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-Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Duyên – AV003-

1. What are 03 requirements for successful collaboration in large project groups

according to Markys Cain?
According to Markys Cain, the keys to a successful project are “mutual trust, a
shared goal, and a fair proportion of the profits”.
 Mutual trust: where you trusted the quality of the work by the people who were
doing it. Many things have been done this way. And it is a two-way street. We
trust you; you trust us.
 A shared goal: a force that holds people together and allows actors to coordinate
their efforts and work together for mutual benefit.
 A fair proportion of the profits: a fair and reasonable proportion appropriate to the
property or its use to be determined.
2. What are your opinions regarding his findings? Would you like to add anything
From my point of view, Markys Cain findings were so useful. It helps to explore the
feasibility of conducting research on diversity in organizational settings. In addition, I
would like to add two more factors to promote cultural diversity in the workplace. The
first one is to encourage the expression of opinions and beliefs. One of the best ways to
promote cultural diversity is to make our workspace a safe place for all. Employees
should feel free to express their beliefs, opinions, and concerns without fear of
discrimination. The other factor is organizing team-building activities. Team building
activities with a diverse workforce allow employees to set aside their cultural differences
to achieve a common goal. This results in effective cross-cultural teams with happier and
more productive employees. Don’t forget to include activities that highlight the benefits
of cultural diversity. Help them realize the importance of cultural diversity when it comes
to creating meaningful work. In summary, establishing cultural diversity within the
workplace is a consistent process. We should never stop creating a safer and more
accepting environment where our employees can thrive.

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