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April –May 2023

FULL NAME: Escobar Espín Jennifer Lisbeth

Career: Psicología Rediseñada

Course: Second E

TEACHER: Thalía Cifuentes Rojas

- Karla Silva Mero
5 Lesson 1A Days of the Present Simple Mike´s routine
Everyday life week,and
12 Lesson 1B Online Present People
I`m playing the guitar Vocabulary Progressive Everyday life
19 Lesson 1C Time Past of verb To Vacation
Where were you? Expressions Be Activities
20 Lesson 1D Past of Be ( was The new
HE ROES Heroes – were ) class

21 Lesson 1E The Weather Past Charity

The Weather here here Progressive show



25 Lesson 2A Leisure Activities Simple Past Spare Time
A long time ago Regular Verbs
31 Lesson 2B Things to Do Simple Past Weekend
Did you make dinner Irregular Verbs Activities
last night?
36 Lesson 2C Vacation There Was Last Vacation
My vacations Activities There Were
56 Lesson 2 D Verbs Simple Past The Pyramids
Ancient civilizations
61 A nice interview Leisure Simple Past Free time
Activities Activities



67 Lesson 3A Feeling and Comparatives Comparison
Amazing Sports Emotions Activities
79 Lesson 3B Places Superlatives Superlative
Going Camping activities
83 Lesson 3C Camping Comparatives New year´s Eve
Go camping and
88 Lesson 3 D My past Used to What used to
Then and Now do before

Present Simple
Watch the video and make the following exercise Make a list of the daily routines you identify
in the video
do yoga
take shower
make breakfast
take bus
start working
finish working lunch
take classes
go to gym

Video link:


“I get up and eat breakfast on weekdays. / I go to school.”


Share the link with the students and practice the

vocabulary with the following exercise


Simple Present Tense indicates an action which happens in the present, but it isn’t
necessary for actions to happen right now. Simple present tense indicates,
unchanging situations, general truths, scientific facts, habits, fixed arrangements and
frequently occurring events.


We form the present tense using the base form of the infinitive (without TO). In
general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person.

Subject Verb The Rest of the sentence

I / you / we / they cook / play at home

he / she / it cooks / plays at home

Examples of POSITIVE
• Mr. Green works with my uncle
• She reads the newspaper every day
• You work at the library
• They play with my dog

Complete the following activity in class

The following is the word order to construct a basic negative sentence in
English in the Present Tense using Don't or Doesn't.

Subject don't/doesn't Verb* The Rest of the

I / you / we / they don't have / buy cereal for breakfast
he / she / it doesn't eat / like

Examples of Negative Sentences with Don't and Doesn't:

• He doesn’t play tennis.

• She doesn't like fish.
• I don’t understand the question.
• They don’t speak Spanish.
• They don't want to go to the party.


The following is the word order to construct a basic question in English using Do or

Do/Does Subject Verb* The Rest of the sentence

Do I / you / we / they have / need a new bike?

Does he / she / it want etc.

*Verb: The verb that goes here is the base form of the infinitive = The
infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead of the infinitive To have it is
just the have part.

Remember that the infinitive is the verb before it is conjugated (changed)

and it begins with TO. For example: to have, to eat, to go, to live, to
speak etc.

Examples of Questions with Do and Does:

• Does she sing opera?

• Do you eat Chinese food?
• Do they walk every day together?
• Does she work for your father?
• Does he like your new car?

Short Answers with Do and Does

In questions that use do/does it is possible to give short answers to direct

questions as follows:

Sample Questions Short Answer Short Answer

(Affirmative) (Negative)

Does she sing opera? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.

Do you eat Chinese food? Yes, you do. No, you don't.

Do they walk every day together? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.

Does she work for your father? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.

Does he like your new car? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

Complete the following activity in class

We form the present tense using the base form of the infinitive (without the TO).
In general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person.

