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A country with English as its official language

Dinis Nunes nº10 10ºA

Matilde Santos nº20 10ºA

Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page. 3
The relationship between the UK and the USA--------------------------------------Page. 3
The culture of the USA---------------------------------------------------------------------Page. 4
The worldwide influence of the USA---------------------------------------------------Page. 5
Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page. 5
Webography---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page. 6

This project was proposed by our English teacher. The main objective of it is to talk about a
country which has English as the official language. We chose the USA due to it being a very
influential country worldwide. With this work, we attempted to understand why English is USA’s
official language. It is divided into three parts: The relationship between the Uk and the USA; The
culture of the USA and The worldwide influence of the USA.

The relationship between the UK and the USA

The historical relationship between Britain

and the United States is complex and
multifaceted. The two countries have also
been embroiled in several conflicts and
disagreements over the years. Anglo-
American relations can be traced back to
the 17th century when Britain established
its first colonies in North America. Over
time, these colonies grew in size and
influence, culminating in the American
Revolutionary War in 1775, when the
United States became an independent country. After the revolution, Anglo-American relations
were often strained as the two countries competed for global power and influence. From 1812
to 1815, the War of 1812 broke out between the two countries, further straining relations
between the two countries, but ultimately ending in a stalemate.
There is some debate about making English the official language of the United States at the
federal level, but no such legislation has been passed. Proponents of Official English argue that it
will promote national unity and improve the efficiency of government functions, while opponents
argue that it may be seen as discriminatory against non-native English speakers and limit access to
government services for those who are not fluent in English Opportunity.
The culture of the USA

The culture of the United States is diverse and complex, influenced by the country's history,
geography, and diverse population. Some of the main characteristics of American culture are:

*Diversity: The United States is known for its diversity, where people of different races,
ethnicities, and cultural backgrounds live together. This diversity is reflected in America's music,
food and arts;
*Freedom: Freedom is a core value of American culture, including freedom of speech,
freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. The U.S. Constitution guarantees many of these
freedoms, and Americans take them very seriously;
*Individualism: Americans are known for their individualism and independence. This is
reflected in the country's history of pioneering and independence, and its emphasis on individual
achievement and success;
*Consumerism: Americans are also known for consumerism, or the desire to buy and
consume goods and services. This is reflected in the country's shopping and consumption culture,
as well as its love of technology and innovation;
*Sports: Sports are an important part of American culture, and popular sports include
football, basketball, baseball, and hockey. These movements had a major impact on American
society and culture;
*Entertainment: The United States is known for its entertainment industry, including film,
television, music and sports. American entertainment has had a major impact on global culture;
*Patriotism: Americans are proud of their country and its history. Patriotism is an
important part of American culture, reflected in events like Independence Day and the National
* hectic lifestyle: The American way of life is typically characterized by a fast-paced and
overloaded lifestyle that is centred on productivity and efficiency. This is evident in the country's
work culture and the emphasis on success and achievement.
These are just a few of the fundamental aspects of American culture, but there are many more
that contribute to the country's unique identity and way of life.
The worldwide influence of the USA

The United States' influence on the world is significant in multiple areas, including politics,
economics, culture, and technology. Below is a list of some of the ways the U.S.'s power is felt
around the world:

*Technological influence: The USA is renowned for its expertise in a variety of fields,
including the internet, social media, and artificial intelligence. They have developed, for example,
robots capable of making our lives easier by cleaning, cooking, etc on their own. Besides that, they
also created what teens couldn’t live without nowadays, social media. Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, Snapchat, Discord, WhatsApp, etc. But, the list doesn’t stop here, Apple, Microsoft,
Google and Amazon are also American companies that are very popular worldwide;
*Fast food: American fast food has had a significant influence on the world, and it is one of
the most recognizable cultural exports from the USA. American fast-food chains such as
McDonald's, KFC, and Subway have expanded to other countries, bringing their unique products
and branding with them. These chains have become ubiquitous in many parts of the world, and
they have contributed to the homogenization of global food culture. It has been linked to health
problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. The spread of these chains around the
world has led to concerns about the health impacts of fast food on global populations.
*Sports: Globalization of sports leagues: American sports leagues such as the National
Basketball Association (NBA), National Football League (NFL), and Major League Baseball (MLB)
have expanded to other countries, bringing their unique products and branding with them. These
leagues have become popular around the world, and they have contributed to the globalization of
sports culture.

As we can see, the dimension of the influence of this country is catastrophic. The American
culture affected all occident cultures if it didn’t happen the world and its society would be
completely different.


In conclusion, the USA and the UK share a lot of similarities but, when it comes to the language
itself it reveals some noticeable differences. The English spoken in America is a dialect. We can
also conclude that it is a very powerful country in a lot of terms like economy and military.
Webography, in 1/03/2023, in
1/03/2023, in 1/03/2023, in 1/03/2023

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