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Picture deductions

Kevin Santiago Porras Zarate

Level 6

Present situation deductions:

It is likely that the pickup truck accidentally drove into the swimming pool or was
pushed into it or there may have been someone inside the truck when it entered the
pool, although it's also possible that the truck was unoccupied. Other sitaution is that
the weather conditions at the time of the incident could have played a role in the
accident. For example, if it was raining heavily, the road could have been slippery,
making it difficult for the driver to control the vehicle. It is possible that the people
who are present around the pool are shocked or surprised by the incident.

Past situation:
The driver of the pickup truck may have been under the influence of drugs or alcohol,
impairing their judgment and causing them to drive into the pool accidentally. There
could have been a mechanical failure with the truck's brakes or steering, causing the
driver to lose control and drive into the pool or it's possible that someone intentionally
drove the pickup truck into the pool as a prank or act of vandalism.If the pickup truck
was unoccupied, it may have been stolen and dumped in the pool by the thief. The
owner of the pickup truck may have accidentally left the vehicle in gear while parked
near the pool, causing it to roll into the water.

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