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in Human Geography

Geography, nature, and the question of development

Eric Sheppard
Dialogues in Human Geography 2011 1: 46
DOI: 10.1177/2043820610386334

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Dialogues in Human Geography

1(1) 46–75
Geography, nature, and the ª The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission:

question of development

DOI: 10.1177/2043820610386334

Eric Sheppard
University of Minnesota, USA

During the last decade, geography has gained new salience as a development factor in the public imagination
and policy realms, through the work of scholars located outside the discipline. Jared Diamond and Jeffrey
Sachs have popularized the idea that a physical geographic backcloth, first nature, profoundly shapes the
conditions of possibility for global economic prosperity or poverty, and sustainability. Geographical
economists have built microfoundational accounts of second nature: how uneven geographies emerge on a
uniform biophysical backcloth. ‘New’ development economists, now profoundly critical of neoliberal
globalization, argue for both Keynesian and Hayekian alternatives. Notwithstanding their differences, these
communities of scholarship share a sociospatial ontology that underwrites a stageist, teleological
conception of economic development, to be made possible by globalizing capitalism. A geographical,
relational/dialectical conception of the relationship between the economy, space/time and socionature,
within a broadly political economic conception of societal change, creates space for multiple development
trajectories and livelihood assemblages, deconstructing the global North as the natural locus of definitions
of the good life and expertise about what constitutes development.

assemblage, contestation, development, economics, geography, nature, positionality, spatialities

Introduction 1990s, which rejected a proposal by economists to

study geography and economic development. Any
Geography continues to struggle to control its own
Schadenfreude at telling economists how geography
destiny. When presenting a lecture on trade-led
should be done was short-lived. Within months, this
globalization at the Center for Advanced Study in
approach was featured in World Bank discussions
the Behavioral Sciences in 2005, to the most chal-
on development (cf. Henderson, 1999). In August
lenging and engaged interdisciplinary social science
2006, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
and humanities audience I have faced, I thought hosted a symposium on economists’ economic geo-
long and hard about how to convey what geogra-
graphy addressed by US Federal Reserve chairman
phers do. It became clear in the questions posed dur-
ing and after the talk, however, that the audience
already had a strong conception of Geography,
Corresponding author:
namely that publicized by Diamond and Sachs, and Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, Minnesota,
wanted me to explain how my work related to theirs. MN 55455, USA
I recalled my service on a funding panel in the late Email:

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Sheppard 47

Ben Bernanke. Now, drawing as much on Paul geographers than we are willing to admit? Do such
Krugman as Sachs, the World Bank’s World Devel- shared political criticisms imply convergent views
opment Report 2009, subtitled ‘reshaping economic on geography and development?
geography’, signals that global policy-makers are In exploring these questions, I critically assess
highlighting this relationship (World Bank, 2008). the narratives of geography and economy promoted
Krugman himself was awarded the 2008 Nobel by these authors, and the development imaginaries
Medal in Economics, in part for his formulations that these entail. The answers to these questions are
of how geography, trade and development are of much more than Ivory Tower, ‘how many angels
interrelated. can dance on the head of a pin’, import. At the center
As these experiences illustrate, a tension has of these authors’ narratives is the notion that nature
emerged between conceptions of geography and and space create unequal conditions of possibility
development circulating in society at large, and the for economic prosperity, accounting to a significant
dominant forms of knowledge produced within and extent for the historical persistence of global
circulating through academic human geography. inequality before and since the era of European
The emerging consensus that geography matters to colonialism. As the anthropologist Deborah
global development has been shaped by the Gewertz has put it, such arguments imply that
arguments of Krugman, Diamond and Sachs. The ‘[t]he haves are not to be blamed for the condition
publicity that they have brought to geography has of the have-nots’.1 They also reinforce a conception,
been avidly exploited within parts of the discipline, held by western thinkers and policy-makers at least
including plenary lectures as ‘honorary geogra- since colonial days, of development as a teleological
phers’ at AAG meetings. Nevertheless, these argu- sequence of stages, pioneered by wealthy capitalist
ments have been repeatedly criticized by leading nations, that all nations should pursue. Human
human geographers for their dated conceptions of geographic theory has articulated very different
geography, for regressing toward what has been geographical narratives, entailing very different
described as spatial fetishism and environmental views on development.
determinism, and for endorsing a Rostowian trium- The paper is organized as follows. First, I analyze
phal vision of the stages of capitalist development Sachs’ and Diamond’s geographical imaginary.
(Rostow, 1960). As I argue below, such criticisms I conclude that their reliance on first nature, when
are grounded within the relational and dialectical examined through the lens of economic and
sociospatial ontology framing much of contempo- biological theories of development, leans toward a
rary economic geography. This raises the prospect, teleological account of economic development in
once again, that external beliefs about why geogra- which ‘geography’ disrupts the otherwise flattening
phy matters not only diverge from but also are in playing field of globalizing capitalism. Second,
danger of overwhelming geographers’ own beliefs. I turn to the geographical imaginary mobilized by
Yet the issues are more complicated than a sim- geographical economists’ conceptions of geography
ple disagreement about what Geography is and how and development. This departs from Sachs by focus-
society should develop. Diamond and Sachs have ing on second rather than first nature. I conclude that
become prominent in discussions about how to here, too, a fixed geographical backcloth is
intervene to make the world more sustainable. presumed, on the basis of which spatial economic
Beyond this, Sachs, and prominent US ‘new’ devel- patterns are deduced (as equilibrium outcomes
opment economists Joseph Stiglitz, Dani Rodrik and from spatial competition): a backcloth generally
William Easterly, offer many of the same criticisms characterized by isotropic configurations, given
of neoliberal globalization (notwithstanding their transportation costs, and fixed national boundaries
earlier complicity with neoliberal interventions) that (Garretsen and Martin, 2010). A number of
circulate in human geography, development studies, geographical economists have pointed to ways in
and alternative globalization social movements. Are which space undermines the putative benefits
mainstream economists more like critical economic of spatial competition, and to the problems of

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48 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

market triumphalism. Nevertheless, methodological contemporary geographic theory is deeply shaped

territorialism favors the conceptualization of terri- by, as well as shaping, knowledge production
tories as subject to a common development trajec- beyond the discipline. Indeed this paper assays an
tory, whereas connectivities between places are engagement that transcends any such boundaries.
presumed, on balance and after appropriate inter- I highlight the differences between geographical
vention, to be mutually beneficial and functional for and economic imaginaries of nature, geography and
advancement along this trajectory. development as a first step toward what I hope will
Third, I examine the ‘new’ development econo- be engagement between different perspectives crit-
mists, whose criticisms of this most recent era of ical of neoliberal globalization. Engaged pluralism
neoliberal globalization are strongly reminiscent first requires clearing space for different ‘local epis-
of those popular in critical human geography. From temologies’ to be taken seriously (cf. Longino,
this shared critical stance, these economists bifur- 2002); which is what I attempt, here, through a form
cate into two subgroups; one advocating for various of strategic essentialism that highlights epistemo-
kinds of Keynesian interventions, with the other tak- logical differences.
ing the Hayekian neoliberal position that states and
the development industry need to conform with
‘First’ nature, geography and
market principles. Notwithstanding such disagree-
ments, I find that there is a shared belief in univer- development
sally applicable economic laws, in the capacity of As is well known, Diamond and Sachs argue that
globalizing capitalism to bring prosperity to all, and nature, taken to include both biophysical processes
in a teleological development path. Indeed, I argue and the morphology of the landscape, has been
that Keynes and Hayek share this view, for all their overlooked as a factor that has long shaped the
policy disagreements. conditions of possibility for human development,
Fourth, I compare and contrast the sociospatial and thereby global inequality. In so doing, they
ontologies underlying the conceptualizations of stress geography as ‘first nature’: as a pre-existing
mainstream Economics and Anglophone geographi- uneven geographical backcloth.2 Writing as an
cal political economy, and the imaginaries of devel- evolutionary biologist, in Guns, Germs and Steel
opment that these mobilize. Economics, I contend, Diamond provides what he terms a short history of
is characterized by methodological territorialism, the world since 11,000 BC (Diamond, 1997). He
bottom-up scalar hierarchies and ubiquitous eco- asserts that the biophysical environment and the
nomic laws, underwriting a teleological, stageist morphology of continents are the ultimate explana-
conception of capitalist development. Geographical tion of agricultural productivity, technological
political economy has developed a very different, dynamism and other crucial aspects of societal
dialectical and relational, ontology, implying a multi- change (a set of proximate causes that includes
faceted and indeterminist conception of livelihood capitalism, mercantilism and science). Two features
assemblages – one for which the term development of the biophysical environment receive particular
hardly suffices. I conclude by reflecting on the prob- attention: differences between the tropical and
lem of engaging between alternative livelihood temperate latitudes in the biophysical capacity to
assemblages and development imaginaries. produce an annual agricultural surplus; and the
Before proceeding, however, I wish to dispel one shape and directional orientation of continents.
possible misconception. It is not my intent to Societal innovations and human movements are
suggest that the intellectual community should be argued to diffuse more readily East–West, within
divided into geographers and non-geographers, with the same latitudinal zone, than North–South (for a
only the former deemed qualified to produce critique, see Blaut, 1999). He concludes that the
adequate geographical knowledge. Such boundary- contemporary prosperity of the global North is
making is, of course, inimical to the health of any rooted in historical environmental inequalities,
discipline, and it is demonstrably the case that stressing this environmentalist explanation as an

