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English Language is “the

infinite use of finite

Docente: Ing. Katherine Bravo
Knowledge Evaluation Name_________________________________________

Week 39 Course: ______________ Date: _________________________

1. When I started to work here, I needed a lot of help, but now I __________________ (do) all the work
on my own.
a. Used to do c. am used to doing
b. Get used to doing d. am used to do
2. He _____________________ (read) several books a month, but he doesn't have time any more.
a. Used to reading c. am used to reading
b. Used to read d. get used to read

3. I think the waiter _____ us. We __________ here for 30 minutes!

a. Has forgotten ... have been waiting c. Has forgotten ... have waited
b. Has been forgetting ... have been waiting d. Has been forgetting ... have
4. We ___ for the bus for 20 minutes now, I think the bus ________. 
a. Have been waiting ... has crashed c. Have waited ... has crashed
b. Have been waiting ... has been crashing d. Have waited ... has been crashing
5. When police were investigating the road accident, they discovered that the driver ___________ 2
road accidents before.
a. had being involved in c. had involved in
b. had been being involved in d. had been involved in

6. It's hard to predict the future. I think we _______ (live) here for a long time, but you never know.
a. Are going to live c. will living
b. Will live d. is going to live

7. The fire has destroyed the house.

The house ________________ by the fire.
a. has been destroyed c. is destroyed
b. was being destroyed d. was destroyed
8. 'Tom hasn't been feeling well for two weeks.' This sentence is written in __________.
a. Present perfect tense c. Past perfect continuous tense
b. Present perfect continuous tense d. Simple present tense
9. We ___ for the bus for 20 minutes now, I think the bus ________. 

a. Have been waiting ... has crashed c. Have waited ... has crashed
b. Have been waiting ... has been crashing d. Have waited ... has been crashing

10. Mary has walked 2 kilometers today. This sentence is written in _______________.
a. Present perfect tense c. Past perfect continuous tense
b. Present perfect continuous tense d. Simple present tense

English Language is “the
infinite use of finite
Docente: Ing. Katherine Bravo
11. The service at the restaurant was very slow. I ___________ all of my meal before my friends' meals
a. had already eaten c. had eating
b. had already been eating d. had being ate
12. I've bought my ticket. I ___________ (fly) to Chicago next week.
a. Will fly c. is going to fly
b. Am going to fly d. will flying

13. Complete the story with the verbs in the box. Use the past perfect or the past perfect progressive.
Add not where necessary.

Go Eat Notice Plan Rest Ride Sleep Want

Ginny was about to start a mountain biking trip.

She was excited because she (1) hadn’t gone mountain biking alone before. She (2) __________________
to go on a biking trip for a long time, and (3) _____________________________for this trip for five

On the day of her trip, Ginny had a lot of energy because she (4) _____________________ well the night
before. She started smoothly. She (5) __________________________for several hours when she got a flat
tire. Fortunately, she had a spare tire. A bit later, she was hungry because she (6)
___________________________ anything since her mid-morning snack, so she stopped and ate a
sandwich. Later, she decided to rest, so she rode back to a pond because she (7) _________________that it
was shady there. She (8) ___________________________for long before she felt ready to get up and finish
her ride.

14. Match correctly as appropriate (Used to, Be used to, Get used to)

1. When my friends and I were younger, we ___________________ rafting a. Is used to going

every summer.
2. My little son ______________ to school so he is happy every morning when b. Get used to going
we take him there.
3. It´s hard for me but I will ________________ in bus every day. c. Used to go

a. 1a, 2b, 3c c. 1c, 2a, 3b

b. 1b, 2c, 3a d. 1c, 2b, 3a

English Language is “the
infinite use of finite
Docente: Ing. Katherine Bravo

15. Write the correct form of going to or will to complete the dialogue.
LAURA: What are you doing this weekend, Jan?
TANYA: I __________________________ (see) a new play tomorrow at the Royal Court theater.
LAURA: Have you got the tickets yet?
TANYA: NO, I __________________________ (get) them this afternoon at 3:00pm, actually. Would you like
to come?
LAURA: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.
TANYA: OK, I think I __________________________ (get) you a ticket too.
LAURA: Great ... what time does it start?
TANYA: Eight o'clock, but we __________________________ (all meet) in the Green Cafe at 7.15.
LAURA: OK, I __________________________ (meet) you in the café at this time, but, uhm..
I __________________________ (be) there around 7.30.
TANYA: That's fine.
LAURA: Oh, one other thing ... I've got no money at the moment... I __________________________ (pay)
for the ticket, maybe, on Saturday. Is that OK?
TANYA: Yes, that's OK, no problem.
LAURA: Great! Why don't we go eat something in the restaurant?
TANYA: That's a good idea. I __________________________ (phone) the others and see if they want to
come too.
LAURA: Good, and I __________________________ (book) a table for us.
TANYA: Great! I ___________________________ (meet) you there in a moment.

16. Read the situation and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE
a. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on page 53.
He _________________________ for two hours. (read)
He _________________ 53 pages so far. (read)

b. Rachel is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her trip three
months ago.
She_______________________ for three months. (travel) and she __________________________six
countries so far. (visit)

c. Patrick is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year he won the
national championship again – for the fourth time.
He _______________________________ the national championship four times. (win)
He __________________________________________ since he was ten. (play)

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