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B”H Erev Shabbos Ki Tisa - Parah, 21st of Adar, 5781; March 5th, 2021 087

he reached a little village near his

Heavenly Soup hometown, where he realized that he
would not be able to reach home in
Toward the end of his life, one of the time. He decided to stay at a wayside
dominant Rebbes in the history of inn, but was afraid to leave the money
Chasidism, Rabbi Elimelech of in his bag lest someone steal it. On the
Lizhensk, ate very little. His friends other hand, he didn't know if he could
and relatives implored him, but to no trust the innkeeper with it. Having no
effect. other choice, he gave it to him to hold
for him. Throughout the entire Shab-
One time, when his son, Rabbi Elazar, bos he worried about his money, and
pleaded with him to eat enough to sus- immediately after Havdala requested it
tain life, R' Elimelech said, "I wish I Yehoshua Wiseman, back. Upon receiving his wallet, he
could eat, but my body is rejecting all counted all the gold coins and was
things physical. However," he mused, some of these in the soup, so that my happy to find that nothing was missing
"one time, during my years of wander- holy guest can enjoy his food.'" – but then continued to shake the coins
ing in exile, I lodged at an inn near a and look through them.
certain village, and there I ate a deli- Rabbi Elazar thought, "now I know
cious soup. If that were available, I why my holy father longed for this "'What are you looking for?' the inn-
could eat it. But the inn is so far soup. This pious woman's sincere keeper asked. 'Is something missing?'
away!" prayers were answered, and the soup
did indeed have the taste of Gan "The guest explained that he wanted to
Many years after his father passed on, Eden ('Paradise')." make sure that his one copper coin was
Rabbi Elazar happened to be in that there as well…"
By Yrachmiel Tilles. Rabbi Tilles of
village, and sought out the inn to
which his father had referred. He asked
Tsfat, is a co-founder of ASCENT. His Reb Mordechai concluded, "Look at
email list for stories is in its 24th year. this silly fellow! After seeing that all
the hostess whether he might have To join the list a/o his WhatsApp group
some of her special soup. his golden coins were returned to him,
for Saturday night Audio, Video and he still suspected his host of perhaps
She said, "how I wish I could serve Zoom stories, go to stealing one copper coin…. And you
you the food that is appropriate for a or WhatsApp +972-526-770-137. are doing the same. Every night you
great person like yourself. But we are entrust Hashem with your soul, and
very poor. Very few travelers pass this when you wake up in the morning, He
way, and we just have enough flour Heavenly Sustenance returns the gold you have given Him.
and beans to eat for our meals. I will A simple Jew once traveled to spend So how is it that you don't trust that He
be glad to make a bean soup for you." Shabbos in the court of Reb Mordechai will give you your livelihood if you
of Chernobyl. When he asked for a wait until after davening…?"
When Rabbi Elazar tasted the soup, he
experienced a spiritual delight, as blessing before departing, the tzaddik reprinted from The Weekly Farbrengen
though he were eating of the offerings asked him about his daily routine, and by Merkaz Anash, on-line at
of the altar in the Temple in Jerusalem. the Jew told him how he rose early to
He asked the hostess, "please tell me, buy merchandise from the local farm-
what ingredients do you use for this ers and returned home to daven when Shabbat Times
soup?" he finished. The Rebbe condemned
this conduct, but the Jew excused him- Candle Lighting Motzei Shabbat
The woman began crying. "I am so self by saying that if he davened first, Jerusalem 50:5 70:6
sorry that it is so meager. I do not have he would be unable to buy the mer-
any spices to put in. All I did was cook Tel Aviv 50:: 70:6
chandise. Reb Mordechai then told
the beans with water, and then I prayed him the following story: Haifa 50:: 70:6
to G-d: 'Master of the Universe! You Beer Sheva 50:: 70:6
have provided me with the mitzvah of "A young man was supported by his
preparing a meal for a special guest. If father-in-law, but when his family New York 50:5 70:5
only I had meat, vegetables, and spic- grew and he was forced to find addi-
tional means of support, he left home Chabad of Israel
es, I would prepare a meal for him that Rabbi Joseph I. Aronov
would befit him, but I have nothing. and worked as a teacher for three
Published by M.L.S. Kfar Chabad (03) 3731777
But You, Master of the Universe, have years, saving every coin he earned. Editor: Aharon Schmidt
everything. You have Gan Eden Finally, having collected enough to
('Paradise'), where there are all the start a business, he decided to make Please guard the sanctity of this publication
finest scents and flavors. Please put the long trek home. On erev Shabbos
Never Give Up tire Torah had been taught, and even gave Despite their transgressions, G-d refrained
him the Tablets of the Law. from taking this drastic step for many
This week's Torah portion, Ki Tisa, relates
that G-d gave Moshe the Tablets of the Why? G-d wanted the Holy Temple to
Emulating G-d’s Actions continue to exist for as long as possible.