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Sheppard 49

alternative to Eurasian-centric human histories. development institutions and states must intervene
Like critical geographers, then, Diamond finds the in order to level an economic playing field perma-
latter problematic because they explain underdeve- nently distorted by Geography.3
lopment as due to the cultural idiosyncrasies and Diamond and Sachs have each been accused of
inadequacies of non-Eurasian societies. the heinous crime of environmental determinism
This causal framework is reprised in Collapse, (Blaut, 1999; Peet, 2006), since nature plays the
albeit with a different purpose (Diamond, 2005). significant causal role in their accounts, as society’s
Collapse is a Malthusian morality play: a warning eminence grise. Nevertheless, apprised of their
to his US audience that our lifestyles are unsustain- criminality, each has vehemently pled innocence.
able. Examining societies around the world, he Admitting to some initial naivety ‘that [Collapse]
argues that the occasional collapse and disappear- would just be about environmental damage’,
ance of human societies is shaped by a combination Diamond argues that he has learned otherwise.
of five factors: societal response to environmental Exhibit A is his comparative study of Haiti and the
problems; damage that humans inadvertently inflict Dominican Republic, where ‘environmental differ-
on their biophysical environment; climate change; ences [are] the smaller part of the explanation. Most
hostile neighbors; and friendly trading partners. . . . has instead to do with differences between the
Of these five, only the first ‘always proves two peoples’ (Diamond, 2005: 11, 333). Sachs seeks
significant’ (p. 11) – although Diamond admits to to ‘banish the bogeyman of geographical determin-
a selectivity in his choice of cases, excluding soci- ism, the false accusation that . . . geographical
etal collapses (e.g. the Soviet Union and Carthage) disadvantage . . . single handedly and irrevocably
where the environment does not matter. In this determines the economic outcome of nations’
view, collapse (whether on Easter Island a thousand (Sachs, 2005: 58).
years ago, in the Yucatan 500 years ago, or Rwanda Neither Sachs nor Diamond accepts the
a decade ago) is triggered when societies exceed racialized version of environmental determinism
their natural limits. of Ellsworth Huntingdon and Ellen Churchill
Jeffrey Sachs takes a different approach, while Semple, popular a century ago: the view, once used
coming to similar conclusions. Utilizing fine- to justify colonial rule and the white man’s burden,
resolution geospatial data measuring population that climate determines human nature (Hart, 2002).
density, and gross domestic product (GDP) per Each believes passionately in the equal capacity of
capita and per square mile worldwide, Sachs and his all humans. Diamond’s respect for the indigenous
colleagues compute a regression, in which tropical- knowledge and skills of inhabitants of New Guinea
ity and distance from navigable water are statisti- (a place he knows well from his ornithological field-
cally significant predictors of levels and rates of work) matches Blaut’s respect for peasant farmers
growth of GDP (and population density) (Gallup in Latin America (cf. Blaut, 1987; Diamond,
et al., 1999). The regression specification is derived 2005), and Sachs is deeply opposed to those who
in reduced form from a standard neoclassical would blame the poor for their own impoverish-
single-sector economic growth model in dynamic ment. Further, both Sachs and Diamond accept that
equilibrium, augmented with possibilities of humans transform the non-human world (making
increasing returns, in which differences in transport them environmental probabilists rather than deter-
costs (measured by distance to navigable water) and minists). Advocating a less exploitative relationship
lower productivity (measured by tropicality) are with nature is the central theme of Collapse, and
hypothesized to reduce equilibrium growth rates, Sachs has argued that many real problems still faced
ceteris paribus. In Ricardo Hausmann’s felicitous in societies located near the equator (disease vec-
term, countries are ‘prisoners of [their] geography’ tors, pests and vermin, poor transportation, limited
(Hausmann, 2001). Differences in natural endow- agricultural innovation) are a result of inappropriate
ments prevent rates of economic growth from global socio-economic priorities rather than envir-
equalizing across places, with the implication that onmentally caused. He notes, for example, how drug

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50 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

companies have failed to address tropical diseases Thinking about development

because lifestyle drugs for well-heeled customers in
The different disciplinary backgrounds that Sachs
the global North are more profitable (Sachs, 2001).
and Diamond bring to these debates bring with them
Yet their accounts of global development still
distinct disciplinary conceptions of development.
rely on the idea of first nature: a conceptualization
In Biology, debates about evolutionary theory have
of geography as an exogenous backcloth (so slow-
revolved around two contrasting conceptions.
moving, by comparison to the dynamics of societal
On the one hand are teleological accounts of evolu-
change, that it can be taken as fixed). In this view,
tion, placing humans at the top of an evolutionary
geography is a set of natural features that are ‘reso-
trajectory of ever increasing complexity.6 On the
lutely external to society’ (Castree and Braun, 1998:
other hand, Stephen Jay Gould has argued that the
7; cf. Krugman, 1993). ‘Geography is as exogenous
fossil record undermines such teleological accounts:
a determinant as an economist can ever hope to get’
that chance, rather than complexity, shapes
(Rodrik et al., 2004: 134). For the general equili-
evolution – that humans’ dominance of the globe
brium theory that mainstream development econo-
is not a symptom of their evolutionary superiority
mists aspire to, exogenous variables are as rare as
– hypothesizing that simple bacteria are evolutiona-
hens’ teeth, so this has generated a minor industry
rily more successful than complex humans (Gould,
of econometric studies seeking to estimate the statis-
1989) (for a related argument, see Davis, 1996).
tical effect of tropicality and distance to navigable
In short, evolution has no built-in directionality –
water on mean rates of GDP growth; largely at the
although emergent directionality through
international scale, but also at the subnational scale
co-evolutionary interactions is possible or even
(focusing on access to water, cf. Démurger et al.,
likely. While the debate about whether evolutionary
2002; Sachs et al., 2002). This has been dominated
fitness is correlated with trends toward complexity
by a debate about whether exogenous ‘geography’
continues in Biology (cf. Conway-Morris, 2006),
dominates institutions as the determinant of eco-
current consensus is that evolution is characterized
nomic growth.4 Acemoglu et al. argue that institu-
by many branching paths, rather than a teleological
tions dominate ‘geography’: that the eventual
sequence of stages. Gould likens evolution to a
prosperity of more temperate colonies by compari-
labyrinthine pathway, akin to a ‘bush’ of multiple,
son to tropical colonies, notwithstanding lower
co-existing variation, rather than a teleological
urbanization and population density in the former,
sequence (Gould, 1996).7
is explained by the white settlers who dominated
In this alternative view, development is the
(and eliminated) indigenous populations and
unfolding of the potential immanent in an organ-
brought the right (European) institutions with them
ism’s genes, shaped by the environment in which
(Acemoglu et al., 2002). In short, European super-
it finds itself (necessarily including interspecies
iority is the key – an argument that is fraught with,
interaction). Whereas teleological accounts of evo-
presumably unwitting, stereotypes about Europeans
lution stress a predictable, common development
civilizing the backward tropics.5 Rodrik et al.
trajectory, with less fit species giving way to fitter
(2004) and Easterly and Levine (2003) reach a sim-
ones, these alternative non-teleological accounts are
ilar conclusion. By contrast, Faye et al. (2004),
more akin to the dynamics associated with complex-
Nordhaus (2006), Olsson and Hibbs (2005), and
ity theory, with its path dependencies, bifurcations
Presbitero (2006) conclude that ‘geography’ trumps
and unpredictabilities. Richard Norgaard pinpoints
institutions. Przeworski (2004a, 2004b) is com-
an important difference between these two biological
pelled by neither position, arguing simply that
narratives of development:
endogeneity matters, implying that it is logically
fallacious to seek one or the other principal cause
(he implicitly rejects ‘geography’ as the cause With more emphasis on coevolutionary processes,
because he takes it to be exogenous, but without the directionality of evolution is no longer deter-
accepting the alternative of institutions). mined by a steady advance toward perfect fitness

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with an unchanging environment. Species are no (Smith, 1776: I.2.1–2). Diamond’s resonance with
longer thought to get better and better at anything. mainstream economic thinking about development
And . . . changes in the physical environment are reflects a long tradition of interchange between the
important explanatory variables in evolutionary two disciplines. Darwin’s own formulation of evo-
history. (Norgaard, 1994: 84) lution as being driven by competition, ‘survival of
the fittest’, was influenced by his extensive reading
Recognizing that species co-evolve with their in British political economy (particularly Malthus
environment is central, then, to non-teleological and Smith), and these trajectories of thought remain
conceptualizations of evolution. connected (Hodgson, 2002).8
Interestingly, this is not the position favored by In Economics, teleological accounts of develop-
Diamond in his world historical narratives. Guns, ment, as a common series of stages that societies
Germs and Steel treats nature as a relatively fixed must go through, dominate the mainstream canon.9
forcing factor, rather than as co-evolving with soci- Rostow’s thesis that all societies follow the USA
ety. ‘Geography’ thus is largely ‘out there’, driven through a series of stages from ‘traditional’ to
by its own biophysical logics, with global patterns ‘beyond mass consumption’ capitalism, his self-
whose pace of change can be neglected within the styled ‘non communist manifesto’, remains influen-
timeframe of human life. Notwithstanding his con- tial (Rostow, 1960). Indeed Sachs explicitly adopts
cern, in Collapse, with human-induced environmen- Rostow’s position, and its implication that US-style
tal change, his comparative place-based case studies capitalism is the best available model for economic
are deployed to illustrate what are presented as a development, with the implication that other ways
common Malthusian environmental dilemma. of organizing economic systems are inferior and
While he values the variegated indigenous practices should be abandoned. Sachs notes that he has
that he encountered during his fieldwork in New learned from the immense difficulties that ensued
Guinea, his analysis falls back on a Eurocentric from implementing this imaginary through ‘shock
imaginary of development when it comes to therapy’ for transitioning state socialism into capit-
places with which he is less familiar (Diamond, alism in the former Soviet Union. He now argues
2005).4 that local conditions can result in very different tra-
Indeed, as detailed below, Diamond follows jectories from those predicted by free market
mainstream economists in emphasizing economic proponents. Thus the ‘prison of geography’ requires
interactions (i.e. trade) as a positive relationship supranational intervention into markets, so that the
(‘friendly trade partners’) enabling development for global playing field can be leveled and competitive
all places, whereas negative relationships are equa- capitalism can realize its potential as the ubiquitous
ted with the political (‘hostile neighbors’). When he tide of development that will lift all boats. Neverthe-
conceptualizes conditions of possibility as rooted in less, the laws of mainstream economics are invoked
place, arguing that success or failure is a choice that to justify a Rostowian imaginary, with shock
societies make, he also adopts the methodological therapy remaining a valuable tool in the right
territorialism and voluntarism common in econom- circumstances, including China (Sachs, 2005: 160).
ics (Diamond, 2005). Deploying this geographical Notably absent from both accounts is any atten-
imaginary has consequences. It directs attention tion to enduring consequences stemming from the
away from societal causes of uneven development. geo-historical legacies of colonialism. Both Sachs
When nature is conceived of as external and gov- and Diamond recognize the negative effects of
erned by natural laws, it is easy to romanticize it colonialism at the time, but its ongoing significance
as something pure that humans sully at their peril, as a cause of contemporary impoverishment in the
and to see humans as constrained by immutable laws global South is brushed aside. It is, at best, an inter-
– not least of which are those of ‘human nature’, as vening factor between natural geographies and
in Adam Smith’s invocation of ‘a certain propensity development. As noted above, in this view, the divi-
in human nature . . . to truck, barter, and exchange’ sion of the world into colonizers and the colonized

