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“Who Moved My Cheese”

"Who Moved My Cheese" is a fable that imparts great lessons about change, flexibility,
and success. In this reaction paper, I will offer my ideas and observations about the film. The
film is a straightforward but effective rendition of the book's theme. The plot centres around four
characters: two mice named Sniff and Scurry, as well as two little people named Hem and Haw,
who live in a maze and are looking for cheese. The cheese symbolizes happiness, prosperity, and
fulfillment in life, and the characters' attitudes toward change affect their capacity to discover
and maintain their cheese. The film points out the importance of expecting and preparing for
change. It demonstrates how we frequently grow overly comfortable and complacent in our lives,
and how we reject change when it inevitably arrives. When their cheese is moved, the two little
people, Hem and Haw, are initially cautious and scared of change, however the two mice, Sniff
and Scurry, are eager to adapt and move forward. It also emphasizes the need of taking action
rather than dwelling on the past. It demonstrates that while we cannot change what has already
occurred, we can affect our attitude toward the future. When their previous supply of cheese runs
out, the mice rapidly move on and find fresh cheese, embodying this mentality. Hem and Haw,
on the other hand, squander time and energy whining and blaming others for their predicament.
I'd want to tie the aforementioned fable to my personal experiences and learnings. As a
junior designer, I began working at a company. After a year, they offered me a higher position,
which I gladly accepted. I'm confident in my abilities. My seniors and team leaders were
applauding me since I know I can deliver outstanding work even with my eyes closed. After a
few months, they offered another opportunity. Yet I became overconfident, too comfortable, and
complacent. Regardless if the situation is unknown, I don't take any action. I know I'm brilliant,
and I never make mistakes. Not until I got an email from my team leader, mentor, and close
friend. There's a paragraph in that email that has stayed with me to this day. "Maybe you're too
comfortable not knowing you're in a slump," the phrase says. And then it hit me. Indeed, I'm not
making any progress. Instead, I'm bringing the crew down with me. I was so irresponsible and
egotistical that I believed no one could equal my skills and that the company would never
discover another me. But I was mistaken. There is someone who is better than me and more
suited to the task. I eventually resigned because I felt compelled to do so. I went in a different
path and discovered a new cheese. I realized that the strategy should be on looking ahead and
prepping myself for possibilities while actively seeking them, rather than looking back for faults
and solutions.
Another key lesson taught by the film is the need of perseverance and resilience.
Characters that thrive are not always the smartest or strongest, but rather those who persevere
and adapt to change. The mice may be little and appear inconsequential, but their quest of cheese
is determined and resourceful. Hem and Haw, on the other hand, give up too readily and lack the
tenacity to persevere in the face of adversity. To summarize, the film is a vital and enjoyable
interpretation of the book's message. It highlights the significance of anticipating change, acting,
and persevering in the face of hardship. The message is relevant and valuable in today's fast-
paced and ever-changing society. It's a terrific movie to see with family and friends, and it can be
a great jumping off point for discussions about change, success, and personal growth.

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