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A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Business and Accountancy

Human Resource Department

Gordon College

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Business Research







March, 2023




Academic organizations play a vital role in employment. The employees who are part of it play

an important part. Performance appraisal of employees is critical for organizational growth. We can

say the same to the employees of higher education institutions. Employee development is also

essential for both the employees and the organization. Employee’s performance refers to the

effectiveness and productivity of individuals in achieving organizational goals as a result of their

constructive contributions, which eventually have a beneficial impact on the organization's overall

performance. In an organizational setting, there are different types of resources that are used to

enhance the smooth operations of an organization such as human capital, money, machinery, and

raw materials. Out of all these resources, human capital is the only living resource that an organization

has. Any organization can be able to afford the right materials or enough money or even up-to-date

machinery to conduct their operations smoothly but not every organization can afford the right human


Human resource is a very vital asset to an organization because it helps an organization

achieve its competitive edge against its competition in the same industry. For this reason, employee

performance is very important to the twenty first century organizations for this will enable them to

compete favorably against the changing environment with other organizations. Employee

performance management is an organizational process that aligns the employee measures, skills,

competency, development plans and delivery of results. The business dictionary defines it as activities

related to a job that is required of an employee, and how well these are done. Prior to work

performance it also connected with productivity which this paper aims to investigate the influence of

three factors on the employees’ productivity which are work environment, leadership, and culture.

According to Silitonga and Sadeli (2020), employee performance is frequently interpreted as

representative of the organization's performance and has a direct impact on the organization's image.

The organizational performance criteria should include profitability, productivity, marketing

effectiveness, customer satisfaction, but also employee morale. In this perspective, employee

performance is tightly related to organizational performance, effective and efficient employee

performance will positively influence organizational performance.

Productivity is very significant concept in business world as it contributes to the successfulness

of the organizations. Productivity is defined as the joint and shared effort done by both employees

and managers for the aim of enhancing the performance of each individual. Also, it involves the

comparison between the input against the output in all sectors (Alkadash, 2020; Alsaad & Almaamari,


To explain, the input could be material, utilize, machines, cost of labor, and many other things

while the output could be the quality of goods or services produced by organizations with regard to

the standards. This means that the performance of the employees is their productivity (Alsaad &

Almaamari, 2020). As for the physical work environment, it is defined as all the internal and external

factors surrounding the employees in the organization (Ahmed & Almaamari, 2020; Al-Omari &

Okasheh, 2017).

Massoudi and Hamdi (2017) believes that the work environment includes the geographical

location including the workplace surroundings like the quality of the air, the noise level, and the

additional features like good parking and unlimited coffee. As for organizational culture, it is defined

as the collection of shared believes, values, and norms among all of the people who work in the

organization. The culture has a massive impact on the success of the organization since it contributes

to shaping the behavior patterns of the employees.

Added to that, the organizational culture has to deal with the way of manufacturing and

producing the products or performing the services (Al-Maamari et al., 2020; Al-Maamari & Raju, 2020;

Alaghbari, Al-Sakkaf, & Sultan, 2019; Mahdiyeh, Nakhaei, & Kebriaei, 2016). As for leadership, it is

defined as the style of authority. To illustrate, leadership style is shaped and created through the

characteristics and personalities of individuals, and there are several leadership styles. Each

leadership style does different influence on the organization (Raju, 2021). Also, there is no definite

study that highlights the best of the correct style for leaders or the most effective one. However, it

depends on the context and many other factors (Durdyev, Ismail, & Kandymov, 2018; Rehman,

Rahman, Zahid, & Asif, 2018).


The impact of leadership on employees’ productivity

A person who influences one or more followers and has the authority to order them to carry

out certain tasks is referred to as a leader (Chetty & Phung, 2018). One of the guidelines a leader

must follow is being able to recognize the strengths and shortcomings of their team members in order

to build on the latter and accentuate the former. A responsible leader can also adapt their style of

leadership to the situation. (Alkadash, Jun Bo, Besher, Almaamari, & Mohsen Al-Absy, 2020;

Setyowati, Lambey, & Rumokoy, 2018).

Gandolfi and Stone (2018), claimed that a clear description of leadership style doesn't exist.

Nonetheless, everyone agrees that a leader's style has a significant impact. Leadership style has

become a global issue, and numerous studies have been done on the subject. (Raju, 2021). There

are many leadership styles, but researchers have agreed on five main styles which are “Autocratic

Leadership Style, Democratic Leadership Style, Laissez-faire Leadership Style, Transactional

Leadership Style, and Transformational Leadership Style.” Each style affects productivity differently

and approaches various issues from various angles perspectives (Abdulrab, Zumrah, Almaamari, &

Al-Tahitah, 2017; Al-Maamari et al., 2018; Al-Tahitah, Muthaliff, Abdulrab, & Al-Maamari, 2018).

