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A. D. Seventy Days Fasting & Prayer Programme

English Version
(Dr. D. K. Olukoya)
© 2012 A.D.

A publication of:

13, Olasimbo Street, off Olumo Road,

(By UNILAG Second Gate), Onike, Iwaya
P. O. Box 2990, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted, in any form, or by any
means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying or otherwise without the
prior written consent of the publisher. It is protected under the
copyright laws.

eISBN: 978-978-920-000-9

I salute my wonderful wife, Pastor Shade, for her invaluable

support in the ministry.
I appreciate her unquantifiable support in the book ministry as the
cover designer, art editor and art adviser

All Scripture are quoted from the King James Version of the

Title Page
Copyright & Permissions
Chapter 1: Devotional Songs
Chapter 2: Prayers for Church, Missionary Activities and
Christian Homes
Chapter 3: Prayers for the Nation
Chapter 4: Reading through the Bible in 70 Days
"O Thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come" (Ps 65:2).
We give all the glory to the Lord for what He has been doing with our annual
Seventy days prayer and fasting programme. The Lord has used the programme
to: Ignite the fire of revival in thousands of lives, put stubborn pursuers to flight,
produce prayer eagles, open chapters of prosperity for many, confuse satanic
dribblers and put the enemies' gear in reverse. Prayer is of great value in
turbulent and non-turbulent situations. Prayer is a necessity not an option.
"Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by PRAYER AND FASTING" (Matt
Some mountains will not fall unless they are bombarded with the artillery of
prayer and fasting.
The weapon of prayer and fasting have been known to do wonders when other
methods have failed. In addition, some breakthroughs are impossible unless
there is regular, consistent, concerted, constant bombardment of prayers. The
prayer points for this year's programme have been specially vomited by the Holy
Ghost to bring salvation, deliverance and healing of the spirit, soul and body to
God's people. Pray them with determination, pray them with aggression, pray
them with violence in your spirit, pray them with violent faith, pray them with
great expectation and your life will never remain the same. The God who
answereth by fire will surely answer you, in Jesus' name.
Your friend in the school of prayer,



1. We give Immortal praise
To God the Father's love,
For all our comforts here,
And better hopes above
He sent His own eternal Son,
To die for sins that man had done.
2. To God the Son belongs
Immortal glory too
Who bought us with His blood
From everlasting woe;
And now He lives, and now He reigns
And sees the fruit of all His pains
3. To God the Spirit's name
Immortal worship give
Whose new-creating power
Makes the dead sinner live
His work completes the great design
And fills the soul with joy divine.
1. 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take him at His word
Just to rest upon His promise
Just to know 'Thus sauth the Lord.'

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I've proved Him o'er and o'er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more.
2. O how sweet to trust in Jesus
Just to trust His cleansing blood,
Just in simple faith plunge me
'Neath the healing, cleansing flood!
3. Yes, 'tis sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just from sin and self to cease,
Just from Jesus simply taking
Life and rest and joy and peace.
4. I'm so glad I learned to trust Him,
Precious Jesus, Saviour, Friend
And I know that He is with me,
Will be with me to the end.
1. Just as God who reigns on high
Spake to men in days gone by
So the Lord is calling men today;
And, my brother this is true,
Whatsoe'er He says to you,
There is but one thing to do just obey

Just obey, just obey,
Is the way God's way;
When His message comes to you
There is but one thing to do,
Just obey, just obey.
2. If you're in the Saviour's hands
You must do as He commands
For there is no other gospel way
Never put the message by
Never stop to reason 'why'
When the Saviour speaks to you
Just obey
3. If for mansions fair you sigh
In that land beyond the sky
After time with you has pass'd away
Tho' the way you may not see
Christ is calling 'follow me,'
Faith and duty still will cry
Just obey.
1. The resurrection morn,
Away with care and sorrow!
My Love, the Crucified,
Hath sprung to life that morning.

Had Christ, that once was slain,
Ne'er burst His three day prison,
Our faith had been in vain;
But now hath Christ arisen,
Arisen, arisen, arisen!
2. My flesh in hope shall rest,
And for a season slumber;
Till trump from east to west,
Shall wake the dead in number.
3. Death's flood hath lost his chili,
Since Jesus crossed the river:
Lover of souls, from ill
My passing soul deliver.
1. O Jesus, I have promised
To serve Thee to the end;
Be Thou forever near me,
My Master and my Friend:
I shall not fear the battle
If Thou art by my side,
Nor wander from the pathway
If Thou wilt be my guide.
2. O let me feel Thee near me,
The world is ever near;
I see the sights that dazzle,
The tempting sounds I hear:
My foes are ever near me,
Around me and within:
But, Jesus, draw Thou nearer,
And shield my soul from sin.
3. O let me hear Thee speaking
In accents clear and still,
Above the storms of passion,
The murmurs of selfwill,
O speak to reassure me,
To chasten or control;
O speak, and make me listen,
Thou Guardian of my soul.
4. O Jesus, Thou hast promised
To all who follow Thee,
That where Thou art in glory,
There shall Thy servant be;
And, Jesus, I have promised
To serve Thee to the end;
O give me grace to follow,
My Master and my Friend.
5. O let me see Thy footmarks
And in them plant mine own;
My hope to follow duly
Is in Thy strength alone,
O guide me, call me, draw me,
Uphold me to the end;
And then in heaven receive me,
My Saviour and my Friend.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank You for:
1. Drawing me to prayer and power,
2. The salvation of my soul,
3. Baptizing me with the Holy Spirit,
4. Producing spiritual gifts upon my life,
5. The fruit of the spirit working in me,
6. The wonderful gift of praise,
7. All the ways You have intervened in my affairs,
8. Your divine plan for my life,
9. You will never leave me nor forsake me,
10. Bringing me to a place of maturity and deeper life,
11. Lifting me up when I fall,
12. Keeping me in perfect peace,
13. Making all things work together for good for me,
14. Protecting me from the snares of the fowler and from the noisome
15. The wonder-working power in Your Word and in the Blood of the Lamb,
16. Giving Your angels charge over me,
17. Fighting for me against my adversaries,
18. Making me more than a conqueror,
19. Supplying all my needs according to Your riches in glory,
20. Your healing power upon my body, soul and spirit,
21. Flooding my heart with the light of heaven,
22. Always causing me to triumph in Christ Jesus,
23. Turning my curses into blessings,
24. Enabling me to dwell in safety,
25. All the blessings of life,
26. Your greatness, power, glory, majesty, splendor and righteousness,
27. Silencing the foe and the avenger,
28. You are at my right hand and I shall not be moved,
29. You are trustworthy and You will help Your own,
30. Not allowing my enemies to rejoice over me,
31. Your wonderful love,
32. You are great and greatly to be praised,
33. Delivering my soul from death and my feet from stumbling,
34. You are my fortress and refuge in time of trouble,
35. Your faithfulness and marvellous deeds,
36. Your act of power and surpassing greatness,
37. Dispersing spiritual blindness from my spirit,
38. Lifting me out of the depths,
39. Preserving me and keeping my feet from slipping,
40. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and he is
1. Thank You Father, for the promise which says, "I will build my church
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
2. I ask for forgiveness of every sin causing disunity and powerlessness in the
body of Christ.
3. I take authority, over the power of darkness in all its ramifications, in the
name of Jesus.
4. I bind and cast out, every spirit causing seduction, false doctrine,
deception, hypocrisy, pride and error, in Jesus' name.
5. Every plan and strategy of satan, against the body of Christ, be bound, in
the name of Jesus.
6. Every spirit of prayerlessness, discouragement and vainglory in the body
of Christ, be bound, in the name of Jesus.
7. Father, let the spirit of brokenness be released upon us, in Jesus' name.
8. I command the works of the flesh, in the lives of the brethren to die, in the
name of Jesus.
9. Let the power of the cross and of the Holy Spirit, be released to dethrone
flesh in our lives, in the name of Jesus.
10. Let the life of our Lord Jesus Christ, be truly established in the body of
Christ, in the name of Jesus.
11. Every power of selfishness, over-ambition and unteachableness, be
broken, in the name of Jesus.
12. Father, grant unto the body of Christ, the mind of Christ, forgiving spirit,
tolerance, genuine repentance, understanding, submission, humility,
brokenness, watchfulness and the mind to commend others better than
ourselves, in Jesus' name.
13. I challenge and pull down, the forces of disobedience in the lives of the
saints, in the name of Jesus.
14. I command these blessings, on the body of Christ and ministers