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52 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

was itself in good part a consequence of the natural economists’ statistical models are mis-specified;
disadvantages of tropical and distant places. Coloni- they fail to account for such reciprocal causal effects
alism may have enhanced contemporary impover- by treating ‘geography’ as exogenous.
ishment across Asia, Africa and Latin America, By contrast, geographical economists see
but is not an ‘ultimate cause’ (Acemoglu et al., themselves as incorporating second nature into their
2002, 2003). It is seen as having little relevance in analysis. Krugman’s paradigmatic neoclassical
a contemporary world of sovereign nation states, explanations of why spatial economic structures
accorded the autonomy, and responsibility, to make emerge from a homogeneous geographical back-
choices that will determine their residents’ well-being cloth, paralleling the morphogenetic accounts of
(methodological nationalism). 1960s location theory on an isotropic plain, are
framed in terms of second nature (Krugman,
1993).10 This is by far the more popular approach
‘Second’ nature, space and
among mainstream economists, who see Sachs as
geographical economics tackling the much easier and more mundane task
Recognizing that an important factor shaping how of explaining why geographical inequality begets
development is imagined in Diamond’s and Sachs’ economic inequality. Utilizing Dixit-Stiglitz
accounts of geography and global development is mathematical models of monopolistic competition
their reliance on first nature, it is important to superimposed on a ‘flat’ world with no locational
interrogate the consequences of abandoning this advantage (e.g. two locations as either end of a line,
inevitably somewhat determinist account. Second or points equally separated around a circle),
nature, the view that nature co-evolves with, Krugman and his followers show that there are
partially constituted through and inseparable from, plausible equilibrium outcomes in which some
societal change (hybrid, or more-than-human places specialize as industrial clusters whereas
geographies; cf. Whatmore, 2001), is a far more others remain agricultural. These have been
adequate conception of nature-society relations. described as north–south models by analogy to a
Thus it can be readily pointed out that Sachs’ (once) industrialized global North versus an agricul-
principal surrogates of ‘geographical’ disadvantage, tural global South (Krugman and Venables, 1995).
the geographical distribution of malaria (for The only uncertainty is which places become indus-
tropicality) and access to navigable waters, are trial: several equilibrium outcomes are possible,
themselves continually shaped by societal change depending on small initial differences.11
(the elimination of malaria from subtropical regions To précis what is a finely tuned argument,
of the first world; the colonial geopolitics of industrial agglomeration happens when transport
transportation systems, navigational improvements costs are neither too high nor too low. This theoretical
and national boundaries). Gaza’s temperate and deduction has been applied directly to explaining the
coastal location has hardly been a source of long historical geography of global development, as
prosperity. transport costs fall (Baldwin, 2006; Crafts and
This does not mean, of course, that biophysical Venables, 2001; Venables, 2006). According to this
processes are irrelevant: temperate climates are narrative, when transport costs were high, there was
better suited for producing grain-based annual no specialization. As they fell in the 17th and 18th
agricultural surpluses, third world environmental centuries, during ‘globalization 1’, specialization
health problems like malaria receive inadequate became the stable equilibrium outcome. Richard
attention, and tropical conditions pose very specific Baldwin puts it this way: ‘as history would have it, the
conditions that local agricultural knowledge and North won at the South’s expense’ (Baldwin, 2006:
practices, and cultural norms, have found ways to 13). In this formulation, either region might have
address (Sheppard et al., 2009a). Nevertheless, ‘won’ during this period, but for some historical
recognizing more-than-human geographies implies, contingencies shaping the equilibrium outcome
in technical terms, that Sachs’ and others (Sachs and Diamond stress ‘geography’). Now, after

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a ‘counter-globalization’ interregnum between 1929 Economic Geography), and stresses the importance
and 1945, ‘globalization 2’ has unleashed a combina- of communications infrastructure development at
tion of further falling communications costs and the national and subnational scales, confining
spatially disaggregated global production networks, consideration of Sachs’ discussion to the economic
with transport costs falling to the point where regional costs of a landlocked nation (Sheppard et al.,
specialization no longer pays. This is why, it is 2009b). Landlockedness has become a widely
argued, we are currently experiencing the (re)indus- discussed determinant of national economic
trialization of the global South, presumably until stagnation, to which have been added such geo-
industrialization diffuses to all regions as the new graphic measures as population size and ethnic
equilibrium outcome. diversity (a proxy for intranational divisiveness)
This neoclassical theorization of geography, (Collier, 2006, 2007; Sachs, 2005; Venables,
morphogenesis and global development has been 2006). Yet these, allegedly geographical, character-
repeatedly critiqued within economic geography istics again are treated as largely exogenous. Thus,
(e.g. Martin, 1998; Plummer and Sheppard, 2006; Austrian and Swiss success as landlocked countries
Sheppard, 2000), and there is no space here to detail is attributed to their proximity to wealthy European
these arguments. Yet two criticisms are vital. First, markets, part of a given global geography of
notwithstanding the apparent historicism of the inequality – whose emergence at the expense of
above account, these models presume that the world African colonies (landlocked, small and ethnically
always approximates a market-clearing general diverse by dint of European boundary drawing) is
equilibrium. (Even though these equilibria are not problematized. In discussions aimed at trans-
notionally stable, computational experiments forming global economic geographies, it seems at
suggest that the internal logic breaks down when best paradoxical to make so much of a geography that
Krugman’s model is in disequilibrium, making its is exogenous to the theories utilized to promulgate
equilibria unachievable; Fowler, 2007, 2010.) such transformations.
Second, while the geography of economic activities Although geographical economists differ from
may be endogenous, its geographical backcloth is Sachs as to how ‘geography’ matters, they share two
not. The exogenous backcloth of a flattened positions: that the geographic backcloth can be
hypothetical world and exogenous transportation treated as exogenous to the economy; and that state
costs is inconsistent with contemporary economic actions may be necessary to redress the market
geographical theory (Sheppard, 2000). Further, imperfections associated with geography. Sachs
once the sociospatial dialectic is acknowledged, the argues for global interventions to compensate for
capitalist space economy is characterized by the ‘bad geography’ and level the playing field. The
unpredictable dynamical complexity and instability World Bank revisits old-style spatial Keynesian
described by Norgaard, rather than by equilibrium regional planning to redress spatial inequalities
(Plummer and Sheppard, 2006). (Sheppard and Leitner, 2010). Venables argues that
Contemporary mainstream economic policy- ‘geography’ implies that ‘trade is not necessarily a
oriented accounts of geography, globalization and force for convergence of incomes’ (Venables, 2006:
development are dominated by Krugmanesque ‘sec- 74), an argument even acceptable to the inveterate
ond nature’ accounts, rather than Sachs’ invocation free trader Douglas Irwin (2006).
of first nature. (In his entry for the New Palgrave Indeed, even as geographers castigate mainstream
Encyclopedia of Economics, Sachs persists in trying economists for endorsing neoliberalism, something
to persuade his colleagues to integrate agglomera- quite different is underway in Economics. In his New
tion economics with ‘physical geography’; Sachs York Times columns, Paul Krugman, condemned by
and McCord, 2008.) Most economists seem as leery critical geographers as the founding figure of neoclas-
of environmental determinism as geographers have sical geographical economics, has become one of
been. Thus the 2009 World Development Report the USA’s most widely read passionate critics of not
invokes second nature in its subtitle (Reshaping only Bush-era neoliberalism, but also Obama-era

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54 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

economic centrism. Beyond this, even this limited States and Vanuatu are equivalent. This presumes that
inclusion of geography into neoclassical economics as soon as new nation states come into existence, as
undermines the viability of claims that the invisible when Yugoslavia broke up, each becomes a coherent
hand of competitive capitalism is socially beneficial. territorial economy. Theoretically, national econo-
As trade theorists and foreign direct investment mies are assumed to be reducible to aggregate
theorists have begun adding a spatial dimension to production functions, enabling them to be analyzed
their theories (in the form of transport costs and using the same neoclassical tools as for individual
place-based characteristics), it has become increas- firms, even though it is known that the marginal pro-
ingly common that their models do not result in the ductivity claims associated with such functions are as
welfare maximizing mutual benefits commonly logically fragile as the transformation problem associ-
associated with unrestricted trade and foreign direct ated with Marx’s labor theory of value (Harcourt,
investment. For trade theory, general equilibrium 1972; Sheppard and Barnes, 1990; Sraffa, 1960).
deviates from the welfare-maximizing optimum, Methodologically, there is a strong tendency
including scenarios where some regions and toward place-based explanations in mainstream
countries lose as a result of trade (cf. Behrens et al., macroeconomics: accounting for the performance
2007; Tharakan and Thisse, 2002; Venables and of each territorial economy in terms of a series of
Limão, 2002). For foreign direct investment, James presumed causal attributes of that territory. The
Markusen develops complex computable general regression specifications utilized in the debates
equilibrium models in which countries lose as a result about geography and development, summarized
of the ability of firms to engage in unrestricted foreign above, are of exactly this kind. This has been the
direct investment (Markusen, 2002). Ottaviano and case even for much mainstream statistical analysis
Thisse (2004) derive what they call the ‘spatial of subnational regional economies, at least until
impossibility theorem’, that neoclassical competitive quite recently, even though economists readily
equilibria cannot exist in a capitalist space economy. concede that these are not autonomous territorial
Recognition that ‘geography’ matters, even in this economies (Fingleton, 2000).
rather static exogenous form, does at least have the Such methodological territorialism is highly
merit of undermining conventional economic justifi- problematic, as quantitative geographers long have
cations for market triumphalism.12 pointed out, because it does not account for the
many ways in which territorial economies are
interconnected and affect one another (not to
Geographical economics and the question of
mention interscalar interrelations). It also has the
development specific consequence of reinforcing Rostowian
Whereas geographical economists have become more stageist conceptions of development. By definition,
cautious about market-based outcomes, this has not such aspatial statistical regressions presume that all
catalyzed any significant rethinking of teleological units of analysis are of the same kind. The task is to
developmentalism. This stems from how territory and account for how a single measure of performance,
distance are treated within this framework. such as gross national income (GNI), varies across
First, national political borders are taken as (in this case) national territories, by identifying
exogenous to economic theory, and nation states are other attributes of those places that ‘cause’ these
commonly presumed to be natural territorial performance differences (causality being defined
economic units – a position that sociospatial as a significant partial correlation, backed up by a
theorists have extensively critiqued as the national theory that offers its readers a plausible rationale
territorial trap or methodological nationalism that predicts such a correspondence). The other
(Agnew, 1994; Brenner, 2004). It would be redun- attributes are regressed on a trend line measuring
dant to rehearse such critiques in detail here, but performance – which amounts to nothing more than
some aspects are important to underline. For these a sequential ranking of national economies in terms
units of analysis, size does not matter: the United of this measure, from worst to best (typically, the

