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Run a Custom Report


The T.C.1 - Run Reports menu allows you to run custom reports created in the T.C.2 - Create Reports

Before You Begin

You must be knowledgeable of existing reports.


1. Do either one of the following:

1. Navigate to Reporting > Custom Reports> Run Reports.
2. Click the Lone Wolf logo and type tc1 (the keyboard shortcut).
2. Double-click the report that you want.

3. Select your desired criteria. The choices available depend on the report content.

For reports with dates, use the Include data for dropdown to select from a list of default date
ranges or create your own.

Use the Date to use dropdown to select the applicable deal, listing, or employee date that you want
to use for the report.
Optional: For reports with agent information, click Select Agents. This opens the Staff/Agent
Multi-Select window. In this window, select the employees that you want to add to (or remove
from) the report. Once done, click Continue.
Optional: For reports with deal and listing details, use Property Types, Statuses, and
Classifications (for deals only) to select which type of deals or listings to add in the report.

4. Use the Format dropdown to select the summary or detailed version of the report.
5. Click Sort By to select how you want the report details to be sorted.

6. Optional: Click Rule to set a rule (or rules) for the report. Click Add to add the rule, then click OK.
When you define a rule, this limits the data shown in the report. In the example below, the rule
limits the report to show agents with volumes equal to or greater than $10,000.
7. Click Screen to display the results, click Printer to print the results, or click Excel to export either
a formatted or unformatted Excel file version of the report. If you want to review the results first,
and then print them or export them, click Screen. From there, you can print or export the results.
When you are finished with the report, click Exit.

Next Steps

If applicable, to print labels, click Mail Merge. Microsoft Word opens the customized label/letter
document created for the custom report.

You can also schedule the report to email to your preferred recipients. See "Schedule a Custom Report" for
more details.

Related Articles

Create a Custom Report

Schedule a Custom Report

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Title Run a Custom Report

URL Name Run-a-Custom-Report

Tags t.c.1

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