Subject Verb The Rest of the sentence

I / you / we / they speak / learn English at home

speaks /
he / she / it learns English at home
The spelling for the verb in the third person differs depending on the ending of that verb:
1. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third person.

go – goes catch – catches wash – washes kiss – kisses fix – fixes

For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES.

marry – marries study – studies carry – carries worry – worries

NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.

play – plays
enjoy – enjoys


We use other question words like (Who, What, Why , How much / many,
How often etc.) in present tense.
1) Question Words (who, what, why, how much / many, how often etc.) + do /
does + subject pronoun (he, she, it, I, you, we, they) + V1 ( First Form of Verb )
▪ How often does he call you?
▪ Why do you always do this?
▪ How much does it cost?
2) Question Words (who, what, why, etc.) + V1 / V (-s,-es,-ies) + object pronouns
( me, you, him, her, it, us, them)
▪ Who gives him a scholarship?
▪ What makes you angry?
Present Simple – Exercises
Choose the correct option

1.They usually ____ play soccer in the park at nine o'clock.

play plays
2. We ____
eat turkey at Christmas time.
eats eat
3. The bank opens
____ at eight o'clock in the morning.
open opens
4. My mom ____ sells toys and clothes for children.
sells sell
5. I usually run
____ in the morning.
run runs
are very happy together.
6. They _____
is are
play volleyball after school.
7. The ____
plays play
8. My sister _______
teaches at a local school in Hull
teach teaches
9. Luke ____ to work by bike.
goes go
10. The earth ______ round the sun
go goes

Choose the correct option

1. She ________ in Florida but prefers California.
lives goes arrives
2. When we ________ on vacation, we never fly.
are go went
3. I ________ four languages, but I love Italian above all.
talk speak talks
4. That dog always ________
sleeps with his head against the wall.
goes bark sleeps
5. We don't ________ which airport the plane goes from.
know think like
closes her eyes when there's a horror movie on TV.
6. My girlfriend ________
Open shut closes

Complete the following activity in class

Write the sentences in the affirmative, in the negative or as a question.

1 she / live / New York (✓)

She lives in New York


2 they / speak / English (✗)

They don´t speak English

3 we / go / to school / every day (?)

Do we go to school every day?

1 I / go / to school / every day (✓)

I go to school every day

2 they / learn / German / at school (✗)

They don't learn German at school


3 you / play / the guitar (?)

Do you play the guitar?

4 Charlie / watch / TV / at the weekend (✓)

Charlie watches TV at the weekend

5 we / play / rugby / at school (✗)

We don't play rugby at school

6 they / eat / meat (?)

Do they eat meat?

7 Susie and Ollie / live / in Dublin (?)

Do Susie and Ollie live in Dublin?

8 I / teach / Geography / in a school (✗)

I don't teach Geography in a school

Write three affirmative sentences, three negative sentences and three questions
using the words from the boxes.

For example
I speak English.
He doesn’t speak German.
Do you play rugby?

I play the guitar


We eat fruit

They speak English.


He doesn't teach Geography

We don't learn German

She doesn't play rugby


Do you eat meat?


Does it speak German?


Do I learn Geography?

Change the examples to negative.

1. She has a bath every day.

She doesn´t have a bath every day.
2. Lara plays the piano very well.
Lara doesn´t play the piano very well.
3. We work very hard.
We don´t work very hard.
4. He does the same thing every day.
He doesn´t do that every day.
5. They know my phone number.
They don´t know my phone number.
6. I read the newspaper every day.
I don´t read the newspaper every day.
7. My brother likes the cinema.
My brother doesn´t like the cinema.
8. Brian wears a wedding ring.
Brian doesn´t wear a wedding ring.