The Autocratic Leadership Style places less emphasis on the welfare of the workforce. This

approach focuses on using power effectively and holds that doing so will raise staff productivity. As

well as that because top managers set all of the decisions and objectives, this approach is manager-

focused (Malik, Khan, Faisal, Javed, & Faridi, 2020). Also, managers oversee designing all work

processes and strategies for achieving objectives. Thus, the autocratic style of leadership is a formal

one and it adheres to a centralized structure. Overall, because they are unable to participate in

anything, this type of leadership results in the unhappiness, poor level of dedication, and disloyalty of

the workforce. (Al-Maamari & Raju, 2020; Alsaad & Almaamari, 2020; Massoudi & Hamdi, 2017).

The Democratic Leadership Style places a greater emphasis on involving and boosting

employee participation by having them take part in goal setting, problem-solving, and team building.

This management style respects the value of employee engagement since it sees them as active

participants in the activities and operations of the company who can provide useful feedback for

development. Regarding decision-making, it is very flexible, which helps to increase staff productivity

by fostering a sense of motivation, accountability, dedication, and satisfaction. Also, this kind of avoids

penalties (Rehman et al., 2018).

The Laissez-faire Leadership Style considers an employee's freedom as the primary means

of dealing with them. This approach offers employees complete flexibility to make decisions and set

goals. Furthermore, this design must address with the help of employee feedback (Raju, 2021). Yet,

as employees' degrees of intelligence, aptitude, education, and competency vary, not every selection

would be suitable for the circumstance. As a result of the poor choice, this would have a detrimental

effect on the employees' productivity. Also, this kind of leadership could hurt the organization and

endanger its survival (Rehman et al., 2018).

The Transactional Leadership Style is based on the idea of a transaction, which refers to

providing services in exchange for payment. The goal of this method of employee motivation is to

increase employees' productivity by introducing various incentives and attending to their

requirements. Hence, if the staff are performing appropriately and according to plan, they will receive

the reward. Yet, if workers didn't perform their duties, the leader would take disciplinary action.

Additionally, this approach ensures that the employees receive ongoing advice and emphasizes the

significance of declaring rewards or penalties as a means of motivating the workforce (Rehman et al.,


The Transformational Leadership Style encourages subordinates to improve their morals and

motivation to accomplish the objectives of the organization. It lists the intended outcomes and makes

projections for the future trends, problems, opportunities both inside and beyond the organization,

and difficulties (Raju, 2018). Also, this leadership approach places a focus on educating staff

members about potential risks and obstacles in the future, which improves their ability to solve

problems and see the big picture. Also, this approach raised the employees' because it encourages

and supports their production. Also, it provides a relaxing work environment and fosters the

development of close emotional bonds (Rehman et al., 2018).

Leadership style has a big impact on productivity. Yet, there is no optimal style to apply to

raise employee productivity because different styles suit different organizational models depending

on a number of variables, including the organizational culture. According to a study conducted in

Pakistan, democratic leadership works over the long run whereas authoritarian leadership increases

production in the short term. Another Pakistani study demonstrates that all three types of leadership—

laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational—have a favorable effect on raising employee

productivity. (Rehman et al., 2018).

The impact of organizational culture on employees’ productivity

One of the key internal elements is organizational culture, which is described as the shared

beliefs, values, and customs among those who work in a certain firm. In actuality, an organization's

success is greatly influenced by its culture. So, each organization has a unique culture that has a big

impact on all the different aspects of the organization, including the employees. Productivity is

impacted by organizational culture, which in turn affects overall performance. (Al-Harethi & Al-

Maamari, 2018).

Mahdiyeh et al. (2016) revealed that productivity and company culture have a strong

relationship. Additionally, he thinks that research on organizational culture and productivity in various

nations cannot answer questions about other nations because every nation has a unique situation

that is influenced by unique cultural characteristics. Also, Rajaei and Arghavani (2016) carried out a

study in Iran to determine the precise dimensions of organizational culture that influences output. The

dimensions that were examined were communication, risk-taking, goal clarity, solidarity, management

support, control, identity, reward systems, organizational structure, productivity, and pattern (Raju,

2021). The study found that only four factors—conflict, solidarity, creativity, and goal clarity—had a

significant impact on production. Hence, managers should place a major emphasis on the four factors

that have the greatest impact on productivity to increase it. Also, for managers to create a positive

corporate culture, they must consider the elements that are important to the desired outcome (Al-

Maamari et al., 2020).