- love
- longsuffering
- faith
- divine healing
- progress
- prophecy
- the word of knowledge
- divers kinds of tongues
- beauty and glory of God
- dedication and commitment
- joy
- gentleness
- meekness
- divine health
- faith
- discerning of spirits
- peace
- goodness
- temperance
- fruitfulness
- the gifts of healing
- the word of wisdom
- the working of miracles
- the interpretation of tongues
- righteousness and holiness
15. Father, create the thirst and hunger for God and holiness in our lives, in the
name of Jesus.
16. O Lord, send down the fire of revival into the body of Christ.
17. O Lord, break and refill Your ministers and vessels afresh.
18. Let there be a full and fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost, upon the
ministers of God, in the name of Jesus.
19. O Lord, give unto Your ministers the power for effective prayer life.
20. O Lord, release faithful, committed, dedicated and obedient labourers into
the vineyard.
21. I break down, the authority and dominion of satan, over the souls of men,
in the name of Jesus.
22. Every spirit, holding the souls of men in captivity, I shatter your backbone,
in the name of Jesus.
23. Every covenant, between the souls of men and satan, I dash you to pieces,
in the name of Jesus.
24. Let the spirit of steadfastness, consistency, hunger and thirst for the words
of God come upon the converts, in Jesus' name.
25. O Lord, release upon all our missionaries and evangelists fresh fire to
disgrace territorial spirits.
26. I break, the power and the grip of the world, upon the souls of men, in the
name of Jesus.
27. I release, the spirit of salvation, upon areas that have not been reached by
the gospel, in the name of Jesus.
28. O Lord, remove all the hindrances to Your purpose for Christian homes.
29. I command the spirit of quarrel, immorality, unfaithfulness, infirmity,
disagreement, misunderstanding and intolerance to loose their grips upon
Christian homes, in the name of Jesus.
30. Let all Christian homes, be a light to the world and a vehicle of salvation,
in the name of Jesus.
31. O God, raise up Esther, Ruth and Deborah in this generation, in the name
of Jesus.
32. Every power, destroying joy in the home, be dismantled, in Jesus' name.
33. O Lord, grant us special wisdom to train our children in Your glory.
34. Every Christian marriage that has been re-arranged by the enemy, be
corrected, in the name of Jesus.
35. O Lord, let the spirit of wisdom, judgement, submission, gentleness,
obedience to God's word, faithfulness in the home, come upon Christian
36. O Lord, remove every wrong spirit from the midst of Your children and
put in the right spirit.
37. I take authority, over the plans and activities of satan on ministers' homes,
in the name of Jesus.
38. O Lord, increase the power and strength of the ministration of Your words
amongst us.
39. Let the kingdom of Christ, come into every nation by fire, in Jesus' name.
40. O Lord, dismantle every man-made programme in the body of Christ and
set up Your own programme.
SCRIPTURES: 1Tim 2:1-2: I exhort therefore, that, first of all,
supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all
men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet
and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
Jer 1:10: See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the
kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down,
to build, and to plant.
Other Scriptures: Is a 61:1-6; Eph 6:10-16.
Praise Worship
1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I confess all the sins and iniquities of the
land, of our ancestors, of our leaders, and of the people. E.g., violence,
rejection of God, corruption, idolatry, robbery, suspicion, injustice,
bitterness, bloody-riots, pogroms, rebellion, conspiracy, shedding of
innocent blood, tribal conflicts, child-kidnapping and murder, occultism,
mismanagement, negligence, etc.
2. I plead for mercy and forgiveness, in the name of Jesus.
3. O Lord, remember our land and redeem it.
4. O Lord, save our land from destruction and judgment.
5. Let Your healing power, begin to operate upon our land, in Jesus' name.
6. Let all forces of darkness, hindering the move of God in this nation, be
rendered impotent, in the name of Jesus.
7. I command the spiritual strongman, in charge of this country, to be bound
and be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
8. Let every evil establishment and satanic tree, in this country, be uprooted
and cast into fire, in the name of Jesus.
9. I come against, every spirit of the anti-Christ, working against this nation
and I command them to be permanently frustrated, in the name of Jesus.
10. I command the stones of fire from God, to fall upon every national satanic
operation and activity, in Jesus' name.
11. Let the desires, plans, devices and expectations of the enemy for this
country, be completely frustrated, in Jesus' name.
12. Let every satanic curse on this nation, fall down to the ground and die, in
the name of Jesus.
13. By the blood of Jesus, let all sins, ungodliness, idolatry and vices cease in
the land, in the name of Jesus.
14. I break, every evil covenant and dedication made upon our land, in the
name of Jesus.
15. I plead the blood of Jesus, over the nation, in Jesus' name.
16. I decree the will of God for this land, whether the devil likes it or not, in
the name of Jesus.
17. Let all contrary powers and authorities in Nigeria, be confounded and be
put to shame, in the name of Jesus.
18. I close every satanic gate in every city of this country, in Jesus' name.
19. Let every evil throne in this country, be dashed to pieces, in Jesus' name.
20. I bind all negative forces, operating in the lives of the leaders of this
country, in the name of Jesus.
21. O Lord, lay Your hands of fire and power upon all our leaders, in the name
of Jesus.
22. I bind, every blood-drinking demon in this country, in Jesus' name.
23. Let the Prince of Peace, reign in every department of this nation, in the
name of Jesus.
24. Let every anti-Gospel spirit, be frustrated and be rendered impotent, in the
name of Jesus.
25. O Lord, give us leaders who will see their roles as a calling, instead of an
opportunity to amass wealth.
26. Let all forms of ungodliness be destroyed, by the divine fire of burning, in
the name of Jesus.
27. O Lord, let our leaders be filled with divine understanding and wisdom.
28. O Lord, let our leaders follow the counsel of God and not of man and
29. O Lord, let our leaders have wisdom and knowledge of God.
30. O Lord, let our government be the kind that would obtain Your direction
and leading.
31. Let every satanic altar in this country, receive the fire of God and be
burned to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
32. I silence, every satanic prophet, priest and practitioner, in the mighty name
of Jesus. I forbid them from interfering with the affairs of this nation, in
the name of Jesus.
33. Let the blood of Jesus, cleanse our land from every blood pollution, in the
name of Jesus.
34. I command the fire of God, on all idols, sacrifices, rituals, shrines and
local satanic thrones in this country, in Jesus' name.
35. I break, any conscious and unconscious agreement, made between the
people of this country and satan, in Jesus' name.
36. I dedicate and claim, all our cities for Jesus, in Jesus' name.
37. Let the blessings and presence of the Lord, be experienced in all our cities,
in the name of Jesus.
38. I decree, total paralysis on lawlessness, immorality and drug addiction in
this country, in the name of Jesus.
39. Let the power, love and glory of God be established in our land, in the
name of Jesus.
40. Let there be thirst and hunger for God, in the hearts of Christians of this
nation, in the name of Jesus.
41. O Lord, deposit the spirit of revival in Nigeria.
42. O Lord, lay Your hands of power and might upon the Armed Forces and
Police, establishments and institutions, universities and colleges of this
43. Let the resurrection power, of the Lord Jesus Christ fall upon our
economy, in the name of Jesus.
44. Let there be fruitfulness and prosperity, in every area of this country, in the
name of Jesus.
45. I command, every threat to the political, economic and social stability in
the land to be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
46. I frustrate, every satanic external influence over our nation, in Jesus' name.
47. I command confusion and disagreement, among the sons of the
bondwoman planning to cage the nation, in Jesus' name.
48. I break, any covenant between any satanic external influence and our
leaders, in the name of Jesus.
49. I paralyse, every spirit of wastage of economic resources in this country, in
the name of Jesus.
50. Let the spirit of borrowing, depart completely from this country, in the
name of Jesus.
51. O Lord, show Yourself mighty, in the affairs of this nation.
52. Let the Kingdom of Christ come into this nation, in Jesus' name.
53. O Lord, do new things in our country, to show Your power and greatness
to the heathen.
54. Let the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, come into the heart of every
person in this country, in the name of Jesus.
55. O Lord, have mercy upon this nation.
56. Let all the glory of this nation, that has departed be restored, in the name
of Jesus.
57. Let all un-evangelized areas of this country, be reached with the Gospel of
our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus.
58. O Lord, send forth labourers into Your vineyard, to reach the unreached in
this country.
59. I dismantle, the stronghold of poverty in this nation, in the name of Jesus.
60. O Lord, install Your agenda for this nation.
61. Let every power of darkness, operating in our educational institutions be
disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
62. Let the satanic representatives of key posts in this country, be dismantled,
in the name of Jesus.
63. Let every evil spiritual throne behind all physical thrones in Nigeria, be
dismantled, in the name of Jesus.
64. Let every satanic covenant, made on behalf of this country by anyone be
nullified, in the name of Jesus.
65. I trample upon the serpents and scorpions, of ethnic clashes in this country,
in the name of Jesus.
66. I decree, a realignment of the situation around Christians, to favour them
in this country, in the name of Jesus.
67. I dethrone, every strange king, installed in the spirit over this country, in
the name of Jesus.
68. Let all principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness
in heavenly places, militating against this nation be bound and disgraced,
in the name of Jesus.
69. Let righteousness reign, in every part of this nation, in Jesus' name.
70. Praises.
Day 1 - Genesis 1:1 - 18:20
Day 2 - Genesis 18:21- 31:16
Day 3 - Genesis 31:17 - 44:10
Day 4 - Genesis 44:11- 50:26; Exodus 1:1-10:2
Day 5 - Exodus 10:3 - 25:29
Day 6 - Exodus 25:30 - 39:5
Day 7 - Exod 39:6 - 40:38; Lev 1:1-14:3
Day 8 - Leviticus 14:4 - 26:35
Day 9 - Leviticus 26:36 - 27:34; Numbers 1:1 - 10:16
Day 10 - Numbers 10:17 - 24:3
Day 11- Numbers 24:4 - 36 :13; Deuteronomy 1:1 - 1:2
Day 12 - Deuteronomy 1:3 - 15:20
Day 13 - Deut. 15:21- 32:26
Day 14 - Deuteronomy 32:27 - 34:12; Joshua 1:1 - l5:27
Day 15 - Joshua 15:28 - 24:33; Judges 1:1- 6:20
Day 16 - Judges 6:21 - 21:17
Day 17 - Jud 21:18-21:25; Ruth 1:1 4: 22; l Sam 1:1- l5:4
Day 18 - 1 Samuel 25:5-30:31
Day 19 - 1 Samuel 31:1-31:13; 2 Samuel 1:1-17:5
Day 20 - 2 Samuel 17:6-24:25; 1 Kings 1:1-6:3
Day 21 - 1 Kings 6:4-18:3
Day 22 - 1 Kings 18:4-22:53; 2 Kings 1:1-9:33
Day 23 - 2 Kings 9:34-25:11
Day 24 - 2 Kings 25:12-25:30; 1 Chronicles 1:1-11:4
Day 25 - 1 Chronicles 11:5-27:12
Day 26 - 1 Chronicles 27:13- 29:30; 2 Chronicles 1:1- 18:23
Day 27 - 2 Chronicles 18:24- 36:16
Day 28 - 2 Chronicles 36:17- 36:23; Ezra 1:1 - 10:44; Nehemiah 1:1- 7:33
Day 29 - Neh 7:34 - 13:31; Esther 1:1 10:3; Job 1:1 - 2:6
Day 30 - Job 2:7 - 20:15
Day 31 - Job 20:16 - 37:16
Day 32 - Job 37:17- 42:17; Psalms 1:1-22:25
Day 33 - Psalms 22:26 - 50:5
Day 34 - Psalms 50:6 - 78:4
Day 35 - Psalms 78:5 -103:12
Day 36 - Psalms 103:13 - 119:107
Day 37 - Psalms 119:108-150:6; Proverbs 1:1-2:16
Day 38 - Proverbs 2:17-17:20
Day 39 - Proverbs 17:21-31:31; Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:4
Day 40 - Ecclesiastes 2:5-12:14; Song of Solomon 1:1- 8:14; Isaiah 1:1- 6:12
Day 41 - Isaiah 6:13 - 30:8
Day 42 - Isaiah 30:9 - 50:7
Day 43 - Is a 50:8-66:24; Jer 1:1-6:24
Day 44 - Jeremiah 6:25-25:23
Day 45 - Jeremiah 25:24-43:4
Day 46 - Jeremiah 43:5-52:34; Lamentations 1:1-5:3
Day 47 - Lamentations 5:4-5: 22; Ezekiel 1:1 - 19:8
Day 48 - Ezekiel 19:9 - 34:20
Day 49 - Ezekiel 34:21-48:35; Daniel 1:1- 2:19
Day 50 - Daniel 2:20-12:13; Hosea 1:1-9:13
Day 51 - Hosea 9:14-14:9; Joel 1:1-3:21; Amos 1:1-9:15; Obadiah 1:1-1:21;
Jonah 1:1-4:11; Micah 1:1-7:1
Day 52 - Micah 7:2-7:20; Nahum 1:1-3:19; Habakkuk 1:1- 3:19; Zephaniah 1:1-
3:20; Haggai 1:1-2:23; Zechariah 1:1-14:21; Malachi 1:1-2:6
Day 53 - Malachi 2:7-4:7; Matthew 1:1-13:13
Day 54 - Matthew 13:14 - 24:39
Day 55 - Matthew 24:40 - 28:20; Mark 1:1 - 6:33
Day 56 - Mark 6:34 - 16:11
Day 57 - Mark 16:12 - 16:20; Luke 1:1 - 9:27
Day 58 - Luke 9:28 - 19:41
Day 59 - Luke 19:42 - 24:53; John 1:1- 5:6
Day 60 - John 5:7 - 13:30
Day 61 - John 13:31- 21:25; Acts 1:1-6:3
Day 62 - Acts 6:4 -17:25
Day 63 - Acts 17:26 - 28:31; Romans 1:1- 3:1
Day 64 Romans 3:2 - 16:27; 1 Corinthians 1:1 - 4:3
Day 65 - 1 Corinthians 4:4 - 16:24; 2 Corinthians 1:1 - 5:3
Day 66 - 2 Corinthians 5:4 - 13:14; Galatians 1:1 - 6:18; Ephesians 1:1- 5:20
Day 67 - Ephesians 5:21 - 6:24; Philippians 1:1 - 4:23; Colossians 1:1 - 4:18; 1
Thessalonians 1:1 - 5:28; 2 Thessalonians 1:1 - 3:18; 1 Timothy 1:1 - 5:5
Day 68 - 1 Timothy 5:6 - 6:21; 2 Timothy 1:1 - 4:22; Titus 1:1 - 3:15; Philemon
1:1 - 1:25; Hebrews 1:1 11:40
Day 69 - Hebrews 12:1- 13:25; James 1:1- 5:20; 1 Peter 1:1- 5:14; 2 Peter 1:1 -
3:18; 1 John 1:1 5: 21; 2 John 1:1 - 1:11
Day 70 - 2 John 1:12 - 1:13; 3 John 1:1 - 1:14; Jude 1:1 - 1:25; Revelation 1:1-


Scripture Reading: Psalm 136
Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.

SECTION 1 DAY 1 (06-08-2012)

Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
1. Father, I praise You for creating, healing and loving me, in Jesus' name.
2. I thank You for seeking and finding me, in the name of Jesus.
3. I thank You for holding and renewing me, in the name of Jesus.
4. I honour You for all You have done for me, in me and through me, in the
name of Jesus.
5. I adore You for who You are, the only One true living God, in Jesus'
6. I thank You Lord, because You are great and glorious, in Jesus' name.
7. I thank You Lord, because You are powerful and wonderful, in the name
of Jesus.
8. The Lord is my strength and my song; and He has become my salvation.
He is my God and I will praise Him, my father's God, and I will exalt Him.
9. Oh, praise the greatness of our God. He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
10. Praise the Lord! Hear this, ye kings! Listen, ye rulers! I will sing to the
Lord, I will sing; I will make music to the Lord, the God of Israel!
11. My heart rejoices in the Lord; in the Lord my horn is lifted high.
12. My mouth boasts over my enemies, for I delight in your deliverance.
13. There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one like you; there is no
Rock like our God.
14. The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer; my God is my Rock,
in whom I take refuge, my Shield and the Horn of my Salvation.
15. The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my
16. Therefore I will praise you Lord, among the nations; I will sing praises to
your name.
17. Lord, God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God
over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.
18. Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations
what he has done.
19. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.
20. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
21. Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day.

SECTION 1 DAY 2 (07-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
22. I thank You Lord, because You are holy and mighty, in the name of Jesus.
23. I thank You Lord, because you are majestic and sovereign, in Jesus' name.
24. I thank You Lord, because You are my Creator and Sustainer, in the name of
25. I thank You Lord, because You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and
the end, so great, so high and so holy, in the name of Jesus.
26. I thank You Lord, because You are the source of all good things, in the name
of Jesus.
27. I thank You Lord, for being greater than the sum of all human thoughts, in
the name of Jesus.
28. I thank You Lord forgiving me hope and divine dreams, in Jesus' name.
29. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
30. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; He is to be feared above all
31. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of nations, ascribe to the Lord glory and
strength, ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name.
32. Bring an offering and come before him; worship the Lord in the splendor of
His holiness.
33. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; Let them say among the
nations, "The Lord reigns!"
34. Let the sea resound and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant and
everything in them!
35. Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the Lord,
for He comes to judge the earth.
36. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Then
all the people said, "Amen" and "Praise the Lord."
37. Praise to you, O Lord, God of our father, Israel, from everlasting to
38. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty
and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
39. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom: you are the Ruler of all things.
40. Wealth and honour come from you; you are the Ruler of all things.
41. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.
42. Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.

SECTION 1 DAY 3 (O8-O8-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: (
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
43. I thank You Lord for giving us Jesus, through Him we have everlasting
peace, in the name of Jesus.
44. I thank You Lord for giving us Jesus, through Him we have a sense of
belonging we can never deserve, in the name of Jesus.
45. I thank You Lord for lifting me up when I fall, in the name of Jesus.
46. Lord, we praise You because You are the God of power, in Jesus' name..
47. Lord we praise You for Your power which holds us and upholds everything,
in the name of Jesus.
48. Lord we praise You for Your grace which touches and renews us, in the
name of Jesus.
49. Lord we praise You for Your love that gives us life and makes us whole, in
the name of Jesus.
50. Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to
51. Blessed be Your glorious name and may it be exalted above all blessings and
52. God is exalted in His power. Who is a Teacher like him? Remember to extol
His works, which men have praised in songs.
53. How great is God, He is beyond our understanding! The number of His years
is past finding out.
54. But you are a shield around me, O Lord, my Glorious One, who lifts up my
55. I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing
praises to the name of the Lord Most High.
56. O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set
your glory above the heavens.
57. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of
your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
58. I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders.
59. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praises to Your name, O Most
60. The Lord reigns forever; He has established His throne for judgment.
61. Sing praises to the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations
what He has done.
62. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will
sing to the Lord for He has been good to me.
63. I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I
have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I will not
be shaken.

SECTION 1 DAY 4 (09-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
64. Lord, we praise You for Your sovereign will that maps out our journey, in
the name of Jesus.
65. Lord, we give you praise for Your holiness which measures our lives, in the
name of Jesus.
66. Lord, we give You praise for Your mercy which gives us second chance, in
the name of Jesus.
67. I declare loud and clear, that there is no God like You and there is no God
beside You, in the name of Jesus.
68. Lord, I thank You, for Your promise to hold me in the time of trouble.
69. Lord, I thank You for Your gentle touch upon my life.
70. Lord, I thank You, for Your voice that calms our fears and Your peace,
which overshadows our hearts.
71. You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in
Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
72. I love You, O Lord, my Strength. The Lord is my Rock, in whom I take
refuge. He is my Shield and the Horn of my salvation and my Stronghold.
73. The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Saviour!
74. He is the God who avenges me, who subdues nations under me who saves
me from my enemies.
75. You exalted me above my foes; from violent men You rescued me.
Therefore I will praise You among the nations, O Lord; I will sing praises to
Your name.
76. Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might.
77. Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel.
78. I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise
79. You who fear the Lord, praise Him! All you descendants of Jacob, honour
80. Praise be to the Lord, for He has heard my cry for mercy.
81. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song. The Lord is the
Strength of His people, a Fortress of salvation for His anointed one.
82. Ascribe to the Lord, O mighty ones, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.
83. Ascribe to the Lord, the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the
splendor of His holiness.
84. Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright
in heart.

SECTION 1 DAY 5 (10-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
85. Lord, we thank You, for Your spiritual recreation through the power of the
Holy Spirit.
86. Lord, we give thanks for even in the darkest hour, we can look unto Christ
and live.
87. Father, by Your Spirit, transform our prayers of thanksgiving into lives
overflowing with thankfulness.
88. Father, we thank You for Your greatness, Your glory and Your power.
89. Father, we thank You for giving us the ability to think, to plan and to choose.
90. Father, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
91. Father, we thank You for the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
92. Sing joyfully to the Lord, you righteous; it is fitting for the upright to praise
93. Praise the Lord with the harp; make music to Him on the ten-stringed lyre.
Sing to him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy.
94. I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.
95. My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the
Lord with me; let us exalt His name together.
96. I will give you thanks in the great assembly; among throngs of people I will
praise you.
97. My tongue will speak of your righteousness and of your praises all day long.
98. He puts a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will
see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.
99. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting.
Amen and Amen.
100. In God we will make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name
101. I will perpetuate your memory through all generations; therefore the nations
will praise you for ever and ever.
102. Clap your hands, all you nations; shout unto God with cries of joy.
103. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth.
104. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise, in the city of our God, in his
holy mountain.
105. I will praise you forever for what you have done; in your name I will hope,
for your name is good. I will praise you in the presence of your saints.

SECTION 1 DAY 6 (11-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
106. Father, we thank You for enriching our journey with Your presence and
107. Father, we thank You for Your wonder, Your glory, Your power and Your
108. Father, we thank You because Your power, Your majesty, Your authority
are total and complete.
109. Father, we thank You for the wonder and depth of Your grace.
110. Lord, we thank You, for You are always there for us, even when we wander
away from You.
111. Father, we thank You, because You have made us in Your own image.
112. Lord, we thank You for You have made Yourself known unto us.
113. But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of Your love; for
You are my Fortress, my Refuge in times of trouble.
114. O my Strength, I sing praise to You; You, O God, are my Fortress, my
loving God.
115. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You. I will praise
You as long as I live, and in Your name I will lift up my hands.
116. Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing to the glory of His name; offer
Him glory and praise!
117. May the people praise you, O God; may all the people praise you.
118,. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the people justly and
guide the nations of the earth.
119. I will praise God's name in songs and glorify Him with thanksgiving.
120. Praise be to the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone has done marvelous
121. Praise be to His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with
His glory. Amen and Amen.
122. I will praise You, O Lord, my God, with all my heart; I will glorify Your
name forever. For great is Your love toward me; You have delivered my soul
from the depths of the grave.
123. I will sing of the love of the Lord forever; with my mouth I will make
known your faithfulness through all generations.
124. Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our
salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving.
125. Sing to the Lord a new song, sing to the Lord, all the earth.
126. Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclaim His salvation day after day.

