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Raine Smith


LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

1. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Met Partially Not Example and brief description of how a specific assignment or activity
Met Met meets the skill

1.1 Express ideas clearly, in written,  The majority of my courses at Seton Hill University included some form of
multimodal, and oral idea expression. I’ve written many papers, created many presentations, and
communication, considering used many different formats during my time here. I took a visual design
purpose, audience, and format. course, in which we used visuals and pictures in order to communicate. I’ve
written many papers about a wide variety of topics. I have created
PowerPoints, Excels, and VoiceThreads in order to communicate
information. My example of this skill is from the Senior Integrative Seminar
course, in which I described ethical issues in my vocation. I listed my
vocation, which is anything in the field of accounting, and I listed an ethical
issue. The ethical issue I listed was elder financial abuse. In this presentation,
I presented the code of ethics my vocation would follow, the ethical issue I
would be focusing on, examples of this ethical issue occurring in my
vocation, how I would apply the vocation’s code of ethics, how I would use
this code to help prevent this ethical issue from occurring, and questions for
people to think about regarding this ethical issue. For this assignment, I had
to explain concepts very clearly. I used written information as well as
pictures and graphs to help the audience understand what I was talking about.
Each slide of this presentation included a voiceover, which I used to further
discuss each slide’s information.
1.2 Analyze issues, make decisions,  Every course I’ve taken has put an emphasis on being able to use critical
and address problems using critical thinking and analyzation. My major is accounting, so all of my major courses
thinking. were heavily focused on this, but so were my courses such as Genocide in
Comparative Perspective and Introductory Statistics. My example of this
skill comes from the Introductory Statistics course. In this course I was
constantly analyzing information and using my analysis to make decisions.
Critical thinking is vital when it comes to statistics. The specific example I
am going to use comes from one of my homework assignments, in which we
had to analyze the connection between education level and wages. In this
homework, I had to look at the wages for two different groups of employees,
all of whom worked in the same position, and test a null hypothesis. I had to
be able to look at this information and find the t-ratio, the degrees of
freedom, and formulate an answer to the hypothesis through my findings.
1.3 Demonstrate leadership,  There were a few courses in which work had to be completed in teams. I
including negotiation, relational, would say I have met this skill, although some of the teams I was placed in
consensus-building, and teamwork were more difficult than others. The example for this skill comes from the
skills. Marketing course I took in my first semester. In this course, we were placed
into groups, and we had to work together to create a shoe brand. We had to
create the name, the logo, and the product design. We had to determine
which markets we were going to enter and what our sales would look like.
We then had to put all of this information into a presentation; we used
written information, graphs, and pictures in our presentation to make the
information more understandable for our audience. Every aspect of this
project included teamwork. I would say that I took the leadership role when
it came to determining our market and creating the tables that we used. Even
when individual members worked on their own, we had to make sure we
maintained a level of communication.
1.4 Communicate and express ideas  This skill was met through the Visual Design course I took in my first
through the arts. semester, as well as through presentations I had to do in other courses. My
example for this skill comes from the Visual Design course. There are many
examples I could use from this course, but I am going to use an assignment
where we had to advertise through the use of a poster. We had to create a
poster advertising for a scuba school’s upcoming scuba trip. In this poster we
had to list the price, the date, the location, and who would be teaching during
the trip. When I created my poster, I made it look like a diver was diving into
the paper. I was able to showcase the information through visuals alone,
which I believe brought more attention to the poster and the information on
1.5 Integrate appropriate  My schoolwork here at Seton Hill University included using many different
technologies to solve problems, forms of technology. The example I am going to use comes from the
complete tasks, and accomplish Financial Statement Analysis course that I took. This course relied heavily on
goals. Excel, which is an important program for me to understand. Given my major,
I need to be proficient in using Excel. For the assignment in this course, I
needed to enter all provided information into an Excel spreadsheet, use
formulas, format the spreadsheet correctly, and understand how to properly
use the tools in excel. Some of the formulas I used were =SUM, =ROUND,
=NOW, =CELL, and others.

2. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or activity

Met Met

2.1 Relate effectively across  Spanish I & II are the courses that helped me partially meet this skill. I
various linguistic and cultural completed multiple assignments for grammar and speech in these courses.
settings. The assignments focused on learning masculine vs feminine words, question
words, conjunctions, adjectives, and other basics. I feel that I have only
partially met this skill because I am not fluent in this language. I had taken
Spanish in high school, so these courses felt like a refresher to me. We
watched a telenovela throughout these courses, which has helped my
2.2 Use time, place, and social  I have met this skill through many of my courses, but mostly the Western
change as frameworks for analyzing Cultural Traditions I & II courses. These courses were mostly exams, but we
social developments from multiple did have multiple discussion prompts. Through Western Cultural Traditions
disciplinary perspectives. I, I was able to study different points in history and different historical
figures. These discussions focused on comparing different time periods and
the groups within them, determining a specific example of something that
made a certain civilization unique, the things that contributed to the fall of
civilizations throughout history, and how events and people created the world
as it is today. I looked at social developments through different time periods,
different religions, and different perspectives.
2.3 Evaluate current and historical  Similar to the above skill, the courses Western Cultural Traditions I & II
events through the lens of allowed me to meet this skill. Through Western Cultural Traditions II, I was
spirituality and global social justice. able to look more in depth at historical events such as the Scientific
Revolution, Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and more. I got to write
about different events that related to nationalist movements as well as
cultural responses to political thought, art, and literature. I was able to learn
much more about these events than what I already knew, and I was able to
view them through the lens of spirituality and social justice.
2.4 Critique privilege and  Genocide in Comparative Perspective is one of the most important courses
oppression from the perspective of I’ve ever taken. This course gave me plenty of material on privilege and
diverse identities. oppression and how it manifests differently from the perspective of diverse
identities. I was able to critique privilege and oppression from the most
extreme ends of the spectrum. I looked at the Holocaust and how people
were treated based on their religious identities. I looked at multiple other
genocides, including Cambodia and Bosnia, and how people were treated
based on their national identity. Simply being born into the family you were
born into can either lead to privilege or oppression. Being the child of parents
who follow a certain religion can either lead to privilege or oppression. This
course is going to stick with me for the rest of my life.

3. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or activity
Met Met

3.1 Generate, analyze, and interpret  Many courses at Seton Hill have helped me meet this skill, so I am going to
numerical data. talk about the Introductory Statistics course I took. This course has helped
me strengthen my analysis and interpretation skills, work on my effective
communication and presentation skills, and to further my critical thinking
skills. An example of an assignment from this course is one of the homework
assignments, where I had to use the data provided and determine the
independent and dependent variables, as well as calculate multiple
percentages from the information provided.
3.2 Locate, analyze, evaluate, and  The Genocide in Comparative Perspective course I took helped me meet this
organize, primary and secondary skill. I have had to write many research papers during my time at Seton Hill,
sources, including expressive media, but this was my most intense research paper. For my final paper in this
to comprehend the significance of course, I compared the Holocaust and the Bosnian genocide by the
an issue or an event. theoretical concept of nationalism. I discussed the similarities and differences
between these two genocides and the concept I had chosen to analyze them
through. I conducted many hours of research, and used sources from peer-
revied journals, books, videos and documentaries, and other reliable sources.
3.3 Interpret quantitative and  Introduction to Forensic Accounting was one of the most influential courses
qualitative information to formulate for this skill. There was an assignment for this course that provided me with
positions to reach conclusions or to six months of customer sales and credit from a business. The management of
present a logical argument. the business was concerned with the net sales numbers, and a few other
issues within the company. I ran Benford’s analysis on the Sales and Credits,
as well as supporting graphs and charts. I listed any concerns that I had about
the company, the additional information I’d like to see, the people I would
want to interview, what information I would share, and then I offered a
preliminary opinion for further work. I had to be able to interpret the
quantitative and qualitative information in order to calculate additional
financial information and to present my professional opinion.
3.4 Demonstrate respect for multiple  The course Christian Spirituality has helped me with my understanding of
ideas and worldviews. multiple ideas and worldviews. I believe I have met this skill through all of
the discussion assignments. These discussions have covered multiple
religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism) as well as multiple faith
journeys. This course has increased my knowledge and understanding of
these religions and spiritualities. Religion and spirituality shape so many
things in the world, has been the cause of many historic events, so being able
to further learn about these has greatly increased my respect for multiple
ideas and worldviews.