Complete the following activity in class

Activity 1 Grammar

Activity 2 Reading

Activity 3 Listening

Activity 4 Let’s play

Prepositions of Time
In, at, on and no preposition with time words:

Prepositions of time - here's a list of the time words that need 'on', 'in', 'at' and

'on' with months (it should be 'in'), or put a preposition before 'next'
when we don't need one.

times: at 8pm, at midnight, at 6:30

holiday periods: at Christmas, at
Easter at night
at at the weekend
at lunchtime, at dinnertime, at breakfast time

days: on Monday, on my birthday, on Christmas Day

days + morning / afternoon / evening / night: on Tuesday morning
on dates: on the 20th of June

years: in 1992, in 2006

months: in December, in June
decades: in the sixties, in the 1790s
in centuries: in the 19th century
seasons: in winter, in summer
in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

next week, year, month etc

last night, year etc
this morning, month etc
prep every day, night, years etc
today, tomorrow, yesterday

Complete the sentences with in /on /at

1. Do you think it is a good idea to ban smoking in public places?

2. Look at the picture on the wall.
3. My house is at the end of the street.
4. I stopped at Nancy's house.
5. Do you like walking in the garden?
6. I found my keys on the desk.

5. I met him in Paris.
6. He was crying in the back of the classroom.
7. I saw the film on TV.
8. These people live in my hometown.

Choose the correct answer in /on/at

1. I wake up at 8 o’clock.

2. It is hot in the summer.

3. He works at night.

4. It snows here in the winter.

5. His birthday is on the 10 of March.

6. We are going on holiday on Friday.

7. Saturday, I went to the park.

8. We have dinner at 7 p.m.

9. She always has a shower the morning.

10. Einstein was born in 1879.

11. We don’t go to school on Saturdays.

12. Doctors often work at night.

13. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

Complete the following activity in class


Watch the video and make the following exercise.

The Position of the Adverb in a Sentence

An adverb of frequency goes before a main verb (except with To Be).

Subject + adverb + main verb

I always remember to do my
He normally gets good marks in

An adverb of frequency goes after the verb To Be.

Subject + to be + adverb

They are never pleased to see

She isn't usually bad

When we use an auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.), the

adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main verb. This is also true for to be.

Subject + auxiliary + adverb + main verb

She can sometimes beat me in a race.

I would hardly ever be unkind to someone.
They might never see each other again.
They could occasionally be heard laughing.

Complete the correct in the following exercises

a) - What do you usually have for breakfast? (usually)

b) - I am never sick. (never)

c) - Do you never eat breakfast at work? (ever)

d) - I sometimes have breakfast at my desk. (sometimes)

e) - Do you never eat rice for dinner? (ever)

f) - I always have eggs, bacon, and toast on Sundays. (always)

g) - In winter it is often very cold here. (often)

h) - She isn't usually home in the evenings. (usually)

i) - My kids are seldom late for school. (seldom)

j) - We don't often have rice at home. (often)

WRITING. Write a short composition about your weekend routine.


I get up at 10:00 a.m., brush my teeth, have breakfast, then I start to do the
tasks I need to do and get on the platform. In the afternoon I have lunch and

around 2:00 pm I take a bath, I get ready to go visit my grandmother. We

return to the house around 6:00 p.m. we have a snack, then I check my cell

phone for a long time and watch movies. At 10:30 p.m. I go to bed.











Talk about your daily routine using the following questions

Do you….. Yes Not Why?

Cook dinner every afternoon? x Yes, I do because help mom
Drink coffee in the morning? x Yes, I do because I like
Work out every day? No, I don´t because sometimes have
Go to bed late? x Yes, I do it because I stay doing homework
Get up early ? x No, I do it because I don't like it
Read the news in the evening? x No i do it so much


Listen to Mike’s daily routines and answer the questions.

1. Mike gets up at
a. half past five
b. quarter to six
c. half past six

2. After He wakes up. Mike______

a. goes for a walk
b. has breakfast
c. goes to the gym

3. Mikes eats a __________ lunch.

a. big
b. average
c. small

4. Mike works
a. at a school
b. at an office
c. at home

5. In the evening. Mike often _____

a. goes to the internet cafés
b. talks to a friends
c. works overtime

Go to the follow link and answer: What does he

Present Progressive


First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not VOCABULARY
ride a bike. I do not ride the bus. I like to go to school. It rains. I Find the different verbs in
the text
do not like rain. I eat lunch. I eat a sandwich and an apple.

