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The growth of Sociology statistical analyses in their work.

But the
____________________________ production, distribution, and consumption of
goods and services also occurs within a social
Sociology is not the only discipline that studies web, leaving additional areas for sociological
human behavior and societies. neighboring inquiry, The surging demand for smaller cars
disciplines share an interest in some aspects of was possible, for example, because of smaller
the social world. family size. Thus, the supply and price of oil
Sociology, economics, anthropo- operates within a social world to influence
logy, history, political science, and psychology consumer choices and while valuing the
are neighboring disciplines. One of the expertise of economist, sociologists can
characteristics they share is that each has a provide additional perspectives on economic
coherent base of knowledge which is grounded life.
in theory and research. They also are marked Political Science
by one or more distinctive methods of The study of political science emerged
obtaining knowledge. Law, public after the development of economics and
administration, social medicine, social work, focused on political philosophy and the ideals
education, and business administration are of good government. The twentieth century,
closely related professional areas that raw political science has turned to the study of
upon the social sciences to deal with practical forms of government in the everywhere. In
problems. They may also add to our knowledge recent decades political scientists have come to
of social life when they conduct systematic use more numerical data, such as voting
studies. Different historical origins and records or numbers of people holding certain
professional differences of opinion sometimes attitudes. They have also begun to focus on
interfere with relationships among these fields. actual political behaviors more than on
Despite their differences, however, these political philosophies. Today the interest and
specialized subjects all deal with social political sociologist overlap to a large degree -
behavior, All social sciences, as these disciplines for example, in the studies of voting behavior
are called, study human activity and and public opinion formation.
communication, but ac discipline separates our
certain behaviors as its particular focus of Anthropology
study. Anthropology seeks to describe human
Economics variations, both physical and social, since
The field of economics considers human kind’s earliest beginnings. It has a
activity relating to the production, distribution, highly comparative, or cross cultural,
and consumption of goods and services, In perspective. Traditionally, anthropologists
studying a factory, an economist tends to see have studied remote culture; they have live
the work force as a “supply of labor”. with tribal, exotic, and often preliterate
Sociologist consider other aspects of the societies that were isolate from the
workers’ social makeup that may influence the contemporary world. As such untouched
work situation. They see the work force societies disappear, anthropologist have begun
compromised of individuals of various races, to study social groups in industrial societies.
sexes ages, and religions. Any or all of these Thus we begin to see ethnographies (detailed
factors may affect the work process. anthropological descriptions) of urban street
Because goods and services ma easily be gangs, peer culture in schools, the transmission
counted and measured, economist have been of culture among immigrants, and gender-role
able to use sophisticated mathematical and
behavior. These studies closely parallel man of
the concerns of sociology.

The study of past societies has only
recently attracted the attention of American
sociologist, who previously left this field to
historians. Some historians claim that history
is a series of unique events which can only be
described separately and which never form
patterns or trends. They tend to see history as
part of the humanities (along with literature,
art, and music), rather than as a social science.
Other historians provide comparisons across
time or record disappearing styles; they
resemble who study the past. A few historians
borrow sociological methods for analyzing
numerical data and some sociologist include
historical background in their studies of
communities, class structures, or
organizational change. A sociological study
comparing social leadership in Boston and
Philadelphia, for example traces its historical
roots to the colonial experience and even back
to to Europe (Baltzell, 1979)

Psychology explores both the biological
and the social origins of human behavior.
Physiological psychology considers the
physical processes that underline thinking,
feeling, and perceiving. Social psychology
involves the scientific study of how individual
behavior is socially influenced. Social
psychologist focus on what happens inside
individuals, including personality
development, and how they are influenced by
the groups, societies, and cultures to which
they belong. Social psychology is well
established in both psychology and sociology
departments in universities all over the United

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