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\f0\fs24 \cf0 Mayhem\

2004.04.09, Musikens Hus\
Gothenburg, Sweden.\
For some reason, the 2004 eastern European tour was well documented for some
reason. This is the beginning of the same tour, but this I don't think think this
an analog taping. Probably a DAT recording (mid 2000's DAT was popular, don't know
about now though). This is the best sounding of the lossless Mayhem shows I have
unearthed trough taped bootlegs. \
If you were to choose one 2004 Maniac show, this would be it. It's an early show so
it is a little raw, with a rearranged and truncated set, but it is the most
enjoyable listen. \
I didn't include Celtic Frost song since that studio recording was already released
officially, but I did include a very, very rare rehearsal. The Maniac and Attila
rehearsal from 1998 where they played "From The Dark Past" is definitely a gem, as
far as unearthed rehearsals go, so check out what they sounded like before the 1998
Mediolanum show.\
Here are the links from the aforementioned bootlegs.\
{\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "
\f1 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0
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""}}{\fldrslt \cf2}}\
""}}{\fldrslt \

\f2\fs28 \cf3 \ulnone 01 - (1:26)\

02 Whore (3:10)\
03 Fall Of Seraphs (5:49)\
04 Carnage (4:05)\
05 View From Nihil (2:55)\
06 Dark Night Of The Soul (6:06)\
07 Deathcrush (3:31)\
08 Freezing Moon (6:52)\
09 In The Lies Where Upon You Lay (4:45)\
10 My Death (5:46)\
11 Pagan Fears (6:11)\
12 A Time To Die (1:47)\
13 Necrolust (3:33)\
14 From The Dark Past* (5:21)\
*1998 Maniac/Attila rehearsal preparing for Mediolanum Capta Est. The
from Black Millennium is better than the Swedish Legions version, so
that version instead. I have never been able to find A Warlord's Swansong \
\cf3 before to compare it to the above.\
\f1\fs24 \cf4 \ul \ulc4 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec4}}\

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