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Work sheet for the course communicative English skill I

Direction I: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it.

Industrial safety does not just happen. Companies with low accident rate plan their safety
programs, work hard to organize them, and continue working to keep them alive and active.
When the work is well done, a climate of accident-free operations is established where time lost
due to injuries is kept at a minimum.

Successful safety programs may differ greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the
program. Some place great emphasis on mechanical guarding. Others stress safe work practices
by following rules or regulations covering working conditions. Still others depend on an
emotional appeal to the worker. But there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every
program if maximum results are to be obtained.
Every plan needs a safety program designed for its specific need. Surveys have shown that the
highest injury frequency rates are often found in the medium-sized plants, those with from 50 to
500 employees. Somewhat better rates are often found in small plants, fewer than 50 employees.
Large plans, with 500 or more employees, tend to have the best rate. However, the need for
safety plan exists regardless of size.

Small companies, because of their closer relationship between management and worker, can
conduct an accidental prevention program with a few organizational details. Such a program can
usually operate with a part-time safety director.

There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial stand point alone,
safety payoff. The fewer the injury claims, the better the workmen’s insurance rate. These may
mean the difference between operating at a profit or at loss.

There are other intangible benefits. Operating costs can be reduced because of less damage to
equipment and product. Production increases because people can work without the fear of injury.
These are tangible benefits that make everyone happy.

1. According to the passage, medium-sized plans contain no more than ---------------

A. 500 workers B. 1,000 workers C. 15,000 workers D. all
2. According to the text, the tangible benefits that make everyone happy are ____?
A/when operating cost is reduced because of less damage to equipment and product
B/when production increases, people can work without the fear of injury

A&B are correct D/ no answer is given
3. The cost of workmen’s compensation insurance is often based on --------------------
A. Plan location B. basic salary C. injury statistics D. “A” is the answer
4. The opposite meaning of the word “appeal” (in Para.2) is: ______?
A. application B. demand C. request D. none of the above
5. The synonym of the word “emphasis” (in Para.2) is: _______? A. paying attention
B/ giving stress C/ focus D/ all
6. …because of their closer relationship… “their” (in para.4) refers to: __? A/ small
companies B/ management worker C/ closer relationship D/ no answer
7. …designed for its specific need. The word “its” (in para.3) refers to: ___? A/ every plan
B/ safety program C/ Surveys D/ highest injury

Direction II: chooses the alternative that best completes the questions and write only the
letter on the space provided.

8. It is raining and I don’t want to get my dress wet. I___ an umbrella.

A. had better not bring B. had better to bring C,. had better bring D. none
9. We are good friends. We _______ each other for a long time. A/ know B/ have known
C/ knew D/ have knew
10. Is she still there? B. No, she is not. She _______ about 30 minutes ago. A/ left
B/ leaves C/ has left D/ leave
11. She spoke so ___ that I couldn't understand her. A/ fastly B/ fast C/ fastest D/ fster
12. Last year, my family ____ to visit one of my aunts who lives in Aksum. A/ Went B/ had
gone C/ was going D/ go
13. You must eat! You haven’t eaten _______all day. A/ Anything B/ nothing C/ something
D/ everything
14. You can base your geography assignment on ___country; it doesn’t matter which. A/ a
B/some C/ any D/ few
15. My brother _____ his clothes twice a week. A/ washed B/ wash C/ is washed D/ washes

Direction I: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow it.

Dolphins are regarded as the friendliest creatures in the sea and stories of them helping
drowning sailors have been common since Roman times. The more we learn about dolphins, the
more we realize that their society is more complex than people previously imagined. They look
after other dolphins when they are ill, care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the
community, as we do. Some scientists have suggested that dolphins have a language but it is
much more probable that they communicate with each other without needing words. Could any
of these mammals be more intelligent than man? Certainly the most common argument in favor
of man's superiority over them that we can kill them more easily than they can kill us is the least
satisfactory. On the contrary, the more we discover about these remarkable creatures, the less
we appear superior when we destroy them.

