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a = "kajal"
b = "sunil"
c = "kajal"in a
d = "sunil" not in b
print (c)
print (d)

❑ Like a String, List also is, sequence data type.

❑ In a string we have only characters but a list
consists of data of multiple data types
❑ It is an ordered set of values enclosed in square
brackets [].
❑ We can use index in square brackets []
❑ Values in the list are called elements or items.
❑ A list can be modified, i.e. it is mutable.
List Examples
i) L1 = [1,2,3,4]
list of 4 integer elements.

ii) L2 = [“Delhi”, “Chennai”, “Mumbai”]

list of 3 string elements.

iii) L3 = [ ] empty list i.e. list with no element

iv) L4 = [“abc”, 10, 20]

list with different types of elements
Modifying the
values given in
List Item
List Slices
>>> L=[10,20,30,40,50]
>>> print(L[1:4])
[20, 30, 40]
#print elements 1st index to 3rd index
>>> print(L[3:])
[40, 50]

#print elements from 3rd index onwards

List Slices
>>> print(L[:3])
[10, 20, 30]

#print elements 0th index to 2nd index

▪ We saw earlier that a list is
an ordered mutable collection. There’s also an
ordered immutable collection.

▪ In Python these are called tuples and look very

similar to lists, but typically written with () instead of
a_list = [1, 'two', 3.0]
a_tuple = (1, 'two', 3.0)
Similar to how we used list before, you can
also create a tuple.
The difference being that tuples are
Like lists, all of the common sequence
operations are available.
Example of Tuple:
tuple = ( 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 )

print (tuple ) # Prints complete list

print (tuple[0]) # Prints first element of the


print (tuple[1:3]) # Prints elements starting

from 2nd till 3rd

print (tuple[2:]) # Prints elements starting

from 3rd element

▪ Python's dictionaries are kind of hash

table type. They work like associative
arrays and consist of key-value pairs.
▪ Dictionaries are enclosed by curly
braces ({ }) and values can be assigned
and accessed using square braces ([])
Example of Dictionary

dict = {'name': ‘Ram','code':1234, 'dept':


# Prints complete dictionary

{'dept': 'KVS', 'code': 1234, 'name':

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