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Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago

Recinto Dajabón

Asignatura: Inglés 3 Grupo: ___1______ Fecha: _02-10-2020____

Profesor: Juan Bautista Martínez Ciclo: _1ro_______________


Name____Yeison Yunior Sosa Encarnacion_____ ID Number_1-19-9686__

1-.What kinds of food grow in this region? WRITE A LIST OF 20.

1. Tomate tomato
2. Manzana Apple
3. Yuca yucca
4. Piña pineapple
5. Lechosa milky
6. Aguacate Avocado
7. Coco coconut
8. Naranja Orange
9. Habichuela Bean
10. Mango mango
11. Limón Limón
12. Melón cantaloupe
13. Fresas strawberries
14. Cacao cocoa
15. Maní peanut
16. Guineo guineo
17. Arroz Rice
18. Tabaco Tobacco
19. Uva grape
20. Cebolla onion
21. Papa dad
22. Ajo garlic
23. Berenjena eggplant
24. Auyama auyama
25. Trigo wheat
26. Plátano Banana
27. Maíz corn
2. Complete the questions with DO/DOES/ IS/ARE.
1. -------IS--------she hungry?
2. ------------ARE-----------you make your bed every day?
3. -------------DOES---------your father get up early on Saturdays?
4. -----------DO-------------they eating an apple?
5. ------------DO---------------your parents go to church on Sundays?

3Use the phrases to write sentences in the simple present and

present continuous
1- Have dinner/at home/in a restaurant
a- Usually Claudia eats in a restaurant.
b- But he is eating at home.
2- Eat fish and rice/pizza and salad
a- I like eat fish and rice.
b_ I'm eating pizza and salad.
3- Drink water/ iced tea
a- _My brother drinks water every day.
b- _My friend is drinking ice tea.

4 . Complete with the words in the box.( 5 points)

Crops farmers coastal flat staple food

1. Very important foods __ staple food _______________

2. People who produce food___ farmers _____________________
3. Describes an area near the ocean___ coastal __________________
4. Describes an area without mountains__ Crops ________________________
5. Plants grown for food____ flat ______________________

5 Complete the text with the verbs in the present simple or present continuous.
(5 points)
Work (x2) write live take
Mark Stein is a biologist and a professional photographer. He ____ live __________
in San Diego, California, and he ____ working __________ for a marine biology
magazine. At the moment, he ____ live __________ in Alaska. He __ take _____
photographs of the polar bears and he _____ writing _________ an article for the

6- Read the letter and write questions for the answers. (5 points)
Dear Ricky Martin,
Hello! My name is Terri Moore. I am from Vancouver and I am 14 years old.
I’m a junior high school student and I am your biggest fan. I always watch when you
are on TV and I buy all the newspapers and magazines that you are in. You are a
fantastic singer and very handsome, too. I am really into pop music. I also like dancing
and playing video games.
Please send me a signed photograph so I can show it to my friends.
a. ___What´s your name? ___________? Her name’s Terri Moore.
b. ___where do you live? ___________? She’s from Vancouver.
c. ___what do you like to read? _______? Newspapers and magazines.
d. ___what do you like to do? ________? Pop music, dancing and video games.
e. ____you want? __________________? She wants a signed photograph.


1. Meals comidas
2. Farmers agricultures
3. Crops cultivos
4. Geography geografía
5. Climate clima
6. Region Region
7. Flat Plano
8. Mountains montañas
9. Coast costa
10. Humid humedo

Write the words in blue next to the correct meaning

1. Farmers people who produce food.

2. Region An area of a country or of the world.
3. Crops Plants grown for food.
4. Montañas Very high parts of the land.
5. Humid Describes air with a lot of water in it.
6. Coast Land near the ocean.
7. Flat Describes land without mountains.
8. Geography Features of a place, such as rivers.
9. Meals Breakfast, lunch; and dinner.
10. Climate Normal weather in a certain place.

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