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Conversation Class

Collaborative Activity nº 03-A

1. General Instructions

In this space, you can give your opinions and reflections on the topics studied in the unit. It is essential to
take into account that these activities should encourage all participants to read all their appreciations.

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2. Considerations:

Criteria Description

Topic Migration

Mandatory Learning Resources The Benefits of Traveling in 2020 - Why Traveling is Important

Activity Watch the video, discuss it with your classmates then write your
answers in a Jamboard.

- What are the benefits of traveling according to this video?

- Add at least 4 more benefits of travelling.

Dynamic 1.This activity lasts thirty (30) minutes.

2. You must discuss with your team members and write your conclusions.
(2 -4 students)

3.You have to answer all the questions posed by the teacher.

4. Each team member should present their opinions on the board using a

Recommendations ● Respect the instructions given for this activity, so its evaluation can be
done without inconvenience.

● Write your comment neatly and clearly.

● Make sure that your participations are not repetitive.

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● Follow all group agreements.

3. Evaluación:

Los aspectos para considerar para la evaluación serán los siguientes:

Aplicación de los Responde a las preguntas formuladas, relacionando lo leído

temas revisados con lo aprendido a través de la bibliografía revisada.

Ortografía , La información se muestra de manera organizada y cumple

redacción y con los requisitos de coherencia del idioma.

Utiliza recursos no
Usa adecuadamente los recursos no verbales (gestos,
verbales y
posturas, etc. y paraverbales (entonación, vocalización),
paraverbales de
logrando transmitir el mensaje de manera significativa.
forma estratégica
Aporta nuevas ideas a las expuestas por sus compañeros y
Nuevos aportes
evita repetir temas comentados.

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