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West). This, then, represents national economic for broad audiences, recently have sought to
performance in terms of a single trajectory along distance themselves from neoliberal globalization
which countries are aligned. For example, the (post) in ways that resonate with critiques in geography
Washington Consensus has too often sought to and development studies.14 Their prominence in
browbeat states into adopting US and UK forms of global centers of mainstream economic expertise
governance. In such a place-based imaginary, and the broad circulation of their arguments is shap-
territorial-scale interventions (i.e. national govern- ing both public discourses and policy-making
ance reform) become the key to catching up. norms.15 These writers’ interventions have been cat-
Second, notwithstanding predilections toward alyzed by the broad impact of counter-globalization
methodological territorialism, geographical macro- social movements. Recognizing that neoliberal
economists now take into account intercountry globalization has reinforced economic inequality,
distance-related effects. Discussions of landlocked they are concerned that influential contestations of
countries, for example, note that their performance neoliberal globalization may result in a rejection
will depend on a variety of attributes of the neigh- of capitalist globalization tout court – which they
boring countries through which their imports and feel would amount to throwing the baby out with the
exports must be shipped to access the sea (Collier, bathwater. In short, believing in the overall benefits
2006; Venables, 2006). Such interdependencies of capitalist globalization, pointing to the Great
have not been systematically incorporated into Depression as an era of both counter-globalization
economists’ theories or empirical estimates of the and global economic crisis, they seek interventions
relation between geography and development (but that can redress its unintended negative side effects.
see, for example, Yamamoto, 2008). The principal These interventions have been discussed in detail
exception is economists’ recent reinvention of an elsewhere (Sheppard and Leitner, 2010). Here,
old geographers’ trick, the gravity model, to predict I focus on their implications for discourses about
trade flows (Evenett and Keller, 2002; Johnston, trade and development.
1976; Márquez-Ramos et al., 2007; Mitchener and Jeffrey Sachs’ claim that countries are prisoners
Weidenmier, 2008). Again, geography is an exogen- of their geography seemingly challenges the free
ous backcloth; distance is given, a cost of doing trade doctrine, perhaps explaining why it has not
business. Treating distance simply as a transactions received a warm reception among mainstream econ-
cost – a barrier to the efficient operation of neoclas- omists. A core theoretical claim of mainstream
sical markets – implies that reductions in such costs development economics, dating back to David
must level the economic playing field, creating a Ricardo, is the opposite: free trade enables every
flatter world in which efficient markets can more place to take advantage of its geographical peculia-
readily realize their putative benefits. Shorter dis- rities, whatever these might be, by identifying, and
tances reduce transactions costs, benefitting all part- specializing on the basis of, the comparative
ners.13 The more general presumption, also adopted advantage associated with its place-based character-
by Diamond, is that unfettered spatial economic istics.16 Yet a close reading of Sachs reveals that he
interdependencies (trade, foreign direct investment, remains as supportive as ever of free trade (Sachs,
portfolio capital flows, migration), reducing transac- 2005): His concern is that not all differences in
tions costs, benefit all the people and places that they comparative advantage are equal. Sachs’ claim that
connect. It follows that lower transport costs can only the exigencies of geography require spatial
accelerate the progress of ‘backward’ territories along redistribution from wealthy to poor places is a
the path to development. global Keynesian agenda – with his Earth Institute’s
Millennium Villages initiative acting as a proving
ground for this argument.
‘New’ development economists As noted above, the development economist
As noted above, a group of prominent US Dani Rodrik disagrees with Sachs about geography,
mainstream ‘new’ development economists, writing arguing that the ultimate place-based determinant of

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56 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

national economic performance is institutions. He World Bank (1997–2000) reinforced this belief.
has been battling Sachs over the question of institu- He has castigated the multilateral post-Bretton
tions versus ‘geography’ via dueling econometric Woods institutions for their lack of transparency: for
specifications (Rodrik et al., 2004). Yet he shares making decisions behind closed doors, even as they
Sachs’ concerns about neoliberal globalization. The penalized third world governments for the same lack
son of a Turkish businessman who benefitted of transparency (Stiglitz, 2002). He observes that
greatly from the policies of import substituting power inequities in the institutions governing the
industrialization that came to be vilified under neo- world economy hurt the global South, urging reform
liberalism, Rodrik highlights three problems associ- on the WTO to redress this. He argues against
ated with globalization (Rodrik, 1997): workers are structural adjustment and biopiracy, and for policies
disadvantaged by free trade and investment due to promoting global equity, forgiving national debts and
their low mobility; there is a failure to acknowledge stimulating aggregate demand in the global South.
and accept national cultural preferences and norms Countries with ‘a proven track record’ (p. 242) should
(e.g. reluctance to purchase commodities produced be given financial aid and the freedom to decide how
under exploitive labor relations or in environmen- to use it, instead of being told what to do.
tally harmful ways); and globalization has under- Yet he still believes that fairer trade, achievable
mined the nation state. Yet he also finds that by reforming the WTO to eliminate its current
national-scale interventions do not suffice. Thus de facto bias in favor of the global North, can
he seeks modifications to the norms governing promote development (Stiglitz and Charlton,
global trade, such as altering the WTO agreement 2005). Noting the lack of realism in mainstream
on safeguards to enable democratic nation states to trade theory, he and Charlton urge that richer
exert more territorial authority over economic flows countries be forced to guarantee open access to
crossing their borders, when a national consensus imports from poorer countries, while poorer
exists about such issues. countries are accorded the right to restrict imports
Sachs and Rodrik also share the same criticism of from richer countries. The Generalized System of
attempts under the Washington Consensus to Preferences should be adjusted to favor the global
impose ubiquitous ‘best practice’ neoliberalism on South, and the WTO should stay away from promot-
all countries, because this fails to take context into ing unrestricted international capital flows and
account. Citing the influence of his spouse, a property rights agreements, such as TRIPS, that
medical doctor, Sachs argues for a ‘clinical’ favor the global North. Diagnosing a democratic
approach to economic policy-making, one that deficit within the WTO (abuse of the market
defines the healthy economic body in terms of a set through control over information), he advocates
of performance indicators, which become the goal global Keynesianism: tipping the playing field in
that differentiated policy interventions, tailored to favor of the global South; enforcing transparency
the national patient, are designed to realize. Rodrik and accountability on institutions that are not
argues for policy prescriptions tailored to national subject to democratic control; paying poor countries
circumstances. Yet both believe in a single set of for the full value of their primary commodity exports
(neoclassical) ‘laws of economics’, to be drawn on and for ecological services they provide to the global
in developing differentiated policy prescriptions. system; global rules to prevent corporations from
Rodrik dubs this One Economics, Many Recipes playing one territory off against another and to reduce
(Rodrik, 2007). monopoly power; unconditional debt forgiveness for
Joseph Stiglitz has been the most vocal main- countries by allowing them to declare bankruptcy;
stream critic of the Washington Consensus (Stiglitz, and a global bank that lends to those in need (Keynes’
2002, 2006; Stiglitz and Charlton, 2005). He unsuccessful proposal during the Bretton Woods
received the Nobel Medal for theorizing that infor- negotiations) (Stiglitz, 2006).
mation asymmetry undermines the effectiveness of Notwithstanding significant disagreements,
markets, and his service as chief economist for the Sachs, Rodrik and Stiglitz share the view that the

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rollback of the state promulgated under neoliberal Pitts, 2005). (Free trader Richard Cobden’s
globalization has gone too far, catalyzing a concen- anti-imperialism also comes to mind.) Like Sachs,
tration of wealth in the hands of global elites, Diamond, Rodrik and Stiglitz, Easterly sees all
impoverishment, theft of intellectual property and humans as equally able and creative, with the poor
environmental degradation, and catalyzing world- unable to make good on their capabilities. Yet,
wide social resistance. Their explicit promotion of citing Hayek, he believes that only the free market
Keynesian alternatives, at national and global scales, (‘the laws of economics’; Easterly, 2002) can
directly challenges neoliberalism. Indeed, in the provide the incentives, attentive to local context,
aftershocks of the 2008 financial crisis discourses that can unfetter the potential of the poor to succeed
about the need for a new New Deal and a new Bretton as capitalist entrepreneurs – who thereby become
Woods have become commonplace. Friedrich von responsible for their success, or failure. As in trade
Hayek, Milton Friedman, Margaret Thatcher and theory, the capitalist market is conceptualized as
Ronald Reagan should be rolling in their graves. recognizing and valuing difference, as a mark of
Yet William Easterly and Hernando de Soto, distinction that can be traded on for mutual benefit
while sharing the others’ criticisms of the failure and profit (Sheppard and Leitner, 2010).
of the Washington Consensus, would beg to differ: The Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto
they argue that Hayek was right. Easterly, a former similarly places his faith in the entrepreneurial
senior research economist for the World Bank acumen of the poorest of the poor. De Soto, credited
(1985–2001) and participant in the ‘geography’ with converting Peruvian president Alberto
versus institutions debate, agrees that the interna- Fujimori from Keynesianism to neoliberalism,
tional financial institutions have failed the global directs the Institute for Liberty and Democracy
South’s poor, but reserves just as much ire for Sachs (recipient of awards, inter alia, from the Cato
and Keynesian do-gooders of all stripes, as no Institute and The Economist).17 He sees poorly
different than Robert Owens and his 19th-century demarcated property rights as the principal cause
utopian fellow travelers. He divides the world into of poverty. This is because the homes and
planners (Owens, Sachs, the World Bank, etc.) and businesses of the poor are not legally registered in
seekers (the entrepreneurial spirit in us all). In his their own names, and processes of registration are
view, global development policies of all kinds enormously time-consuming, bureaucratic and
(including the ‘Global War on Terror’) are Big Push costly. He argues that the principal source of capital
initiatives that are doomed to fail, and infused with for small entrepreneurs is self-finance, from the
the conceit that the global North holds all the answers. equity accumulated in their homes and businesses.
‘The White Man’s Burden emerged from the West’s The poor in the global South, living in squatter
self-pleasing fantasy that ‘‘we’’ were the chosen ones settlements and working in the informal economy,
to save the Rest . . . The Enlightenment saw the Rest cannot take advantage of such potential sources of
as a blank slate – without any meaningful history or capital (which he estimates as being worth over
institutions of its own – upon which the West could US$9 trillion worldwide; de Soto, 2000). He argues
inscribe its superior ideals’ (Easterly, 2006: 23). that the United States experienced the same situation
If Easterly seems to be channeling Edward Said’s in the late 18th century but was able to overcome it,
Orientalism or Eric Wolf’s Europe and the People and should be taken as a model for the global South
without History (Said, 1978; Wolf, 1982), he lies to follow in order to move from a ‘pre-capitalist’ to a
much closer to Edmund Burke, the 19th-century ‘capitalist’ property system (de Soto, 2000: 172).
English conservative who criticized liberalism for
its duplicitous policies toward colonial India. Burke
Hayek versus Keynes? Temporality,
critiqued liberals for trampling on the individual
rights of Indians in their zeal to remake them non-ergodicity and capitalist development
in liberals’ own image, destroying rich local cul- Critical scholarship recently has highlighted the
tures in the process (Mehta, 1999; Muthu, 2003; differences separating Keynesian Fordism from

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58 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

