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Higher Education Professional Reviewer Feedback Form

The purpose of this form is to provide honest feedback about Kimberly Wojturski’s Professional Website
for her final graduate course, CCHE 690-Master’s Seminar. This Website includes a culmination of
Kimberly’s coursework performed throughout her graduate program (Educational Leadership-Community
College/Higher Education) and it serves as a professional resource for prospective employers to view her
profile, experience, and potential.

This feedback form will be uploaded onto Kimberly’s Website and evaluated by her professor. Through
completing this form, you agree to have your feedback, name, and title uploaded onto her website. Please
note that once this site is evaluated and graded, your review will be removed.

Instructions: Please rate the statements below on a scale of one to four, one being the lowest (poor) and
four being the highest (excellent). After this section, please provide suggestions for improvement. The
following section is where you will provide your overall review of the website. Lastly, please include
your full name and title at the bottom of this feedback form.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

1: Poor 2: Fair 3: Good 4: Excellent

Ease in navigation (links, organized layout): 1 2 3 4

Visual appeal (font, colors, pictures, icons): 1 2 3 4

Usefulness (relevant items and distinct bio): 1 2 3 4

Suggestions for improvement:

You might consider (if Weebly allows) a background color, so it’s not entirely white for the background.
Even a slight hue of color might soften the appearance.

Overall Review:
I really learned a lot from this portfolio. I loved that the papers were embedded and all of the topics you
wrote about are so relevant to current issues in higher education including specific needs of students,
engagement, and post-pandemic burnout. I also liked that there were personal touches throughout from
calming beach scenes to the “About Me” video where you introduce yourself as Kim instead of the formal
Kimberly seen in the portfolio. I think it is powerful that you shared your story of returning to school
while working full-time and parenting small children. This is a story represented in our students as well.

As far as the actual design, the organization is clear, and the embedded documents and videos really
provide a well-rounded lens into who you are as a professional and educator.
I would definitely share this portfolio with potential employers!

Reviewer Name: Holly Jacobus

Title: Residential Faculty, Glendale Community College

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