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Date: 29-09-2022

DAA (KCS-503)

Assignment 1

(Submission Date 4th Oct 2022)

1. Write Count sort algorithm. What is time complexity? Also sort the given array using
count sort algorithm.

6 0 2 0 1 3 4 6 1 3 2

2. What are the properties of B-tree? Create a B-tree of order 3 from numbers 1 to 10.
3. Find the asymptotic bound using Master Method of the following recurrence:
T(n)= 4T(n/2)+n2
4. Show that the following equations are correct:
i) 33n2+4n2=Ω(n2) ii) n!=O(nn)
5. Insert the keys 41,38,31,12,19,8 into an initially empty Red-Black tree and from the
resulted Red-Black tree, delete the keys 8,12,19,31,38,41 successively.
6. What is Binomial Heap? What are its properties? How many binomial trees of what
order each will construct a Binomial heap of 17 elements? .
7. What are the characteristics of Fibonacci heap? How is it different from Binomial
Heap? What is potential function?

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