I play outside. I like to play. I read a book. I like to read books. I To walk
walk home. I do not like walking home. My mother cooks soup to eat
for dinner. The soup is hot. Then, I go to bed. I do not like to go play
to bed.

Answer to the following questions:

1.What happens first?

First she wakes up

2. What do I like?
He likes to go to school, play, read books,

3.How do I go to school?
He is walking

4.What do I eat for dinner?

Eat soup

5. What do I not like?

He doesn't like the rain, walk home, go to bed


The present progressive puts emphasis on the course or duration of an action.

taking place only for a short period of time. It is also used to express
development and actions that are arranged for the near future.

Use a form of to be and the infinite verb plus -ing.

am with the personal pronoun I
is with the personal pronouns he, she or it (or the singular form of nouns)
are with the personal pronouns you, we, they (or the plural form of nouns)

Tips on how to form negative sentences and questions

In negative sentences, we put not between the form of be and the verb.

In questions, we simply swop the places of subject and the form of be.

Affirmative Negative Question

I I am cooking. I am not cooking. Am I cooking?

he, she, it He is working. He is not working. Is he working?

you, we, they You are playing. You are not playing. Are you playing?

Affirmative sentences in the Present Progressive

• He is learning English stadium at the moment

• He’s learning English stadium at the moment
• You are cooking in your house today.
• We are going to the cinema today.
• He is playing football in the stadium now.
• He's playing football in the stadium now.

Negative sentences in the Present Progressive

• I am not playing football in the stadium now.
• I'm not playing football in the stadium now.
• You are not playing football in the stadium now.
• You aren't playing football in the stadium now.
• He is not playing football in the stadium now .
• He isn't playing football in the stadium now.

Questions in the Present Progressive

Am I playing football? Yes, you are -No, you are not
Are you playing football? Yes, I am – No, I am not
Is he playing football? Yes, he is - No, he isn’t

Complete the following exercise with the correct form of the verb to be

1. karen ________
is eating ice cream.

2. are
The kids ________ playing soccer in the park.

3. are
Birds ________ singing.
4. Mike and I ________ watching football.

5. are
Bees ________ gathering honey.

6. are
Sue and Peter ________ skiing.
7. Tom ________ washing her hands.
8. The baby ________ crying.

9. are
We ________ rowing the boat.

10. are
They ________ drinking wine.

Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.

eting (eat) in the restaurant a hot dog
sleeping in my car
She ___________________(swim)
swimming in the river
They______________ (dance) in the disco
My friends chatting (chat) on the internet
Sue writing (write) an email to her cousin
We (watch) an interesting programme on TV
Mike (talk) to his father on the pone
They using (not use) that Spanish dictionary
Car and Angela swimming (swim) at the momento
The shark looking (look) for food

Exercise on negative sentences
Transform the sentences below into negative sentences.

aren´t studying
1 We ............................... (not study) Italian

am not go
2. I ............................. (not go) to the snack bar

is not siting
3. Mr. Jones .......................... (not sit) in the staff room

4You ...........................
are not listening (not listen) to me!

is not shining
5. The sun ................................ (not shine)

are not riding

6. We ............................ (not ride) our bikes

7. Sara...............................
is not running (not run) along the corridor

Use the ‘ing’ form of the verbs. In the picture,
there is a young girl in a park.

She (stand) is standing on a skateboard and she

(smile) is smiling and (look) is looking

at a picnic basket full of food. Next to the basket there is

a cat. It (sleep) is sleeping on a bench, and behind
the bench there is a bird. It (walk) it is walking on

the ground. There is another bird, as well, but it (fly) it is flying . There is also a
butterfly, and it (fly) it is flying , too. In the background there is a man. He
(walk) he is walking his dog. He should be careful because there is a man
(drive) driving a car very fast on the road behind him.