Involvement, consistency, flexibility, and mission are the four elements that make up an

organization's culture, which is seen as a strategic component. As for involvement, it entails having a

subjective relationship between work and involvement, and three indications can be used to gauge it:

empowerment, teamwork, and developmental capacities. Consistency is also another trait of

modifications. The most effective aspect for increasing production is adjustments, which must deal

with employees' behavior. Fundamental principles, general agreement, coordination, and coherence

can all be used to gauge it. About adaptation, it has to do with having the flexibility to adjust and being

sensitive of errors. Via customer orientation, organizational learning, and transformation, this feature

could be assessed. The organization's mission must be identified, along with its goals, to lay out a

clear course for the organization's future. Then, it will assist in developing an efficient support system

for the organization, and it may be assessed using the strategic direction, objectives, and mission

(Rajaei & Arghavani, 2016).

The impact of work environment on employees’ productivity

Awan and Tahir (2015) define environment as all the external factors that affect people. He

describes the work environment as the setting in which a team of individuals collaborates to

accomplish shared goals. Employee productivity might go up or down depending on their work

environment. Al-Omari and Okasheh (2017) feel that the productivity is influenced by the work

environment. To better understand, let's consider how important the workplace is to employees and

how it affects things like productivity, happiness, social interactions, and health. The authors have

also mentioned five elements that fall under physical surroundings, including space, sound,

temperature, air quality, and light and color. Also, a study by Awan and Tahir (2015) reveals that

managers have the power to address and modify workplace aspects to boost workers' productivity.

There is pollution and freshness in the air. To explain, comfort, health, and productivity are all

directly impacted by the quality of indoor air. Because employees may spend 90% of their time

indoors, the quality of the air is crucial. Radon, asbestos, inorganic debris, smoking, and organics are

a few examples of indoor contaminants. All additional contaminants could make the environment

uncomfortable and unsettling for the which may adversely affect their productivity and job

performance (Al-Omari & Okasheh, 2017; Alarcon, Arzaga, Baguio, Sanvictores, & Platon, 2021).

Temperature, which is defined as how hot or cold a place makes us feel, can have an impact

on both productivity and stress levels. For instance, hot weather impairs workers' performance in

tasks requiring mental, physical, and perceptual skills. High temperatures are also bad for your health

because they make you more stressed and exhausted. Also, individual preferences for temperature

can vary. For instance, a slim person can prefer a greater temperature (Al-Omari and Okasheh 2017).

Regarding the third element, sound, it includes noise. Unwanted sound is referred to as noise.

To further explain, noise level has a significant impact on the caliber of work output. To encourage

teamwork and communication, businesses are increasingly designing their spaces so that employees

may speak freely with one another. Unfortunately, this kind of design may produce a lot of noise,

which will have a bad effect on employees' productivity because it will make them feel uncomfortable

and distracted. However, many industries, such as those that involve a lot of reading, require a very

quiet environment to help workers concentrate and be effective. There are many different sources of

noise, including people and machines as well as keyboards and printers (Al-Omari & Okasheh, 2017;

Rehman, Zahid, Rahman, & Habib, 2019).

Sunlight, incandescent lighting, windows, and vistas are all sources of light and color. The

presence of natural daylight is the most important component in the workplace. To put it another way,

exposure to natural day light has a significant impact on productivity and the quality of life of

employees. Businesses must consider the kind of work that will be done there when designing the

workspace. To further explain, they should look at the nature of the jobs, whether they should be

carried out indoors or outside, and the time of day that the employees will be working on them.

Therefore, this would aid in boosting workers' productivity. Inappropriate lighting is also thought to be

a source of stress and discomfort, which will negatively impact productivity. Also, there is a direct

correlation between workplace light and employee alertness, productivity, task attention, and mood.

In addition, the use of color affects productivity. To give an example, there is a relationship between

productivity and the colors used in the workplace, as the right color choices can boost employees'

morale and output. For instance, cool hues might energize depressed and sad personnel. Warm hues,

on the other hand, may impart a cozy feeling and encouraging the workforce (Al-Omari & Okasheh,


Regarding the space consideration, it is crucial to maximizing staff efficiency. Space is

intended for the arrangement of the workplace, and today's businesses are creating offices that are

open to one another. This communicational approach influences and enhances communication. Also,

this layout may enhance some employees' productivity in specific firms. Nonetheless, this layout may

result in a congested and constrained space, which will increase tension and certain employees are

under pressure as a result of the uncomfortable setup. Also, it might give some people the impression

that they lack independence, which will have an impact on their productivity and concentration (Al-

Omari & Okasheh, 2017).


