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Importance of Epics in Human life 1 1 ponTaNee OF EPs HUMAN LIFE An epic is a protracted poetic composition focalized upon a hero who has achieved many great triumphs in his life, Epics are based on established traditions which narrate the deeds of old heroic figures. They tell us the past of a group, religion or ration. In india, the word epic brings in mind the two very famous works The Ramayana and The Mahabharata. Both of these works were scripted in ancient Sanskrit language. Ramayana was written by a sage named Valmiki centuries ago. It narrates the story of lord ram, who was sent to exile for 14 years with his wife and younger brother. Ramayana brings out many Quintessential principle values which are taught to every child by his parents in India, These are the values which form the backbone of Indian culture. The Mahabharata Is the longest epic written in the Sanskrit language. Its a collection of more ‘than seventy-four thousand verses and itis divided into eighteen books. It was written by a sage named Vedvyasa. It throws light upon the politics played in the ancient times. It teaches us why we should pursue the duties assigned to us. It tells us what wrong can happen when we speak a lie or when we commit a sin. It shows how people can betray their own family members to full their selfish desires. There are many lessons which we can learn from these epics. They teach us how to become a good human being. They teach us the actual importance of relationships in life. They explain the meaning of love, Epics can fill you with patriotism. Everyone should read at least one epic ina lifetime. Role of Epics in Human Life Epics Furnish us with Knowledge and Wisdom The epics exhibit us what the right way to lve life is. It explains the actual meaning of lfe. They tell us what the importance of speaking truth is. They explain a very important lesson of life that we should do our work without the avarice of any reward. The stories in the epics teach us why we should have those basic manners in ourselves in very interesting ways. These stories contain the principles and lesson which are taught to the children in our country from childhood. These stories are told to them so that they can learn why it s important to becorne a good human being. The heroes in the epics become ur role models and are hero-worshiped. In india, religious epics are road as itis thought that it wil fill their mind with knowledge and wisdom, The bectime tales taught to the children by thelr grandparents are usually @ part of these epies only. This is done so that they can nourish the child with knowledge and wisdom that is necessary for living from his early childhood, Epics are Chronicles of our History and Past Culture: Epics depict what happened in the past. They tell us about the happenings that shaped our culture, Epics are the proofs of ur culture, They tell us about our history. Epics are the recordings of the milestones achieved by our ancestors. If these Epics were not written we would never get to know about our history or about how the happenings in the past formed the world in which we are living right now. Epies can tell us why this world is divided or why we are living in this part ofthe land or what is the history of the place we are living in there are many other questions related to our past and our country’s past which have their answers recorded in these epics. Epics Justify the Ubiquitous Traditions The epies like Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagwat Geeta are the epics based on true stories. Mahabharata tells us about the very famous and influencing battle fought in our country. Ramayana contains the reason behind celebrating festivals ike Dusshera and Diwali. By reading these epics we get to know why our culture is lke this or why we consider something's very special and sacred or why some days are celebrated differently than others. In our country there are many things which are influenced by our history. They may include the festivals or the beliefs which we think have come from the ancient times. Reasons for all these can be traced from the epies. Epics tell the Story about the Religion The religious epics portray the complete story about a religion. Each and every minute detail about the religion can be found in them, Ramayana can be considered as the biography of Lord Rama. Everything about them can be found in Ramayana Ramayana is totally based on the lfe of Lord Rama. On the other hand, Mahabharata tells us about the life of Lord Krishna, about their powers, deeds, and how wisely they handled everything. Life of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, lordessDurga Targetstudy on (EB YouTube Epics Fillus with Motivation Epics are full of heroism and stories of bravery. They motivate us. Epies show us that nothing is Impossible, we just need self-confidence. We need to trust ourselves and then we can make impossible tasks possible. Epics can give us our idols. By following the step of the heroes in epics we can easily win ost battles. The hero in epic stories faces tragedy, hatred, betrayal, and major losses. His strength can motivate usf in ease the same situation approaches us. We will get a path to follow in such situations. His life teaches us not to lose hope and face every situation wisely and fearlessly. Epics Highlight the Duties of a Human Boing towards its Nation Epics have always taught us that no matter what the situation is nation comes first. Our nation should be our fist priority. As a citizen, itis our duty to protect our nation from enemies. It also teaches us that whatever we do, it should not harm the other citizens of the country. Everybody has equal rights and no one can be deprived of them. AS a ruler. we should take care of all the citizens of the nation. There shall be equality among all. Any decision of the ruler should not be against the benefit of the local population. Epics teach us that a good ruler is the one who frst thinks about the local citizens. Each step taken by him should be in the favour of common men and must not harm them in any sense, Epics help Discover Technology Epics have motivated our technology a lot. Most of the invention can be traced back to ancient times. Many great ‘technologies have their roots sown in the old ages. Its belioved that many of the inventions are the copy of what we have seen in the epics. Many scientists agree on the fact that many modern day weapons, bombs or missiles can be traced from the weapons used in the battle between Kauravas and Pandavas in Mahabharata. The most destructive weapon that is the bhramastra, highlighted in Mahabharata had the ability to destroy everything, the entire life, It can be considered analogous to nuclear weapons. Lord Vishnu used ‘vimana’ as a mode of transportation. It is analogous to the modern world's airplanes and helicopters. There has been a recent invention of a missile which runs behing its targat untilit finds it and finishes it. This can be considered equivalent to the weapon used by lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, called the ‘Sudharshan chakra’. So we can conclude that the things mentioned in the epics are scratching the minds of sclentists and motivating them to bring them into real fe. Epies can become a Source of Entertainment Instead of novels, movies or TV series, epics can be a great source of entertainment, They should be more preferred because, Inaddition, they provide us with knowledge and wisdom. Epics are now available in easy languages. Many movies and TV series are based on these epics and have been praised by the viewers. They have been presented as animated movies also for the litle audience. Many stage shows and plays are organized based on these epics. If you are just looking for something that can entertain you, the epics can be a good source. They will not be less than the story of a movie with a lot of drama, suspense, action. tragedy and of course love. If you are bored of the clichéd types of movies and TV series you should try and {9 for epics. They will surely entertain you and teach you many new things in a pleasant way. Conclusion Epics are a very important part of our life. They can explain to us the true meaning of life. They can explain to us what is beyond our thinking. They contain the reasons of most of our questions, They can be 8 real motivation to us. They can give Us hope when we feel hopeless. They share with us so many things that are just perfect for our successfullife. There are ‘many Indian epies. Ten very famous epics include the Mahabharata, the Ramayana, the raghuvamsa, the budhacharita shishupalavadha, The Kiratarjuniya, The Manimekalal, The Silapadikaram., The Kumarasambava and ShriRamcharitmanas. All of them contain stories which leave a very peaceful impact on life. They make us more Understanding towards Ife. They teach us how to live life. Articles on Education > 10,Things to do after getting Your First Job > 101s for Success in Personal interview > Adult Literacy in india and it's implications > Advancesin Biotechnology > Advances in Shace Seiance Targetstudy on (EB YouTube

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