Complete the sentences below. Use ‘ing’ verb forms.
1. Tina ___________
is ___________
drinking water. (drink)
2. They ___________
are __________
traveling to France. (travel)
3. is
Fred ___________ eating
___________ a pie. (eat)
4. is
The weather ___________ chaging (change)
always ______.
5. is
She ___________ cooking
___________ pasta. (cook)
6. It ___________
is __________
raining outside. (rain)
7. is
The lady ___________ waiting
__________ for the bus. (wait)
8. I ___________
am __________
visiting my aunt. (visit)
9. It ___________
is ___________
freezing cold outside. (freeze).
10. are
Jack and Jill ___________ climbing
_________ up the hill. (climb)
11. is
Mom ___________ going
___________ out to buy some groceries. (go)
12. is
The little girl ___________ tearing
___________ the newspaper. (tear)
13. is
Nadal ___________ wining
___________ the match. (win)
14. is
Janet ___________ having
___________ tea. (have)
15. is
The thief ___________ hiding
___________ behind the bushes. (hide)

Write a short composition according to the picture. What are they doing?

The girl is running and listening to music

The ladies are chatting and walking the dog

The boy is walking the dog

the lord is sitting

Chose one picture and describe it using the present progressive

What are they doing?

Complete each sentence or question with the main verb in the present continuous

1. How _________ feeling
you ____________?
2. ________
is he __________
going to the store?
3. My feet _________ __________ me.
is living
4. Everyone _________ ____________ now.
are living
5. Where _________ you __________?
6. This computer ________ waking
___________ anymore.
7. Mark __________ finixy up his car.
8. The customer __________ __________ her car with gas.
9. What _________
is she ___________
making for breakfast?
10. Where _________
are we __________?

Past of Verb To Be

WARM UP Watch the video and write sentences

in past of the verb To Be
I wasn´t in my house

We studied yesterday

Did you lovy the meat?

He wasn´t with us

They visiting their father?

Video link


Going to work in the morning

My job is a long distance from my home, almost 50 miles away. I have to wake up
early every morning, as I’m always in a rush. There’s never enough time for a relaxed
breakfast. At exactly 6:00 AM, I get into my car and start the long drive.
I usually like driving on the highway more than in the city. During the morning rush
hour, though, it’s not very enjoyable. The heavy traffic is a little bit annoying. So I
always listen to my favorite classical music CD’s in the car – Chopin, Mozart, and Bach.
That cheers me up a lot.
The drive to work takes about one hour. Going back home in the evening after work
takes even longer, maybe around 70 minutes. Lately I’ve been thinking about trying to
take the train to work instead of driving. That way, I could still listen to my music with
headphones, and even read a novel at the same time.

Read the paragraph and choose the correct answer

What time does he wake up every morning?

a. After the morning rush hour

b. At exactly 6:00 AM

c. Late in the morning

d. Early in the morning

How is driving during the morning rush hour?

a. Not as much fun as walking

b. Not very enjoyable

c. It’s classical

d. It’s relaxing

Which kind of music CD’s does he enjoy listening to in the car?

a. Disco

b. Jazz

c. Classical

d. Heavy metal

How long might the evening drive back home take?

a. Around 70 minutes

b. 70 kilometers

c. Less than the drive in the morning

d. 50 minutes

What rules do you have to keep in mind?
The verb to be is an irregular verb, as can be seen in its forms in the past simple (which

can be translated by: I was / was / was / was, you were / was / were / were, etc.).

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I was I wasn’t Was I...?

You were You weren’t Were you…?

He / She / It was He / She / It wasn’t Was he / she / it…?

We were We weren’t Were we...?

You were You weren’t Were you...?

They were They weren’t Were they...?

