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Meeting: General Assembly Meeting on 5th May to 2nd June, 2020

Topic: The Spread of COVID-19
Delegate: SO Nita

To Foreign Minister of Vietnam,

The United Nations Security Council meetings on the situation in Yemen case was
hold on May 5, 2020 in the head office of the United Nations which mainly discussed on the
serious humanitarian crisis including revolution for country reform, civil war, and terrorist
attack in Yemen result in unemployment, food insecurity and corruption. The crisis has
reached the concern of many country that the UNSC has to take action in solving the crisis
since it disturb peace and stability in the region as well as international security and peace for
several; especially following the Arab Spring uprising which make revolutionary powerful
and take control over the government. During the meeting, humanitarian crisis, arm conflicts
race in country has been picked up on the UNSC table discussion.
The tension rising between the Houthi and the government has been the main
concerned of every state. The permanent members and non-permanent members tried their
best in finding solution to the tension and turn this crisis to a better situation under the
umbrella of the United Nations, especially the concern on humanitarian crisis in Yemen. As
the current situation in Yemen resulted in the largest humanitarian crisis in the world,
delegates are deeply distressed about Yemeni civilian since they are suffering from the civil
war as well as proxy war after the death of President Ali in 2017. Moreover, the security
inside Yemen was threatened, several thousand people killed and tens of thousands have been
wounded by directly fight and indirectly through lack of access to food, health services, and
infrastructure and over 20 million people are needing assistance and aids. As a non-
permanent member of the UNSC, Vietnam also shared the concern over the humanitarian
situation in Yemen, and attacks against civilians and civil infrastructure facilities and we also
restraint and facilitate the UN’s humanitarian activities in which we offer support as in aids
and finance to Yemen through the World Food Programme. However, in providing aids from
the United Nations member countries to Yemen, the delegates also have worried the deliver
methods to Yemen since the Houthi is now controlling the country in which the Houthi could
place barrier or would even lead to arm conflict on the necessities being deliver to help
restraint humanitarian crisis. As President of the United Nations Security Council in January,
during which the organization adopted a resolution to extend the mandate of the United
Nations Mission to support the Hodeidah Agreement (UNMHA) in which we have
recommend all delegates to support this agreement since the mission is a good resolution to
diffuse tensions and address incidents that occur in Yemen.

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