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Se que podras lograr tu objetivo, siempre logras lo que te propones

2. Luis estaba muy asustado, su hermana tambien estaba asustada pero no tanto
3. Jose fue a jugar despues de entrenar,despues estuvo con dolor de pie
4. Yo siempre soy amable,por siempre tendre esa personalidad
5. Eso iba a llegar ayer a casa, no llego por tráfico
6. El iba a preguntar por el precio de las zapatillas, al preguntar se dio cuenta que eran
7. Pronto iba a comenzar la maraton, pero derrepente comenzo a llover
8. El quedo desconcertado despues de usar la aplicación para confundir a maria
9. El intento unirse a la reunion al conectar el computador por el link
10. Mayerli es muy considerada, estamos planeando una fiesta en consideracion a todo
lo que ha hecho
11. El esta loco, seria algo loco llevarlo a estudiar
12. El era no era cruel pero se volvio un despiadado
13. El aviso decia que es peligroso y es inseguro que estemos trabajndo asi
14. La carrera es de bastante dificultad,demasiado dificil para un aficionado

1. I know you can achieve your accomplish, you always achieve what you set out to do
2. Luis was very afraid, his sister was also scared but not that much
3. Jose went to play after training, later he had foot pain
4. I am always kind, I will always have that personality
5. That was get to come home yesterday, I didn't arrive because of traffic
6. He was going to ask about the price of the shoes, when he inquire he realized that
they were expensive
7. The marathon was going to start soon, but suddenly it begin to rain
8. He was puzzled after using the app to confuse Maria.
9. He tried to join the meeting by connecting the computer through the link
10. Mayerli is very thoughtful, we are planning a party in consideration of everything she
has done
11. He is insane, it would be crazy to take him to study
12. He was not cruel but he became ruthless
13. The notice said that it is dangerous and it is unsafe that we are working like this
14. The race is quite difficult, too hard for an amateur

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