This verb speaks of a state or a situation (for example, how you feel), and can be used

to describe things. When you use it in the past tense you need to make sure you use

the forms that we have shown you in the previous table, and not the infinitive "be".

For example:
There was a concert last night.
There were three parties last night.

There wasn’t a good teacher in my school.
There weren’t any chairs in the room.

1. Questions

1. Was he going to visit her next week?

2. Were they going to eat out tonight?
3. Was she going to leave for Europe on Monday?
4. Was the sky clear?
5. Was the child in the garden?
6. Was it a pleasant day?
7. Was she sick yesterday?
8. Were they good friends for many years?
9. Were we busy yesterday

EXERCISES: Past simple


Last winter was so cold!

What were you doing at 9 p.m. yesterday?
I When I was twelve years old I watched Scooby Doo!
There were about 50 people at my sister’s wedding.

Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verb.

was riding
crashed fell hurt
fell was driving was riding was riding

was breakdancing
was eating was eating was sending
hit fell fell spilled

was running was playing were making

t was
ripped was playing
hit spelled

Complete the following table in present progressive - negative

- interrogative and question.

I am I am wasn´t Was I ? Yes, Iwas

You are You weren´t Were you very in? No, were not

He is He wasn´t Was he ready? Yes, was

She is She wasn´t Was she her having? No, wasn´t
It is It wasn´t Was it hot yesterday? No, wasn´t
We are We weren´t Were we atthemovies? Yes, were
You are You weren´t Were you sad? Yes, were
They are They weren´t Were they dirty? No, weren´t

Write a short paragraph about the activities that you did
yesterday. Mention who, with, where and what?
Yesterday morning I woke up at 7 am. I brushed my teeth and then had

breakfast with my family. Later I received English classes, then I traveled

with a partner to the university, I received classes. Finally, I returned

home and went to the store with my sister.

Where were you last Friday Night?

Where were you? Location Extra information

at this time ing home with my mom

on your birthday? in the partty with my friends

on New year’s Eve in guayaquil with my family

last Friday night?

in my home with my family

UNIT 1. Lesson 1D Heroes

Watch the video. Identify the images and write the places you find in the video

Guayaquil city
Cuenca city
Galapagos island
Salinas beach
Riobamba city
Otavalo city

Quito city
Quilotoa toop

Baños city
Rio pastaza
Mindo city

Read the text and answer the questions.

This is My autobiography.
I am Stella. I was born in Quito, Ecuador. I am 23 years old. I studied
elementary school in a town near Quito. This was a public school. I
remember this school was great, it was small and all the children from the
town went there to study. There were not many students, so I met good
friends there. When I was 15, I moved to Mexico City and I studied in a public
high school. This was difficult. I did not know many people and everywhere
was crowded and noisy. It was difficult for me to adapt to. I remember people
in my group were loud, but now I know that is Mexican style. They were great
to me and we went to parties a lot. Then I decided to study the arts. I
remember painting since I was a little girl and everybody loves what I do.

When I was 15 I received my first kiss, it was a goodbye kiss because I was
moving to Mexico. German, a boy who studied with me didn’t want me to
leave Ecuador. He was very attentive and generous to me. I liked him very
much but I didn’t love him. People from Ecuador are nice and generous but
we love our freedom and, in my case, I take love pretty seriously. That’s why
I think I have never fallen in love.

Write T (True) if the statement is correct, F (False) if it is wrong

Stella studies in private or public school_________________


The school that studied Stella was numerous in student ____________


When she turned 15 she moved to California________________

She studied arts and had her first kiss at age 15 _______________



Affirmative Negative
I Was I Wasn’t
She Was She Wasn’t in the park
e Was e Wasn’t
He Was He Wasn’t
It It
We Were We Weren’t
Weren’t good
You Were good You students
the students Were the
y y

Was I
Was She at the park Yes, she was
Was He
Was It No, it wasn’t

Were We No, you

Were You in the school? weren’t Yes,
Were They we were No,
they weren’t

Where were you last night? I was at home
Who was she with
yesterday? She was with her
Simple past is used for past situations and actions

Expressions of time: yesterday, last night, last year, a month ago

Fill in the blanks below to complete the sentences.

