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Subject: English
Guidance Teacher: Raymond Sitanggang
Compiled By:
Group I
1. Bayu Aditya Tarigan
2. Calvin Montoya
3. Flora Cristy Hutauruk
4. Gilbert Alberto Gamaliel Pardede
5. Jelita Butar Butar
6. Maria Hana Gultom
7. Samuel Valentino Panjaitan
8. Yosia Manullang


SCHOOL YEAR 2021/2022
Impact of Online Learning during the Pandemic

As we know today, all countries in parts of the world are facing the Covid-19
pandemic or what we often call the corona virus. This coronavirus is an infectious disease
caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus . This virus is a malignant virus that can attack only
babies, children, and adults. This virus is transmitted very quickly and has spread to every
country including the country of Indonesia. As a result of the spread of this virus , all
activities carried out outside the home must be stopped to prevent and minimize the
spread of covid-19. This also applies to the education system in Indonesia. To prevent the
spread of covid-19, learning that is usually done in schools face-to-face is transferred to
online or online learning methods.

There are changes that occur in learning methods that are usually done in person or
face-to-face and turn into online learning atau online, giving a boost to the quality of
learning. learning. Students and teachers who previously interacted directly in the
classroom must now interact in a limited virtual space. The learning system is carried out
through mobile devices such as smartphones, personal computers (pcs) or laptops that are
already connected to an internet network connection . Teachers can do learning
simultaneously at the same time using social media such as WhatsApp (WA), google meet
application, zoom, and classroom application. Teachers are required to provide good,
creative and innovative teaching so that students can easily understand the learning
materials. As for students, they are required to follow each learning.
Figure 1.1 During Online Learning

Learning done online or online is very burdensome to do every day. There are
various kinds of obstacles complained by teachers, students and parents of students
themselves. Based on the events that occurred around, students and students who do not
have smartphones feel confused about how they can access online learning. that. It also
confuses teachers, so they have to anticipate this from the start, in the way some students
are grouped so they can access learning in a way that they can access learning in a real way.

In addition to problems in the learning media system, parents are also confused by
the availability of quotas that require no small cost to facilitate online or online learning
needs. Meanwhile, the education of parents of students from the lower middle class allows
it difficult for parents to buy data packages for their children. Likewise, an unstable
internet connection is also an obstacle faced by students. Especially for students who live in

remote areas that allow difficulty to access the internet because of the distance from
mobile signals.

Another problem that occurs during online learning is the decreased motivation of
students or the interest of students to participate in online or online training. This is
because many students cannot absorb good lessons, so they are reluctant to do online
learning and laze around. The absence of communication between teachers and students
directly makes it difficult for students to understand every lesson given. Another negative
impact of online learning is the decline of children's mental health, where students who
feel depressed with every task given by the teacher often feeling depressed.

In addition to these negative impacts, online learning also has a positive impact on
the current education system. The existence of this online learning allows us students to
participate in learning activities from anywhere, armed with gadgets and other social media.
Likewise, in time efficiency, each student can repeat any learning or other material through
video recordings that have been shared, students can be more free to Do each task in their
own comfortable way. Ease of accessing every learning resource is also one of the
positive things that we can find in this online learning, students can look for other
references . both from the internet and from the books in the library. So that the right
learning references will build a deep understanding for students and teachers. This online
learning also encourages each student to learn independently and instill a sense of
responsibility in themselves.

By looking at the positive side of online or online learning during the Covid-19
period, it can help us in breaking the chain of the spread of covid-19. As well as good
cooperation between teachers, students and parents of students can create more effective
online learning.

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