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Participant Ron G, 28 years old Case Study Time Period

Position at RLL Mechanic/Pit Crew

02/23/2023 - 03/31/2023
Main Goal Weight Loss (Body Fat)

Introduction: Ron G
Ron has been one of the most consistent athletes within the weight room, showing
up everyday he possibly could and putting in maximum effort each time.

Ron genuinely cares about his weight room numbers and those have been
improving with consistency in the weight room.

He came to me asking for help losing weight in order to improve his overall health.
He doesn't necessarily enjoy being known as someone with a "beer belly". This
is why I chose to focus on nutrition goals.

His meals mostly consisted of something small or nothing at all for breakfast, quick
& usually unhealthy options for lunch, and easy dinners with an alcoholic

Pre-Test InBody Scan (Electrode Body Composition Measurement Tool)

Height: 6'3"
Body Weight: 249.3
Body Fat %: 22.0
Skeletal Muscle Mass: 112.2
BMI: 31.2
Actions Reasoning

Great tool for Ron to use on a daily basis to track his

goals, calorie intake, and daily macronutrient &
micronutrient intake. The app is also a great
Download MyFitnessPal
educational tool to learn about what foods are good
Nutrition Application
or bad in terms of nutritional value. Also, it is
something to keep him accountable everyday as I only
am with him for about 3 hours a week.

Ron said he didn't want to be known as someone with

a beer belly. Step 1 for that to become true would be
to stop drinking beer! Beer and other alcoholic
No more beer!
beverages are high in empty calories, lowers your
body's ability to burn fat, and leads to other unhealthy

Fast-food options often have poor nutritional value.

Start to make home-cooked meals that are low in
simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. Instead,
Avoid fast-food and include complex carbs, healthy fats, and lean
greasy meals. proteins. Including vegetables is key! Also, bring in
your own lunches instead of going out to eat
everyday, will most likely always be the healthier

Skipping out on breakfast not only lowers your

productivity at work, but makes you pig out for lunch
and dinner. Something easy such as greek yogurt and
Eat Breakfast!
granola is great for your nutritional needs (protein
source with complex carbs/fiber) and only takes
minutes to prepare.
Weekly Progress
Throughout the 5 weeks, Ron followed the action plan that we prepared together to
the best of my knowledge. The only way I could ensure that he was following it was
by talking with him about his weekly progress. But knowing how committed he has
been in the weight room, I had a strong feeling that he would bring the same level
of commitment to his nutrition goals. We spend 3 days a week in the weight room,
so I was in touch with Ron many times throughout the week.

I was thinking about including weekly weight checks, but I did not want to make
this a stressful process for Ron. My goal was to make Ron feel confident enough to
make his own conscious choices about his diet and not have the feeling of weekly
judgement from his peers. Weight loss shouldn't be a stressful task, but a learning
experience that allows one to improve their health.

One of the stand-out moments of our weekly progress checks was that we talked
about the elimination of beer from his diet. Ron stated that instead of drinking
beer, he began having a Gin & Tonic with his dinner instead of a few beers. Even
though I was unhappy with the continuation with an alcoholic beverage with
dinner, he exchanged it with a healthier option. I cannot totally control Ron's
nutrient intake 24/7, but it was great to see that he was making modifications to
better suit him so he continues to follow a healthier plan!

Final Outcome

Post-Test InBody Scan (Electrode Body Composition Measurement Tool)

Height: 6'3"
Body Weight: 240.7 (-8.4lbs!)
Body Fat %: 20.2 (-1.8)
Skeletal Muscle Mass: 110.0 (-2.2 lbs )
BMI: 30.1 (-1.1)
This is a great step in the right direction for Ron! Losing almost 9 pounds in 5 weeks
is a great accomplishment and can be attributed to a myriad of changes Ron made
to his diet. The loss of body fat percentage is great as well; 1% of body fat can be
attributed to about 2-4 pounds lost depending on the individual. One of the worries
is the skeletal muscle mass lost, as his goal was to also increase his strength
during this weight loss process. But, this is common during a weight loss journey, as
consuming less calories can lead to less muscle mass being kept or gained.
Conclusions & Opinions
One challenging aspect of this case study was the limited amount of time I spent
with Ron. Since the only quality interactions I have with him are in the weight room,
I would say 90% of the improvements we talked about were totally on his
shoulders. I could only provide him recommendations, but it all was up to him to
take those recommendations and use them to improve himself.

Overall, working with Ron to create a nutritional plan was a great experience. He
was very willing to make changes and was excited to talk to me about things he
was doing to cultivate a healthier lifestyle. One of the main reasons why I wanted
to become a professional in this field was to help others accomplish their goals
and achieve their dream. Seeing the excitement he had throughout the process
from making diet changes to seeing his final results and accomplishing his goal is
why I love doing what I do!

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