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Holistic Development: How can it affect our thoughts, feelings and behavior?

Thoughts, feelings and behavior may differ depending upon the age group, culture, and

other factors. The development of physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual and social are

also some factors that can affect an individual’s behavior, especially teenagers who are

experiencing adolescent years. Somehow, these factors are related and can affect each other.

An individual may experience various physiological changes such as rapid body growth,

hair growth, and muscle modification in some parts of the body, specifically in teenagers. These

changes can make someone uncomfortable and self-conscious.

Cognitive development is also one of the changes that may affect one’s behavior,

thoughts, and feelings. Teenagers start to think logically and scientifically about solving


Psychological development includes changes in the emotions, feelings, moods, and

manner of thinking of an individual. Others tend to evaluate problems by asking their peer

groups, relying on the culture they are used to in their surroundings and others. Spiritual

development is the development of the personality towards a religious or spiritual desire for a

better personality. It is the development of an individual towards society. 

The development of physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and social factors

affect my thoughts, understanding, and feelings. Being part of the teen group, sometimes I tend

to share my problems with my friends rather than ask my family. Due to the development of my

physiological aspects, I felt conscious of choosing how I dress. I also become more moody and

emotional when dealing with my temper and problems. However, I found comfort in some areas,
like reading, watching, and listening to music. Oftentimes, being alone is better and comforting

to help me reflect and understand the things that are happening in our surroundings and

society. My faith becomes deeper. These are the things that I have noticed in myself in terms of

the abovementioned development. 

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