1. A: you at home yesterday? B: Yes, I I was .
2. They they were really happy after they won the football game.
3. My sister was a college student last year.
4. Thomas was on the train at three--‐thirty yesterday afternoon.
5. A: was Jennifer tired after she finished work? B: No, she was not .

Complete with the simple past of the verb to be.

Use the words to create a sentence.

1. She/ thin /but / two /ago /years / fat / now

She was thin two years ago and now, she is fat.

2. Meeting / He / to / the / early

He was early to the meeting.

3. Friend / unlucky / very

My friend was very unlucky

4. Sunny / hot / It/ and / yesterday.

It was sunny and hot yesterday

Past Simple of Verb To be WAS – WERE
Listen to the facts about Queen and choose (True) or (False). 8

1. They were famous in the ‘70s. …………


2. Brian and Roger were members of the band Smile. …………

3. Freddie was born in Zanzibar. …………
4. Freddie liked The Beatles, David Bowie and Led Zeppelin.

5. Barcelona was one of Queen’s great songs. …………


Listen and number. 9

5 Her friends weren’t with her.
2 She was sad because she was sick.
………….. Yesterday, Amy wasn’t happy.
………….. She was at home all day.
3 She wasn’t at school.

UNIT 1. Lesson 1E The Weather Here
Complete the sentences with the words below

Cold warm foggy hot snowy cloudy chilly windy sunny rainy

1. Yesterday, it was a_________________ day. It was 15° C.
2. The day was_________________
warm in the morning. There was a little sun.
cloudy - foggy
3. I couldn’t see anything. It was a _________________ and day.
4. The sun was bright all day. It was really _________________
5. It wasn’t very cold. It was and________________
windy and sunny .
6. In winter, in Ecuador there are many_________________ days.
7. Winter is_________________ in New York.
8. Suddenly the sun was cover and it was a_________________day.






Weather Vocabulary
Online interactive exercises

Read the dialogue and write T (true) or
F (false) in the sentences.
Nelly: How was your weekend, Dave?
Dave: It was terrible. Some friends and I
were on the beach.
Nelly: It is great on the beach! Why was
Dave: First, we were late, it was
supposed we were there at 8 and we
were on the beach at 10 because there
was an accident on the road. When we
arrived, it was sunny but Some minutes later y was cloudy and windy. So, it was cold
to go into the water.
Nelly: It what a pity! strangely, the weather changed so fast. And what
Dave: Well, we were on the beach but there were some people making noise so we
walked to another place to eat. But guess what?
Nelly: what?
Dave: Our wallets were one bag because we think it was better to have them in the
same place. When we wanted to pay nobody had the bag.
Nelly: But what happened with the bag?
Dave: Probably someone from the group of people stole it when we were careless.
Nelly: So, how did you pay?
Dave: we had to clean the restaurant, wash the dishes and work in the kitchen all day.
After that, we asked the owner some money to pay for the ticket to come back.
Fortunately, He was a good guy and he borrows us the money
Nelly: wow! It was an incredible and terrible experience.



1. Dave was very happy to go to the beach.
2. It was a sunny day. false

3. They made different activities on the beach. false

4. They were on the beach near the sea all true

5. Somebody took their bag.
6. They worked in a restaurant. false

7. They lent money to return. true


sunny day

Who said that….. Dave or Nelly

1. I was on the beach ____________
2. There were some people making noise dave
3. The weather changed so fast nelly
4. I lost my wallet ____________
5. I washed the dishes in a restaurant ____________
6. It was a terrible experience ____________

Past continuous
The past continuous is made from the past tense of the verb be and the –ing form of a

We use the past continuous to talk about the past:

• for something which happened before and after another action:

The children were doing their homework when I got home.


