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Professional Development Plan (PDP)

Department of Exceptional, Deaf, and Interpreter Education at the University of North Florida

District School Date

Duval North Florida School of Special Education 2/7/2023
Teacher Candidate Grade Level/Classroom Setting Date of Last Coaching Cycle
Hayley Davidson Highschool/ Language Arts 4/23/23
UNF Supervisor Mentor Teacher PDP Plan Begin/End Dates
Wendy Baker Kara Omesol 2/7/23 - 4/28/23

I. Identified Areas for Development of Professional Practice

Areas Identified for Professional Aligned Florida Educator Accomplished Rationale for Selection
Development Practice (FEAP) and/or High-Leverage
Practice (HLP)
1. Instructional strategies
sequence lessons & concepts to ensure coherence Providing my students with the support using a variety of instructional strategies.
Instruction delivery and facilitation. The effective educator consistently utlizes a deep and comprehensive
knowledge of the subject taugtht

2. Assessment taking in the classroom selecting appropriate assessments to monitor learning

I struggle with tracking my data at times.

Deepen and enrich students ’ understanding through content area literacy strategies, verbalization of thought, and I often say great job or awesome when I should say “thank you for raising your hand” . Also asking more questions then
Asking higher order questions and behavior specific praise application of the subject matter; ! simple ones related to the topic.

Adapted from New Jersey Department of Education (2014)

II. Professional Learning Goals and Activities for Development
Professional Learning Goals Initial Activities Follow-Up Estimated Date of Date of
Activities Completion Completion
1. Enter your Professional Learning
Goals as they align with each Area
Identified for Professional
Review lesson plans with a an experince teacher. adding more technology into my lessons
Intergrating technology into instructions 4/23/23 4/28/23

2. Using technology to organize and intergrriate assessment information Review experince teachers way of collecting data Have the experince teacher come and see how I
collect data 4/23/23 4/28/23


III. Professional Development Plan Support

District or School-Based PDP Support
List any district and/or school-based professional development support you have received or anticipate that will address the needs
identified in your PDP.
Weekly PLC meetings on Monday’s & Thursday’s 9:30-11:30
Teach Conference

Adapted from New Jersey Department of Education (2014)

University PDP Support
List any University-based professional development support you have received or anticipate that will address the needs identified in
your PDP.


Student Teacher Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

University Supervisor Signature: _________________________________ Title: ________________________ Date: _____________

IV. PDP Progress Summary-Summative Review

Professional Learning Goals Expectations Sources of Evidence Review Date
(Yes or No)
1. Intergrating technology Yes Working with my mentor teacher to provide me with resources using technology.

2. on task behavior Yes alking with the ABA’s and attending workshops


Student Teacher Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________

University Supervisor Signature: _________________________________ Title: ________________________ Date: _____________

Adapted from New Jersey Department of Education (2014)

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