SECTION 1 DAY 7 (12- O8-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
127. Father, we thank You for Your gracious hand of love and friendship.
128. Lord, we thank You for Your power, majesty and authority.
129. Thank You Lord, because You are greater, more wonderful than what our
words and our praises can describe.
130. Thank You Lord, because You are the source of all true riches.
131. Lord, we thank You for the wonder and depth of Your grace.
132. Father, we thank You for the cross of Christ which declares at full volume
Your love for us.
133. We thank You, that when Jesus said, 'it is finished', He opened the way to
life for us.
134. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all people.
135. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to
Him and praise His name.
136. For the Lord is good, and His love endures forever, His faithfulness
continues through all generations.
137. Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my innermost being, praise His holy name.
Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.
138. Praise the Lord, You His angels, you mighty ones who do His bidding, who
obey His word.
139. Praise the Lord, all His heavenly hosts, you His servants who do His will.
140. Praise the Lord, all His works everywhere in His dominion. Praise the Lord,
O my soul.
141. Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations
what He has done.
142. Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts.
143. Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
144. Praise the Lord. Praise Him, O servants of the Lord. Let the name of the
Lord be praised, both now and forevermore.
145. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is
to be praised.
146. Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples. For great is His
love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
147. Accept, O Lord, the willing praise of my mouth and teach me Your laws.

SECTION 1 DAY 8 (13-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages11 & 12)
148. Father, we thank You for the harvest of life and for all the things that give
us joy.
149. Father, we thank You, for Your mighty love, which dominates our lives.
150. Father, we thank You, for Your presence, which transformed our darkest
151. Father, we thank You, for Your grace, which accepts us fully from every
form of bondage.
152. Lord, we thank You, for Your living presence, which heals our blindness.
153. Father, we thank You, for You have called us out to be a peculiar people.
154. Lord, we praise You, because You listen to our cry.
155. Seven times a day I will praise You, for Your righteous laws.
156. May my lips overflow with praise, for You teach me Your decrees. May my
tongue sing of Your word, for all Your commands are righteous.
157. Praise the Lord, all You servants of the Lord who minister by night in the
house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.
158. I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the "gods", I will
sing Your praise. I will bow down toward Your holy Temple and will praise
Your name.
159. I will exalt You, my God the King; I will praise Your name forever and
ever. Every day I will praise You and extol Your name forever and ever. Great
is the Lord and most worthy of praise.
160. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, O my soul. I will praise the Lord all my
life; I will sing praises to my God as long as I live.
161. Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant
and fitting to praise Him!
162. Praise the Lord. Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in His mighty
163. Praise Him for His acts of power; praise Him for His surpassing greatness.
164. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
165. O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You and praise Your name, for in
perfect faithfulness You have done marvelous things planned long ago.
166. Sing to the Lord a new song, His praise from the ends of the earth, you who
go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them.
167. Let the desert and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where
Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the
mountaintops. Let them give glory to the Lord and proclaim His praise in the
168. Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are His.
He changes times and seasons.

SECTION 1 DAY 9 (14-O8-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
169. Father, we thank You, for Your plan of forgiveness, that unlocks the way to
170. Father, we thank You, because movement by movement, hour by hour, day
by day, You meet our needs.
171. Father, we thank You for Your power, which lifts us up when we fall.
172. Father, we thank You, because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and
173. Father, we thank You, because You have allowed Your love to rescue us
from our negative positions.
174. Father, we thank You, because of the power of freedom to worship and to
confess You as Lord.
175. Father, we thank You for Your gracious love, which restores our hope.
176. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. I thank and
praise You, O God of my fathers.
177. I praise the Most High; I honor and glorify Him who lives forever. His
dominion is an eternal dominion; His kingdom endures from generation to
178. But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to You.
179. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour. The
Sovereign Lord is my Strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer.
180. My soul praises the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.
181. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because He has come and redeemed
His people.
182. Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How
unsearchable are His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out!
183. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed
us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.
184. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or
imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in
the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!
185. Now to the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the only wise God, be honour
and glory for ever and ever. Amen.
186. To Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His
glorious presence without fault and with great joy; to the only God our Saviour
be glory, majesty, power, and authority through Jesus Christ, before all ages,
now and forevermore! Amen.
187. You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power,
for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their
188. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and
wisdom and strength and honour and glory and praise.
189. Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and
strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!

SECTION 1 DAY 10 (15-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 150:1: Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:
praise him in the firmament of his power.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
190. Father, we thank You for Your unconditional love that tears down our
demonic barricade.
191. Father, we thank You for Your power which is the ultimate power.
192. Father, we praise Your name for the glory of each new day.
193. Lord, we thank You for Your power that sets the captives free.
194. Father, we thank You, for the power of Pentecost that transforms our lives.
195. Father, we thank You, for being the kind of power who gives good gifts to
His children.
196. Father, we thank You for all the good things in which You fill our lives
197. Great and marvelous are Your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are
Your ways, King of the ages. Who will not fear You, O Lord, and bring glory
to Your name? For You alone are holy.
198. "Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God."
199. "Praise our God, all you servants, you who fear Him, both great and small.
200. "Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad
and give Him the glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride
has made herself ready."
201. Praise the Lord, because he had gloriously triumphed.
202. He is our Strength and our Song and had become our Salvation.
203. I give You praise Lord, for Your greatness is great and wonderful.
204. I give You praise Lord, for Your power is the ultimate.
205. I give You praise Lord, for Your glory is everlasting.
206. I give You praise Lord, for Your majesty is awesome.
207. I give You praise Lord, for Your splendor is marvelous.
208. I give You praise Lord, for Your ownership cannot be disputed.
209. I give You praise Lord, for Your exalted headship.
210. Father, we praise You for the power of the Holy Spirit which softens hard
heart and opens closed minds.


Scripture Reading: Acts 2
Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

SECTION 2 DAY 1 (16-08-2012)

Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11& 12)
1. My Father, break into my days and plans and dreams, in Jesus' name.
2. My Father, break down my internal walls and destroy every inner barrier, in
the name of Jesus,
3. O God arise and destroy the satanic baggage in my soul, in Jesus' name.
4. My Father, speak to me and answer the questions for which I have no answer,
in the name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, disband frustration and emptiness that cripple my life, in the name of
6. My Father, in Your graciousness that is beyond imagination, visit me, in the
name of Jesus.
7. My Father, in Your holiness that men cannot grasp, visit me, in the name of
8. My Father, in Your overflowing majesty, visit me, in the name of Jesus.
9. My Father, in Your almightiness that is beyond comprehension, visit me, in
the name of Jesus.
10. Lord, touch my lips and my life, in the name of Jesus.
11. Lord, transform my meditation and my prayers, in the name of Jesus.
12. Lord, open my eyes to Your presence and my ears to Your voice, in the
name of Jesus.
13. Lord, burst the bubbles of my pride and arrogance, in the name of Jesus.
14. Lord, drain the stagnant pool of evil idea in my heart, in Jesus' name.
15. Lord, crush down every false internal tower of power, in Jesus' name.
16. Lord, visit my heart and life with Your deliverance power, in Jesus' name.
17. O Lord, by Your power, create in me, a new heart.
18. O Lord, renew a right spirit within me.
19. I renounce all my rights to anger by the power in the blood of Jesus.
20. O Lord, let the roots of irritation that keeps anger alive in me be uprooted by
fire, in the name of Jesus.
21. I reject, all thoughts within me saying I will not change, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 2 DAY 2 (17-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
22. Spirit of the Living God, kill anger in my life, in the name of Jesus.
23. O Lord, produce in me, the power of self-control and gentleness, in the name
of Jesus.
24. Father, let me be a bright, radiant and glad Christian making others happy, in
the name of Jesus.
25. Grant me, O Lord, a deep unshakeable confidence in You, in Jesus' name.
26. Speak to me through all the voices of nature, O Lord, in Jesus' name.
27. Search me, O God, and put a new heart and a right spirit within me, in the
name of Jesus.
28. By Your searching fire and the Holy Spirit, cleanse me, O Lord, in the name
of Jesus.
29. O God arise, strengthen, and equip me for Your service, in Jesus' name.
30. Search me, O Lord, and help me to search myself, in the name of Jesus.
31. Heavenly Father, fence me around with Your protective care, in the name of
32. Help me, Lord, to avoid what will give You sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
33. Father, let Your voice be my only law and Your smile, my only reward, in
the name of Jesus.
34. Teach me, Lord, to be more eager to understand than to be understood, in the
name of Jesus.
35. Father, save me from becoming over-familiar with You, in Jesus' name.
36. Present me finally faultless before the presence of Your glory, in the name of
37. O Lord, make the best that You can of me for Your glory, in Jesus' name.
38. My Father, take the burden I cannot bear and wipe the tears I cannot keep
back, in the name of Jesus.
39. Purify me, O Lord, by the fire of Your Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.
40. Give me, O Lord, childlike faith to receive what You offer, in Jesus' name.
41. Light of life, Jesus Christ, illuminate my life, in the name of Jesus.
42. Every gate of oppression, close up, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 2 DAY 3 (18-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
43. Overshadow me, with the comfort and peace that no one can take way, in the
name of Jesus.
44. O Lord, give me comfort in the time of distress, in the name of Jesus.
45. Grant me, O Lord, concentration, purpose and singleness of heart, in the
name of Jesus.
46. O Lord, deepen my confidence in Your eternal love and purpose, in the name
of Jesus.
47. O God, challenge and confront me through Your word and meet with me in
prayers, in the name of Jesus.
48. Let Your grace, sink deeper into my heart, in the name of Jesus.
49. Help me, Lord, to deny and to crucify myself, in the name of Jesus.
50. Father, heal all the diseases of my soul, in the name of Jesus.
51. My Father, let all division, discord, hatred, death and destruction be arrested,
in the name of Jesus.
52. Father, come as the dove, the fire and the wind and empower my life, in the
name of Jesus.
53. Help me, Lord, to draw closer to You, day by day, in the name of Jesus.
54. O Lord, give me encouragement in the time of despair, in the name of Jesus.
55. Cleanse my conscience and enlighten my heart, in the name of Jesus.
56. Oh God, cancel every evil ordinance against my life, in the name of Jesus.
57. O Lord, open my eyes to the great joy of my inheritance in Christ, in the
name of Jesus.
58. Father, forgive us for failing to hear Your voice because we fail to listen, in
the name of Jesus.
59. My Father, clean my feet, hands, and lips from the stains of flesh, in the
name of Jesus.
60. I shall not have fellowship with the works of darkness, in Jesus' name.
61. When the storm is fierce, let me hear You saying, 'it is I, be not afraid', in the
name of Jesus.
62. Father, empower me to finish my course with joy and receive the crown of
life, in the name of Jesus.
63. Holy Father, breathe new fire into my heart, in the name of Jesus

SECTION 2 DAY 4 (19-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
64. Teach me, Lord, to follow in Your footsteps, in the name of Jesus.
65. O Lord, forgive me for my carelessness and disobedience in discipleship, in
the name of Jesus.
66. O Lord, forgive me for imagining that we can work independently of You, in
the name of Jesus.
67. O Lord, forgive me for living and acting as I please with no thought of the
consequences, in the name of Jesus.
68. Father, kindle my love for You by Your Holy breath, in the name of Jesus.
69. O Lord, forgive me for we forget Your promises and frustrate Your Spirit, in
the name of Jesus.
70. O Lord, forgive me for my narrow vision, weak commitment, careless
worship and self-centered attitudes, in the name of Jesus.
71. Lord, set me free from the love of sin so that it may not darken the light of
Your face, in the name of Jesus.
72. My Father, keep me from hiding my light under the load of anxieties, in the
name of Jesus.
73. O God, deliver us from every inner poverty, in the name of Jesus.
74. O Lord, deliver me from the terror of the night, in the name of Jesus.
75. O Lord, save us from becoming complacent, in the name of Jesus.
76. O God, arise and give us the courage to stand before Your searching gaze, in
the name of Jesus.
77. O true Vine of God, abide in me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
78. Father, give me the grace to lay aside the work of darkness and put on the
arm of light, in the name of Jesus.
79. O Lord my God, graciously draw near to me and cover my head when I am
in trouble, in the name of Jesus.
80. O Lord, give me guidance in the time of uncertainty, in the name of Jesus.
81. Hold me by Thy hand, O Lord, and make my crooked places straight, in the
name of Jesus.
82. Make me, O Lord, hate sin as You do, in the name of Jesus.
83. Father, empower me to hear Your voice and discern Your will, in the name
of Jesus.
84. Teach me, Lord, to hear Your call and respond to Your guidance, in the
name of Jesus.

SECTION 2 DAY 5 (20-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
85. O Lord, strengthen my heart to fear and serve You, in the name of Jesus.
86. My Father, whenever my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the Rock that is
higher than me, in the name of Jesus.
87. O Lord, open my heart to all You would like to tell me, in Jesus' name.
88. Let Your name be honoured in my conduct and conversations, in the name of
89. My Father, make me humble and unselfish, in the name of Jesus.
90. O God, give me humility to accept Your correction and receive forgiveness,
in the name of Jesus.
91. Father, give me true humility and true lowliness of heart, in Jesus' name.
92. Father, give me the humility to accept my faults, in the name of Jesus.
93. O God, guide me in my walk through life, in the name of Jesus.
94. Keep me, O Lord, in quiet spirit, in the name of Jesus.
95. I shall never go in front, or loiter behind Your pillar of fire, in Jesus' name.
96. When my eyes open in heaven, may I see You and hear Your well done
commendation, in the name of Jesus.
97. Let nothing prevent the inflowing of Your love to my heart, in the name of
98. Make me, Lord, to know the hope of Your calling, in the name of Jesus.
99. Make me, Lord, to know the riches of the glory of Your inheritance, in the
name of Jesus.
100. Make me, Lord, to know Your amazing grace and power toward us who
believe, in the name of Jesus.
101. My Fatter, write Your law upon my heart, in the name of Jesus.
102. My Father, do not let sin have dominion over my life, in Jesus' name.
103. Heavenly Father, wash my life with pure water, in the name of Jesus.
104. O Lord, re-arrange my life so that You can do through me what You want
to do, in the name of Jesus.
105. Father, wash my soiled life with Your blood, in the name of Jesus

SECTION 2 DAY 6 (21-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages11 & 12)
106. O Lord, send Your light and truth and let them lead and bring me at last to
my Fathers house, in the name of Jesus.
107. Teach me, Lord, to listen to Your voice and wait for Your presence, in the
name of Jesus.
108. My Father, let me live in the spirit of prayer all my days, in the name of
109. Direct my prayers, O Lord, that I may ask for things that are according to
Your will, in the name of Jesus.
110. Fix my heart, O Lord, on You, in the name of Jesus.
111. Keep me away, O Lord, from all that would grieve Your Holy Spirit, in the
name of Jesus.
112. Heal my backsliding, O Lord, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me, in
the name of Jesus.
113. Set a watch, O Lord, at the door of my lips, in the name of Jesus.
114. Lord Jesus, as You love Jerusalem, teach me to love my country in the right
way, in the name of Jesus.
115. Help me, Lord, to love You without reservation, in the name of Jesus.
116. Father, give me a loving and thankful heart, in the name of Jesus.
117. Help me, Lord, to make others glad, in the name of Jesus.
118. I bind every spiritual malaria, in the name of Jesus.
119. Oh Lord, go before me and make my path straight, in Jesus' name.
120. Blessed Holy Spirit, give me peace beyond understanding, in the name of
121. Lay Your hand upon me to cover my head from attacks, in the name of
122. Father, like Jacob, empower me to prevail with God and man, in the name
of Jesus.
123. Blessed Holy Spirit, give me joy that is unspeakable, in Jesus' name.
124. Blessed Holy Spirit, give me love that passes knowledge, in the name of
125. Father, always speak to me through our hymns, songs and worship, in the
name of Jesus.
126. Help me, Lord, to measure time, not by my standards, but by Your
standard, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 2 DAY 7 (22-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
127. The God who does more than I can ever ask or think, manifest Your power
in my life, in the name of Jesus.
128. My Father, let the motto of my life be, 'it is well' and 'glory be to God in the
highest', in the name of Jesus.
129. Father, empower me to multiply the talents You have entrusted unto me, in
the name of Jesus.
130. My Father, work in my life in a way that exceeds my wildest
imagination, in the name of Jesus.
131. Every selfish craving within my soul, die, in the name of Jesus.
132. Let me continually hide myself under the shadow of Your wings, in the
name of Jesus.
133. Help me, O Lord, never to complain about Your discipleship, in the name
of Jesus.
134. Help me, O Lord, not to focus on the waves and the wind, but on the face of
Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
135. Touch my life again, O Lord, at this time, in the name of Jesus.
136. Make me a blessing, O Lord, to those with whom I come in contact with, in
the name of Jesus.
137. Teach me to pray, O Lord, as You taught Your disciples, in the name of
138. Turn again my captivity, O Lord, as the streams of the south, in the name of
139. Give me the grace, O Lord, so that I will never grieve Your Holy Spirit, in
the name of Jesus.
140. Give me the grace, O God, to be steadfast, unmoveable and strong, in the
name of Jesus.
141. Empower me, to always obey Your heavenly calling, in Jesus' name.
142. Father, let this season of prayer draw us closer to You, in the name of Jesus.
143. Make me a palace of which every room is freely open to the Lord, in the
name of Jesus.
144. Father, let the leaves of the tree of life be for my health, in the name of
145. Cleanse me, O Lord, of all that is wrong in me, in the name of Jesus.
146. Be the Alpha and Omega, of every moment of my life, in the name of Jesus.
147. O Spirit of truth, open to me the treasures of Your Holy Word, in the name
of Jesus.