The other day I was waiting for a bus when …

• for something that happened before and after a specific time:

It was eight o'clock. I was writing a letter.

• to show that something continued for some time:

My head was aching.

Everyone was shouting.

• for something that happened again and again:

I was practicing every day, three times a day.

They were always quarrelling.

Write correct sentences

Yesterday at 6 pm your family were doing different things. Write positive sentences
in past continuous.
My mother / read / a novel __________________________________________
My mother was reading a novel
My father was wacthing a movie
My father / watch / a movie __________________________________________
My elder sister / writing / in her diary ___________________________________
My elder sister was writing in her diary
My two brothers were listening to the radio
My two brothers / listen / to the radio ____________________________________
My little sister and I / not / watch / a movie _______________________________
My little sister and I were not wacthing a movie


Write down the past progressive of the verbs in brackets.

were writing
1. We ____________________________ (write) the essay together.
was preparing
2. Frank ____________________________ (prepare) breakfast.
3. Mrs Summers ____________________________
was not listening (not listen) to him.
was doing
4. Daniel ____________________________ (do) the shopping.
were not reading
5. They ____________________________ (not read) the book.
6. I ____________________________
was having (have) a shower.
was not waching
7. He ____________________________ (not watch) TV.
8. We ____________________________
were swimming (swim) in the sea.
9. Tom and I ____________________________
were visiting (vist) the castle.
was shining
10. The sun ____________________________ (shine).
11. She ____________________________
was cleaning (clean) the windows.
was showing
12. I ____________________________ (show) them most of the sights.
was not taking
13. Ann ____________________________ (not take) a lot of photos.
14. We ____________________________
were playing (play) voleyball on the beach.
were talking
15. They ____________________________ (talk) to their neighbours.

Put in the correct verb form the noun/pronoun into the gaps to make Yes/No
questions. Use the Past Continuous.

1. ____________________________breakfast,
Were you having when I turned on the music? (you / to have)

Kate was cooking

2. ____________________________, when you came to her place? (Kate / to cook)

Were they talking

3. ____________________________the whole day? (it / to snow)
Was it snowing
4. ____________________________the party? (they / to talk about)
Were you giving
5. ____________________________a lesson at 4 o'clock yesterday? (you / to give)
Jim was talking home
6. ____________________________home, when I rang him up? (Jim / to walk)
The boy was drawing
7. ____________________________from four till six o'clock yesterday? (the boy / to draw)
Were Lily and Rachel washing
8. ____________________________the dishes, when somebody shouted? (Lilly and Rachel

/ to wash)
Were you reading
9. ____________________________the whole evening? (you / to read)
Was she playing
10. ____________________________with you the whole Sunday? (she / to play)

Complete the information questions.

Was Alan danced

1) When you arrived at the party ____________________________ (Alan/dance)?
Was Susie drinking
2) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(Susie/drink gin) ?
Were John and Ann singing
3) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(John and Ann/sing)?

4) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(Luke/talk

Were Luke talk to the girl girlsing to the girls)?

5) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(Jodie/put

Was Jodie punt on make up on make up)?

Were we cooking
6) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(we/cook)?
Was Jane playing the guitar
7) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(Jane/play the guitar)?
Were David Reading a book
8) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(David/read a book)?
Was everybody having fun
9) When you arrived at the party ____________________________(everybody/have fun)?

Aks students to answer the following questions.


Complete each sentence or question with the past continuous tense. Some verbs
are negative.

was working

were going

was listening

was making

were waring

were living


was waching
was waching

was talking
was driving

How is the weather where you live? Is it nice? How many seasons are
there? Do you like them? Why? Why not? Write a composition about it.

It is quite hot, not so pleasant and there are only two seasons: winter and

I like winter, to be at home watching movies and drinking coffee, on the other

hand, I don't like summer so much because it is very hot.


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