Law as soon as He finished teaching him
the Torah -- on the fortieth day after Although the Jews were sinning, He gave
Moshe ascended Mount Sinai. We too must emulate G-d's actions. If we them ample opportunity to repent and pre-
The purpose of teaching the Torah to want to have a positive influence over an- vent the destruction from occurring.
Moshe was that he, in turn, would impart it other person, that they strengthen their
to the Jewish people. The Tablets were observance of Torah and its command-
likewise to be given to the Jewish people. ments, the other person's spiritual standing Helping Our Fellow Jew
is irrelevant.
What were the Jews doing while Moshe
was on Mount Sinai? It is forbidden to stop teaching someone
Torah or cease trying to bring him closer We too must always help our fellow Jew to
to Judaism even if he continues to sin, G-d preserve the spiritual Temple in his heart.
forbid. We must never withhold spiritual aid and
A Very Important Lesson assistance.
On the contrary, we must try even harder
to exert a positive influence. And when we Even if the other person does not conduct
do, both the "giver" and the "taker" will themselves properly and sins, we must
As we learn in this week’s Torah portion,
on the thirty-ninth day of Moshe's absence surely benefit. always continue to fortify their spiritual
the Jewish people made the Golden Calf, a Sanctuary.
very serious sin. In this manner we will merit the building
Thus we see that despite their sin, G-d The Holy Temple of both the spiritual Sanctuary that exists
continued to learn Torah with Moshe so he within every Jew, as well as the Third Ho-
could teach it to the Jews. G-d gave Moshe ly Temple by Moshiach, speedily in our
the Tablets after they had made the Golden Indeed, G-d acted in the same manner even day.
Calf. when it came to the destruction of the Holy Based on the teachings of the Rebbe;
Temple. adapted for Maayan Chai from Likutei
From this we derive a very important les-
son about how to relate to other people. The Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed Sichot, Vol. 11; Shabbos Table, From our
because of the sins of the Jewish people. Sages (adapted from Vedibarta Bam) and
G-d did not stop teaching Moshe when the And yet, the Jewish people were sinning Moshiach Now! reprinted from
Jews transgressed. On the contrary, He for a long time before it was actually de- - LYO / NYC
continued learning with him until the en- stroyed.

Ideas in the Minds of Men

When you take a census....every man shall people should strive to make the Shabbat R' Zusha of Anipoli again found himself
give G-d an atonement for his soul....This beautiful and majestic in their homes. in debt with the repayment date the next
they shall give....a half-shekel. (Exod. morning, and the resources with which to
30:12-13) (Iturei Torah) repay nowhere in sight.
R' Zusha however, was a Tzaddik of
Moshe could not understand how money Aaron announced, "Tomorrow there will perfect faith. Long ago he had placed
can accomplish forgiveness for the soul. be a festival to G-d." (Exodus 32:5) himself totally in the hands of the Crea-
G-d showed Moshe a fiery coin which tor of the World, and he had no need to
weighed a half-shekel, and He explained be concerned.
that a coin by itself cannot atone for a The golden calf was made on the 16th of
grave sin. Tamuz. On the 17th of Tamuz Moses So R' Zusha, wanting to further demon-
came down from heaven and, upon seeing strate to his Creator how perfect his faith
However, if one gives with warmth and the golden calf and the celebration, he and trust were, sat down with a piece of
enthusiasm that comes from the fiery core broke the tablets. paper. On it he recorded 25 different
of the Jewish soul, then a coin can truly scenarios in which the money needed to
become the cause of forgiveness. Many years later, also on the 17th of pay back the debt comes his way. The
Tamuz, our enemies penetrated the wall rest of the evening passed, and R' Zusha
that surrounded Jerusalem and proceeded gave the situation no further thought.
(the Rebbe) to destroy the Holy Temple. Since then,
the 17th of Tamuz has been a fast day. The morning came, and no sooner did R'
Zusha finish his morning prayers, than
The Israelites shall keep Shabbat, to However, the prophet Zechariah tells us did the required sum manifest itself. But
make the Shabbat an eternal covenant for that when Moshiach comes, the 17th of the money came to R' Zusha, in a 26th
their generations (Exod. 31:16) Tamuz will be a day of rejoicing. This is way, according to a scenario that he did-
the festival that Aaron is referring to, the n't think to record.
future holiday of the 17th of Tamuz,
The word for "their generations," "ledoro- which, after Moshiach comes, will be "a "Oy yoy, oy yoy", he moaned, thorough-
tam," can also be read "ledirotam," which festival to G-d." ly disappointed with himself. "Is the Cre-
means "their dwelling places." ator of the World limited to the feeble
(Mayana Shel Torah) ideas of R' Zusha!?"