Hayekian neoliberalism, even exhibiting nostalgia inducing individuals to hoard money (dubbed their
for the good old days when Keynesian discourses liquidity preference) in times of uncertainty. This
were hegemonic by comparison to the more brutal in turn requires state-led demand-side macroeco-
‘there is no alternative’ era of neoliberalism. These nomic intervention to alleviate unemployment in
are vital differences of opinion about how capital- times of crisis (Keynes, 1936; Weatherson, 2002).
ism can bring prosperity to all, whose instantiation Such socialization of investment, Keynes wrote,
as development policy prescriptions has had was not devised as ‘a terrific encroachment on indi-
enormous impact on the livelihood possibilities of vidualism, [but], on the contrary . . . as the only
people in places across the global South. Their practicable means of avoiding the destruction of
ongoing contestation, as described above, remains existing economic forms [that is, capitalism] in their
of enormous import.18 Yet these are differences entirety and as a condition of successful functioning
about how capitalism can bring prosperity, not of individual initiative’ (Keynes, 1936: 380).
whether it can. The Nobel Medal winning American economic
Notwithstanding severe personal, intellectual historian Douglass North has taken up the question
and political differences, the last of which might of the relation between irreducible uncertainty and
be summarized as neoliberalism versus progressive capitalist development, arguing that this must be
liberalism, both Hayek and Keynes had little addressed in any historical account of economic
patience for the deterministic mathematical equili- change that is to remain faithful to the laws of eco-
brium theories based on microfoundational rational nomics. ‘The study of economic change must . . .
choice models – the hard core of mainstream eco- begin with the ubiquitous efforts of human beings
nomics. They both argued that time itself is a radical to deal with and confront uncertainty in a non-
destabilizing factor, because of irreducible uncer- ergodic world’ (North, 2005: 5).20 In his conception,
tainty about the future. Hayek, the anti-rationalist, individuals’ actions are founded in belief systems,
believed that knowledge emerges from actions, requiring (cf. Hayek, 1952) ‘that we delve into how
themselves rooted in habit and tradition, not from the mind and brain work’ (p. 5), and take place
our ability to discern how the world works. The only within particular national institutional contexts.
way for rationality to emerge from the habitual Individual agents face two kinds of uncertainty
nature of everyday behavior, he believed, was (natural, and socially constructed) in their environ-
through the discipline of competitive markets. This ments. Historically, individuals residing in territorial
would have the important side effect, for him, of societies develop institutions (e.g. cultural systems,
equating social efficacy with individual liberty risk markets and governance structures) to manage
(Hayek, 1937, 1948). ‘In arguing that competition the uncertainties they confront (many of which are
breeds rationality, Hayek is claiming that the filter a consequence of humans and their institutions). His
of profit and loss weeds out those whose habits tend overriding conclusion is that national economies
to generate inappropriate responses to market succeed or fail, engendering wealth or poverty for
signals’ (Butos and Kopl, 1997: 351).19 their residents, depending on their ability to develop
Keynes, the rationalist, saw human action as effective institutions to manage the real-world
plagued by a radical uncertainty about the future uncertainties plaguing markets.
(perhaps never more so than at present), which By taking temporality seriously, as an unknowable
encourages speculation. ‘In such a world action can- future rather than an equilibrium trajectory, Hayek,
not be rational; it must spring from an irrational Keynes and North pose serious challenges to the
source, animal spirits . . . A Cartesian rationalist adequacy of microfoundational models of the
may be glad for the impulse to action that animal economy. At the same time, however, they share
spirits provide, but he cannot have much faith that the mainstream paradigm’s predilection for ground-
the actions so motivated will very often turn out as ing economic theory in the choices of autonomous
intended’ (Butos and Kopl, 1997: 349). Here, mar- individual agents, its faith in a monistic (capitalist)
kets cannot provide the necessary information, economics, and its conviction that spatiality is a

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relatively minor complication. The fact that the richer the cultural context in terms of providing
spatial extent of economic systems enhances agents’ multiple experimentation and creative competition,
uncertainty is acknowledged, but is not seen as under- the more likely the successful survival of the society’
mining the capacity of markets, in principle, to be (North, 2005: 36). Like modernization theorists,
socially beneficial. Like the neoclassical mainstream, North makes three arguments: that northwestern
spatiality is conceptualized in terms of the location in European cultural and institutional contexts are richer
which individuals find themselves (shaping their than others (at least in terms of their capacities for
endowments, opportunities, preferences and culture). managing economic uncertainty); that the prosperity
Keynes and North combined these with methodologi- of these societies is evidence of their superior
cal nationalism: macro-scale features of the economy, cultural/institutional mix; and thus that other societies
and of the institutions governing it, are equated with should emulate this mix if they wish to succeed. Such
national territories, taken as the natural units of arguments have been extensively criticized for their
analysis for the study of development. unwarranted structural functionalism (the assertion
Even for a non-ergodic world, these arguments that the presence of certain attributes in places
mobilize a teleological conceptualization of devel- deemed to be successful suffices to prove that these
opment. When North asks why Europe becomes the factors are necessary for success); for their neglect
center of capitalism after 1492, his answer is in of the asymmetrical relational connections between
terms of attributes of Europe that, in his view, make places that may be every bit as important in causing
it better suited to developing capitalist governance uneven development as territorial attributes; and for
systems to manage uncertainty (North, 2005): their Eurocentrism (e.g. Blaut, 2000). They are, again,
individualist belief systems that can underwrite rooted in methodological nationalism.
‘impersonal exchange’ (which he contrasts with
Islamic collective action and Soviet collectivism),
themselves rooted in ‘fundamental demographic/ Sociospatial ontologies and
resource constraints that became embodied in development imaginaries
religions’ (p. 136), combined with a fractured In the three preceding sections, I have examined the
European geography of small territorial economies contrasting views of different overlapping groups of
that enabled competition between different institu- economists on the question of economics, nature,
tional and cultural assemblages. ‘The failures of the geography and development. I have noted substantial
most likely candidates, China and Islam, point disagreements about the importance of first versus
the direction of our inquiry. Centralized political second nature, the relative importance of institutions
control limits the options . . . The lack of large- and ‘geography’, and the merits of Keynesian versus
scale political and economic order created the Hayekian prescriptions. Nevertheless, these disagree-
essential environment hospitable to economic ments orbit fairly tightly around a shared belief in
growth and ultimately human freedoms’ (p. 137). the capacity, in principle, of democratic capitalism,
North concludes: ‘Growth has been generated when US-style, to solve poverty and bring development to
the economy has provided institutional incentives to all. In this section, I explore how the sociospatial
undertake productivity-raising activities such as the ontology of mainstream economics contributes to
Dutch undertook. Decline has resulted from disin- this capacity for consensus on the question of
centives to engage in productive activity as a result development, and contrast this with the quite different
of centralized political control of the economy and development imaginaries that emanate from Anglo-
monopoly privileges’ (p. 134). phone geographical political economy.
North’s arguments are, thus, remarkably similar to
those of the modernization theorists of 40 years ago,
who generalized Rostow’s teleological economic The view from Economics
model to incorporate sociological and psychological Notwithstanding the potential diversity of Economics,
aspects (cf. McClelland, 1961; Parsons, 1966): ‘the I explore here the hegemonic mainstream perspective.

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60 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

This has produced the most effective and cohesive to function like Adam Smith’s invisible hand: ‘It is
paradigm in Anglophone social science of the last not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer,
century. Imré Lakatos argues that every scientific or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their
epistemological community constitutes its research regard to their own interest. We address ourselves,
program through the articulation and defense of a set not to their humanity but to their self-love’ (Smith,
of ‘hard-core’ propositions that should not be ques- 1776: I.ii.2).
tioned, surrounded by a protective belt of ‘auxiliary There is considerable contemporary debate about
hypotheses’ that protect this core from being falsified the cognitive and even neural aspects of choice-
(Lakatos, 1970), and mainstream economists have making, about optimizing versus satisficing choices,
mastered this. Even what seem to outsiders to be and about limited information and uncertainty, but
relatively minor deviations within Economics are these are considered undesirable deviations from a
marginalized by the mainstream’s proponents as rationally ordered and socially efficacious capitalist
‘heterodox’. Practitioners of such heresies find them- space-economy – deviations that should be fixed
selves largely excluded from the canonical journals with a dose of ‘libertarian paternalism’ (Thaler and
and departments. Indeed, some have concluded that Sunstein, 2003). Rationality is to be defended at all
the mainstream view is simply autistic about such costs. The rationality of this ontology of capitalism
alternatives ( The hegemony rests on the question of how often individuals actu-
of this epistemological community during the past ally achieve the intended consequences of their
century also has had the effect of constituting the choices through the operation of the market. If this
world through the enactment of its laws, with the were rare, there would be little reason for individuals
effect of making their plausibility seem self-evident to repeat such actions; indeed, the very rationality of
(Mitchell, 2005a). choice making would be called into doubt. To doubt
As conceived within this tradition, the laws of the economic rationality of choice-based behavior,
economics are, first, deemed to be ubiquitously then, would be to call the entire set of hard-core
applicable, across space and time. Second, they propositions into question.
separate the economic from other aspects of The spatiotemporal ontology accompanying, and
socionature. Indeed, some proponents claim that reproduced through, this model of capitalism helps
these laws apply to all domains of human action reign in the possibility of unintended consequences
including our relationship with nature (consider, for – at least within its own theoretical confines. One
example, the current popularity of carbon markets) scale dominates: that of the human body. Adopting
(Fine and Milonakis, 2009). Third, they are the principle of methodological individualism,
grounded in mathematical languages that enhance economic processes are reduced to the rational,
their status as seemingly scientific. Fourth, they perfectly informed, self-interested and autonomous
constitute a development imaginary in which the choices of individuals (themselves often reduced
progress of nations is judged by whether and how to ideal types known as representative agents).
they deviate from practicing these laws. Without such ‘microfoundations’, a theoretical
The social ontology underlying this shared belief model has little chance of gaining respect in con-
is well known, but its spatiotemporality has received temporary mainstream economics – even in network
less attention. The social ontology has the following economics where a relational model of human
characteristics. The economy is composed of indi- action is now popular. Individual actions in turn are
viduals of more-or-less equivalent social capacities, aggregated into territorialized macroeconomic
differing in preferences and endowments (usually objects (e.g. aggregate production functions, or
taken as exogenous to the economy). Markets factor endowments), which are assumed to describe
function as a result of more-or-less well-informed adequately the dynamics of urban, regional and
individuals making self-interested choices to buy (most commonly) national economies. Each scalar
and sell. Markets are assumed to clear, placing the territorial entity is treated as a bounded and homo-
economy in a neoclassical equilibrium that is argued geneous unit of analysis. Scalar units are given

