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Harrinson: Hello good afternoon Alvaro

Álvaro: Hello good afternoon Harrinson how are you?

Harrinson: good thanks, very happy and excited, and you?

Álvaro: very good, but tell me why so much happiness

Harrinson: Do you remember the email we sent to Disney?

Álvaro: yes, what did they answer you Harrinson?

Harrinson: yes, Disney answered me it was the best news, in his email he said that he loves our

Álvaro: my God! It's great

Harrinson: yes, now they ask us as a requirement to send a video interviewing us so that they
can get to know us a little more by asking us a few questions

Álvaro: ok, let's start

Harrinson: Alvaro, what do you do on weekdays?

Álvaro: work in the morning and study in the afternoon, you?

Harrinson: In the same way, I work in the morning and study in the afternoon.

Álvaro: very good Harrinson and the fines of weeks that you usually do

Harrinson: Well, Alvaro , personally, on weekends I usually go to work and then spend it with
the family trying to finish some university work, and you?

Álvaro: for my part I usually go to church in the morning accompanied by my family and in the
afternoon I finish my educational work at the university

Harrinson: and tell me Álvaro where you work

Álvaro: I work receiving calls from the company Movistar and you

Harrinson: I work in the products of the Zara store, accommodating them

Álvaro: and tell me what career are you studying

Harrinson: I tell you Alvaro, I study international business at the Technological University of
Peru and you

Álvaro: How interesting, what a beautiful career, I study psychology at the Technological
University of Peru

Harrinson: thank you, your career also seems very interesting to me, and what is your hobby?

Álvaro: what I like to do the most in my spare time is play soccer with my friends and you

Harrinson: I like listening to music it relaxes me too much

Álvaro: and what kind of music do you like to listen to?

Harrinson: I like a bit of everything and you

Álvaro: ok Harrinson, I like the melody

Harrinson: how interesting, well Alvaro I say goodbye take care

Álvaro: yes, I'm also saying goodbye, I have to go to class, thank you, it was a pleasure.

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