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Brittany Alvarado

1) An overall summary of how our wastewater is treated in Nashville (include each of the steps
that it goes through)

Wastewater goes through a plant; the water starts off with dirty water. The plant removes all trash,
kitchen grease, or dissolved waste, then it is ready for cleaning and treatment. They first remove sad dirt
or gravel that can be found in the sewer pipes. In the primary treatment, they remove other waste such as
grease that flows on top of the water, and the poop sinks and is sent to another facility. In the secondary
treatment, they use naturally occurring microorganisms to clean the water eating the food and bacteria. In
the treatment's final step, the microorganism sinks and is collected leaving the water clear. After the water
is disinfected using ultra-violent light disrupting the DNA in bacteria making them not reproduce and
completely harmless. The water is released into the Cumberland River.

2) A summary of how the water treatment process at this plant simulates a natural process and
why that is important for the Cumberland River and the species that live within it

The facility uses a naturally occurring process like the microorganisms to clean the water that would
naturally occur in the river, but the facility does it faster. The water released into the Cumberland River is
tested and meets state and federal regulations, ensuring it is clean for swimming boating, and the species
that live within the river.

3) An explanation of why there are solar panels at the treatment facility

Tennessee is trying a more civil way to help the community save money by using solar panels decreasing
the amount of energy needed in the facility and saving taxpayers money on the energy bills.

4) Any questions/concerns that you have about wastewater treatment moving forward that were
not answered by Julie on the tour.

My question would be considering the aftermath, what are the next steps in treating the water at the
Cumberland River in another facility to make it drinking water?

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