SECTION 2 DAY 8 (23-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-:10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
148. O Lord, show me opportunities where men see despair, in the name of
149. O Lord, keep in my remembrance the need for reflection, discipline and
self-examination, in the name of Jesus.
150. O Lord, arrest all my wanderings far from You, in the name of Jesus.
151. In the wilderness of my life today, O Lord, manifest Your power, in the
name of Jesus.
152. My Lord, be the Physician of my soul, in the name of Jesus.
153. Father, give me a pilgrim's spirit, in the name of Jesus.
154. Almighty God, by Your power, teach me to see with Your eyes, in the
name of Jesus.
155. Holy Father, breathe Your power into my life, in the name of Jesus.
156. I release myself, from powers destroying my confidence and undermining
my happiness, in the name of Jesus.
157. My Father, refresh and quicken me by the power of the Holy Ghost, in the
name of Jesus.
158. O God of truth, renew my life through Jesus Christ our Lord, in the name of
159. Father, create in me rivers of living water as the rod of Moses drew water
from the rock, in the name of Jesus.
160. O Lord, let me see Your beauty everywhere and become like You, in the
name of Jesus.
161. Help me, Father, to seek the things that are above where Christ sits at Your
right hand, in the name of Jesus.
162. Teach me, Lord, to seek Your will and pursue what is right, in the name of
163. My Father, make me sensitive to Your voice, in the name of Jesus.
164. Father, let Your peace settle down upon my soul, in Jesus' name.
165. O God, help me so that my faith may be deepened and my horizon
stretched, in the name of Jesus.
166. O Lord, minister nourishment to my soul, in the name of Jesus.
167. O Lord, give me strength in the time of need, in the name of Jesus.
168. O God, arise and sustain me by Your strong arm, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 2 DAY 9 (25-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
169. When I am fiercely tempted, O Lord, do not let me yield, in the name of
170. Father, empower me so that I will not fail You in times of temptation, in the
name of Jesus.
171. I release myself, from the fears and anxieties that weigh me down, in the
name of Jesus.
172. Teach me, O Lord, the power of prayer, in the name of Jesus.
173. Teach me, O Lord, the secret of prayer, in the name of Jesus.
174. Power of wandering from the flock, die, in the name of Jesus.
175. O Lord, show me the way through my limitations, in Jesus' name.
176. O Lord, show me the way through my obstacles, in Jesus' name.
177. Teach me, O Lord, the potentials of prayer, in the name of Jesus.
178. O Lord, enlighten my thinking, in the name of Jesus.
179. My Father, lead me to the rock that is higher than me, in Jesus' name.
180. O God, empower me to serve You with fresh vigour, in Jesus' name.
181. O Lord, teach me to live a holy life in the fear of the Lord, in the name of
182. Teach me, O Lord, to live as Your child, in the name of Jesus.
183. Empower me, to give to the world what You plannea when You sent me
into the world, in the name of Jesus.
184. Teach me, O lord, to bear Your name with pride, in Jesus' name.
185. Teach me, O Lord, to use Your gifts wisely, in the name of Jesus.
186. Teach me, O Lord, to understand the mercy of Your cross, in the name of
187. Enable me, O Lord, to be in the world, but not be of the world, in the name
of Jesus.
188. Empower me, O Lord, to daily deny worldly and dishonourable affections
and desires, in the name of Jesus.
189. Father, open my life to Your renewing, transforming love through Jesus
Christ, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 2 DAY 10 (25-08-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 57:15: For thus saith the high and lofty One that
inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place,
with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of
the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
190. Help me, O Lord, to face the unpleasant truths we sweep under the carpet
pretending they are not there, in the name of Jesus.
191. Help me, O Lord, to recognize the destructive consequences of my
sinfulness, in the name of Jesus.
192. Teach me, O Lord, to hunger and thirst for righteousness, in the name of
193. Teach me, O Lord, to realize that You are beyond my greatest imagination,
in the name of Jesus.
194. Give me uncommon wisdom to enable me know what I ought to know, in
the name of Jesus.
195. Teach me, O Lord, to continue faithfully on the path You have set before
me, in the name of Jesus.
196. Teach me, always, Lord, to discern Your will, in the name of Jesus.
197. Help me, O Lord, to see myself as I'm really are and as You would have me
to be, in the name of Jesus.
198 . Holy Ghost, help me to live as an uncluttered man, in Jesus' name.
199. Help me, O Lord, to remove my gaze from dark clouds and focus on Your
rainbow, in the name of Jesus.
200. Teach me, O Lord, to seek Your will even when the way ahead is not clear,
in the name of Jesus.
201. O Lord, equip us to serve You better to the glory of Your name, in the name
of Jesus.
202. Empower me, O Lord, to lean on Your strength, in the name of Jesus.
203. Help me, O Lord, to listen attentively to You, in the name of Jesus.
204. My Father, help me to rededicate my life to you, in Jesus' name.
205. Teach me, O Lord, to offer You my wholehearted devotion, in the name of
206. Help me, O Lord, to take up my cross and follow You, in Jesus' name.
207. Teach me, O Lord, to always face the truth, for the truth will set me free, in
the name of Jesus.
208. Help me, O Lord, to remain steadfast, immoveable and always abounding
in the work of God, in the name of Jesus.
209. Teach me, O Lord, to always recognize the signs through which You are
speaking to me, in the name of Jesus.
210. I shall not fail under Your discipleship, O Lord, in the name of Jesus.


Scripture Reading: Psalm 146
Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
SECTION 3 DAY 1 (26-08-2012)
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
1. Every power lying secretly as a lion in the den to catch me, catch fire, in the
name of Jesus.
2. Add iniquity unto their iniquity, in the name of Jesus.
3. My Father, be a refuge for me in time of trouble, in the name of Jesus.
4. O Lord, fight against them that fight against me, in the name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, laugh all evil counselors that are against me to scorn, in the name of
6. Depart from me all ye workers of iniquity, for the Lord has heard the voice of
my weeping, in the name of Jesus.
7. O Lord, let all my enemies receive sudden shame and take their arrows back,
in the name of Jesus.
8. O Lord, smite all my enemies upon the cheek bone, in the name of Jesus.
9. O Lord, let all my enemies be ashamed and be troubled, in Jesus' name.
10. O Lord, I am weak, O Lord, heal me for my bones are vexed, in the name of
11. O God, arise and rebuke the enemies for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
12. My Father, arise and silence the enemy and the avenger, in Jesus' name.
13. My Father, arise, and prepare for my enemy the instrument of death, in the
name of Jesus.
14. O Lord, destroy and divide the tongues of the enemy, in Jesus' name.
15. Let the Lifter and the Glory of my head be exalted above all gods, in the
name of Jesus.
16. Let God arise and let all His enemies scatter, in Jesus' name.
17. O God, arise, and destroy every arrow of the bloody and deceitful in the
name of Jesus.
18. Every evil king and ruler, taking counsel together against me, scatter, in the
name of Jesus.
19. O God, arise, and smite my enemies upon the cheek bone, in the name of
20. Lord, send Your angels to sow terror and panic in the hearts of all
witchdoctors gathered together for my sake, in the name of Jesus.
21. When my enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at Thy
presence, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 3 DAY 2 (27-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
22. Lord, break the arm of the wicked, in the name of Jesus.
23. Let them be as grass upon the house tops, which withers before it grows up,
in the name of Jesus.
24. Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together, those that rejoice at
my hurt, in the name of Jesus.
25. Every wicked power, assigned to steal my joy, O God, destroy them, in the
name of Jesus.
26. Every sepulcher throat, assigned to swallow me, catch fire, in the name of
27. Let them melt away as waters which run continually, in Jesus' name.
28. Let the wicked be taken, in devices that they have imagined, in the name of
29. Let the wicked be cast out, in the multitude of their transgression, in the
name of Jesus.
30. Let all oppressors, be beaten small as the dust before the wind, in the name
of Jesus.
31. Let his children, be continually vagabonds and beggars, let them seek their
bread out of desolate places, in the name of Jesus.
32. Let their eyes, be darkened that they see not, in the name of Jesus.
33. I, will not be afraid of ten thousand of people that have surrounded me, in the
name of Jesus.
34. Let their habitations, become desolate, let there be no one to dwell in them,
in the name of Jesus.
35. Let their table, become a snare before them, in the name of Jesus.
36. When the enemy bends his bow to shoot his arrows, let him be cut in pieces,
in the name of Jesus.
37. Let them be cast out, as the dirt in the streets, in Jesus' name.
38. Let the extortioner, catch all that the enemy has, and let the strangers spoil
his labour, in the name of Jesus.
39. Let them be clothed with shame and dishonour, that magnify themselves
against me, in the name of Jesus.
40. Let my sentence come forth from Thy presence; let Thine eyes behold the
things that are equal, in the name of Jesus.
41. Let them be confounded and put to slume that seek after my soul, in the
name of Jesus.
42. Let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt, in the
name of Jesus.

SECTION 3 DAY 3 (28-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
43. My enemies will cry, but there will be no one to save them, in the name of
44. As he loved cursing, so let it come unto him; as he delighted not in blessing,
so let it be far from him, in the name of Jesus.
45. Let them be cut into fire and the deep pit and rise not up again, in the name
of Jesus.
46. Every agenda of dark power for my life, perish, in the name of Jesus.
47. Every sorrow of death encompassing me, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
48. Return O Lord, deliver my soul, save me for Thy mercy's sake, in the name
of Jesus.
49. Arise O Lord, deliver my soul from the wicked with Thy sword, in the name
of Jesus.
50. Arise O Lord, disappoint my enemies and cast them down, in the name of
51. Let all the eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood stumble and fall, in the name
of Jesus.
52. I break, my enemies with a rod of iron and I dash them to pieces like a
potter's vessel, in the name of Jesus.
53. Let all my enemies be ashamed, and let them be greatly troubled, in the name
of Jesus.
54. Lord, let my enemies fall and perish at Your presence, in Jesus' name.
55. Let all my enemies be laid in the grave, like a sheep and let death feed on
them, in the name of Jesus.
56. Every imagination of evil against me, I command it to fail, in Jesus' name.
57. Let burning coals fall upon them, in the name of Jesus.
58. Let the wicked, fall by the sword and become a portion for foxes, in the
name of Jesus.
59. Let the enemies, fall by their own counsels, in the name of Jesus.
60. Lord, let the fire devour the wicked and their seeds, in the name of Jesus.
61. O Lord, cast forth lightning and scatter them, in the name of Jesus.
62. My Father, show forth Your marvellous work in my life, in Jesus' name.
63. O God, thunder from heaven and throw stones upon my enemies, in the
name of Jesus.

