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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No.

1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52



Zakiyyah Nur Fitri1

Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia

Asyari Hasan2
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia


Banking is one of the institutions engaged in finance that plays a role in efforts to
advance the country’s economy. As an institution whose role is to advance the
country’s economy, the performance of employees at the institution is highly valued.
In this assessment, there is a strategy that has been determined by the personnel
management to improve the performance of these human resources. The study aims
to determine how the personnel management strategy in an effort to improve
employee performance at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch office. This research is
field research, with a qualitative research approach. It uses a purposive sampling
technique, namely the technique of sampling data sources based on certain
considerations. The researchers made employees at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu
Branch Office as subjects/informants a total of 5 people. Based on the results of the
study, it can be concluded that the personnel management strategy in an effort to
improve the performance of human resources at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch
Office is carried out independently, in class, and periodically trained.

Keywords: Strategy, Personnel Management, Employee Performance, Human Resource

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

The contribution of Islamic banking is highly expected to support economic
transformation in order to generate productive economic activity. The more productive the
banking activities, the better the economic growth. The growth of Islamic banking means
more and more people will be served. Likewise, the wider the reach of Islamic banking, the
greater the role of banking as a people’s economic development in this country. Bank as
one of the financial institutions whose job is to collect funds from the public in the form of
savings, deposits, demand deposits, and distribute funds to the community for the welfare
of people’s lives. Likewise, Islamic banks carry out transactions based on sharia principles
that have been regulated in fatwas such as the principles of balance and justice,
universalism, and benefit. Then, usury, unjust, and objects are forbidden.
Bank Mualamat is one of the sharia banks in Indonesia. As the first sharia bank in
Indonesia, it runs its operations using sharia principles. The establishment of Bank
Muamalat Indonesia, on November 1st, 1991 was initiated by the Indonesian Ulema
Council (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia. In 1994, Bank Muamalat turned into a
foreign exchange bank. Funding products use the principles of mudharabah (profit sharing)
and wadiah (deposit). Meanwhile, the investment of funds applies the principles of buying
and selling, profit sharing, and leasing. The establishment of Islamic banks should be based
on objective conditions with the demands of the economy and the decisions of the people.
Thus, Islamic banks can continue to develop, compete, and survive. Management of
institutional and internal operations implementation must be professional (Nuraini, Sarkum,
& Halim, 2021). Professionalism in an Islamic bank can be seen in a good management
system and personnel management is the main key in an institution.
Personnel management is planning, directing, organizing and controlling, procuring
work, compensation, integration, maintenance, development, and termination of
employment with human resources to achieve individual, group, and community goals
(Handoko, T Hani. (2014). The problem of human resources (HR) is one of the problems
being faced by Islamic banks. There are many Islamic banks in Indonesia that do not have
adequate human resources. Especially human resources who have background knowledge
of economics and sharia banking. As an initial step taken to develop Islamic banking in
Indonesia, Bank Indonesia formulates a grand strategy consisting of 6 main programs that

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

need to be carried out by Islamic banks, namely programs to improve service performance
supported by competent human resources. Human resources are the backbone of carrying
out the operational activities of an institution. This is the cause of problems in the
development of Islamic banking (Rohmi, 2020).
The existence of adequate support from employees is one of the factors in the
development of Islamic banking, both in terms of quantity and in terms of quality.
However, the existing facts explain that there are still many employees who have been
involved in sharia institutions that do not have academic and practical knowledge of
Islamic banking. Situations like this significantly affect the performance of human
resources and the professionalism of Islamic banking itself (Monica, Olga Silvia. 2017).
Human resource development aims to produce organizational human resources that are
reliable and have competencies according to the needs of the organization. The goal of
human resource development is ultimately to create employees who have good
performance by increasing their ability to perform better. If the previous employee’s
performance was positive, then the development given aims to further improve the
employee's performance in the process of climbing the career ladder. And vice versa, the
previous performance was negative, the aim of developing human resources is to improve it
so that it becomes good and positive ( Dadan, 2018 .
Based on the explanation above, it can be drawn on the object of study in this study,
Bank Muamalat is the first Islamic banking institution in Indonesia that is still active in
society, a banking institution that is considered capable of providing good performance
services, and maintaining performance in the current state by using the strategy set by
personnel management.