4. Self-Reflection and Assessment

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or activity

Met Met

4.1 Employ ethical decision-making Corporate Ethics & Social Responsibility is a course that has greatly
grounded in philosophical inquiry. impacted my ethical decision-making grounded in philosophical inquiry. I
got to explore many different philosophers during this course. Getting to look
at history through the perspective of these historic figures was very
interesting. Learning how to make decisions grounded in your philosophy is
an important part of life. Every week I would read and write about three
philosophers; I would write about their lives, beliefs, views, teachings, and
impact. I also wrote about how I believed they would react to certain current
4.2 Apply Catholic social teaching  The course that I am creating this ePortfolio for, Senior Integrative Seminar,
to the analysis of contemporary has helped me to meet this skill. I was assigned with writing a letter to
social issues. someone in change about a social justice issue. For my letter, I wrote to the
president about climate change. I explained which catholic social teaching
principles were being impacted by climate change and how. Being able to
connect a social issue to a catholic social teaching principle is a good way to
help people view these social issues in a different light.
4.3 Explain the value of diverse  I have met this skill through all of the religion-based courses I have taken at
spiritual and religious perspectives. Seton Hill, especially the Christian Spirituality course. There was one
specific assignment where we had to read a piece of literature that discussed
the value of learning from the truths and practices of other religious
traditions. From this reading, I chose an insight that stuck out to me. The
insight I had focused on was the fact that many people try to shield
themselves from exposure to and influence of other faiths, which can actually
hinder spiritual growth. Then, I wrote about my own personal background,
experience, and interest with interreligious dialogue. I have always been
interested in interreligious dialogue, even though I myself am not religious. I
think it is very important to understand and respect other people’s religion
and beliefs. This specific assignment allowed me to write down how
important diverse spiritual and religious perspectives are.
4.4 Integrate the action of charity  I believe that I have only partially met this skill. Through my Corporate
with the virtue of justice Ethics & Social Responsibility, I completed a volunteer assignment. I met the
action of charity, but I do not believe that I was able to integrate it with the
virtue of justice. I volunteered at a non-profit participating in their food drive
program. I participated as much as I could in this program, but there really
wasn’t a way for me to integrate the virtue of justice. Integrating the virtue of
justice would have, to me, been eliminating the need for a food drive
program in my community. Everyone should be able to afford food. No one
should have to rely on these kinds of programs to have their most basic
human needs met. These programs are amazing, but they would not exist in a
just society, because everyone would have all of their needs met.
4.5 Exercise responsible freedom  I have met this skill through my Nutrition for Life course. In this course I had
and civic engagement based on an to explore and determine the validity of a nutrition-related claim. The claim I
informed value system. had chosen to explore was that the water supply is safe in the United States. I
spent a lot of time researching water in the United States and the rules and
regulations that go along with it. I exercised responsible freedom and civic
engagement by doing my due diligence and bringing an important health
issue to people’s attention. I disputed the claim that water in the United
States is safe, and I used an informed value system to come to my
5. Professionalism and Career Readiness

Skill Met Partially Not Example of specific assignment or activity

Met Met

5.1 Model ethical behavior,  I met this skill through the Consumer in our Society course. In this course, I
responsible freedom, and engaged had to complete a term project report. This report involved the use of critical
citizenship. thinking for analyzing and resolving consumer issues. I identified an
economically marginalized group (the homeless) and clearly defined an
economic issue that this group faces (homelessness). I provided a historical
analysis of this issue, interviewed members of a group that provides services
to the marginalized group, and identified a short-run and a long-run solution
to resolve this issue. I applied multiple catholic social teaching principles to
the issue the marginalized group faces. I also evaluated my proposed
solutions for feasibility.
5.2 Demonstrate accountability,  I believe all of my courses at Seton Hill have helped me meet this skill, but
effective work habits, and the ability especially the Corporate Ethics & Social Responsibility course. There was a
to assess areas necessary for final presentation in this course that I believe encompasses this skill in its
professional, personal, and societal entirety. For this final presentation, I had to put myself in the mindset of
growth. someone creating a presentation to show to a group of executives. I decided
to create my presentation on Patagonia. This was a very large project, so I
had to be very organized and attentive to my time management. In this
presentation, I discussed the company’s history, the general description of
firms of endearment and how my chosen business is one, listed the five
stakeholders of this business, discussed the corporate culture of the business,
and gave any recommendations I had for this business to maintain and
enhance their firm of endearment status. I had to pay attention to
professional, personal, and social factors in order to complete this
5.3 Identify and articulate skills,  The Financial Statement Analysis course I took has helped me meet this skill.
strengths, knowledge, and My career is going to be anything in the sphere of business and accounting.
experiences relevant to one’s career In this course, I completed a capstone project. For this project, I had to select
goals. a company and use the last three years of financial statements to generate
additional financial statements. I created a trial balance, a statement of cash
flows, and calculated ratios. My trial balance included three multi-step
income statements, two stockholder’s equity statements, two balance sheets,
a cash flows statements, and a financial statement analysis for the last two
years. I calculated the current ratio, the quick ratio, the accounts receivables
turnover, the days in receivables, debt ratio, gross margin ratio, and many
others. After I had generated all of the necessary financial information, I had
to write a paper on the company I chose, the financial statements I had
created, and the ratios and analysis I had completed. This assignment was
truly an exercise of my skills, strengths, knowledge, and experiences relevant
to my future career goals.
5.4 Complete experiential learning  I have completed experiential learning, but it didn’t necessarily relate to my
to pursue professional opportunities. profession. I had completed an internship at South Hills, which would have
met this skill, but I did not complete an internship at Seton Hill. I had
completed experiential learning through my Corporate Ethics & Social
Responsibility course, but it wasn’t really about my profession or major. I
got to work with a non-profit, which was a beneficial learning experience for
me. I said that I partially met this skill because if I ever work at a non-profit,
my experience with this would help me with that professional opportunity.

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