SECTION 3 DAY 4 (29-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages :(11 & 12)
64. For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle: thou hast subdued
under me those that rose up against me, in the name of Jesus.
65. Thou, hast also given me the necks of mine enemies; that I might destroy
them that hate me, in the name of Jesus.
66. I will be glad and rejoice in Thee O Lord, I will sing praises to Thy name, in
the name of Jesus.
67. Let the thunder, hailstones, coals of fire, lightning and arrows from the Lord
scatter the forces of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
68. Every enemy, that has encompassed me about, scatter, in Jesus' name.
69. Every sorrow of hell, encompassing me, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
70. For by thee, I have run through a troop; and by my God, have I leaped over a
wall, in the name of Jesus.
71. As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when,
I awake, with thy likeness, in the name of Jesus.
72. Arise, O Lord, in Your anger and lift up Yourself, because of the rage of my
73. Every power, lurking in villages against my life, be frustrated, in the name of
74. O Lord, have in derision all the evil kings that are gathered for my sake, in
the name of Jesus.
75. Hold my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps slip not, in Jesus' name.
76. By the power in the blood of Jesus, every good thing I do shall prosper, in
the name of Jesus.
77. Put my enemy in fear, O Lord, let them know that You are God, in the name
of Jesus.
78. Arise, O Lord, in Thy anger lift up Thyself because of the affliction of my
enemy, in the name of Jesus.
79. O heavens, arise in your power and establish my dominion, in the name of
80. I have purposed in my heart, that my heart shall not transgress, in the name
of Jesus.
81. Lead O Lord, in Thy righteousness because of my enemies, in the name of
82. Every power, hiding in the secret place to work iniquity, be destroyed, in the
name of Jesus.
83. I will both lay me down and sleep, for Thou O Lord makes me to dwell in
84. Arise, O Lord, let not man prevail against me, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 3 DAY 5 (30-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
85. Arise, O Lord, lift up Thy hands, forget not the humble, in Jesus' name.
86. I shall be like a tree, planted by the rivers of water, bringing forth fruits in its
season, in the name of Jesus.
87. Deliver me O Lord, from men of the world which have their portion in this
life, in the name of Jesus.
88. Hear me O Lord, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayers, in the name
of Jesus.
89. Deliver me O Lord, from men of the world whose belly is filled with Thy
hidden treasures, in the name of Jesus.
90. Grant not, O Lord, the desires of the wicked and further not his wicked
device, in the name of Jesus.
91. Show me thy marvelous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand
them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them, in the
name of Jesus.
92. Have mercy upon me O God, and consider all my troubles, in the name of
93. My Father, empower me to show forth Your praise in Your gate forever in
the name of Jesus.
94. My Father, empower me to walk uprightly and righteously, in the name of
95. My Father, empower me to abide in Your tabernacle, in Jesus' name.
96. My Father, bless me and favour me and compass me about like a shield, in
the name of Jesus.
97. Consider and hear me O Lord, and lighten my eyes, in the name of Jesus.
98. My Father, keep me and preserve me forever, in the name of Jesus.
99. My Father, keep me from the paths of the destroyers, in Jesus' name.
100. O God, guide me with Thy strength and make my way perfect, in the name
of Jesus.
101. Thou, will show me the path of life, in Thy presence is fullness of joy; at
Thy right hand there are pleasures for ever more, in the name of Jesus.
102. O God, deliver me from my strong enemy, in the name of Jesus.
103. My Father, crown me with glory and honour, in the name of Jesus.
104. Every power, asking me to flee as a bird to the mountain, scatter, in the
name of Jesus.
105. My Father, empower me to speak the truth in my heart, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 3 DAY 6 (31-08-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
106. O God, bring me out and set me in a large place, in the name of Jesus.
107. Lord, give unto me the necks of mine enemies, in the name of Jesus.
108. O God, deliver me from those who hate me, in the name of Jesus.
109. O Lord, give me the shield of Thy salvation, in the name of Jesus.
110. My Father, have mercy on me and hear my prayers, in Jesus' name.
111. I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again
till they were consumed, in the name of Jesus.
112. O Lord, enlarge my feet under me that my feet slip not, in Jesus' name.
113. My Father, light my candle and enlighten my darkness, in Jesus' name.
114. O God, make my feet like hinds' feet, and set me upon high places, in the
name of Jesus.
115. The Lord is my God and my strength, my trust and my buckler, in the name
of Jesus.
116. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer, in Jesus' name.
117. Give ear to my words O Lord, and consider my meditation, in the name of
118. The leaf of my destiny, shall not wither, in the name of Jesus.
119. O God, teach my hands to war and let my hands break the bow of steel, in
the name of Jesus.
120. Lord, render to my enemies their desert, in the name of Jesus.
121. Every power, troubling my peace, receive divine judgment, in the name of
122. I shall cast my enemies out as the dirt in the streets, in Jesus' name.
123. Every oppression, from my deadly enemies encompassing me about,
scatter, in the name of Jesus.
124. I shall beat my enemies, as small as the dust before the wind, in the name of
125. The mischief of my enemies, shall return upon their own heads, in the name
of Jesus.
126. Lord, let the net of the enemy catch his own feet, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 3 DAY 7 (01-09-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
127. The enemies, shall not prevail against me; the enemies shall not rejoice
against me, in the name of Jesus.
128. O Lord, do not hide Yourself for me in the time of trouble, in the name of
129. For Thou will not leave my soul in hell, neither will Thou allow me to see
corruption, in the name of Jesus.
130. O Lord, do not forget me, do not hide Your face from me, in the name of
131. Let the angels of the Lord, chase and persecute the enemies of my soul, in
the name of Jesus.
132. Let the way of my enemies, be dark and slippery, in Jesus' name.
133. All the workers of iniquity, that eat up people as they eat bread, fall down
and die, in the name of Jesus.
134. Let the sorrows of my enemies, be multiplied, in the name of Jesus.
135. Let the way of the wicked powers, assigned to any department of my life
perish, in the name of Jesus.
136. Every stubborn enemy of my destiny, O God, let them fall by their own
counsel and cast them out in the multitude of their transgression, in the name
of Jesus.
137. Let the mischief of their own lips, cover them, in the name of Jesus.
138. Let the sword of the wicked, enter into their own heart and let their bows be
broken, in the name of Jesus.
139. Let every one of the oppressors, pass away like the untimely birth of a
woman, that they may not see the sun, in the name of Jesus.
140. All the enemies of the Lord, shall be as the fat of lamb, in smoke shall they
be consumed, in the name of Jesus.
141. Let the powers of the wicked, be blown away as the chaff which the wind is
driving away, in the name of Jesus.
142. O Lord, cut off all wicked lips and wicked tongues speaking against me, in
the name of Jesus.
143. Every power of oppression, oppress yourself and torment yourself, in the
name of Jesus.
144. O Lord, send out Your arrows to scatter them and to shoot them with
lightning, in the name of Jesus.
145. Every enemy, speaking proudly against me, be disgraced, in the name of
146. Make their loins shake continuously, in the name of Jesus, in the name of
147. Mine eyes also shall see my desire on my enemies and mine ears shall hear
my desire of the wicked that rise up against me, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 3 DAY 8 (02-09-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
148. My voice, Thou shall hear in the morning, O Lord and You will answer my
prayers, in the name of Jesus.
149. Let that, which should have been for their welfare become a trap, in the
name of Jesus.
150. My Father, who sitteth in the heavens, laugh all my enemies to scorn, in the
name of Jesus.
151. My Father, rain snares, fire and brimstone and horrible tempest upon the
enemy, in the name of Jesus.
152. Lord, deliver my soul from the power of the dog and from the mouth of the
lion, in the name of Jesus.
153. Let all lips, speaking grievous things proudly and contemptuously against
me, be silenced, in the name of Jesus.
154. I refuse, to stand in the ways of sinners, in the name of Jesus
155. My Father, ordain strength out of my mouth, in the name of Jesus.
156. Persecute them with tempest, and make them afraid with Thy storm, in the
name of Jesus.
157. Every power of the wicked, working around my environment, scatter to
pieces, in the name of Jesus.
158. Keep me, as the apple of Thy eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wings,
in the name of Jesus.
159. My Father, let the wicked be taken in the devices that they have imagined,
in the name of Jesus.
160. O Lord, let the violent dealings of the enemy come down upon his own
path, in the name of Jesus.
161. O Lord, let the mischief of the oppressors come upon their own heads, in
the name of Jesus.
162. Evil, shall slay the Wicked; and they that hate the righteous shall be
desolate, in the name of Jesus.
163. O Lord, prepare the instruments of death against my persecutors, in the
name of Jesus.
164. O Lord, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, in the name of
165. O heavens, multiply the sorrows of my multiple enemies, in the name of
166. Arise, Lord, disappoint the enemy and deliver my soul from the wicked.
167. O Lord, destroy the enemies using poisonous tongues and sepulchral throat
against my life, in the name of Jesus.
168. Let evil hunt the violent enemy to overthrow him, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 3 DAY 9 (03-09-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
169. O Lord, break the teeth of the wicked, in the name of Jesus.
170. The Lord, is the portion of my inheritance, the lines are fallen unto me in
pleasant places, yea, I have a goodly heritage, in the name of Jesus.
171. Lord, let all the mischievous devices of the enemy refuse to perform, in the
name of Jesus.
172. God, shall wound the head of the enemy and the hairy scalp of the wicked,
in the name of Jesus.
173. O Lord, let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end, in the name of
174. O God, break the teeth of the enemy in their mouth, in Jesus' name
175. My foundation, receive the touch of the deliverance power of God, in the
name of Jesus.
176. Every arrow of the wicked, aimed against me, backfire, in Jesus' name.
177. I, have set the Lord always before me, He's at my right hand, I shall not be
moved, in the name of Jesus.
178. The Lord, is the horn of my salvation and my high tower, in the name of
179. O Lord, swallow the oppressors and persecutors in Your wrath, in the name
of Jesus.
180. Every pit, that the enemy digs, the enemy shall fall therein, in the name of
181. Thou rage of the wicked, I paralyse your power, in the name of Jesus.
182. Father, break down the arm of the wicked and the evil man, in the name of
183. O Lord, let the enemies of my soul fall into the pit which they dug, in the
name of Jesus.
184. Every boast, of the wicked against me, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
185. I, will love Thee O Lord with all my strength, in the name of Jesus.
186. O Lord, break them with a rod of iron, in the name of Jesus.
187. I, have wounded them that they were not able to rise: they are fallen under
my feet, in the name of Jesus.
188. Lord, let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me,
neither let them wink the eye that hate me without a cause, in the name of
189. O Lord, dash them to pieces like a potter's vessel, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 3 DAY 10 (04-09-2012)

Confession: Psalm 68:1-3: Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let
them also that hate him flee before him. As smoke is driven away, so drive
them away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the
presence of God. But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God:
yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
190. Where men said, there is no help for me, O God arise and give me help, in
the name of Jesus.
191. O God, let Thy right hand hold me up and Your gentleness make me great,
in the name of Jesus.
192. O Lord, make Thy way straight before my face, in the name of Jesus.
193. Every power, assigned co tear my soul in pieces, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.
194. My Father, continue to be my glory and the lifter of my head, in the name
of Jesus.
195. My Father, empower me to abide in Your tabernacle and dwell in Your
holy hill, in the name of Jesus.
196. Every ungodly power, troubling my star, I command you to be like the
chaff which the wind driveth away, in the name of Jesus.
197. Every wicked band, troubling my star, I cast you away, in Jesus' name.
198. Let them be turned back and brought to confusion, that devise my hurt, in
the name of Jesus.
199. My Father, put uncommon gladness in my heart, in the name of Jesus.
200. O Lord, harken unto the voice of my cry, unto Thee will I pray, in the name
of Jesus.
201. My Father, speak unto my enemy in Your wrath and vex them in Your
displeasure, in the name of Jesus.
202. Let them wander up and down for meat, and grudge if they be not satisfied,
in the name of Jesus.
203. I, will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved
from mine enemies, in the name of Jesus.
204. I, have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear
unto me, and hear my speech, in the name of Jesus.
205. Let destruction, come upon my enemies unawares, in Jesus' name.
206. I refuse, to walk in the counsel of the ungodly, in the name of Jesus.
207. Every mouth, called with curses against me, dry up, in Jesus' name.
208. Lord, stretch forth Your hand against my enemies, in Jesus' name.
209. My Father, ordain Your arrows against my persecutors, in Jesus' name.
210. O Lord, ordain Your arrows against my persecutors, in Jesus' name.


Scripture Reading: Judges 5
Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
SECTION 4 DAY 1 (O5-09-2012)
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
1. My Father, let Your angels be provoked against my enemies, in the name of
2. I break, the yoke of any evil spirit having access to any organ in my body, in
the name of Jesus.
3. Any evil thing, written in the cycle of the moon against me, be blotted out, in
the name of Jesus.
4. Every negative thing, written in the cycle of the moon against me, be blotted
out, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every wicked war, working against me, I overthrow you, in Jesus' name.
6. Every satanic consultant, working against me, bow to the name of Jesus.
7. O heavens, arise with your weapons of war and pursue my pursuer, in the
name of Jesus.
8. Every alignment of witches, against my prosperity, scatter, in the name of
9. Every organization of witchcraft, working against my star, scatter, in the name
of Jesus.
10. Anyone, who accepted witchcraft in order to destroy my life, be disgraced, in
the name of Jesus.
11. Every cord of witchcraft, troubling my star, break, in the name of Jesus.
12. O Lord, repair what should be repaired in my life, in the name of Jesus.
13. Every evil hand, upon my star, wither, in the name of Jesus.
14. Every power, rising up against my last laugh, die, in the name of Jesus.
15. Any power, flying to arrest my progress, fall down and die, in the name of
16. Any problem, programmed to ridicule me, expire, in the name of Jesus.
17. Every pit, dug to swallow my star, be covered by the blood of Jesus. Every
power, troubling my star, die, in the name of Jesus.
18. Point your finger to the sky, as you take this prayer point. Every negative
thing, programmed into the sun and the moon against me, be dismantled now,
in Jesus' name.
19. Every power, assigned to hinder my star from shining, fall down and die, in
the name of Jesus
20. You heavenlies, refuse to give reply to any satanic programme against my
life, in the name of Jesus.
21. Heavenly Carpenter, nail to death every spiritual robber of my property, in
the name of Jesus.

SECTION 4 DAY 2 (06-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
22. I send lightning, thunder and the hook of the Lord, against the evil queen in
the heavenlies militating against me, in the name of Jesus.
23. By fire, by thunder, I war in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu, in Jesus' name.
24. Every power, aborting the plan of God for my life, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.
25. I speak destruction, unto the headquarters of evil programmers and blow up
their altars, in the name of Jesus.
26. Every gathering of the wicked, against my destiny, catch fire, in the name of
27. Evil powers in the heavenlies, assigned against me, be shaken unto
desolation, in the name of Jesus
28. I, announce to the heavenlies that I am married to Jesus.
29. Heavenly fire, attack the power of poverty in my life, in Jesus' name.
30. O Lord, manifest the thunder of Your power in my life, in Jesus' name.
31. You heavens and the elements, turn against every satanic programmer, in the
name of Jesus.
32. I wipe out, the relevance of my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
33. Every intimidation of the wicked, break, in the name of Jesus.
34. Every force in the heavenlies, delaying my miracles, scatter unto desolation,
in the name of Jesus.
35. O Lord, mobilise the resources of heaven to promote me, in Jesus' name.
36. I speak unto the stars, the sun and the moon to favour me, in the name of
37. Let the power that raised Jesus from the dead, break my yoke now, in the
name of Jesus.
38. Oh heavens, release that which my life needs, in the name of Jesus.
39. Every demonic blanket, that covers my star, I tear you and destroy you, in
the name of Jesus.
40. By the power that dried up the Red Sea, O Lord, answer my prayers, in the
name of Jesus.
41. By the power that disgraced Goliath, O Lord, answer my prayers, in the
name of Jesus.
42. Every star hunter, targeting my life for destruction, be disgraced, in the name
of Jesus.
SECTION 4 DAY 3 (07-09-2012)
Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
43. I bind, every stubborn spirit working against me, up to the 3rd heaven, in the
name of Jesus.
44. I bind, every stubborn spirit working against me, up to the second heaven, in
the name of Jesus
45. Vision killers, I stop you before you stop me, in the name of Jesus.
46. I recover my star, from the cage of star hunters, in Jesus' name. I put to
flight, every organised warfare against my star, in the name of Jesus.
47. I destroy, every spell and jinx placed upon my star, in Jesus' name.
48. Every arrangement, that sorcerers and witches have prepared against me, be
overthrown, in the name of Jesus.
49. Every arrangement, that sorcerers and witches have prepared against my day,
be dismantled, in Jesus' name.
50. Failure, you shall not slaughter my destiny, in Jesus' name.
51. My God, that sitteth in the heavens, laugh my oppressors to scorn, in the
name of Jesus.
52. My God, that sitteth in the heavenlies, dash enemies of my destiny in pieces,
in the name of Jesus.
53. My God, that sitteth in the heavenlies, with a rod of iron, destroy my
enemies, in the name of Jesus.
54. Let the careful siege of the enemy, be dismantled now, in Jesus' name.
55. My star, shine to fall no more, in the name of Jesus
56. You elements, you shall not hurt that which the Lord has blessed in my life,
you shall not steal from my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
57. O God arise, shake the heavens and fill my house and life with Your glory,
in the name of Jesus.
58. Thou power of set back, die, in the name of Jesus.
59. I dismantle, every satanic calendar, in the name of Jesus.
60. All satanic lions, roaring to swallow up my star, die, in the name of Jesus.
61. O Lord, I reject all that robs me of the joy of my inheritance in Your
kingdom, in the name of Jesus.
62. Thou star demoters, receive the sword of fire, in Jesus' name.
63. Kidnapping power, I rebuke you by thunder, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 4 DAY 4 (O8-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
64. Thunder of heaven, rise up against every power planning my disgrace, in the
name of Jesus.
65. Every evil handwriting, programmed by satanic agents into the heavenlies
against my life, be wiped out by the blood of Jesus.
66. Every evil word, programmed against my star, shall not be established, in the
name of Jesus.
67. Let every barrenness, programmed into my star be deprogrammed, in the
name of Jesus.
68. Any evil thing, programmed into the sun, the moon and the stars against my
destiny, be dismantled, in Jesus' name.
69. Any evil thing, programmed into the sun and moon against my life, be
dismantled, in the name of Jesus.
70. Every evil spiritual-equation, programmed against my life, I command you
to change, in the name of Jesus.
71. Every evil altar, prepared against my breakthroughs in the heavenlies and in
the sea, be dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus.
72. I break, satanic powers in the heavenly places, on the land, and in the waters,
in the name of Jesus.
73. By all the powers, by which You are known to be God, O Lord, answer my
prayer, in the name of Jesus.
74. Dark covenants, with powers in the heavenlies, break, in Jesus' name.
75. Woe, unto the powers bragging and boasting against my destiny, in the name
of Jesus.
76. I establish, the power of God upon you, o earth, bless my destiny, in the
name of Jesus.
77. Every power, drawing power from the heavenlies against me, scatter in the
name of Jesus.
78. Every Witchcraft hand, placed on my star, wither, in the name of Jesus.
79. I programme judgment, on the wicked into the heavenlies, in the name of
80. Every evil hand, of the enemy upon my star, wither, in the name of Jesus.
81. Every Witchcraft rearrangement, of my destiny, be reversed now, in the
name of Jesus.
82. Let the handwriting of ordinances, programmed by satanic agents into the
heavenlies against me be wiped out by the blood of Jesus.
83. Every evil manipulation, of my star, die, in the name of Jesus.
84. Every internal enemy, of my destiny, I challenge you by fire, in the name of