This assessment has a primary interest regarding the factors affecting the work performance

of College of Business and Accountancy Department instructors from Gordon College – Olongapo

City. To arrive at a definite conclusion, the researchers must obtain the necessary information, data,

and statistics by answering the following questions:

1. What is the definition of work performance?

a) Excellent work performance

b) Poor work performance

2. What is the current level of CBA faculties work performance?

a) Who are the CBA instructors?

b) Level of work performance

3. How does the given factors: Leadership Style; Working Environment; and Company Culture

affect the working performance of CBA instructors?

a.) Positively

b.) Negatively

4. To what extent does the following factors affect the CBA instructors work performance?

a.) Leadership Style

b.) Working Environment

c.) Company Culture


From the above literature review, found that many factors were affecting work performance. and using

the above Conceptual framework model, the following hypotheses were developed:

1. H10: There is no relationship between leadership style and employee


H1a: There is a relationship between leadership style and employee


2. H20: There is no significant relationship between working environment and

employee performance

H2a: There is a significant relationship between working environment and

employee performance.

3. H30: There is no relationship between company culture and employee


H3a: There is a relationship between company culture and employee



The study aims to assess the factors affecting the work performance of the Gordon College

employees in particular to College of Business and Accountancy Department. It is conducted that

aims to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding the chosen topic from the respondents,

recent studies, and related studies needed for the expected importance to the individuals as follows:

Students. Through the help with this research, students will benefit as the performance of the

professors will significantly affects them. They will be able to understand that they are one of the

factors that affects the whole institution.

Parents. Through this study, the parents will be able to understand how their children affects the

performance of the whole institution. As parents enrolled their children in this institution, comes with

assurance that their children are given good quality of education.

Instructors. This study will be very beneficial to the instructors as they are one of the main variables

of this study and that their work performance will greatly contribute to achieve the organizational goals.

College of Business and Accountancy Administrators. The results presented in the study may

provide useful insight and recommendation on how to improve the work environment and to help them

make a prevention plan regarding the performance of the employees.

Institutions. The findings of this study will be helpful to the institutions considering that work

performance plays an important role in achieving organizational goals.

The Society. This study would benefit the society for a reason that it will increase the performance

of the schools and in return will help produce a strong workforce that will help the society rise.

Future Researchers. The study's findings will be helpful to future researchers. This work might serve

as one of the foundations for a new learning theory.


This study focuses on identifying the factors that affecting the work performance of the

employees of Gordon College. This study will only be limited to the employees of Gordon College.

The researchers will consider every aspect of Gordon College employees’ personal

information that has an impact on their work performance. The respondents will be given a survey

questionnaire to answer. The gathered data will kept confidential and for research purpose only.


The following figure shows the relationship between the four variables in which the employees’

work performance is the dependent variable, and leadership style, work environment, and

organizational culture are the independent variables that impact the dependent variable.

Leadership Style

Employee’s Work
Work Environment Performance



Autocratic - ruler with absolute power, a person who does not take into consideration the opinions

or wishes of other people.

Autocratic Leadership Style- a management style wherein one person controls all the decisions

and takes very little inputs from other group members.

Behavior Pattern- recurrent way of acting by an individual or group toward a given object or in each


Democratic - idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important


Democratic Leadership Style - actively involves the people being led. Democratic leaders often

seek feedback and input from subordinates.

Employees’ productivity - referred to as workforce productivity, an assessment of the efficiency of

a worker or group of workers.

Impact - a strong effect on someone or something. It has something to do with the impact of

leadership, impact of organizational culture, impact of work environment that affects the employees’


Laissez-faire Leadership Style - letting people do as they choose. Allow their followers to have the

autonomy to make their own decisions and manage their own desks.

Organizational Culture - all company's beliefs, values and attitudes, and how these influence the

behavior of its employees.

Transactional Leadership Style - leaders rely on rewards and punishments to achieve optimal job

performance from their subordinates.

Transformational Leadership Style - encourages and inspires employees to innovate and develop

new ways to grow and improve the path to a company's future success.

Work Performance - an evaluation indicating how appropriately an employee has executed

expected work activities.



This chapter present the research methodology which consist of research design, locale of

the study, population sample, research instrument, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment

that are used in the research study.


