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Section I:Read the text and answer the questions. (5.0 Marks; 1.0 each)

It is natural for us, as humans, to think about things from a “human” point of view. Take time, for
example. Although time passes at the same rate for all living things, the lifespan of any particular species
varies greatly. To us, a year is perhaps 1⁄ 70 of a lifetime. To an animal that lives about 2 years, it is 1⁄ 2
of its life. In general, large animals have longer lifespans that small ones. Does this mean that small
animals live “faster” than large ones? The rate of living, or metabolism, can be measured by counting the
number of times the heart beats and number of breaths that are taken in a minute. A small shrew’s heart
may beat 800 times a minute, and it may take about 200 breaths. During the same minute, an elephant’s
heart ticks 25 times, and it takes just 6 breaths. The shrew’s metabolism is going about 30 times faster
than the elephant’s—thirty “shrew” days is equivalent to one “elephant” day. We cannot know if our
mammal friends perceive the passage of time differently than we do, but some scientists say that all
mammals have about 200 million breaths and 1000 million heartbeats in them. What about us?
According to that formula, for our size, we should last about 30 years. In fact, before modern medicine
and other developments that have lengthened our lifespan, we did little better than that.

1.Does an elephant live about 30 times longer than a small shrew?

Yes, because according to the text thirty “shrew” days is equivalent to one “elephant” day.

2.Does time pass more quickly for small mammals than large ones?
No, it doesn’t, because according to the text time passes at the same rate for all living things.

3,From whose point of view do you learn this information?

I learn this information from human point of view.

4. What factor, other than metabolism, may affect the actual length of life of any animal?

5.Why might today’s humans generally outlive their projected metabolic lifespan?
Today’s humans generally outlive their projected metabolic lifespan because of modern medicine and
other developments.
Section II: Complete the questions with the words in the box. (5.0 Marks; 0.5 each)

about are did does for happened has have is were

1. Who did you see at the party last night?

2. Does she like tea?

3. What are you looking for?

4. When are you going on holiday?

5. Have you ever been to Italy?

6. Where is my pen?

7. Where has she gone?

8. What were you doing at 10.30 last night?

9. Who are you talking about? 10. This place is a mess! What happened?

Section III: Underline the correct alternatives to complete the sentences. (5.0 Marks;0.5each)

1. What did you do/were you doing at 8.30 last night?

2. Kerry knows/is knowing James very well.

3. Fay didn’t go/doesn’t go to work yesterday.

4. We have/’re having lunch at the moment. Can I call you back?

5. I think/’m thinking of changing my course at university.

6. Do you have/Are you having a good time?

7. I didn’t see/wasn’t seeing Jill at work today. Is she OK?

8. I left/was leaving my job six years ago.

9. Why did he be/was he being so nice yesterday?

10. I didn’t see/wasn’t seeing why it was so important.

Section IV: Read the text and decide which option (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.(5.0 marks;
0.5 each)

Hi Roberto,

Thanks for your email. I´ll be ___1___ of you when you ___2___ your exams next month. Good luck
with them. But learning English must be easier ___3___ working at Dad´s office. There´s ___4___ a lot I
don´t know about international money markets!

Guess what – I´ve just had my car ___5___ and it ___6___ me €800! I really do ___7___ I had enough
money to buy myself a new one. What do you think – a BMW, perhaps?

Well, I´ll be ___8___ to Edinburgh in June because Dad wants me to ___9___ a conference there. Maybe
you can get ___10___ for a Lucky Luke concert – they´re a great band – and we can go together.

1. A. think B. thought C. thinks D. thinking

2. A. pass B. write C. take D. make

3. A. that B. than C. as D. by

4. A. such B. so C. extremely D. hardly

5. A. controlled B. repaired C. served D. revised

6. A. cost B. owed C. charged D. took

7. A. hope B. dream C. want D. wish

8. A. coming B. staying C. visiting D. reaching

9. A. go B. present C. assist D. attend

10. A. entries B. cards C. tickets D. passes

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