In the initial concept, strategy is a variety of ways to achieve goals. In the
development of strategic management, strategy is not only defined as a way to achieve
goals because the strategy in the concept of strategic management also includes the
determination of the various goals themselves with various strategic decisions made by
company management which are expected to guarantee the maintenance of the company’s

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

competitive advantage (Solihin. (2012). . Strategy is a way of focusing on matters relating

to manufacturing and marketing activities. Everything aims to develop the productivity of
the company. Understanding from an etymological point of view, it means the use of the
word “strategic” in the management of an organization, can be interpreted as a way, the
main tips, and tactics that are designed systematically in carrying out management
functions directed at the goals of the organization’s strategy (Kasmir. (2011). Strategic
management is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-
functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its goals. Based on this
interpretation, we can recognize the scope of strategic management in meeting industrial
goals, starting from formulation to the appraisal process (Mun’im & Supriyanto, 2021)
Strategic planning is important for managers to study human resources in an
organization: a) To recognize the human potential in the organization so that it can utilize it
optimally; b) Humans have aspirations to achieve the desired goals through the career path
they take; c) Humans as unique social beings must focus attention on the desires and needs
that must be met; d) The organization is a collection of people; e) The success of the people
in it must be in accordance with the goals of the organization to be achieved; f)
Organization is formed not only in the short term but in the long term so that human
resource needs must be planned, organized, implemented, and controlled effectively.
The design that is systematic, within an organization is called "strategic planning".
Strategic management is the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating
strategic decisions between functions that enable an organization to achieve its mandated
goals (Akdon. 2011). .
Personnel Management
Personnel management is the most complicated, difficult, and also challenging field
of business. The personnel manager must provide an effective workforce for the company
while paying great attention to the expectations of employees and society in general (Locke
& Associates, (1997). In this case human resources are employees who are important in
participating in determining whether or not organizational goals are achieved so that they
need to get serious attention. The human resources department plays an important role that
has the task of managing, fostering, mobilizing, directing, and developing employees so
that they can complete their tasks effectively and efficiently to achieve company goals.

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

Human resource management will usually be responsible for developing the company’s
human resources. The company is said to go forward or backward will be determined by
the management that manages it.
Personnel management has several scopes of activities including: a) Implementation
of labor procurement followed by placement of new personnel; b) Implementation of
employee development following education and training; c) Implementation of
maintenance and separation of employees; d) Implementation of authority and
responsibility; e) Utilization of labor resources
The difference between human resource management and personnel management is
as follows: a) Human resource management is studied on a macro basis, while personnel
management is studied on a micro basis; b) Human resource management considers that
employees are the main asset of the organization, it must be properly maintained. Personnel
management assumes that employees are a factor of production, so they must be used
productively; c) Human resource management uses a modern approach, while personnel
management uses a classical approach.
Human Resources
Human resources are defined as an employee who is capable, ready, and alert in
achieving organizational goals. As stated that the main dimension of the resource side is its
contribution to the organization, while the main human dimension is the treatment of its
contribution which in turn will determine the quality and capability of its life. Human
resource management must be carried out properly in order to obtain a workforce that is
satisfied with their work. Human resources are capable of creating not only comparative
value but also competitive, generative, and innovative value by using the highest energy,
such as intelligence, creativity, and imagination (Edy. 2012).
The focus of human resource management lies in efforts to manage human
resources in the dynamics of interaction between workers’ organizations which often have
different interests. Human resource management is the activity of planning, procuring,
developing, maintaining, and using resources of human beings for the object are equally
human, but in essence, there are essential differences between personnel management and
human resource management.

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

Employee Performance
The best first step that we should take, both as workers, businessmen, and
individuals, is to conduct a self-assessment. Performance appraisal can be interpreted as “an
organizational process that evaluates employee performance against their work” (Blanchard
and Spencer, 1982). Performance is “the embodiment of talent and ability (capability); or
the real results of one’s competence; in terms of position” the results achieved because of
the function of a particular position in a certain period of time(Anwar, 2011) (Kane, 1986).
Performance is “the multiplication between capacity and motivation(Sakeon & Uhing,
2019) (Muhammad Arifin, 2004). Why do organizations have to do a performance
appraisal? Performance is an action or execution of tasks that have been completed by
someone within a certain time and can be measured. The indicators are Bernardian and
Russell in Sedarmayanti (2008, 260): a) Responsibility for the quality of work; b)
Responsibility for the quantity of work produced; c) Work time savings; d) There is
responsibility in achieving organizational goals; e) Cooperation in carrying out tasks; f)
Ability to face difficulties in completing work; g) Coordination of each work.
There are three main suggestions for strategic management, namely: a) There are
changes in various fields continuously; b) Emphasize the achievement of activity results
and their impact: c) Increased ability to measure performance.
The measurement must be based on a performance indicator that has been
determined in the process of making a strategic plan. Aspects of measurement consist of
financial aspects, customer satisfaction, internal business operations, employee satisfaction,
community and shareholders satisfaction, and time. In general, measurement is directed at
measuring performance. Performance standard means a measure of the level of
performance that is expected to be achieved and expressed in a quantitative statement. The
setting of performance standards can be sourced from applicable laws and regulations,
management decisions, expert opinions, or on the basis of experience from the same job in
previous years. Things that need to be considered in setting performance standards include
the following: a) Clear identification of customers, b) Clear identification of stakeholders;
c) Periodic survey results regarding the type and quality of service desired by customers; d)
The complication of complaints and complaints through complaints contact as feedback; e)
Availability of service information facilities that are easily accessible to customers; f) There

