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Programme : B.Tech. Semester : Winter 2022-23
Course Title/ : Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming/ :
Slot B11+B12+B13
Course Code CSE1021
Time : 90 Min Max. Marks 50

Answer all the Questions

Q.No. Question Description Marks

1 write an algorithm and flowchart to determine the most economical quantity to be

stocked for each product that a manufacturing company has in its inventory: This
quantity, called economic order quantity (EOQ) is calculated as follows: EOQ=2RS/ I
where: 10
R= total yearly production requirement S=set up cost per order I=inventory carrying
cost per unit

2 Based on the given values for the variables a,b,c,d,e a=20, b=10, c=15, d=5,
e=0 evaluate the expression one and two by applying PODMAS rule.
(i) e = (a + b) * c / d +c 10
(ii) e = (c*b) + a/b + d

3 What is control flow statement. Find the sum of n numbers using for loop and while
loop statement in python. 10

4 Write a program to perform various mathematical operations using functions in

python. 10

5 (i) Find the factorial of any given number using recursion in python.
(ii) Write a program in python to print the range of prime numbers between 1 to 100.

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