The Torah is teaching us that the Jewish
Reprinted from
Giving Tzedaka
One of the bedrock values in Hashem’s much more than that: you’re taking Planning to Retire?
world is that one human being should help money—and with it the sum total of
another. The only positive-active mitzvah energy and life-force that you poured into
given to all of humanity (according to the money—and elevating it to holiness. Before the Rebbe’s 70th birthday, people
many halachic opinions) is tzedakah. We are therefore told that tzedaka brings suggested that perhaps the Rebbe should
the geula (redemption) closer —in a slow down his activities. At a farbren-
Throughout the generations, Jews have manner beyond all other mitzvos—
excelled in the practice of tzedaka and gen the Rebbe addressed these concerns:
because it is the single most effective way “I have been asked: ‘Now that you have
chesed, to the marvel and wonderment of to elevate the world.
the nations around them. With the advent attained the age of 70, what are your
of Chassidus, the focus on ahavas Yisrael In addition, the Alter Rebbe says you plans? It would seem that this is an
intensified. The Baal Shem Tov taught the have to be very careful before you limit appropriate time to rest a bit…’ My
intrinsic value of every single person, and the amount of tzedaka that you are ready response to that is that we must begin to
the infinite importance of doing even a to give to someone else. As the Alter accomplish even more.”
single favor for one another. “A neshama Rebbe puts it, “We all need Hashem’s But what about a businessman or a rabbi.
may descend to this world and live 70 or mercies,” and when a person shows After decades of hard work, don’t they
80 years, in order to do a Jew a material compassion on someone else, Hashem has deserve to take it easy?
favor, and certainly a spiritual one,” the compassion on him. If a person hardens
Baal Shem Tov taught. his heart and suppresses his compassion, Rabbi Moshe Rosen was the chief rabbi
“he causes the same above—to of Romania beginning in 5708 (1947).
Although tzedaka is seemingly only one suppress… Heaven forfend.” The subsequent years under Stalin were
of 613 mitzvos, our Sages teach that it is very difficult, and even after Stalin died
“equal to all the other mitzvos,” “the core In previous generations, the primary focus in 5713 (1953), being the chief rabbi of a
of all mitzvos,” and is referred to as, “the in serving Hashem was to study Torah. Communist country was fraught with
mitzvah.” The Alter Rebbe explains in Today, in the final generations before the danger. By 5742 (1982), he had enough.
Tanya that the goal of all the mitzvos is to geula, when it is our mission to complete He was already 70 years old and felt that
elevate our animal and primal soul —and the elevation of the world, the primary the time had come to retire and move to
the world—to holiness, by using our focus is to give tzedaka—the single most Eretz Yisroel. He brought this up to the
physical energy to fulfill mitzvos. When effective way to elevate the world. Rebbe in a yechidus (personal audience).
we use our energy to do a mitzvah, that
energy is elevated. When one fulfills a In countless talks, letters, and yechidus The Rebbe said that he is surprised to
typical mitzvah, he is only putting a (personal audiences), the Rebbe hear of his plan to leave Romania. He
certain amount of himself into it: you use encourages people to increase their brought examples from rabbis in the
your arm and head to put on tefillin—but donations to tzedaka. In one farbrengen, United States who also wanted to
that’s pretty much it; you use your mouth the Rebbe explained that this is because emigrate to Eretz Yisroel but decided to
to eat matzah, but your feet don’t have tzedaka is the greatest investment that a stay and lead their communities. To
much participation. You’re only elevating person can make. The Rebbe quoted the stress this point, the Rebbe told him that
the energy that you are investing at that Gemara which says that when a person when the newspapers reported that he
moment in time. gives tzedaka to the poor, he is lending to was going to leave Romania, a Rabbi in
Hashem—and that which he has given, South Carolina wrote to him that he is
But when you give tzedaka, you’re doing He will pay him back. now also planning to retire.
Rabbi Rosen asked the Rebbe, “When
can I finally relax with my family?” The
Rebbe responded, “When you’ll be my
age we can discuss it.” The Rebbe was
then 80 years old.
Children and Redemption Ten years later, when Rabbi Rosen was
at the age that the Rebbe had been 10
Our Sages highlight the connection between children and redemption by interpreting years earlier, he returned to the Rebbe to
the verse, "Do not touch My anointed ones (meshichai)," as referring to Jewish discuss the issue again. This yechidus
children. took place on 10 Kislev 5752 (1991),
Why are children given this title? and it was the last yechidus the Rebbe
granted to this day. As a result of this
Because a child truly wants to live in a world of peace, harmony, knowledge and joy, yechidus, an 80-year-old Rabbi Rosen
and these are the very qualities that will characterize the Era of the Redemption. returned to Romania and served his
community until his passing.