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

is a stipulation regarding the maximum period of service; g) Efforts to improve “front line”
Training and Development
Employees who have worked for many years sometimes often make mistakes,
whether intentional or not, and sometimes the mistakes will be fatal. Even this error often
occurs over and over again which should not have happened. Employees are also often no
longer motivated to work. Another condition is that many employees are frustrated in
carrying out their work, so what they do is just a routine without any initiative for better
improvement (Akdon. (2011). Thus, leadership really needs to have multiple roles in an
organization, namely inspiring, influencing and setting an example, serving, and
implementing the values that have been agreed upon by the organization in order to achieve
organizational goals while the leadership function is to decide the choice of various options,
solve problems,
Development for employees as a preparation for employees to assume heavier
responsibilities in an organization or company. Employee development is closely related to
increasing intellectual abilities to carry out better work. Employee development is very
focused on long-term needs. Development can also help employees to prepare themselves
for job changes resulting from new product markets or new technologies (Yusuf, 2015). For
all prospective new employees to be ready to be placed in a particular field of work, it is
necessary to attend training first. In addition to increasing the knowledge of prospective
employees who enter, it is also to change the behavior of employees so far that is not good
and of course in the end to get to know more deeply the scope of work that will be faced
Training is a process to equip and form employees by increasing their skills,
abilities, knowledge, and behavior. Training can shape employee behavior in accordance
with the company’s expectations, for example in accordance with the company’s culture.
Then it will equip employees with various knowledge, abilities, and expertise according to
their field of work (Yusuf, 2015).

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

The study uses field research, namely research conducted directly at the research
location with observations of phenomena and case studies at an institution to be studied. It
uses a qualitative research approach. In determining informants, researchers used a
purposive sampling technique, which is a sampling technique for data sources based on
certain considerations, for example, people who are considered the most expert on what is
expected, so that it will make it easier for researchers to obtain the necessary information.
In this study, the researchers made employees at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office
as informants/subjects.


From the results of observations, interviews, and documentation obtained an
overview that the number of well-qualified human resources is still insufficient to meet the
needs of every Islamic banking institution. Human resources are basically the main element
in the institution because with good performance human resources will bring the institution
concerned to achieve company goals. In addition, all activities in this world are processes
carried out by human resources, no activity can be carried out without human resources,
despite the current rapid technological developments. The following are the qualification
standards set by Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office for several positions, namely: a)
Administration Staff; b) Assistant Management; c) Chemical Analysis; d) Secretary; e)
The following are the qualification standards set by Bank Muamalat Indonesia to fill
this position: a) Male/Female, Age 22 – 40 years; b) Male, minimum 1.5 years experience;
c) Minimum education S1, S2, D1, D2, and D3 all majors; d) Female, minimum education
S1, S2, D1, D2 and D3 all majors/fresh graduate; e) Being able to operate the computer in
ms. Word and excel; f) Being able to speak foreign languages will be an advantage; g)
Willing to be placed in the working area of PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Fulfilling educational qualifications in accordance with the type of work needed is
the main standard for being an employee of the Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office.
At the high school level, they can work as a teller and take part in an apprenticeship

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

program for one year. Meanwhile, employees with an undergraduate degree and above can
become permanent employees and there are career paths for higher positions.
There are personnel qualification standards at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch
Office. The problem is the lack of employees who come from educational backgrounds in
Islamic banking or Islamic economics. As a result, it has an impact on a lack of
understanding of Islamic banking products. The strategic steps of human resource planning
are as follows: a) Reflection and representation of the company’s strategic plan related to
human resource planning. This means that the formulated human resource qualifications
should meet the criteria as required in the overall strategic planning of the company,
integrated with other parts of the company, such as production, marketing, sales, and so on.
For example, the company in the next five years wants to maintain profit levels of 10%.
Therefore, the personnel department must ensure that the human resources recruited and
developed are able to support the company’s plans. b) Analysis of the qualification tasks
that will be responsible for the workforce. The step is an effort to understand the work
qualifications needed to achieve the company’s strategic plan. There are three things that
are usually done, namely: 1) Job analysis is a detailed requirement regarding the type of
work required and the qualifications of the workforce capable of carrying it out. The end
result of the position is a job description and job specification; 2) Job descriptions have job
details that will be the duties, responsibilities, and expected results in a particular job; 3)
Job specification is a detail of qualifications, abilities, skills, and characteristics needed for
the company's advancement in a particular job.
The basic concept of Islamic banking discusses the qualifications and standards of
Islamic banking human resources in fact, the things that must be possessed by Islamic bank
employees are as follows: a) Having moral values in the application of fiqh muamalah/
sharia economic; b) Having the concept and objectives of Islamic economics; c)
Understanding the concept and application of transactions (contracts) in muamalah sharia
economics; d) Understanding the working mechanism of Islamic banking institutions; e)
Understand the working mechanisms and interactions of supervisory institutions, legal
institutions, and consultants in the banking industry; f) Being able to speak Arabic and