SECTION 4 DAY 5 (09-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
85. Let the star of my destiny, pick up fire and overtake its contemporaries, in
the name of Jesus.
86. Queen of heaven, networking with the wicked, I judge you by fire, in the
name of Jesus.
87. Let every satanic network fashioned against my prosperity in the second
heaven and on the earth scatter and die, in the name of Jesus.
88. Every aggression, against my star, die, in the name of Jesus.
89. O heavens, stop my enemies the way You stopped Hamaan, in the name of
90. Star hunters, pursuing my star, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
91. O heavens, stop my enemies, the way You stopped Pharaoh, in the name of
92. Everything, programmed into my life in the heavenlies, I dismantle you, in
the name of Jesus.
93. I recover, all my virtues dedicated to the elements, in the name of Jesus.
94. Any power, bewitching my star, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
95. Unbroken curses, troubling my star, break, in the name of Jesus.
96. Any power, redirecting my star, die, in the name of Jesus.
97. I retrieve, all my properties dedicated to the sun, the moon, the stars and the
elements by power of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
98. O Lord, guide my words and let them bear fruits.
99. Every power, threatening my destiny, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
100. I refuse, to miss my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
101. Every satanic priest, ministering enchantment in to the sun, the moon and
the stars, fall down and die, in Jesus' name.
102. O Lord, give me sufficient days to reach my goal.
103. O Lord, empower me to reach my goal.
104. O Lord, empower me to pluck the fruit of success.
105. O Lord, let me become all that You have planned for me.

SECTION 4 DAY 6 (10-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
106. O Lord, give me divine alertness to recognize divine opportunities.
107. O Lord, give me the ability that is equal to my opportunity.
108. O Lord, silence me from gossiping.
109. Every evil wise man, observing the star of my destiny, receive blindness, in
the name of Jesus.
110. Blood of Jesus, make it impossible for the enemy to track down my star in
the realms of the spirit, in the name of Jesus.
111. O God arise, let every witchcraft plantation scatter, in Jesus' name.
112. I use the keys of heaven, to lock out problems from my life, in the name of
113. I take divine insurance, against all forms of accident and tragedy, in the
name of Jesus.
114. You spiritual wickedness, in the heavenlies militating against my star, I
bring the hook of the Lord against you and frustrate your activities, in the
name of Jesus.
115. Every strongman, resident in the heaven over my head, fall down and die,
in the name of Jesus.
116. O heavens, arise in thy might of perfection, perfect all that concerns me, in
the name of Jesus.
117. My Father, thunder in heaven against my enemies, in Jesus' name.
118. From my position in the third heaven, at the right hand of the Father of
Jesus Christ, I bind the witchcraft strongman, in the name of Jesus.
119. Let the stars in the heavens, fight against witches and wizards, in the name
of Jesus.
120. Every stubborn problem, I command you to wither, in Jesus' name.
121. Every spirit wife/husband, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
122. Chain of delay, holding my star, break, in the name of Jesus.
123. I command, the heavens to open to me right now, in Jesus' name.
124. Ride upon the heavenlies, and release Your voice for my sake, O Lord, in
the name of Jesus
125. O rumour from heaven, arise, cause defeat, dispersal and death amongst my
oppressors, in the name of Jesus
126. 126. Agents of the grave, summoned to appear in my dreams, die, in the
name of Jesus.

SECTION 4 DAY 7 (11-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
127. Let the elements, gather their resources to favour and promote my destiny,
in the name of Jesus.
128. O night, arise, gather strength against my enemies, in Jesus' name.
129. I retrench and frustrate, satanic priest ministering enchantment into the sun,
the moon and the star, in the name of Jesus.
130. Fire of excellence from heaven, begin to burn in every area of my life, in
the name of Jesus.
131. O God, thunder from heaven, against all my adversaries, in the name of
132. Let the bullet from heaven, kill every serpent of death, in the name of Jesus.
133. O God, thunder from heaven, against all my oppressors, in the name of
134. I bring fire, from the kitchen of God to consume to ashes, every destiny
demoters, in the name of Jesus.
135. I separate myself, from any evil tree representing my destiny, I curse the
tree to die, in the name of Jesus.
136. Lord, water me from the waters from God.
137. My destiny, escape from every prison, in the name of Jesus.
138. By fire by force, I am set free before the cloud of wickedness, in the
heavenlies, in the name of Jesus.
139. Every satanic arrow, fired to divert my star, fall down and die, in the name
of Jesus.
140. Lift up your fingers towards the heavenlies as you take this prayer point.
Any evil thing programmed into the heavenlies against me, be destroyed, in
Jesus' name.
141. Let all my fears, be converted into ashes, in Jesus' name.
142. I come, by faith to Mount Zion, Lord, command deliverance upon my life,
in the name of Jesus.
143. I come, by faith to mount Zion, and I command deliverance upon my life,
in the name of Jesus.
144. Thou power, of evil handshakes, die, in the name of Jesus.
145. Thou power, of laying evil hands, die, in the name of Jesus.
146. Every arrow of evil delay, fired into my star, die, in the name of Jesus.
147. Every power, programming evil into the star of my life, fall down and die,
in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 4 DAY 8 (12-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
148. I terminate, every evil agreement between my enemies and the heavenlies,
in the name of Jesus.
149. Every power, programming evil into my star, fall down, in the name of
150. I shake off, every season of frustration and failure, in Jesus' name.
151. Every evil handwriting, engraved with demonic iron pen against me, be
wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
152. Sentences, of the enemy upon my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
153. Every satanic priest, divining against my star, be disgraced, in the name of
154. All my money, diverted by Witchcraft, come back to me now, in the name
of Jesus.
155. Every anti-prosperity dream, die, in the mighty name of Jesus.
156. Power of reproach, die, in the name of Jesus.
157. That, which the devil has locked against me, open by fire, in the name of
158. I break and destroy, every satanic programme assigned against me in the
heavenlies, in the name of Jesus.
159. Every robber of destiny, assigned against my life, scatter, in the name of
160. I decree, O earth, call forth those that should bring money to me, in the
name of Jesus.
161. Let the heavens, declare the glory of God over my life, in the name of
162. Every arrow of death, fired at me in the dream, go back to your sender, in
the name of Jesus
163. Every angel of darkness, blocking my prayers in the heavenlies, scatter, in
the name of Jesus.
164. Every cloud of darkness, covering my star, melt away like cloud before the
sun, in the name of Jesus.
165. Every assignment of dark hunters, for my star, wither, in Jesus' name
166. Every curse or covenant, bearing my name in the heavenlies, break, in the
name of Jesus.
167. I file a counter report, in heaven against any dark spirit militating against
me, in the name of Jesus.
168. Let every satanic clock-point, mounted against me in the heavenlies be
dismantled by the word of the Lord.

SECTION 4 DAY 9 (13-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
169. Any evil act, carried out on the day of my naming ceremony, that is now
affecting the star of my life, be reversed and die, in Jesus' name.
170. I command, the careful siege of the enemy against my life to be dismantled,
in the name of Jesus.
171. My star, manifest by fire, in the name of Jesus.
172. Anything burned, to bury me, bury your owners, in Jesus' name.
173. I bring the blood of Jesus, over the stubborn pursuer that does not want me
to go, in the name of Jesus.
174. I bring the blood of Jesus, over every evidence that can be tendered by
wicked spirit against me, in the name of Jesus.
175. Heavenly Breaker, go before me and break through every limitation and
barrier of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
176. My star, be honoured in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus.
177. Every caged star, be released now, in the name of Jesus.
178. I refuse, to be a wandering star, in the name of Jesus.
179. I, shall not be numbered among the wasted, in the name of Jesus.
180. Thou power of bad luck, die, in the name of Jesus.
181. Every arrow of backwardness, fired into my star, die, in Jesus' name.
182. Words of witchcraft, attacking my star, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.
183. Birds of darkness, assigned to trouble my star, die, in Jesus' name.
184. You witchcraft hunters, assigned against my star, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.
185. Holy Ghost fire, arise and damage every resistance to the glow of my star,
in the name of Jesus.
186. Host of heaven, arise, fight for me, in the name of Jesus
187. O God that answers by fire, answer my prayers by fire, in the name of
188. O God arise, and give me open heavens, in the name of Jesus.
189. O God, arise, and disgrace every enemy of my increase, in the name of

SECTION 4 DAY 10 (14-09-2012)

Confession: Job 38:12-:13: Hast thou commanded the morning since thy
days; and caused the dayspring to know his place; That it might take hold
of the ends of the earth, that the wicked might be shaken out of it?
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-:10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
190. Let the life and the spirit, behind my problem break off, in the name of
191. O God arise, and let stars of heaven fight for my destiny today, in the name
of Jesus.
192. O God, arise, and speak words of creation into my situations, in the name of
193. Anyone, using dust and leaves against me, die, in the name of Jesus.
194. I paralyse, all aggression addressed to my star in the name of Jesus.
195. I release earthquake, against my full-time enemies, in Jesus' name.
196. Every evil work, against the star of my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
197. Anything, drawing power against me from the heavenlies, fall down and
die, in the name of Jesus.
198. Every hand, pointed at my star, wither, in the name of Jesus.
199. Mantle of divine acceleration, fall upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
200. I, shall become a star in my generation, in the name of Jesus.
201. I refuse to live a floating life, in the name of Jesus.
202. Every deeply entrenched problem, dry to the roots, in Jesus' name.
203. I destroy, the weapons of satanic night raiders, in the name of Jesus.
204. Every stronghold of failure, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
205. Every internal warfare, in my life, be quenched, in the name of Jesus.
206. Every internal thief, be exposed, in the name of Jesus.
207. Anything planted in my life, by my enemies, come out with all your roots,
in the name of Jesus.
208. Every problem expander, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of
209. My divine dreams, come to pass, in the name of Jesus.
210. Fountain of life, spring up in me, in the name of Jesus


Scripture Reading: 2 Chronicles 20
Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
SECTION 5 DAY 1 (15-09-2012)
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
1. O Lord, give me a miracle that will make me forget my past troubles, in the
name of Jesus.
2. Every power, that hates to see me laugh, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every power, monitoring my destiny for evil, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
4. My Father, change the rule for my sake like Ephraim, in the name of Jesus.
5. O God of Elijah, arise disappoint my marital enemies, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every root, of evil dream attacks, dry up, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every trouble, of the night, bow to the name of Jesus.
8.Angels of God, scatter all those plotting against my destiny, in Jesus' name.
9. Every demonic dragon, working against my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
10. Thou terror of the night, scatter before me, in the name of Jesus.
11. I have dominion, over every satanic challenge, in the name of Jesus.
12. I confront, every witchcraft challenge, by the power of God, in the name of
13. Thou oppressor and your weapon, drown in your own Red Sea, in the name
of Jesus.
14. I cancel, every weapon of discouragement, in the name of Jesus.
15. Holy Ghost, arise and link me with those who will bless me, in the name of
16. Fire of God, shatter blindness and darkness in my life, in Jesus' name.
17. My body, refuse to cooperate with every arrow of darkness, in the name of
18. Every witchcraft broom, sweeping away my blessings, die, in the name of
19. Every yoke manufacturer, die with your yoke, in the name of Jesus.
20. Every satanic investment, in my life, be wasted, in the name of Jesus.
21. Let my life, experience divine acceleration, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 5 DAY 2 (16-09-2012)

Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
22. Every satanic pregnancy, for my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
23. Swallower, of my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
24. Every evil unconscious association, release me and scatter, in the name of
25. Every arrow of oppression, lift away, in the name of Jesus.
26. I call forth, my lazarus from the grave of witchcraft, in the name of Jesus.
27. Every power, that swallows divine opportunities, die, in Jesus' name.
28. Every enemy, that has refused to let me go, receive double destruction, in the
name of Jesus.
29. Evil candles and incense burning against me, backfire, in Jesus' name.
30. Every arrow, of rituals and sacrifices, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
31. I enter, into my prophetic destiny, in the name of Jesus.
32. I speak, to the belly of the waters to release my breakthroughs, in the name
of Jesus.
33. You Pharaoh, in my hometown, I bury you in the Red Sea, in Jesus' name.
34. I take, the wheels off your chariot, in the name of Jesus.
35. I cut off, the ministry of Judas Iscariot from my finances, in Jesus' name.
36. O Lord, breathe upon me by Your glory, in the name of Jesus.
37. Point of contact of the devil, in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
38. I envelope my family, with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus' name.
39. Every witchcraft altar, in my compound, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
40. Every Witchcraft lion, roaring against me, die, in the name of Jesus.
41. I release, spiritual bullets against every evil dark gathering, in the name of
42. Thou Word of God, with Your power as hammer, break evil chains, in the
name of Jesus.

