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Name: Cecellie M.




“ This is the window of opportunity for edible

landscaping. We are tasked with getting the grass pull out
and making the soil into a fine powder so that the other
section assigned may plant the fruit trees, veggies, and
flower seeds. One of our projects is to install edible
landscaping so that local residents can freely get whatever
they desire. By using edible landscaping, a unique
ornamental element has also additional health, aesthetic,
and financial benefits can be added in the place. In order
to make this project possible, we take steps to generate
money so that we may purchase tools like gloves, shovels,
and trash bins for the job. I hope that the plants grow well
and that the locals are satisfied with the project as I can
see that we are working together on it.


This is the second project we suggest, along with a

brochure that raises awareness of the environment. Water
and community services are included in the brochure.
There, it was discussed the significance, advantages, and
water-saving capabilities and edible landscaping and
explain them what we are doing is for everyone. In a single
piece of paper, we are able to explain the project's goals
and our expectations for how the community where they
resided will benefit from measures like having their own
electricity and water supply. I'm hoping that by doing this
small act of awareness, they'll be more open-minded.

In this final for our NSTP course, we must deliver service to a place that is off the main roads. The neighborhood
we select is somewhere in San Jose. Since the market is far from where their homes are, we noticed that the vehicle is
going to each destination even if the road is surrounded by trees. Since the region is not particularly apparent from the
road, we questioned if there is a house in the area. As we entered the neighborhood, I noticed by how serene it was,  it
wasn't very populated, and there were lots of houses there. In order to produce they eat, they used to grow food in their
own backyards. As what I have observed they only have one water supply nearby, and they have solar panels on their
homes. As I watch, they utilize large containers to store the water they use for showers, washing clothes, and other
liquid-using chores. I was concerned about solar panels since they can occasionally be ineffective. If there is no sun in the
anticipate, how will they provide light? Not everyone has a battery to power a lamp. How can they ensure that the water
is safe to drink when it comes to that? I was concerned about the way the locals lived and the absence of action in the
community. When we interviewed some residents of the community, they were always hoping that the community they
lived in would be complete in necessities, which is what struck me the most about the area: how they were able to live
there without their own supply of water and electricity, and how could the barangay did not take some action for that
kind of problem. It becomes clear that they experience certain issues even in a simple community. As students, we
identify community service initiatives that we should participate in, even if it is only a modest contribution. Given our
financial circumstances, we can only provide those individuals with gardens since we noticed that the area had rich soil
and the neighborhood had a forest vibe, we decided that the service we would provide would be to build an edible
landscaping. our teacher assigns us a job for each of the five sections. Ma'am Israel assigns us the responsibility of
creating flyers to be sent to homes, and we assist in clearing the area of grasses so that we can plant the edible seedlings
there. They decide to enter our landscaping in a competition as the officials and our teacher have a conversation. We are
surprised by the mentioned revelation. Together, the rest of the section and I help the landscaping project succeed. In
addition, we planted flowers, fruits, and vegetables to enhance the beauty of our landscaping. As we are short on time,
our teacher chose to hand the seedling over to the authorities, who will take care of the rest of our landscaping. The
NSTP has been a huge assistance in getting us service to provide something outside the school. We successfully produce
modest things for the community out of the sweat and labor.

It is difficult to suggest an activity for the community when some of the people are not interested in it, as I
have discovered during the immersion that the activity we engage in is not that simple. I am quite glad to be involved in
this kind of work, especially given my background in community service. I am confident that we will benefit from this
immersion in the future. Being in their situation is difficult, we are fortunate to live in a neighborhood with amenities like
electricity and water that are continually in use. We are also lucky in that we do not need to use a lot of gasoline to
travel from our residences to the city, as opposed to everyone else in the neighborhood who must spend more money to
do so. Despite these issues, I hope that action will be taken in the area to make it a more sustainable community where
people may live without experiencing certain issues. I have discovered during the immersion that even the smallest of
favors can be really beneficial. To understand how difficult, it must be for them to live in their circumstances, we should
practice empathy. There is still a neighborhood that has not advanced despite the fact that we live in a high-tech period.
I hope that the authorities will take action in that town seriously and use the funds for development so that everyone
there will advance.

What I've realize  from this community immersion is that what if there isn't a NSTP program that is required at
the higher level? Perhaps some of the smaller barangays are unable to renovate their hall, or perhaps they do not
receive certain goods and importance. I always thought that this program was pointless for us because it had nothing to
do with our course, but as it became more exciting, I realized that it was actually designed to help young people develop
civic consciousness and defense preparedness by instilling in them a sense of duty and patriotism. The simple act of
planting some edibles and trees will eventually benefit the future. The subject's straightforward action helps others. I am
pleased with this program because, as a student, I am delighted that, while being flooded by other subjects, we are still
able to assist others by creating projects that could be useful to everyone. When you experience the advantage, you can
truly appreciate something's worth, as the saying goes. I can't understand how we would be able to improve our
abilities, serve others, and take care of ourselves without the NSTP program because this is the reason of strengthen our
basic beliefs and grow our character. We are grateful that the government created this program because they recognize
the value of what students like us can contribute to the community and for the future. Since the knowledge I received is
applicable to and helpful to others, this experience will always have a special place in my mind. Thank you, NSTP

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