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a priori, and linked together through a bottom-up exception to this minimalist incorporation of
causal logic, beginning with the individual, that temporality – including Hayek and Keynes.
conforms with hierarchy theory in Ecology: objects A non-ergodic world poses deep problems for those
at any scale are mobilized by actions emanating seeking to defend the rationality of a microfounda-
from smaller scales and constrained by events tional approach. When the future is not simply
operating at larger scales (Wu, 1999). unknowable but plagued with unpredictable twists
Geographical detail is attached to this scalar and turns, how can humans, or even economists,
ontology as a fixed set of attributes characterizing retain faith in their capacity to know and act on the
each scaled unit of analysis (body, region, nation) world (Rosser, 2004)? Even here, however, it seems
– a naturalized geography. This set includes possible to rescue the possibility of rationality, and
place-based attributes (resources, climate, culture, of a teleological path for capitalist development, as
etc.), and relative location (accessibility to other long as the other ontological features are preserved.
such units, measured on the basis of given commu-
nications geographies). If geographical difference Mainstream economics’ development imaginary. Taken
creates unequal opportunities, it constitutes a tilted together, methodological individualism, naturalized
‘playing field’ on which some actors cannot achieve geographies and methodological territorialism
economic welfare through their individual actions. underwrite the teleological, neocolonial develop-
This would challenge the rationality of microfoun- ment imaginary that Rostow pioneered. Within this
dations and thereby the hard-core principles. If such ontology, aided by a Walrasian auctioneer, capital-
attributes can be commodified, however, as utility ism becomes a benevolent and harmonious
functions driving preferences, or as resource mechanism of market clearance, in which all parti-
endowments driving comparative advantage, then cipants are equally positioned and empowered to
the possibility remains that the market can modulate realize their preferences.22 Its ubiquitous principles
such differences through the rational choices of its promise to bring economic prosperity to all. In this
participants (Sheppard and Leitner, 2010). imaginary, to be developed is to achieve high levels
For most mainstream theorists, this bottom-up, of median gross national income and the like, which
multiscalar and methodologically territorial spatial- immanent capitalist accumulation is imagined to
ity is combined with a particular (a)temporality: the make possible.23 A crucial implication of this
economy is assumed to approximate a market- teleology is that failure to achieve prosperity can be
clearing equilibrium. Much mainstream economic attributed to characteristics of people and places that
theory is static, with dynamics typically treated in prevent the market from achieving its potential: to bad
one of two ways. One approach assumes that the latitude, bad attitude (Hart, 2002) or poor governance.
economy is always approximately in equilibrium, Geography plays a relatively minor role, in the
with the details of that equilibrium depending on the form of place-based characteristics – variations in
context: Baldwin’s account of globalization exem- local context (e.g. endowments, traditions of state-
plifies this. Here, dynamism is an attribute of the market relations, cultural norms, and geographical
context rather than the economic theory. Alterna- advantage).24 Attending to these is acknowledged
tively, it is assumed that the economy moves as crucial to making the appropriate intervention,
smoothly along a dynamic equilibrium ‘golden’ but the goal of accelerating capitalist accumulation
growth path, where current production exactly and growth remains the same (Rodrik, 2007). Jim
matches future demand (clearing the market over Blaut has dubbed this developmental imaginary
time). In such equilibrium models, time is reversi- ‘diffusionism’: development simply diffuses from
ble: a shifting parameter rather than an evolutionary advanced to backward countries (Blaut, 1987,
historical force. Unintended consequences are less 1993). Countries are ranked, then, by how far they
likely and rationality still can rule.21 have progressed along the path to prosperity, con-
As noted above, economists who stress the structing what Dipesh Chakrabarty calls ‘History 1’
irreducible nature of uncertainty are a notable (Chakrabarty, 2000) – a historical narrative that

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62 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

represents the developmental histories of western case in our anti-canonical discipline. Economic
Europe and North America as the norm against which geography includes a group of scholars who hew
all are to be judged (and most found wanting). more closely to mainstream economic thinking, but
Crucially, this imaginary locates expertise about currently is dominated by Anglophone geographical
development within the global North; those people political economy (Sheppard, 2011a). Even this is
and places that have prospered are positioned to a very diverse body of knowledge rife with
show others the way. Cowen and Shenton distin- philosophical, theoretical and methodological
guish between immanent and intentional develop- disagreement (Sheppard and Barnes, 2000). Yet,
ment: that is, between development as an emergent connecting across this diversity, it can be character-
process and strategic efforts to create development ized by a very different sociospatial ontology
(Cowen and Shenton, 1996). (Gillian Hart, 2001, from that of geographical and development
dubs these ‘development’ and ‘Development’.) economics, with room for alternative development
Within this imaginary, the path of immanent devel- imaginaries.25
opment is given, and a model that wealthy regions In contrast to the Cartesian ontology of
draw on to bring intentional development to others. mainstream geographical economics (individuals
Intentional development becomes necessary when and territories as hermetic objects of analysis;
immanent development possibilities are blocked. spacetime as exogenous coordinates), geographical
Developed countries’ expertise is necessary to open political economists tendentially favor a relational,
such blockages, as their own prosperity confirms or dialectical, sociospatial ontology.26 This is so
their successful experience in solving development in at least three senses. First, it attends to the
problems. As both Blaut and Chakrabarty note, this co-constitution of society, spacetime and the
contitutes a Eurocentric development imaginary. more-than-human world. Second, it takes a dialecti-
Yet the principles invoked for intended develop- cal approach to theorizing the agents and territories
ment have proven far from successful. Notwith- of a capitalist space economy. Third, it stresses how
standing multiple experiments with different economic and non-economic aspects of the social
territorial models of governance – spatiotemporally world (identity, politics, culture, etc.) are co-implicated.
variegated capitalisms that articulate with different It is in the domain of theorizing economic actions
local visions of state-market relations and shifting that economic geography can be most immediately
global policy discourses (Brenner, 2004; Peck and compared to the economic mainstream, since this
Theodore, 2007) – there has been serial policy is where the mainstream focuses. Indeed, some
failure. Neither state-led development nor structural scholarship in geographical political economy has
adjustment have been particularly successful in made the comparison as straightforward as possible
accelerating many countries along the development through deployment of the mathematical language
path. Nevertheless, the hegemony of this geographi- of theory that economists so value. Summarizing a
cal imaginary has meant that such serial failures substantial body of such research (in heterodox eco-
have not seriously undermined the global North’s nomics and economic geography), its focus is on the
claims to expertise, even as its experts periodically production of commodities, not market exchange.
reverse their views about which principles This entails, first, taking temporality seriously.
are appropriate (Sheppard and Leitner, 2010). Markets, as places of instantaneous equilibrating
Diffusionism implies that there are no alternatives exchange, are replaced by places of production, a
to what development means or how to achieve it – process that takes time: the timelag between
no legitimate contestations. advancing capital to finance production and the
anticipated recuperation (realization) of profits is
crucial to profitability.
The view from Geography Second, it conceptualizes economic actors in
If thinking in Economics can readily be simplified terms of their positionality within economic
to a hegemonic mainstream view, this is far from the processes (shaped by class, gender, location, etc.)

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rather than simply as rational autonomous agents. production to those of consumption, of anticipating
Positionality conceptualizes agents in terms of their consumer demand in other places, and of plugging
differently empowered interrelations, instead of ima- into complex and shifting geographies of finance.
gining that they are autonomous agents with given Geographers stress the importance of recognizing that
endowments and preferences. Third, geographical geographies are produced through socio-economic
research takes seriously the shifting connections processes, if social theory is to avoid spatial fetishism
between firms in a sector and between sectors, (Sheppard, 1990). Yet it is equally important to
including the transportation sector – connections recognize that produced geographies have their own
shaped by prevailing technological interdependen- distinct effects on socio-economic processes: society
cies, labor relations and transportation costs. Even shapes geography, and geography shapes society
without the complications of geography, such a shift (Plummer and Sheppard, 2006). Attempts to
in perspective raises serious questions about main- commodify the more-than-human world (e.g. through
stream macroeconomics (e.g. whether factor prices accumulation by dispossession and ecological
reflect their marginal productivity or their bearers’ markets) are further plagued by the biophysical
political power: Harcourt, 1972; Sraffa, 1960), and processes shaping the material world – processes that
confirms Marx’s thesis of exploitation.27 capitalists seek to align with capitalism via commodifi-
This scholarship confirms Marx’s intuition that a cation, albeit incompletely and often unsuccessfully.28
capitalist economy is generative of social inequality Once space and ‘nature’ are endogenized into
and typically far from equilibrium, with different theories of capitalism, the dynamics of capital accu-
alignments of agents struggling over the disposition mulation cannot be reduced to the microfoundations
of the economic surplus (Harvey, 1982; Pasinetti, of geographical economics.
1981; Roemer, 1981, 1982; Sheppard and Barnes,
1990; Webber and Rigby, 1996). While market- Economic actors are neither fully rational nor
clearing equilibria may emerge as significant autonomous. Their interests and preferences are
shaped by their sociospatial position, their knowl-
orientation points for the dynamics of capitalism,
edge is imperfect, and they engage in collective
the individual and collective actions of agents gen-
action. Their actions shape, but also are shaped
erally keep the economy far from such equilibria,
by, the social structures and cultural context in
with the very real possibility that agents cannot real-
which they find themselves. As Marx quipped, they
ize the intentions behind their seemingly rational, make the world, but not a world of their own choos-
self-interested choices (Bergmann et al., 2009). ing. (Plummer and Sheppard, 2006: 622)
Incorporating the co-constitution or production
of spacetime and the more-than-human world It becomes that much harder for agents to select
further muddies Panglossian mainstream represen- actions whose consequences can be foreseen, or can
tations of capitalism. Distance is no longer simply be expected (with much confidence) to realize their
a cost of doing business, but is produced by trans- intended goals, undermining the rationality of a
portation and communications firms shaping how capitalist space economy grounded in the
places are connected – firms that commodify space, self-interested actions of its agents. Further, uneven
reshaping accessibility. Production technologies geographical development is the order of the day,
differ across sectors, and regions (cf. Rigby and with some places realizing prosperity at the expense
Essletzbichler, 1997). Places cannot be captured in of impoverishment elsewhere (the development of
terms of given attributes or endowments, since their underdevelopment, cf. Frank, 1978; Harvey, 1982,
characteristics, and sociospatial positionality, are 2005; Smith, 1984).
continually in flux. The uncertainties faced by Over the past decade, drawing on cognate
commodity producers, seeking to realize profits on scholarship in feminist studies, cultural studies,
the capital advanced, are compounded by the post-prefixed philosophy, anthropology, economic
difficulties of obtaining inputs from distant suppliers, sociology and political science, economic geogra-
of having to move commodities from places of phers have demonstrated that ‘economic’ processes

