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Mediator : Hashna S Hashim

petitioner: Amrutha Ravi

Respondent : Sandra Santhakumar

Name of the petitioner : Lakshmi

Name of the Respondent: Arun


Mediator: Greetings to all and welcome to this mediation process. I like to thank you. For your good
view for participating all In this session. So at first Let me introduce my self .My name is Hashna s
Hashim and I am going to be the mediator in this mediation session So the Problem which we are trying
to arrive at a better Solution of for the divorce petition filed. This suit has been brought forwarded by
the petitioner Lakshmi SS. In this mediation the advocate on behalf of petitioners side is Ad. Amrutha
Ravi. The Respondent side (NS Arun) is being represented by Adv.Sandra Santhakumar . Since you are
here by choice I know that you are committed for making the better solution for the same.

At the outset I should clarify that have no connection with this Case and I know what I know about this
case from the Confidential Position statement and other materials that you have sent me. I am not a
judge or a decision maker, my job is facilitate communication and to help each of you think and
communicate more Clearly with the hopes that you will be able to reach a settlement. Our goal is to
reach an agreement. I again comment and congratulate you for your commitment to this process and
choice to participate the issue we have before us has been brought by petitioners Lakshmi S.S

Shall we start our mediation ?

So Advocate 1have to explain about the petition regarding the Same

Advocate 1 Amrutha : Thank you ma’am. First of all the above mentioned petition is filed under
Section 13(1)(ia)(ib) of Hindu Marriage Act and Section 7 of Family Counts Act, to get a decree of

Mediator: Yes ma’am I understand that hope in this forum We can bring out some positive solutions.

Adv.1 : We also hope so Maam that is why we Happily responded with this mediation process.

Mediator: Ok a let’s hear from the Adv.Sandra Santhakumar representing Mr Arun..

Advocate-2,Sandra: Thank you mediator for all your efforts which makes this mediation possible. I
hereby represent Mr.Arun for the above mention Suit and I hope the things will fix at the earliest.

Mediator: I understand the concerns and feelings, Ma’am the things will be at the earliest.

Advocate 2: ma’am the petition is regarding the decree For divorce and hereby I wish to make a good
compromise with the consent of the both parties.

Mediator: Yes Ma’am we wish to make a good Compromise up to my professional experience

Advocate 2: The Case included domestic violence Act and also It includes attempt to murder and was
Completely fabricated and unfair. The respondent was Completely unaware about the facts and the
things stated are not satisfactory .

Mediator: So let me make a check to councel 1 for the facts she have to explain for the above stated

Advocate 1: Ma’am the petition filed before the court is not just a fabricated or Unfair issue my Client
that is Lakshmi who suffered her marital Life Completely in to a trauma by the treatment made by her
husband Arun. He intentionally try to make an accident and he try to convey it as an inevitable One.
Later her mother-in-law completely made her not to move out from the house and do her educational
purposes. Later Both of them made her to suffer under an extreme traumatized condition regarding the
dowry she had paid. Further she was blackmailed by them and made her forcefully to Mortgage her
remaining gold. They also seized her ATM card and withdraw the money during the time she gave birth
to a girl child Arunima Narayanan [29/2/2016] and things were getting normal both the petitioner and
respondent decided to go for a bank Coaching that too out of Lakshmi's father’s savings. After the
accident petitioner has undergone major Surgeries including grafting and another several other
treatments for two months. As looking in to the fact it is clearly Stating that petitioner can’t go for a life
any more with the respondent Mr Arun.

Mediator: Ok the facts above stated are quite truthfull and it will duely help for making a better

Advocate 2: The Compensation they asked is quite beyond to hold by the respondent so I request the
mediator to make better conclusion by Considering the financial stability of Mr.Arun
Mediator : Ok will consider the request of the Counsel 2

Advocate 1: hereby we are making a settlement regarding the compensation for the petitioner and have
to get back all the mortgaged gold and the Seized ATM card.

Mediator: As the both the Advocates and the parties are satisfied with the fair proposal made. Do you
all agree with this?

Advocate 1&2: yes we both the counsel satisfied with the terms and conditions of the above mentioned
facts and statements . We agreed towards this.

Mediator: Ok, let’s Conclude this mediation Session. Here we are making a settlement for all the issues
related to the facts and moving the Petition to the family court under Section 13 (1) (ia) (ib) of the Hindu
Marriage Act for the dissolution of the marriage by the Apex judicature of the relevant jurisdiction

Settlement Conditions

1. Recovering all the mortgaged gold and seized ATM card and the money withdrawn from the
respected account.
2. Custody of the child. The petitioner have to get the protection under the domestic viloence
Act,2005, where Sec.13 also contains custody of the child in proviso.
3. Considering the age of the respondent the compensation has been reduced from 5 lakh to 2
lakh. All the hospital expenses incurred has been settled right here
4. All the money incurred for the bank coaching should be given back


Amrutha Ravi (08) - 47118551008

Hashna S Hashim (29) - 47118551030

Sandra Santhakumar (46) - 47118551047

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