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

Performance standards are requirements that must be met by an employee in order

to carry out his work properly. The personal standards are: a) The quality of employees
recruited must be in accordance with the requirements in order to get the appropriate
performance. Therefore, job descriptions, job analyses, and job specifications are needed.
Job analysis is a procedure for determining the responsibilities and skill requirements
required for a job. From the job analysis, information can be obtained that can be used to
make job descriptions (job lists) and job specifications for the types of people to be hired.
Job analysis functions to find out the duties and positions in the company. Requirements
that must be owned are about qualifications which include job descriptions and job
specifications; b) The number of employees needed must be in accordance with the
available job vacancies. To get this, it is necessary to forecast labor needs and analyze labor
Based on these data, it can be concluded that to obtain employees who have the
abilities according to the needs, an appropriate job analysis is needed so as not to harm the
company because the performance results are not optimal. Professional employees will
work effectively in their jobs. Conversely, employees who are not professional are unable
to work effectively. Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office selects employees based on
needs, appropriateness, eligibility, based on knowledge, experience, and technical
capabilities possessed by these human resources.
From the results of observation and research, it was also found that the human
resource managers of Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office use strategies to improve
employee performance. According to Hindun, a strategic plan is a specific statement
relating to how to achieve the future taken by the entity. Strategic planning is a process for
deciding the program to be implemented by the company and the number of employees to
be allocated in each long-term program from the results of the strategic planning stages in
the form of a document called a strategic plan which contains information about the
program for the next few years. Managers need several types of planning, especially
strategic planning.
Human resource managers can make strategies to overcome employee problems so
that Bank Muamalat carries out activities in order to improve employee performance with
several programs including employee development and training. The training activities

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

carried out included in-class, periodic, and independent training. Development and training
are responsible for the human resource manager with external and internal sources from
Bank Muamalat. With the costs incurred to hold the development and training, it is hoped
that it can improve the learning culture of employees both independently and in class with
interactive learning processes in E-Learning which will continue to be developed.
Training in class is training activities that are often carried out according to their
fields and needs. The marketing division will be given directions and training in the
marketing field, as well as other fields. This program aims to recall material that has long
been given. The development and training of human resources at the Bank Muamalat
Bengkulu Branch Office are in line with Putri Kamilatul’s research on social-based
research for human resource development. Training and education programs as a strategy to
increase commitment in the organization. Training and education programs make a major
contribution to the company aimed at ensuring that employees have good competence and
according to these demands because Islamic banks hold development and training.
In order to get employees who have maximum performance, Bank Muamalat
Bengkulu Branch Office develops education and a culture of continuous learning with the
support of adequate learning facilities. Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office has
improved and supported human resource performance improvement facilities through a
variety of training and educational facilities, including competency-based education and
training programs in the form of E-Learning. Institutional efforts in developing human
resource skills by conducting capacity building, training, training and carrying out inter-city
and centralized. With the development and training that can be beneficial to the company,
namely: a) Development and training aim to improve the ability of human resources; b)
Creating human resources to improve company performance and be productive at work; c)
Increase company profit figures
The main objective of human resource development is to improve the attitudes,
abilities, responsibilities, and skills of human resources so that they are more efficient in
achieving organizational goals. The same is true for the purpose of increasing the skills and
quality of professionalism of employees in carrying out their functions and duties optimally
and optimally, as found in Edy Sutrisno’s theory. There is the development of human
resource capabilities as an effort from the leadership to increase the workability of each

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Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE) Vol. 6. No. 1 Jan 2023
e-ISSN: 2621-606X Page: 40-52

human resource so that in carrying out their duties they can be more productive and
efficient. Therefore, companies need to carry out human resource development, because
investment in human resource development is the result aimed at improving the productive
capacity of humans.

It can be concluded from the results of research that researchers have conducted at
Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office that the human resource management strategy in
an effort to improve employee performance at Bank Muamalat Bengkulu Branch Office is
by holding training and development every year at least once in person, when before the
pandemic and once a month during a pandemic via online. The training conducted
consisted of certification training, Basic sharia banking, anti-money theft, and anti-
terrorism funding. Holding such training and development can improve the learning culture
of employees both in in-class and independently with an interactive learning process in E-
Learning (periodic).

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