SECTION 5 DAY 3 (17-09-2012)

Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
43. O Lord, give me a dream that will change my life for the better, in the name
of Jesus.
44. I terminate, the life of every vision killer, in the name of Jesus.
45. O Lord, reschedule my destiny for uncommon breakthroughs, in the name of
46. O God, You gave the sun power to break through darkness, give me
breakthrough powers, in the name of Jesus.
47. O God, arise and roll my grave stone away, in the name of Jesus.
48. Angels of prophecy, take your position in my life, in the name of Jesus.
49. Every strange voice, I renounce your dominion, in the name of Jesus.
50. O God, arise and smite my infirmity, in the name of Jesus.
51. Fire, in the name of Jesus, arise, unlock my virtues, in the name of Jesus.
52. Everywhere I turn, harvest shall salute me, in the name of Jesus.
53. My blood, shall not be found on any altar, in the name of Jesus.
54. My soul, will not answer any dark powers, in the name of Jesus.
55. Yokes, curses, enchantments, break away from my life, in Jesus' name.
56. Every bird, used as instrument against my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
57. Yokes, buried in my body, be uprooted by the blood of Jesus.
58. Thou evil sun, overshadowing my star, clear away, in the name of Jesus.
59. Blood of Jesus, arise, deliver my foundation, in the name of Jesus.
60. Angels of fire, position yourselves, recover my foundational virtues, in the
name of Jesus.
61. Joy swallowers, of my father's house, die, in the name of Jesus.
62. Pollution in my roots, hear the word of the Lord, clear away, in the name of
63. Anything, in the land of the dead troubling my life, catch fire, in the name of
SECTION 5 DAY 4 (18-09-2012)
Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
64. Breakthrough blockers, of my father's house, die, in the name of Jesus
65. Opportunity wasters, of my father's house, die, in the name of Jesus.
66. Miracle swallowers, of my father's house, die, in the name of Jesus.
67. Powers, decorating my problems, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
68. Dreams, of foundational injury, die, in the name of Jesus.
69. Foundational serpents and scorpions in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
70. Agents of blockage, from my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus.
71. Agents of embarrassment, from my foundation, die, in the name of Jesus.
72. Agents of shame, from my foundation, diet in the name of Jesus.
73. Let the teeth of the enemy, over the affairs of my life break, in the name of
74. Let every evil covenant, with the earth against my destiny, be broken, in the
name of Jesus.
75. Every input of curses, in my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
76. Every Witchcraft padlock, hanging against my destiny, break, in the name of
77. Let every evil covenant, with the sun, moon and stars against my destiny, be
broken, in the name of Jesus.
78. Let every evil covenant, with the water against my destiny be broken, in the
name of Jesus.
79. Every witchcraft conspiracy, over my destiny, scatter, in Jesus' name.
80. Thou power, of stagnation and limitation, assigned against my destiny, die,
in the name of Jesus.
81. Everyone, who has accepted witchcraft for the sake of my destiny, be
disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
82. Every evil power, coming against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
83. You tree of failure, in my family line, my destiny is not your candidate, die,
in the name of Jesus.
84. Every pillar of witchcraft, in my family line, be destroyed, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 5 DAY 5 (19-09-2012)

Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
85. O Lord, let the rivers of life and prosperity be released upon my dwelling
place this year, in the name of Jesus.
86. I, shall not be a spiritual casualty, in the name of Jesus.
87. Every witchcraft register, bearing details of my destiny, catch fire, in the
name of Jesus.
88. Every evil image, carved in my name, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
89. O Lord, take away my portions from casualty, in the name of Jesus.
90. My God, my life shall not be left with the winds, in the name of Jesus.
91. Every evil tree, planted against my freedom, die, in the name of Jesus.
92. I prophesy, deliverance and freedom upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
93. The meanderings of the enemy, will not prosper in my destiny, in the name
of Jesus.
94. Let the excesses of darkness, upon my destiny be checked by fire, in the
name of Jesus.
95. Every satanic hold up, against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
96. Every conspiracy of darkness, working against my destiny, die, in the name
of Jesus.
97. I break, the law of death over my life, in the name of Jesus.
98. Every covenant of death, with this year, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
99. Every satanic prophecy, over my destiny, be nullified by the power in the
blood of Jesus.
100. Resurrection of affliction, die, in the name of Jesus.
101. By the blood of Jesus, I am invisible to aggressive elements, in the name of
102. My portions and water, be secured by the blood of Jesus.
103. Thou evil power, sponsoring repeated afflictions, die, in Jesus' name.
104. Holy Spirit, increase my speed and my efforts in life, in Jesus' name.
105. Every magic, in any house I have entered, be destroyed by fire, in the name
of Jesus.

SECTION 5 DAY 6 (20-09-2012)

Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
106. Every evil power, that has established evil authority in my family, be
dismantled, in the name of Jesus.
107. Every stubborn foundation, militating against the success of my destiny,
scatter, in the name of Jesus.
108. I force-feed witchcraft powers, with their own blood, in Jesus' name.
109. Those that seek my soul to destroy it, go down into the lower parts of the
earth, in the name of Jesus.
110. Every foundation of witchcraft, in my household, be smashed by the Rock
of ages, in the name of Jesus.
111. My problem, fall by the sword and be a portion for foxes, in the name of
112. Every seat of witchcraft, receive the thunder of God, in Jesus' name.
113. Hear my voice, O God, preserve me from the fear of the enemy, in the
name of Jesus.
114. Every habitation of witchcraft, be scattered unto desolation, in the
name of Jesus.
115. Hide me, O God, from the secret counsel of the wicked, in Jesus' name.
116. Every throne of witchcraft, be dismantled by fire, in the name of Jesus.
117. O God, shoot at my enemies with Your arrow, suddenly they shall be
wounded, in the name of Jesus.
118. Every stronghold of witchcraft in my life, receive divine acid, in the name
of Jesus.
119. The tongue of my adversaries, shall fall upon them and all that see them
shall flee away, in the name of Jesus.
120. Let the refuge of witchcraft, be dismantled, in the name of Jesus.
121. Let God arise, and let all His enemies scatter, let them that hate Him flee
before Him, in the name of Jesus.
122. Let the witchcraft network, be shattered to pieces, in Jesus' name.
123. As smoke is driven away, so drive away the hand of the oppressor, in the
name of Jesus.
124. Let the communication system, of the coven, be damaged by fire, in the
name of Jesus.
125. Let every power, rebelling against my breakthroughs, be made to dwell in a
dry land, in the name of Jesus.
126. Every stubborn and unrepentant witchcraft, be exposed and disgraced, in
the name of Jesus.

SECTION 5 DAY 7 (21-09-2012)

Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
127. O Lord, rebuke the company of darkness and scatter them, in the name of
128. Let the habitation, of the witches in my family, be dissolved by fire, in the
name of Jesus.
129. Let the table, of my enemies become a snare before them, and that which
should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap, in the name of Jesus.
130. Let the transportation system, of witchcraft be scattered to pieces, in the
name of Jesus.
131. O Lord, pour out thine indignation upon the enemies of my soul, in the
name of Jesus.
132. I withdraw my blessings, from every witchcraft storehouse and strongman,
in the name of Jesus.
133. Let those that seek my soul, be turned back and be put to confusion, in the
name of Jesus.
134. Let every witchcraft curse, go back to the sender seven folds, in the name of
135. Let them, be confounded and consumed that are adversaries of my soul, in
the name of Jesus.
136. Every covenant of witchcraft, be melted by the blood of Jesus.
137. All my enemies, lick the dust, in the name of Jesus.
138. Every weapon of witchcraft, turn against your users, in Jesus' name.
139. O God, break the head of the dragons in the water, in Jesus' name.
140. I reverse, every witchcraft burial fashioned against me, in Jesus' name.
141. All the horns, of the wicked shall be cut off, in the name Of Jesus.
142. O God, break the head of the leviathan in pieces, in the name of Jesus.
143. Every witchcraft utterance and projection, made against me, be overthrown,
in the name of Jesus.
144. O God, make my enemies like a wheel and as the stubble before the wind,
in the name of Jesus.
145. I reverse, the effect of every witchcraft summon of my spirit, in the name of
146. O Lord, persecute my enemies with Thy tempest, and make them afraid
with Thy storm, in the name of Jesus.
147. Every witchcraft identification mark, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.

SECTION 5 DAY 8 (22-09-2012)

Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
148. O Lord, let my enemies be confounded and troubled, in Jesus' name.
149. I frustrate, every witchcraft exchange of my virtues, in Jesus' name.
150. All the assembly of the violent men, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
151. Anything, planted in my life by witchcraft, come out now, in the name of
152. O Lord, break down the hedges of the wicked and bring their strongholds to
ruin, in the name of Jesus.
153. Every witchcraft seed, in my life, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
154. I, shall not be afraid for the terror by night, nor for the arrow that flieth by
day, in the name of Jesus.
155. Let each step, taken by witchcraft against me, lead them to greater
destructions, in the name of Jesus.
156. A thousand, shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it
shall not come near me, in the name of Jesus.
157. I declare, my environment, no-flying zone for witchcraft birds, in the name
of Jesus.
158. Mines eyes, shall see my desires on my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
159. I cut off, the roots of witchcraft in the water, in the name of Jesus.
160. Thou power, that troubled the Egyptians, trouble by enemies, in the name
of Jesus.
161. Anything, deposited in my life by marine witchcraft, come out now, in the
name of Jesus.
162. O gates of brass and bars of iron, working against me, be broken, in the
name of Jesus.
163. Anything, deposited in my life by household witchcraft, come out now, in
the name of Jesus.
164. The wicked, shall be grieved and his desires shall perish, in Jesus' name.
165. Let the rivers of my enemies, be turned into wilderness, in Jesus' name.
166. I come against, every form of barrenness in my life, in Jesus' name.
167. Through God, I shall do valiantly, for it is He that shall tread down my
enemies, in the name of Jesus.
168. 168. Let all those, who consult darkness against me be disgraced, in the
name of Jesus.

SECTION 5 DAY 9 (23-09-2012)

Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
169. O Lord, set a wicked man over the wicked, in the name of Jesus.
170. The Lord is on my side, I will not fear what can man do unto me, in the
name of Jesus.
171. Let the days of my enemies, be cut off and let another take his office, in the
name of Jesus.
172. Depart from me, ye evil doers, for I will keep the commandments of my
God, in the name of Jesus.
173. As the enemy loved cursing, let it come unto him, in the name of Jesus.
174. O Lord, deliver me from the oppression of man, in the name of Jesus.
175. As the enemy delighted not in blessing, so let it be far from him, in the
name of Jesus.
176. As the enemy clothed himself with cursing, like as a garment, so let it come
into his bowels like water and like oil into his bones, in the name of Jesus.
177. By the power, that divided the red sea, O God, arise and fight for me, in the
name of Jesus.
178. By the power, that slapped Herod with worms, O God, arise and fight for
me, in the name of Jesus.
179. Any power, that needs to die, for my life to become a positive wonder, die,
in the name of Jesus.
180. Any power, that needs to die, for my uncommon testimonies to appear, die,
in the name of Jesus.
181. Every conspiracy, from the covens to kill me, backfire, in Jesus' name.
182. Every power of bewitchment, assigned to pollute me, catch fire, in the
name of Jesus.
183. Vision killers, I stop you before you stop me, in the name of Jesus.
184. Any wizard, that must expire for my life to move forward, expire, in the
name of Jesus.
185. Any problem, assigned to kill me, arise, kill yourself, in Jesus' name.
186. I unplug my body, from the socket of death. I plug my body into the socket
of the blood of Jesus.
187. Every power, assigned to smite me dead, I smite you to death, in the name
of Jesus.
188. You Uzziah, of my fathers house, die, in the name of Jesus.
189. Every vehicle, ordained unto death, clear away from my sight, in the name
of Jesus.
SECTION 5 DAY 10 (24-09-2012)
Confession: Jeremiah 17:18: Let them be confounded that persecute me,
but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be
dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
190. Habitations of cruelty, assigned against my existence, catch fire, in the
name of Jesus.
191. Pursuing coffins, pursue your owner, in the name of Jesus.
192. Incurable infirmities, hear the word of the Lord, die, in Jesus' name.
193. Arrows of spiritual poison, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
194. Progress killers, anointing killers, I kill you today, in the name of Jesus.
195. Every funeral procession, organized against my life, scatter, in the name of
196. Sudden terminal attackers, die, in the name of Jesus.
197. Every strongman, pursuing me as a trophy, die, in the name of Jesus.
198. I, shall not die with my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
199. O Fourth Man in my fire, appear by fire, in the name of Jesus.
200. O wind of death, blow away. O wind of life, blow upon me, in the name of
201. Any power, pursing me into the red sea, die by the red sea, in the name of
202. Domestic witchcraft, assigned to kill me, die, in the name of Jesus.
203. Every power, assigned to kill my destiny, your cup of iniquity is full, die, in
the name of Jesus.
204. Every court of Pharoah, assigned to challenge my God, scatter, in the name
of Jesus.
205. Agents of the grave, summoned to appear in my dream, die, in the name of
206. By the power, that stoned Goliath to death, O God, arise and fight for me,
in the name of Jesus.
207. Serpents of God, appear, swallow every serpent of death assigned against
me, in the name of Jesus.
208. Programmes of death, for my finances, die, in the name of Jesus.
209. Agenda of death, for my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
210. My life, reject every serpent and scorpion, in the name of Jesus.


Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 2
Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.

SECTION 6 DAY 1 (25-09-2012)

Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
1. I curse, every work of darkness in my life, to dry to the roots by the blood of
2. I reverse, every witchcraft curse, issued against my progress, in the name of
3. Flying curses, there is no welcome service for you in my life, in Jesus' name.
4. I cancel, all visions, dreams, words, curses contrary to my progress, in the
name of Jesus.
5. Every curse, of vagabond anointing, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
6. Let every evil tongue, uttering curses and other evil pronouncements against
my life, be completely silenced in the name of Jesus
7. Let every evil tongue, uttering curses and other evil pronouncements against
my destiny be completely silenced in the name of Jesus
8. Every power, hired to curse my destiny, die, in Jesus' name
9. Everything, that wants to curse me to death, die by fire, in the name of Jesus
10. God will bless them, that bless me and curse them that curse me, in the name
of Jesus.
11. I stand, upon the word of God, and I command every curse working against
my destiny to be broken by fire, in Jesus' name
12. Right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, I curse every sickness and I curse
every disease that has attacked or intends to attack my body. I command it to
die and disappear from my body right now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
13. The curse, of the evil ones, will not find a place in my life, in Jesus' name.
14. All demonic spirits; that entered me through curses, leave me now, in the
name of Jesus.
15. Every witchcraft curse, targeted at me, break, in Jesus' name.
16. I curse, the spirit of poverty, in the name of Jesus.
17. Every enchantment, incantation, spell and curse, issued to stop my
advancement, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
18. I break and smash, the curse of infirmity. I return them back upon the head
of the senders, in the name of Jesus.
19. I curse, every sickness and their evil tree from the roots, in Jesus' name.
20. When the enemy shall come against me like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord
shall lift up a standard against them, in the name of Jesus.
21. Every curse, of seeing goodness but not attaining it, be broken by the blood
of Jesus

SECTION 6 DAY 2 (26-09-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
22. I curse, every satanically sponsored disease germ, working against my life to
die, in the name of Jesus.
23. I curse, every satanic mountain problem in my life, in the name of Jesus.
24. Every curse by satanic prophets, be revoked by the blood of Jesus.
25. Every image of satan, in my dream, I curse you to wither now, in the name
of Jesus.
26. I break and renounce, the power of every demonic curse, in Jesus' name.
27. I break and release myself, from every family curse, in the name of Jesus.
28. I break and release myself, from every marital curse by the redemptive name
of the Lord Jesus.
29. Every curse, of rejection of good things, working in the roots of my life, die,
in the name of Jesus.
30. All evil curses, pronounced by satanic agents over my life, be cancelled by
the blood of Jesus.
31. I break the power, of territorial curses over my life, in the name of Jesus.
32. I break the power, of environmental curses over my life, in Jesus' name.
33. I cancel, the power of all curses upon my head, in Jesus' name.
34. I break the power, of any demonic spell issued against my life in the name of
35. I break the power, of territorial demon over my life, in the name of Jesus.
36. I break the power, of any demonic spell issued against my finances, in the
name of Jesus.
37. I break the power, of the curse of any incense burnt on my behalf, in the
name of Jesus
38. I destroy, the power and effects of any curse spoken against me, in the name
of Jesus.
39. I break the power, of the curse of any incense burnt against my destiny, in
the name of Jesus.
40. I break the power, of the curse of any incense burnt against my marriage, in
the name of Jesus.
41. I cancel, the power of all curses upon my head in the name of Jesus
42. I break the power, of any demonic spell issued against my life in the name of

SECTION 6 DAY 3 (27-09-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
43. Every curse of poverty, fired into my life by household wickedness, go back
to your sender, in the name of Jesus.
44. Every curse of poverty, placed upon my family, be consumed by fire, in the
name of Jesus.
45. Every curse of poverty, issued against me, be broken by fire, in the name of
46. Every witchcraft curse, placed on my moving forward, break by the blood of
47. Every curse of oppression, break, in the name of Jesus.
48. Every curse, hanging on my family tree, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
49. Every curse, pronounced on my finances, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
50. I cut myself off, every tribal spirit and curses, in Jesus' name.
51. I cut myself off, the curse of evil consumption, in the name of Jesus.
52. I cut myself off, every tribal spirit and curses, in the name of Jesus.
53. I cut myself off, every territorial spirit and curses, in Jesus' name.
54. I cut myself off, the curse of eating meat sacrificed unto idols, in the name of
55. Let the curse, of impossibility, issued against me bounce back on the enemy,
in the name of Jesus.
56. By the blood of Jesus, I break loose from every family collective curse, in
the name of Jesus.
57. Through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I break all evil curses.
58. Through the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I break all spells
59. By the stripes of Jesus, I curse the root of every sickness in my life, in the
name of Jesus.
60. Let all strongholds, of curses and covenants, be dashed to pieces, in the name
of Jesus.
61. By the blood of Jesus, I receive great deliverance from every curse, in the
name of Jesus.
62. Let all strongholds, of curses and covenants, catch fire, in Jesus' name.
63. Let every spirit of Balaam, hired to curse me, fall after the order of Balaam,
in the name of Jesus

