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Assignment 4.

1: Gender Galaxy

The Gender Galaxy opened my eyes and mind to many genders I did not know existed.

Reading through the definitions of many of these genders, it made me question my own

education and knowledge on this specific topic. I thought I knew about all the different genders

that an individual can identify as, however, I was wrong. After reading through the gender

galaxy, it made me begin to think about how diverse we as human beings are. For example, we

walk down the street not thinking about how the person next to us could identify as gender

neutral, or neutrois. Most of the time we think that people just identify as heterosexual or

homosexual. However, this could not be farther from the truth.

Gender identity is a type of self-awareness that one has. It is how they view themselves

and the gender they the most connection with. Gender expression is how an individual expresses

their gender in public. It can include anything from how they dress to the way that they speak.

Gender identity and gender expression do not always go together. A person could identify as a

specific gender, but not express themselves in this way. This could be due to personal choice, or

the fact that they do not think that those around them will except them for who they are.

When it comes to assigned/biological sex, this many not necessarily match the gender

you identify with. Assigned/biological sex is the gender a person was assigned at birth by a

doctor. The doctor assigns a specific gender based off the baby’s genitalia, chromosomes, and

hormonal profiles (Gender Galaxy, n.d.). However, just because an individual is assigned this

gender at birth, does not mean that this will be the gender that they identify with for the rest of

their life.
As professional, one must understand the difference between gender identity, gender

expression, and assigned/biological sex. You may have an individual walk into your office who

presents as a male but does not identify as one. Knowing the gender identity of this individual

will help you as a professional to better serve and understand them. Understanding their

assigned/biological sex and how they identify and express themselves, will help you better

understand the help and guidance that they are searching for. It will also help you as a

professional to better understand the struggle that this person may be going through based off

their gender identity and assigned/biological sex.


Gender Galaxy. (n.d.).


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