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1. A. Explain the attacking scenario in the client exploitation

B. Discuss the base delivery methods of malware/payloads etc
2. Explain in detail about web explo.itation
Web exploitation, also known as web hacking, refers to the practice of exploiting vulnerabilities in
web applications and websites to gain unauthorized access to information or perform malicious
activities. This can involve exploiting weaknesses in the code, design, or configuration of web servers,
web applications, or client-side scripts to gain access to sensitive data, steal credentials, or take
control of the server or website.

Web exploitation can take many different forms and can be carried out using various tools and
techniques. Some of the most common types of web exploitation include:

1. SQL Injection: This is a technique used to exploit vulnerabilities in a web application's

database. Attackers inject malicious code into the application's input fields, which, when
executed, can access, modify or delete sensitive data.
2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): This involves injecting malicious code into a web page to steal data
or perform actions on behalf of the user. Attackers typically target input fields such as forms
and search bars to inject the code.
3. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): In this attack, an attacker tricks a user into performing an
action on a web application that they did not intend to do. For example, an attacker can send
a link to the user that, when clicked, performs a malicious action on the user's behalf.
4. File Inclusion Vulnerabilities: This attack involves exploiting a vulnerability in a web
application that allows an attacker to include a file from an external server. This can be used
to execute malicious code or steal data from the web application.
5. Session Hijacking: In this attack, an attacker steals a user's session ID and uses it to access the
user's account or perform actions on the user's behalf. This can be done by intercepting the
session ID in transit or by stealing it from the user's browser.

To prevent web exploitation, it is important to implement proper security measures such as:

1. Input Validation: This involves verifying and sanitizing user input to prevent injection attacks.
2. Secure Coding Practices: Developers should use secure coding practices when building web
applications to prevent vulnerabilities.
3. Web Application Firewalls (WAFs): These are security tools that can detect and block
malicious traffic to web applications.
4. User Authentication and Authorization: This involves verifying the identity of users and
controlling access to sensitive data.
5. Regular Security Audits: Regularly auditing web applications can help identify and fix
vulnerabilities before they are exploited by attackers.

Web exploitation can have serious consequences for both individuals and organizations, including
data theft, financial losses, reputation damage, and legal repercussions. It is therefore important for
web developers and administrators to take steps to secure their web applications and websites
against exploitation, such as using secure coding practices, implementing strong authentication
mechanisms, and regularly monitoring and patching vulnerabilities. Additionally, individuals can
protect themselves by using strong, unique passwords and being cautious when sharing sensitive
information online.
3. A. Explain about File upload vulnerabilities with examples.
A. What are the File Inclusion Vulnerabilities? Explain in detail.
File inclusion vulnerabilities are a type of security vulnerability that occur when a web application
allows an attacker to include a file from the server or an external source, without proper validation or
sanitization of the user input. This vulnerability can be exploited by an attacker to execute malicious
code on the server, steal sensitive data, or gain unauthorized access to the application.

There are two types of file inclusion vulnerabilities: local file inclusion (LFI) and remote file inclusion

LFI occurs when an attacker is able to include a local file from the server, while RFI occurs when an
attacker is able to include a file from a remote server.
1. Explain about the password cracking techniques in System hacking.
2. What are the types of SQL Injection? Explain in detail about various
SQL Injections.
SQL Injection is a type of attack that is commonly used to exploit vulnerabilities in web applications.
It occurs when an attacker inputs malicious code into a web application's input fields, which can then
be executed by the database. There are several types of SQL Injection attacks that an attacker can
use, including:

1. Classic SQL Injection

2. Blind SQL Injection

3. Error-based SQL Injection

4. Union-based SQL Injection

5. Out-of-band SQL Injection

6. Time-based SQL Injection

7. Second-order SQL Injection

8. Inferential SQL Injection

9. Boolean-based SQL Injection

Let's look at each of these SQL Injection types in detail:

1. Classic SQL Injection: This type of SQL Injection is the most basic type and occurs when an
attacker inputs malicious SQL code into an input field of a web application. This code is then
executed by the database, allowing the attacker to view, modify, or delete data from the

2. Blind SQL Injection: Blind SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that does not show any
visible result on the web application. Instead, the attacker uses SQL queries to infer
information about the database by exploiting logical errors in the SQL queries.

3. Error-based SQL Injection: Error-based SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that relies on
generating errors in the SQL query to extract information from the database. The attacker
creates an SQL query that generates an error and then examines the error message to
extract information about the database.

4. Union-based SQL Injection: Union-based SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that involves
using the UNION operator to combine the results of two or more SQL queries into a single
result set. The attacker uses the UNION operator to extract information from the database.

5. Out-of-band SQL Injection: Out-of-band SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that uses a
different channel to extract data from the database. The attacker creates an SQL query that
triggers an outbound connection to a server under the attacker's control. The attacker can
then use this connection to extract information from the database.

