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D Y Patil International University

School of Computer Science, Engineering, and Applications

Academic Year 2022-2023

Practical Assignment No. 1

Name : Pranil Choudhari

PRN : 20220804036

Class: MCA-SEM II Subject: Cyber Security and Applications

Date 06 / 04 /2023

Experiment 7: Firewall

a. To practice with the features of a firewall in providing network security and to set Firewall
Security in windows

Aim: - To practice with the features of firewall in providing network

security and to set Firewall Security in windows.

A firewall is a network security system that monitors and
controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on
predetermined security rules. A firewall typically establishes a barrier
between a trusted network and an untrusted network, such as the

• Open windows firewall and click on advanced settings.
• A new window will be opened, then click on Outbound Rules.
• Then under Actions window, click on New Rule. Another
window will open to create a new rule for the firewall.
• In the new window that opened, select the rule type as
• In Program, select ‘All programs’.
• In Scope under remote address add the IP address of the
website to block it, this can be achieved by writing this
address select the option of ‘These IP address’. Then click on
add and paste it in the first text field provided and click on OK.
• Then in Action, select the option ‘Block the connection’.
• At last type in the name of the rule and click on finish. Then the
new rule created will be seen at the top in the Outbound rules

• Now, on visiting the same website again, the browser will not
be able to load the website saying that ‘Firewall or antivirus
software may have blocked the connection’.
Thus, we practiced with the features of the firewall in providing network
security and were successful in setting firewall security.

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