“Giving Tzedaka” and “Planning to
the Rebbe
Retire?” adapted from Derher
Rabbi Groner: Comic Book Question: I started a two month course
that will give me knowledge and skills to
advance in my career. However, the course is
A comic book, "The Rebbe and the difficult and demanding and requires strengths
Mazkir" shares the stories that Rab- that I don’t know that I have. It is torturous and
bi Leibel Groner, OBM, was wit- I would like to quit. Do you think I should?
ness to and experienced over the 45
years he served as the Rebbe's secre- Answer: Let’s look at possible outcomes.
tary. You decide to quit: 1. You will not have gained
Rabbi Groner began his special con- the knowledge to advance your career. 2. On
nection with the Rebbe in 5704 the other hand, you will be released from the
(1944) and by 5709 (1949), Rabbi torture and lack of enjoyment.
Groner was working as the Rebbe’s
assistant. After the Previous Rebbe You continue with the course: 1. Worst case
passed away on Yud Shvat 5710 scenario: You struggle, feel tortured, do not
succeed and receive no benefit. 2. Best case
(1950), Rabbi Groner began serving scenario: You work hard, reveal capabilities
as the Rebbe’s personal secretary, a and strengths you did not know you have, gain
position he held for a full forty-five the valuable knowledge to advance your career
Cooking Tip of the Week years. and gain confidence that you can succeed in the
face of difficulty.
Over the years, Rabbi Groner shared
Left Over Fruit: Purim is behind many wondrous, and incredible sto- Our lives are multidimensional: social interac-
us, yet, from your shloch manot, ries, miracles that he had seen with tions, community, work, family, avodas Hashem
you might have a lot of fruit, some his own eyes. These memories of- and more. However, for most people, the com-
of which might be on the verge of fered the chassidim and Jews of all mon denominator in each area is the desire to
going off. Cut them up into equal backgrounds a unique glimpse into remain in one’s “comfort-zone”. The comfort-
size pieces, sprinkle cinnamon or what occurred in the Rebbe’s room. zone is a safe place where there is little risk. We
whatever spices you like (clove know, more or less, what to expect and we have
gives it a nice flavor) and finish When Rabbi Groner passed away, the emotional and physical capability to deal
off that wine, orange, or apple his family decided to preserve these with the outcome. To step beyond the comfort
juice in it. Cook and cool. You memories, and present them along zone may lead to anxiety and fear; require a
have a nice compote. Another with pictures in comic book form so greater investment of effort and the outcome is
option is to pour into a pie crust they can be easily read and enjoyed. less predictable. On the one hand, there is the
and bake. risk of failure. On the other hand, the rewards
“The Rebbe and the Mazkir” – vol- can be greater, both in regards personal growth
Alizah Hochstead, ume one is now available for pur- and the benefit to the community at large. chase in English at bookstores and
on-line. Source: Olives are employed as a metaphor for the Jew-
ish people. As our Sages say, just as oil is re-
vealed when an olive is squeezed so too does a
Jew reveal his oil, his inner strengths and capa-
Halacha Corner – Knocking Before Entering bilities, when he is challenged.
The Gemara says that one of the behaviors Hashem “hates” is walking We do need our comfort zone; it enables us to
into our own home without informing the people inside that we are about maintain balance and calm. Yet, to grow, we
to enter. It is appropriate to knock on the door or give any other type of need to choose areas where we decide to take
advance notice (e.g. calling or texting) before entering. If we should not that brave step forward. The Gemara teaches -
walk into our own home without notice, how much more so before according to the camel is the load. In other
entering another’s home! The Shalah says that Noach did not go into the words, Hashem doesn’t give us more than we
teivah, ark, until Hashem told him, “Boi el hateiva”, “Come into the can handle. He challenges us for our good - so
teivah,” because he did not want to walk in until he received explicit we can reveal our latent potentials.
Two months is not a long time. It would seem
In another place, the Gemarah speaks of a difference of opinion regarding that the benefits of remaining in the course out-
a person who knocks on another’s door and is told, “Yes,” whether it weigh the risk. Although it might be hard, ulti-
means “Yes, come in,” or “Yes, wait there and I’ll come out to speak mately, you may gain something more valuable
with you.” According to the Rambam, it means the latter. Therefore, we than you imagined at the outset.
should not enter another’s home until express permission is granted.
Rav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, shlita, Mara D’asra and member of the Beis Aharon Schmidt - marriage, family and individ-
Din of Crown Heights; 1 Min. Halacha, Vol. 1, Issue 32, #247; ual counseling. For appointments or to send a question:

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