6. Time-based SQL Injection: Time-based SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that relies on
delays in the database's response to infer information about the database. The attacker
creates an SQL query that introduces a delay, allowing the attacker to infer information about
the database based on the time it takes for the database to respond.
7. Second-order SQL Injection: Second-order SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that occurs
when user input is stored in a database and then later used in an SQL query. The attacker
injects malicious code into the stored user input, which is then executed by the database
when the input is later used in an SQL query.

8. Inferential SQL Injection: Inferential SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that does not
result in any visible changes in the web application. Instead, the attacker uses logic to infer
information about the database by exploiting the web application's behavior.

9. Boolean-based SQL Injection: Boolean-based SQL Injection is a type of SQL Injection that
relies on Boolean logic to extract information from the database. The attacker creates an SQL
query that includes a Boolean expression, allowing the attacker to infer information about
the database based on the result of the Boolean expression.

In conclusion, it is important to note that SQL Injection attacks can be prevented by validating user
input and using prepared statements or parameterized queries to interact with the database. It is
also essential to keep the database server and web application up to date with security patches and
to follow security best practices when developing web applications.
3. A. What are SQL Injection Prevention methods? Explain
SQL injection is a type of web application security vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute
malicious SQL queries by exploiting a vulnerability in the application's input validation process. SQL
injection attacks can result in the theft of sensitive data, modification or deletion of data, or even
complete compromise of the underlying system.

Here are some SQL injection prevention methods that can help protect against this type of attack:

1. Use Prepared Statements/Parameterized Queries: This method involves using placeholders

for user input in SQL queries. Prepared statements/parameterized queries are pre-compiled
SQL statements that separate user input from the SQL query. This makes it difficult for
attackers to inject malicious code into the query.

2. Use Stored Procedures: Stored procedures are pre-compiled SQL statements that are stored
in the database. They allow you to encapsulate the SQL logic and reduce the risk of SQL
injection attacks.

3. Input Validation: Input validation is the process of checking and validating user input to
ensure that it's in the expected format and doesn't contain any malicious code. Input
validation should be done on both the client-side and server-side of the application.

4. Escaping User Input: Escaping user input involves encoding user input to ensure that it's
interpreted as data rather than executable code. This is done by replacing special characters
with their corresponding escape sequences.

5. Limiting Database Permissions: Limiting the permissions of the database user reduces the
risk of SQL injection attacks. The database user should only have the necessary permissions
to perform its required tasks.

6. Regular Updates and Patches: Regular updates and patches to your database management
system and web application framework can help to prevent SQL injection attacks by
addressing known vulnerabilities and fixing bugs.

7. Use Web Application Firewall (WAF): A WAF can be used to detect and prevent SQL injection
attacks by analyzing incoming traffic and blocking malicious requests.

In summary, preventing SQL injection attacks requires a combination of input validation,

parameterized queries, input sanitization, least privilege, error handling, prepared statements,
database auditing, and security testing. By implementing these measures, organizations can
significantly reduce the risk of SQL injection attacks and protect sensitive data.
B. Write about Escalating privileges in Hacking? What are the Prevention
Escalating privileges in hacking refers to the process of gaining higher levels of access and control
within a computer system beyond what is initially granted to a user. This is a critical step in many
hacking attacks, as it allows an attacker to gain greater control over the system and access sensitive
information or perform malicious actions. There are several methods by which an attacker can
escalate privileges in a system, and there are also several prevention methods that can be
implemented to mitigate these risks.

Methods of Escalating Privileges in Hacking:

1. Password Cracking: Attackers may use automated tools or techniques to guess or crack
passwords and gain access to a system.

2. Exploiting Vulnerabilities: Attackers may find and exploit vulnerabilities in a system to gain
higher levels of access.

3. Social Engineering: Attackers may use social engineering tactics to trick users into granting
them higher levels of access or sharing sensitive information.

Prevention Methods:

1. Strong Passwords: Implementing strong password policies can help prevent password
cracking attacks. Passwords should be complex and frequently changed.

2. Patch Management: Regularly patching and updating software and systems can help prevent
vulnerabilities from being exploited.

3. User Education: Educating users on the dangers of social engineering and how to identify
suspicious activity can help prevent social engineering attacks.

4. Access Controls: Implementing strict access controls can limit the amount of access users
have and prevent unauthorized users from escalating their privileges.

5. Monitoring and Logging: Monitoring and logging activity within a system can help detect and
respond to privilege escalation attempts in a timely manner.

Overall, escalating privileges is a crucial step in many hacking attacks, and prevention methods
should be implemented to reduce the risk of such attacks. By implementing strong passwords,
regularly patching systems, educating users, implementing access controls, and monitoring activity,
organizations can greatly reduce the risk of privilege escalation attacks.

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