outset of the story. Why does she lead a sheltered life?

Refer to time, place, history, the adult members of the family, the children she plays with.

Scout Finch is the protagonist of the novel “To kill a mockingbird“ telling the story from
her perspective.
In chapter one, she elaborates her family history, her family constellation and the
timeline and location the story takes place.
Now the question arises why she leads a sheltered life.
The story takes place during the Great Depression in 1930 which caused a difficult
economic situation. The economic crisis leads to most people suffering from poverty.
An example are the Cunninghams, a family of farmers in contrary to Scouts family.
The Finches are not the richest family in town, however they are very wealthy compared
to other families.
Adding to that, one has to know about the family history. Simon Flinch, Scout´s
ancestor, made a significant amount of money practicing medicine and establishing a
farm, called Finch’s Landing. Therefor, Simon Flinch died wealthy and rich.
Atticus broke the tradition of working on Finch´s Landing by studying law and
becoming a lawyer.
The financial security is one of the main reasons for Scout´s sheltered life.
Furthermore, despite of her mother dying when Scout was just two years old, she was
still given a motherly role by Calpurnia, the Finch´s housewife and cook.
However the mother could not be replaced, but this was not necessarily disadvantageous
for Scout.
While most girls in Scout’s position would be wearing dresses and learning lady-like
manners, Scout could be her true self due to Atticus´ way of parenting.
That is also the reason why her aunt Alexandra Finch staying at the Finch´s Landing is
Moreover, the place the residents are living in, has to be taken into account.
In Maycomb in Alabama, which Scout describes as a "tired old town“, the community is
divided into two groups.
The prosperous families such as the Finches live in large houses close to the center of
town, whereas poorer families like the Ewells live in simple houses that are in need of
Therefore, living the main residential street contributes to Scout´s sheltered life.
Addiotionally, racism towards dark-skinned people is very present during this period and
in this place, correspondingly Scout is more privileged.
Furthermore, her family situation contributes to her sheltered life since she has not only
a very close relationship with her father, but also with her brother who is always
available to talk to when Scout has something on her mind.
As a consequence, she has a very observing, intelligent and curious personality hence
makes her reflect a lot, which can also contribute to her sheltered life.

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