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I. Introduction and Background of the Study

By reducing the reliance on commercial glues and hazardous chemicals, this alternative
can address the increasing demand for environmentally-friendly products.

Paper glues play a critical role in crafting, and it can be used as a sustainable and
natural substitute for traditional commercial glues.

Students can also utilize this eco-friendly material for their school projects such as
science fair displays, posters, and dioramas, while also learning about the significance
of environmental conservation and sustainable practices.

Additionally, pineapple extract glue can be utilized for packaging applications such as
sealing boxes or envelopes, providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional
commercial glues. their accessibility to students underscores the importance of finding
natural materials.

Synthetic materials have harmful effects on the environment, and finding alternative
sources of glue has become a top priority.

Pineapple extract contains enzymes called Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme present in

pineapple stems and fruit, functions as an adhesive by breaking down proteins, allowing
it to adhere to surfaces. This results in a "sticky" surface that can bond with other
surfaces, and the breakdown of proteins leads to surfaces fusing together, creating a
robust bond. The versatility of bromelain in breaking down a wide variety of proteins
makes it an effective adhesive for various applications.

This paper aims to investigate the viability of using pineapple enzyme extract as a
sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional glue. This approach can offer
significant economic and environmental benefits for the community, particularly in
educational and work settings
Statement of the problem
How efficiency Production and testing of pineapple juice as a glue paperhanging
strength on different materials

What are the physical and chemical properties of pineapple extract adhesive?

How does the performance of pineapple extract adhesive compare to traditional glue in
different environmental conditions?

Objective of the problem

To evaluate the efficiency of Production and testing of pineapple juice as a glue paper
by conducting experiments to measure its bonding strength on different materials.

To determine the physical properties of the pineapple extract adhesive, including

viscosity, drying time, and adhesion properties.

To compare the performance of pineapple extract adhesive with traditional glue in

different environmental conditions, including temperature, humidity, and exposure to

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