A collaboration of descriptive and correlational research designs was used in this research

study. The researchers believed that this was the most effective design for this in this case, the

quantitative data was used to determine the correlation between the organizational culture,

Leadership, and environment among CBA instructors from Gordon College – Olongapo. According to

Asio, 2021, Quantitative research usually uses statistical tools/ instruments, either descriptive and or

inferential to deal with the gathered data from the samples involved in the study. Quantitative research

also involves certain numbers of respondents in terms of sample, that will represent a definite

population for the study. While the descriptive research design allowed the researchers to determine

the current level of performance of CBA department. Descriptive research is a type of research used

to describe a population's characteristics.

In general, descriptive and correlational research designs aim to obtain specific information

such as respondents’ sex, age, course program, and employment status. This is to systematically

describe the behaviors and capabilities of the parties involved as well as to identify their level of

relationship with one another. For this specific study, it was used to assess the correlation between

the organizational culture, leadership, and environment to CBA instructors’ performance.


The study was conducted at Gordon College, which is located at Donor Street, Barangay East

Tapinac, Olongapo City Zambales. The college, known as Dalubhasang Gordon in Filipino was a

government-funded college in Olongapo City, Philippines.

It was composed of five constituent colleges: College of Computer Studies (CCS), College of

Education Arts and Sciences (CEAS), College of Allied Health and Studies (CAS), College of

Hospitality and Tourism Management (CHTM), and College of Business and Accountancy (CBA).

The locale was chosen because of the proximity to the researcher.

Figure 1 – The location Map of the Locale of the Study


The population of the study are the instructors teaching in Gordon College. The data regarding

the factors affecting work performance will be collected from the target sample of instructors in the

CBA Department.


The researchers will be using a questionnaire to get the information’s needed for this study.

The questionnaire was distributed personally among CBA instructors of Gordon College – Olongapo.

The first part of the questionnaire aimed to identify the respondents’ demographic profile in terms of

sex, age, course program, and employment status for the 1st Semester of A.Y. 2022-2023. To assess

the level of CBA instructors’ work performance the questionnaire divided into three parts to thoroughly

tackle all the factors affecting the work performance of the CBA administrators. The first one focuses

on the impact of leadership on employees’ productivity, the second part focuses on the impact of

organizational culture on employees’ productivity, and the third part focuses on the impact of work

environment on employees’ productivity. The researchers will be using a Likert Scale Method in the

survey questionnaire to specify the level of agreement of the respondents to the questionnaire.


The researchers formulated a series of questionnaires to collect the necessary data and

information for the research assessment about the Quantitative Data of the factors that affecting the

work performance of the employees of Gordon College in Olongapo City. This is then disseminated

face to face for the sole reason of collaborative, and more accurate data gathering.

The instructors in CBA Department will be asked to answer the survey questionnaires given

by the researchers they answered parts 1 & 2 of the survey questions. Part I dealt with the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of their sex, age, course program, and employment

status. Moreover, Part II sought to determine the respondents’ level of work performance of the

instructors. The researchers will ask permission from the Department of CBA of Gordon College

where the study will be conducted to allow the researchers to give the questionnaire to them as the



The following statistical tools will be used to total, tabulate, analyze, and interpret the data collected
by the research instrument:

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution. This information will be used to calculate the
percentages of respondents who fit into various categories related to their demographic profile.

Formula: % = x 100

% = Percent
f = Frequency
N = Total number of respondents

2. Mean. This will be used to determine the central tendency for each item's evaluation in the

Formula: X = 𝑁

X = Mean
𝛴𝑥 = Sum of all scores
N = Total number of respondents

3. Pearson Correlation Coefficient. This is commonly referred to as the Pearson's R. It will be

applied to determine the direction of the two variables' linear relationship. The first variables

refer to the Leadership Style and Employee’s Work Performance. The second variables refer

to the Work Environment and Employee’s Work Performance, and the third variables refer to

the Organizational Culture and Employee’s Work Performance.

𝑛(𝛴𝑥𝑦) − (𝛴𝑥)(𝛴𝑦)
Formula: r =

r = Pearson R Coefficient
n = Number of respondents
x = Factors affecting work performance
y = Employee’s Work Performance
∑x = Sum of x score
∑y = Sum of y score
∑x2 = Sum of x squared scores
∑y2= Sum of y squared scores


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AMRI MARGATAMA CAPITAL. Jurnal EMBA: Jurnal Riset Ekonomi, Manajemen, Bisnis



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