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64 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

cannot be examined separately from, or prior to, through shifting geographies, tendentially reproduce
more-than-economic processes (conventionally such inequalities, notwithstanding periodic spatial
labeled as cultural, social and political) that they are restructuring (Sheppard, 2002). The fact that this
bound up with (cf. Barnes, 1996; Gibson-Graham, most recent phase of rapid, neoliberal globalization,
1996; Grabher, 2006; Lee, 2006; McDowell, 1997; like that of the 19th century, has been accompanied
Thrift, 2005; Wright, 2006). Rather, each is co- by persistent and intensifying sociospatial inequal-
constitutive of the others. Consider, for example, ities, culminating in the current global crisis,
‘culture’ – an enduring problematic of development. provides prima facie evidence supporting this claim
The most mundane economic practices – indeed the (Milanovic, 2005; Obstfeld and Taylor, 2004;
very definition of what counts as economic – are Williamson, 2005).
shaped by, as well as shaping, cultural norms, dis- Departing from Eurocentric territorial accounts
courses and subject formation. Such practices yoked to History 1, a relational/dialectical view
should be conceptualized in terms of how the situ- stresses sociospatial positionality, not European-
ated imaginaries, knowledges and interests of differ- ness, as the catalyst for western Europe’s capital-
ently positioned and unequally empowered agents ist prosperity. Diamond, Sachs and North explain
give meaning to and shape economic practices. European prosperity in terms of northwestern
Beyond this, such practices inevitably express the European territorial attributes (climate, topogra-
situated identities of their practitioners, performa- phy, politics, culture, religion). Such explana-
tively reproducing and challenging these – a process tions cannot adequately account for the ‘great
that Judith Butler (1990) dubs citation. Geogra- divergence’ between Europe and eastern and
phers’ contributions to making sense of these inter- southern Asia after 1492 – after which wealth
minglings, and the complex assemblages that they and economic momentum rapidly moved from
bring forth, have particularly focused on the multi- one side of the old world to the other (Abu-
valent spatialities of positionality, and social and Lughod, 1991; Blaut, 1993; Pomeranz, 2000).
political norms, and how these are co-implicated Methodological territorial explanations overlook
with those of economic processes. Such complex- a key relational advantage that Europe possessed:
ities are not reducible to rational microfoundations the good fortune of comparatively easy access to
or mathematical theorems, although mathematical the Americas. This ‘new world’ proved readily
modeling can help make their implications more pre- exploitable for resources, land, gold and silver,
cise (Bergmann et al., 2009). its plantations became a proving ground for fac-
tory labor practices, and the production of cheap
The development imaginaries of geographical political sugar, coffee and cotton could be organized for
economy. Geographical political economy, the bare European markets (Blaut, 1993).
contours of which are sketched above, creates space European contact with the Americas profoundly
for alternative development imaginaries. By altered the more-than-human world, in ways that
contrast to the teleological model of capitalist devel- particularly benefitted Europe. This Columbian
opment associated with mainstream Economics’ exchange (Merchant, 1989) brought European
sociospatial ontology, a relational/dialectical viruses to the Americas, where American indigen-
ontology envisions no such diffusion of immanent ous socio-ecological complexes were replaced by
development from north to south. Even deploying European agricultural practices and species.
such conventional conceptions of development as In Europe, diets improved, food and labor costs fell,
economic prosperity, very different conclusions are factory technologies were catalyzed, and the money
arrived at as to the conditions of possibility for supply and profit rates increased. In the Americas,
achieving this. In this view, capitalism engenders depopulation and the depredations and displace-
sociospatial inequality. Differences in sociospatial ments of colonialism undermined indigenous
positionality, a historical legacy of social hierarchies livelihood practices (and military power), creating
and geopolitical power inequalities mediated widespread impoverishment and further opening the

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Sheppard 65

territories to the settlement of surplus European tropical subsistence livelihood systems. Others have
populations. Here, geographical inequalities are emerged as alternatives, such as the state socialism
explained as a consequence of socionatural relations, that many postcolonial societies experimented with
connecting places in ways that tendentially benefit after 1950. As the problems of globalizing capital-
certain places and social groups at the expense of ism have become particularly trenchant, multivalent
others, rather than in terms of territorial differences contestations are increasingly visible, at a variety of
in natural endowments. sites and scales (cf. Leitner et al., 2007a). Alterna-
More generally, a relational/dialectical ontology tive imaginaries and practices, located in and across
stresses how the economic conditions in a territory civil society and political institutions and entailing
depend as much on its shifting connectivities with various spatialities, exceed the logics and processes
other territories as on place-based attributes. driving capitalism. These include: explicitly
Connectivities also are acknowledged within the anti-capitalist national (Venezuela, Iran), regional
diffusionist imaginary, but are widely presented as (Kerala) and local territorial strategies (Escobar,
mutually beneficial and thus not troubling this 2008; Moore, 1998); state agencies pursuing
imaginary.29 By contrast, geographical political econ- non-capitalist agendas; and alternative social
omy theorizes such connectivities as tendentially movements stretched across space.
reinforcing uneven development. As in dependency As in Chakrabarty’s History 2, these alternatives
and world systems theories, the impoverishment of draw strength from a capacity to resist becoming
certain people and places co-evolves with globalizing ‘forms of [globalizing capitalism’s] own life-
capitalism, rather than being an original condition that processes’ (Chakrabarty, 2000: 63). Of course,
immanent capitalist development can overcome (cf. different contestations reflect distinct sociospatial
Amin, 1974; Frank, 1967; Harvey, 1982; Wallerstein, positionalities and are unequally empowered, with
1979). questions remaining about their relative efficacy
If a relational/dialectical geographic ontology and capacity to realize their particular developmental
undermines the diffusionist, territorial History 1 that imaginaries and challenge hegemonic imaginaries
still plagues mainstream economic conceptualiza- and practices. Nevertheless, to dismiss contestations
tions of geography, capitalism and development – a priori is to cede ground to globalizing capitalism
concluding that capitalist development in the core (Featherstone, 2003; Gibson-Graham, 2006; Leitner
tendentially undermines that in the periphery – et al., 2007b; Rose, 2002).
consideration of culture, identity, and more-than-
capitalist economic practices further compounds the
Conclusion: Transcending
picture. A narrative that imagines enrolling cultural
and geographical difference into the drive for development teleologies
economic prosperity, commodifying it as tradable In this paper, I have analyzed the different narratives
assets, becomes replaced by one that stresses of the economy, geography, nature and development
cultural difference as a shifting terrain of contesta- mobilized by mainstream economists and economic
tion over what counts as living well: a contestation geographers during the past 15 years. Among the
with no determinable outcome. public and in policy-makers’ imaginations, econo-
It is vital to recall that globalizing capitalism’s mists’ imaginaries dominate geographers’ – an
own emergence to global hegemony (a trajectory ongoing challenge for the viability of our discipline.
stretching back to Britain’s adoption of free trade Examining three such influential streams of thought,
in the early 19th century) itself was achieved I note that they conceive the relationships between
through its own successful contestation, and geography, nature and development in a particular
marginalization, of alternative imaginaries and way. Like many geographers, they are increasingly
practices of the economy, liberty, justice and the critical of what we have come to call the neoliberal
good life. Contestations are ongoing. Some that phase of capitalist globalization that characterized
preceded globalizing capitalism persist, such as the past three decades – market triumphalism.

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66 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

Nevertheless, they share a sociospatial imaginary, local at all levels means that the material and the
itself rooted in mainstream economics, whose virtual, roots and routes, are now correlated in terms
methodological individualism and territorialism, of different spatialisations and temporalities . . . in
and treatment of space and nature as external to the terms of new imaginaries that pluralise belonging in
economy, underwrites a diffusionist, teleological quite new ways. (Venn, 2006: 43–44)30
conception of development – an imaginary of globa-
lizing capitalism as capable, in principle, of transfer- Rather than a teleological trajectory, development is
ring economic prosperity from the global North to imagined as an assemblage of possibilities that are
the global South. As a generation of dependency struggled over by differently situated and located
theorists and of postcolonial scholars have noted, groups of actors in shifting alliances and rivalries.
this implies that the global North provides a model Sociospatially differentiated conceptions of what it
for all to follow – European history is universalized means to live well, of how differentiated economic
as everyone’s history. In this imaginary, geography practices are valued and how to improve liveli-
plays at best a secondary role: imprisoning disadvan- hoods, cohabit the earth, merging into, and being
taged locations by blocking this diffusion, or transformed through, one another.
describing a set of contingent contextual place- Of course, contestations are unequally empow-
based features that require differentiated instruments ered. Inevitably, more powerful and widespread
to align different kinds of places onto the same path. livelihood assemblages seek to superimpose their
A corollary of this shared development imaginary is development imaginary on others. Such struggles
that the global North remains the repository of long precede the moment when the term develop-
expertise about how to achieve development, a role ment gained its current doctrinal usage in European
it has asserted for itself since colonial times, because colonial societies (Cowen and Shenton, 1996).
success is taken as the mark of expertise. Nevertheless, such attempts at intended develop-
Against this, I argue, the relational/dialectical ment, driven by sociospatial processes of power/
ontology currently dominating Anglophone eco- knowledge, persuasion, emulation and governmen-
nomic geography makes space for non-teleological, tality, are always incomplete and vulnerable to
variegated development imaginaries. Emergent differently positioned contestations – contestations
unequal geographies are part of the very fabric of over development imaginaries and practices, and
globalizing capitalism. Differently positioned places over development itself (Escobar, 1995; Sachs,
require different strategies even when sharing 1990; Santos, 2008; Sidaway, 2007).
the same goal, legitimizing a multiplicity of develop- Imaginaries of capitalist development as a
mental trajectories, rather than a teleology (Amin, common, economic path to the good life, eventually
2002; Massey, 1999; Sheppard, 2002). Beyond this, deliverable and acceptable to all, have never been
cultural differences about what it means to live well, adequate to the task that they set themselves. Irredu-
and how to realize this, are increasingly intermingled cibly differentiated livelihood practices come
and co-constitutive – an ongoing resource for together in provisional and shifting assemblages,
contestation. Couze Venn (2006) puts this well: with particular spatiotemporal footprints and effects.
Such assemblages are ‘always heterogeneous; . . .
Underlying the strategies of development . . . one mutually constitutive within and across scale; . . .
finds . . . the idea that ‘progress’ . . . [implies] the the human and non-human are intimately related and
erasure or conversion of the previous state of co-implicated; . . . change is the only constant; . . .
affairs in favor of more efficient and rational spatiotemporality is an emergent but influential
stages. Within this perspective, the co-habitation aspect; and trajectories are contingent and uncertain’
of different spatialities and temporalities is seen (DeLanda, 2006; Sheppard, 2008: 2609).
as a sign of dysfunction, or a side effect to be In a relational/dialectical ontology, these are not
managed . . . [Yet] cultures are inescapably poly- simply multiple trajectories co-existing with one
glot . . . the interpenetration of the global and the another, from which each chooses their preferred