1. If we learn more about dolphins, we realize more about them____? A/ that their society is
as complex as we imagined in advance. B/ that their society is increasingly complex than
we previously imagined C/ that their society is less complex than we imagined in
2. What makes dolphins similar as we do in the society? A/ They look after other dolphins
when they are ill B/ They care for pregnant mothers and protect the weakest in the
community C/ A&B are correct D/ no answer is given
3. Which one is wrong according to the passage? A/ some scientists suggest that dolphins
have language and they interact each other with words B/ some scientists suggest that
dolphins have language and they interact each other without demanding words C/ all
scientists suggest that dolphins have language and they can interact each other without
needing words D/ all are wrong
4. What is the most common argument in the passage? A/ man is superior over dolphins B/
man can kill dolphins more easily than they can kill us C/ A&B D/ none
5. … as the friendliest creatures… the word “friendliest” is the same as____? A/
B/ sociable C/ antagonist D/ careful
6. They look after other dolphins….the “word look after” is similar to one of the

A/ observe B/ take care of C/ preserve D/ harm
7. … realize that their society is more…the word “their” here refers ____? A/ society B/ we
C/ dolphins D/ romans
8. … discover about these remarkable creatures, the less…the phrase “these remarkable
creatures” refers_______? A/ dolphins B/ man C/ scientists D/ mammals

Direction II: Choose the alternative that best completes the questions and write only the
letter on the space provided.

9. Yesterday we ____ football after class. A/play B/ playing C/ played D/ have play
10. The students_____ the room. It looks neat again. A/ have cleaned B/ has cleaned C/ is
cleaned D/ was cleaned
11. I could have got a better mark if I____ hard. A/ worked B/ work C/ had worked
D/ have worked
12. If the trial continues, the average income ____ by 107% by 2022. A/ will increase B/ will
have increased C/ will be increasing D/ will have been increasing
13. Dinosaurs____ around the earth millions years ago. A/ wandered B/ wanders C/ have
wandered D/ are wandering
14. I have two brothers, but I don’t have ____ sister. A/ any B/ some C/ no D/ anything
15. He is ____ most famous actor I know. A/ a B/ the C/ an D/ no article

I. Imagine that you’re a school counselor giving advice to students. Use modal
or infinitive verbs and advise the following students based on the given ideas.
(2 pt each)
1. Student: I never get up on time.

You: ______________________________________.

2. Student: My classmates don’t study hard.

You: ______________________________________.
3. Student: My friends aren’t good in studying at night.
You: ______________________________________.

II. Choose the correct answer for the following questions. (2 pt each)

4. It is raining and I don’t want to get my dress wet. I____________________ an
B. had better not bring B. had better to bring C,. had better bring D. none
5. I did not understand much in the last lecture. I ____ more on the topic.
A. ought read B. had better read C. had read better D. all
6. I ___________this novel before
A. have read B. has read have reading C. am read D. was read
7. We are good friends. We _______ each other for a long time.
B. A. know B. have known C. knew D. have knew

8. Is she still there? B. No, she is not. She ____________ about ten minutes ago.

A. left B. leaves C. has left D. leave

9. Students _______ since the first month of the year.

A/ have been advised B/ advised C/ have advised D. are advised

10. What do you advise me to have a good result for my first year courses?

A. Try to visit your family regularly. C. You ought to have good friends.
B. You shouldn’t spend your time wisely. D. You had not better read social media
11. Yesterday we ______ football after class.
A. play B. playing C. played D. have play
12. Ahmed: How was your communicative English skill exam, Sara? Sara: Fine, I guess. I got
a B. I could have got a better mark provided I_______ on the verbs. And you?
A/ worked B/ work C/ had worked D/ have worked
13. Getu: What’s wrong? You look really stressed out about something. Gete: It’s this research
paper I’m writing. The outline is due tomorrow, and I’m still working on it. If I don’t finish it
tonight, I ________an F! get B/ will get C. would get D. was get
14. What ________ Derartu Tulu if you ________ her in your university?
A. will you ask/ meet B. would you ask/ meet C. will you ask/ met D. will you ask/ had
15. What would you ask Zinedine Zidane if you __________ him somewhere in Europe?
A/ met B/ had met C/ meet D/ have met
16. Father: I’m adding weight recently. Daughter: ____________________. A/ you had better
stop drinking alcohol B/ stop drinking alcohol C/better not to stop alcohol D/ A and B are
17. Zinabu: I’m feeling bored this afternoon. Kasim: you __________ a cap of coffee. A/
should drink B/ better had drink C/ drink D/ better not drink
18. The students _____ the room. It looks neat again. A/ have cleaned B/ has cleaned C/ cleaned
19. I _______ my homework. Now I can watch the film. A/ did B/ have done C/ had done D/


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