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alternative. They are interbraided, shaping one associated with the global North, metastasizes to all
another in shifting, geographically complex and those participating in such exchange. If such
unequal ways. Geographical trajectories of societal engagement could be realized, it is unlikely to result
development are more akin to Steven Jay Gould’s in agreement (Longino, 2002). The purpose should
intertwining branches than Rostow’s stages. This not be framed in terms of realizing a consensus
opening up, while generative of variegated about development and the good life – something
imaginaries, is potentially plagued with problems that is likely to be as undesirable as it is impossible.
of differential empowerment and the danger of Rather, it should be seen as an open-ended process
slippage into relativism. On the one hand, for all its of mutual learning – during which each potential
failures and slippages, the performative success of development imaginary is subject to the most
the mainstream capitalist imaginary must be rigorous challenge and revision. Such a normative
acknowledged. Its taken-for-granted status and vision is difficult to implement and fraught with
propagation through the vectors of postcolonial risk. Even-handed engagement between global-
geopolitics has enabled it to masquerade as univer- scale powerful, seemingly universal assemblages
sal, quasi-scientific knowledge about geography and more local and heterogeneous alternatives
and development. Yet, like all such monistic knowl- (between, say, the World Economic Forum and the
edge systems, it emerged as a local epistemology, World Social Forum) will be impossible without
carved out of a particular context (18th-century finding ways to empower the latter. Further, the
British Lockean liberalism sutured to European co-existence of different assemblages and imagin-
colonialism). Thus, before accepting this ontological aries will require developing alternative modalities
and theoretical framework on faith, it is important to of interaction and coordination – tasks convention-
interrogate how it has fared as it has globalized ally given over to the market and the state; alterna-
beyond its time/place of origin. tive assemblages cannot simply exist side by side
On the other hand, for all their multifaceted and but will be interconnected. Yet the current status
potentially transformative possibilities, it cannot of the world is hardly one that endorses any
suffice to simply celebrate every one of those complacency about the adequacy of the currently
contestations that still seem, from the mainstream hegemonic development imaginary. Indeed, the
perspective, particular, parochial, and local.31 essence of geographical reasoning should be an
Creating space to take alternatives seriously cannot open-minded acknowledgement of the differences
be a license to do so uncritically. Indeed, all such across, and a rigorous interrogation of the possibilities
assemblages must be subjected to a reciprocal criti- of, our world, wherever this may lead.
cal engagement with one another, whereby each is
challenged to defend its norms in light of others’
criticisms. Each must be assessed critically in terms Notes
of its impact on both the livelihood possibilities of 1. Quoted in ‘A question of blame when societies fail’,
those pursuing it and those living otherwise (and George Johnson, New York Times, 25 December
elsewhere). Political and moral grounds, the implicit 2007. Available at:
bases for critique, must be laid bare for debate 12/25/science/25diam.html.
(Barnes and Sheppard, 2010; Olson and Sayer, 2. I take a very broad-brush approach to nature, reducing
2009). Finally, this cannot be restricted to the realm the incredibly complex interminglings of a more-
of intellectual disagreement; critical assessments of than-human geography to two contrasting narratives
grounded livelihood practices undertaken in the about the relationship between the human and
name of one or another imaginary are at least as non-human world: first versus second nature. I leave
important. it to others to judge whether and how this simplification
Such mutual critical engagement between liveli- compromises the arguments made here.
hood assemblages and development imaginaries 3. These arguments remain controversial in Economics,
implies that the locus of expertise, conventionally as will be discussed in the next section.

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68 Dialogues in Human Geography 1(1)

4. Throughout, I place geography in quotes when it 11. Indeed, the very idea that there could be more than
refers to the particularly limiting conception disinterred one equilibrium outcome was quite controversial in
by Diamond and Sachs. mainstream economics, until recently.
5. Diamond’s explanation of why Haiti is largely 12. This has long been recognized (Harvey, 1999; Lösch,
deforested (a mark of its unsustainability), unlike the 1954 [1940]; Ottaviano and Thisse, 2004).
Dominican Republic, is very similar. Adopting the 13. This is exemplified by mainstream trade theory,
unfamiliar domain, for him, of social rather than envi- where the benefits of free trade are presumed to
ronmental analysis, he argues that the Dominican outweigh any costs for a minority, who can be
Republic benefitted from European immigration and compensated in order that all can gain from trade
cash crop exports, and thus was able to mobilize con- (Sheppard, 2011b).
siderable local expertise of European origins about 14. The United Nations Research Institute for Social
forest management. By contrast, he suggests, Haiti Development organized a conference on ‘The need
(whose population of largely African origin fomented to rethink development economics’ in September
a famous anti-slavery rebellion) did not attract 2001 (Hart, 2002).
European immigrants, engaged in subsistence agri- 15. The shaping influence of this cluster of economists is
culture instead of cash crop exports, and now requires such that a distinct, explicitly radical ‘new develop-
external expertise to manage its forests (Diamond, ment economics’ (Jomo and Fine, 2006) has received
2005: 339–41). (He leavens this account with the little attention.
Malthusian specter of overpopulation in Haiti.) Like 16. For a critical assessment see, for example, Peet
Acemoglu et al., he associates expertise, here, with (2009); Sheppard (2005).
(white) Europeans rather than Africans, and equates 17. Timothy Mitchell has traced how de Soto’s trajectory,
development with specialization and international via Geneva, to become the representation of indigen-
trade. ous third world economic expertise with considerable
6. Social Darwinists such as Herbert Spencer drew on influence over World Bank policy was shaped by
this conception in their arguments that human and the same forces that made the neoliberal thought
societal competition inevitably favors those who are collective of the West (Mirowski and Plehwe, 2009;
superior – using such arguments to legitimate the Mitchell, 2005b).
success of Europeans and the privileged classes (Peet, 18. The Economist now views state capitalism as impor-
1985). tant for years to come (The Economist, 2010).
7. I am grateful to Marion Traub-Werner for drawing 19. These arguments, formalized by Eugene Fama as the
my attention to this. Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH), were broadly
8. Evolutionary economics is a popular subcurrent of criticized given their central role in the 2008 implo-
heterodox (i.e. non-mainstream) economics, where sion of global finance markets (Buiter, 2009; Fama,
biological debates about evolution still are revisited 1991; Mackenzie and Millo, 2003). Yet any reports
(e.g. Boschma and Martin, 2007). of EMH’s death are greatly exaggerated.
9. Heterodox economists, including Marxists, depen- 20. In ergodic systems, distributions of future possibilities
dency and world system theorists and feminist and are well defined and do not depend on the history of
ecological economists, as well as economic geogra- the system. In non-ergodic systems, the opposite is the
phers, emphasize non-teleological conceptions of case. These include systems exhibiting dynamical
development (or, on occasion, other teleological and computational complexity: non-linear dynamical
trajectories). systems of the kind popularized under the rubric of
10. Hugh Goodacre offers a similar comparison of Sachs’ complexity theory.
and Krugman’s approaches, noting a relative neglect 21. Drawing on complexity theory, some economists
of Sachs by economic geographers that reflects their have sought to treat the neoclassical economy as an
‘absorption . . . in theoretical and methodological ‘evolving complex system’ (Anderson et al., 1988;
issues, at the expense of a focus on the struggle for Arthur et al., 1997). Nevertheless, the power of equi-
development’ (Goodacre, 2006: 264). librium thinking is such that the destabilizing

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Sheppard 69

potential of this approach for mainstream hard-core prosecuting such an imaginary. Yet the sociospatial
propositions is repeatedly shied away from (Krugman, ontology described here certainly helps underwrite
1996; Markose, 2005; Plummer and Sheppard, 2006). such imaginaries.
22. Uncertainties about how market-clearing prices can 31. Of course, the mainstream development narrative is
actually emerge, even under conditions of perfect also particular, parochial, and local; its success lies
competition, are often resolved by resorting to Leon in a capacity to elide this.
Walras’ notion of deputizing the task to an auctioneer.
23. Although measurement of development is currently
subject to debate (Stiglitz, 1993).
24. This is much like Andrew Sayer’s realist account of I am grateful to the Center for Advanced Studies in the
the difference that space makes (Sayer, 2000). Behavioral Sciences (Stanford, CA) and the National
25. It is impossible, of course, to accurately represent the University of Singapore for leaves enabling me to
diversity of economic geography here, or the richness formulate and complete this paper. I have also benefitted
of the empirical research on globalizing capitalism from audiences at the University of British Columbia, die
that it has generated. I offer my particular, situated Universität Heidelberg, the University of Minnesota, the
perspective on geographical political economy, in the National University of Singapore, and the University of
belief that its broad lineaments are broadly shared Tennessee, and from Jun Zhang, Luke Bergmann, Padraig
across the subdiscipline. This common ground Carmody, and two anonymous referees – all absolved
includes the propositions that agency and structure from responsibility for these arguments.
are mutually constitutive, that spacetime shapes and
is shaped by the economy, that relational connectiv- Funding
ities between places and across scales are crucial, that This research received no specific grant from any
economic processes are bound up with and insepar- funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit
able from politics, culture and identity, and that sectors.
capitalism produces sociospatial inequality.
26. Notwithstanding attempts to distance the recently
dubbed ‘relational turn’ in economic geography from References
political economy (Boggs and Rantisi, 2003; Ibert, Abu-Lughod J (1991) Before European Hegemony: The
2009), I regard the two as sharing an ontology that World System A.D. 1250–1350. New York: Oxford
focuses on the relations between entities rather University Press.
than on the entities themselves. Like David Harvey, Acemoglu D, Johnson S, and Robinson JA (2002) Rever-
I regard this as dialectical in inspiration (Harvey, sal of fortune: Geography and institutions in the mak-
1996; Sheppard, 2008). ing of the modern world income distribution.
27. The ‘Fundamental Marxian Theorem’ shows that Quarterly Journal of Economics 117: 1231–94.
profits can only be made when the socially necessary Acemoglu D, Johnson S, and Robinson JA (2003) Disease
labor contributed by workers to commodity produc- and development in historical perspective. Journal of
tion is greater than the labor for which they are the European Economic Association 1(2–3): 397–405.
compensated (Morishima, 1973). Agnew JA (1994) The territorial trap: The geographical
28. Similar arguments apply to labor, because human assumptions of international relations theory. Review
actions are never fully reducible to economic calcula- of International Political Economy 1(1): 53–80.
tion (Polanyi, 2001 [1944]). Amin A (2002) Spatialities of globalization. Environment
29. Promoting unrestricted trade, investment, knowledge and Planning A 34: 385–399.
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