SECTION 6 DAY 4 (28-09-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
64. In the name of Jesus, I send curses back to the sender.
65. In Jesus' holy name, you spirits which execute the curse of fear and of
revenge, be bound and go down, in Jesus' name, to the place that Jesus, has
prepared for you, never to return.
66. Every curse in my life, I curse you by the name of the Lord. Take an exit
from my life, in the name of Jesus.
67. Every curse in my life, that is attracting evil to me, die, in Jesus' name.
68. Every curse in my life, that is hindering my promotion, die, in the name of
69. O Lord, release me from known and unknown curses.
70. Lord, remove from me, all the curses placed upon my ancestral families, as a
result of their involvement with evil associations, in Jesus' name.
71. I break and loose myself, from every inherited evil curse in Jesus' name.
72. I break and loose myself, from every inherited evil curse of failure, in Jesus'
73. I break and loose myself, from every inherited evil curse and marital failure,
in Jesus' name
74. I break and loose myself, from every collective curse of marital destruction,
in Jesus' name
75. I break and loose myself, from every collective curse of poverty, in the name
of Jesus.
76. I break and loose myself, from every collective curse of spiritual insanity, in
Jesus' name
77. I break and loose myself, from every evil curse, bewitchment, witchcraft and
charms put upon my family line, in Jesus' name.
78. I break and loose myself, from every inherited evil curse of rejection, in the
name of Jesus.
79. I break and loose myself, from every curse, bewitchment, witchcraft and
charms put upon my family line, in the name of Jesus.
80. Every curse, who long legs in my family, break, in Jesus' name
81. I curse, all local altars fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus
82. I curse, every local altar fashioned against me, in the name Jesus.
83. Every curse, of limitation and stagnation upon my prosperity, break by the
blood of Jesus.
84. All you evil legs on my finances, powers keeping the photocopies of my
registration certificate, operational curses, I command a quit notice upon all of
you, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 6 DAY 5 (29-09-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10) Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
85. No curse, will land on my head, in the name of Jesus.
86. O Lord, let it be impossible, for any generational problem or curses to
prosper in any area of my life, in Jesus' name.
87. Let all curses, issued against me, be converted to blessings, in the name of
88. Every curse, that is hindering the lifting up of my head, break by fire, in the
name of Jesus.
89. Flying curses, there is nothing to feed on in my life, die, in Jesus' name.
90. Flying curses, there is no landing place in my life, die, in Jesus' name.
91. Every curse, that is making the servant to ride on the horse of my life, break
by the power in the blood of Jesus.
92. Every enchantment, spell, incantation and curse released against me, break
by fire, in the name of Jesus.
93. Every foundational curse in my life, break, in Jesus' name.
94. Foundational curses, break, in the name of Jesus.
95. I reject curses, I claim God's blessing, in the name of Jesus.
96. O Lord, as I call upon the name of Jesus, let all problems that are rooted in
covenant and curses in my life, receive supernatural solution, in the name of
97. O Lord, as I call upon the name of Jesus, let all problems that are rooted in
spells and enchantments in my life, receive supernatural solution, in the name
of Jesus.
98. Every curse, that has affected my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
99. Lay your right hand on your head and pray like this: Every curse, of
backwardness, break in the name of Jesus.
100. Every curse, of profitless hard work, break in the name of Jesus.
101. Curses from local gods, be lifted away, in the name of Jesus.
102. I loose myself, from all the effects of evil curses, bewitchment, witchcraft
and charms put upon my family line, in the name of Jesus.
103. I am redeemed, from the curse of sickness and I refuse to accept its
104. I release myself, from any curse working in my family, in Jesus' name.
105. I release myself, from self-imposed curses, in the name of Jesus

SECTION 6 DAY 6 (30-09-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
106. I release myself, from every curse attached to evil covenants, in the name of
107. I release myself, from any family curse reinforcing financial problems in
the name of Jesus.
108. I release myself, from the curse of eating meat sacrificed to idols in the
name of Jesus.
109. Lord, release me, from known and unknown curses.
110. I release myself, from every covenanted-curse, in Jesus' name.
111. I release myself, from the power and authority of any curse, in the name of
112. I release myself, from the grip of cursed-covenant breakers, in the name of
113. I loose myself, from curses, hexes, spells, bewitchment and evil domination
directed against me through dreams, in the name of Jesus.
114. I release myself, from every parental curse, in Jesus' name
115. I claim my freedom, from the consequences of all curses, in the name of
116. I declare myself free, from national and continental curses, in the name of
117. I break, every foundational curse working upon my life, in Jesus' name.
118. I break, every foundational covenant, in the name of Jesus
119. I, once and for all, release myself from the power and authorities of any
curse, in the name of Jesus.
120. I break, every family curse upon my life, in the name of Jesus
121. I break, every family curse of untimely death upon my life, in the name of
122. I curse, the evil load on my life to fall away, in the name of Jesus.
123. Flying curses, no evil resting place for you in my life, in Jesus' name.
124. I curse, the evil load on my destiny to fall off, in Jesus' name.
125. I curse, every evil load of disfavour to fall off, in the name of Jesus.
126. Father Lord, let every curse of impossibility issued against me, bounce back
to the sender, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 6 DAY 7 (01-10-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
127. Every spirit, that entered me through curses, go now, in Jesus' name.
128. I cancel, all enchantments, curses and spells that are against me, in the
name of Jesus.
129. I break and dissolve, every curse, in the name of Jesus; satan, you have no
right to harass me through curses, for I have been redeemed by the blood of
130. Every curse of disrespect, break, in the name of Jesus.
131. Generation of curses, die by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus' name.
132. I command total destruction, of all enchantments, witchcraft, divinations,
spells, curses, ordinances and hand writings made by the enemy against me, a
child of God, in the name of Jesus Christ
133. I bind, all curses and send them back to the sender. They shall not come
near me, in the name of Jesus.
134. Every oppression of curses, break away now, in the name of Jesus.
135. I command, all curses issued against me, to be smashed and broken in the
name of Jesus.
136. I reverse, all curses released against my prosperity, in Jesus' name
137. I break, all curses of Witchcraft from any source, I return them to the
senders, in the name of Jesus
138. I break, all curses from Witchcraft covens and return them to the sender, in
the name of Jesus.
139. I cancel, all curses, known or unknown to me, by the blood of Jesus, in the
name of Jesus.
140. I curse, the curses sent against me and return them to senders, in the name
of Jesus.
141. Lord, reverse all curses issued against me to good.
142. Evil effect, of cursed house and land upon my prosperity, break, in the
name of Jesus
143. Every effect, of cursed house and land upon my prosperity, break, in the
name of Jesus.
144. Let every satanic curse, on this nation fall down to the ground and die, in
the name of Jesus.
145. Every stubborn iron-like curse, in the roots of my life, hear the word of the
lord, be destroyed by the power in the blood of Jesus.
146. I put the curse of the Lord, upon every sickness and satanic marks upon my
life, in the name of Jesus.
147. I pronounce, the curse and destruction of God, upon every evil plantation in
my life, and I command them to wither away, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 6 DAY 8 (02-10-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
148. I revoke, every curse under which I labour, in Jesus' name.
149. I revoke, every curse of sickness that is working against my life, in the
name of Jesus
150. I pronounce the curse of the Lord, upon producers of stagnancy, in the
name of Jesus.
151. I break, every curse of backwardness, in the name of Jesus
152. I dismantle, every curse issued against my finances, in Jesus' name.
153. Let every Witchcraft curse, break and be destroyed, in Jesus' name.
154. Let any witchcraft curse, working against me, be revoked by the blood of
155. I break, every curse of profitless hard-work, in Jesus' name.
156. I break, the curse of eating from the sweat of the face, in Jesus' name.
157. I break, every curse of backwardness, in the name of Jesus
158. I break, any curse which has come to me from any evil association, in the
name of Jesus.
159. I break, every curse of death upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
160. I move, from curses to blessings, in the name of Jesus.
161. Let those who curse me, be cursed, in the name of Jesus.
162. Let every iron-like curse, working against my life, be broken by the blood
of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
163. Let the evil curse, placed upon my family, be removed by the blood of
Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
164. I break, the curse of eating from the fruit of the ground in sorrow, in the
name of Jesus.
165. I break, every curse of death upon my life, in Jesus' name
166. I break, the curse of thorns and thistles, in the name of Jesus.
167. I break, every curse on my hands and legs, in the name of Jesus.
168. I break, the curse of ritual suicide and death, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 6 DAY 9 (03-10-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
169. Every curse, of closed heavens upon my life, scatter, in Jesus' name.
170. I bind and cast out, any spirit executing evil curse against me, in the name
of Jesus.
171. I break and cancel, every inherited curse in the name of Jesus.
172 . I break and cancel, every curse placed upon me by my parents, in the name
of Jesus.
173. I break and cancel, every curse placed upon me by my unfriendly friends, in
the name of Jesus.
174. I break and cancel, every curse, spell, gannet, hex, enchantment,
bewitchment, incantation placed upon me by any satanic agent, in the name of
175. I break and cancel, every inherited curse in the name of Jesus.
176. Every curse, that came to me through the sins of my ancestors, break by the
blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
177. Every curse, that came to me through my sins, break by the blood of Jesus,
in the name of Jesus.
178. Every curse, issued by unfriendly friends against my life, be nullified, in the
name of Jesus.
179. Every curse, issued by my husband/wife, be nullified in Jesus' name.
180. Every curse, issued by envious friends, be nullified, in Jesus' name.
181. Multiple curses, be broken by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.
182. I smash and break, all witchcraft curses, in the name of Jesus.
183. I release my body, from every curse of infirmity, in the name of Jesus
184. I release my body, from every curse of sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
185. I apply the blood of Jesus Christ, to break all evil curses
186. I apply the blood of Jesus, to break all curses operating upon my life.
187. I apply the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ now, to break all spells upon my
life in the name of Jesus.
188. Any witchcraft curse, behind my stubborn situation, be broken by fire, in
the name of Jesus.
189. Every stubborn curse, be broken by fire, in the name of Jesus

SECTION 6 DAY 10 (O4-10-2012)

Confession: Galatians 3:13-14: Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of
the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the
Spirit through faith.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
190. All bloodline curses, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
191. I refuse to be poor, Christ has redeemed me from the curse of poverty.
192. Any spirit of Salaam assigned to curse my destiny, fall down and die, in the
name of Jesus.
193. Every curse of backsliding, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
194. All demonic spirits, attached to any covenant and curses, in every
department of my life, be roasted with the fire of God, in Jesus' name.
195. All demonic spirits, attached to any spell and enchantment, in every
department of my life, be roasted with the fire of God, in Jesus' name.
196. I renounce, any and all curses, that I have spoken against others, whether
knowingly or unknowingly, in Jesus' name.
197. I renounce, any and all self-inflicted curses, that I have pronounced on
myself, and I break those patterns from my heart and tongue, in the name of
198. Oh Lord, locate and revoke all curses in my family line, in Jesus' name.
199. O God, arise, and let every curse affecting my calling die, in the name of
200. O God, arise, and cancel every consequence of any curse in my life, in the
name of Jesus.
201. I come against, all the curses issued against my future and progress, in the
name of Jesus.
202. Every curse, issued against my head, be dashed to pieces, in the name of
203. Every curse, pronounced against my source of income, be broken, in the
name of Jesus.
204. You curse of African magic, by the blood of Jesus, I break your power over
my life.
205. Thou curse of affliction, die, in the name of Jesus.
206. Thou curse of sorrow, die, in the name of Jesus.
207. Every curse, of 'thou shall not excel', break by the power in the blood of
208. All curses and demons, programmed against me, I neutralise you through
the blood of Jesus.
209. I curse, the spirit of poverty with the curse of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
210. O heavens, declare the glory of God, upon my life.


Scripture Reading: Psalm 2
Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.

SECTION 7 DAY 1 (05-10-2012)

Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
1. Every blood pollution, receive the consuming fire of God, in Jesus' name.
2. Every failure of divine promise, receive the word of God as a sword and die,
in the name of Jesus.
3. Parental curses upon my life, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in the
name of Jesus.
4.Every polygamous contamination in my life, get out of my life by the broom of
destruction, in the name of Jesus.
5. Satanic syringe, used against my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every parental curse, working against my favour, die, in the name of Jesus.
7. Every witchcraft power, manipulating my success, receive the whirlwind of
God, in the name of Jesus.
8. Examination failure, receive the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
9. Every dark power, using my hair to manipulate my life, receive great
earthquake, in the name of Jesus.
10. Every case, of drug dependence in my life, receive sea-quake and die, in the
name of Jesus.
11. Every yoke of debts, in my life, receive air-quake and die, in Jesus' name.
12. Every witchcraft cage, caging my finances, receive horrible tempest and
release my finances, in the name of Jesus.
13. Unexplainable hatred in my life, receive the furnace of affliction and die, in
the name of Jesus.
14. Prayer lukewarmness in my life, receive brimstone and fire and get out of my
life, in the name of Jesus.
15. Let the blood of Jesus, complete every incomplete victory in my life, in the
name of Jesus.
16. Open curses and threats of the enemy for my life, receive great furnace and
die, in the name of Jesus.
17. All good roads, closed against my progress, receive unbearable heat and
open unto me, in the name of Jesus.
18. Every power, assigned to downgrade my marriage, receive concentrated acid
and perish, in the name of Jesus.
19. Let the powers, assigned to confiscate me spiritually, receive shock and die,
in the name of Jesus.
20. Every power, using night feeders for me in my dreams, receive destruction,
in the name of Jesus.
21. Miracle delayers, of my father's house, my life is not your candidate, receive
territorial demotion, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 7 DAY 2 (06-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
22. Anti-promotion spirits, hear the word of the Lord, my life is not available for
you, receive failure, in the name of Jesus.
23. Every problem in my life, as a result of self-declared antagonists, be eaten by
worms and die, in the name of Jesus.
24. You spirit, behind lack of direction in my life, receive the slap of the angels
of the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
25. Every power, slowing down my progress, receive the bread of affliction and
die, in the name of Jesus.
26. Circle of problems, receive water of affliction and die, in Jesus' name.
27. Periodic problems, in my life, receive red-hot charcoal and die, in the name
of Jesus.
28. Infirmities in my life, receive cloud of sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
29. Satanic timetable, for my destiny, receive the raging fire of the Lord, in the
name of Jesus.
30. Parental hatred, receive blindness and let me go, in the name of Jesus.
31. False vision, for my destiny, receive continuous plagues and die, in the name
of Jesus.
32. Spirit of rejection, rooted in the foundation of my life, receive fear of day
and night and be rooted out, in the name of Jesus.
33. Poverty of my father's house, my life is not your candidate, receive double
destruction, in the name of Jesus.
34. Spirit of untimely death, hear the word of the Lord, receive self-destruction,
in the name of Jesus.
35. Every power, attacking me in my dream, receive disappointment and die, in
the name of Jesus.
36. Spirit of backsliding, I am not your candidate, receive discomfort on all sides
and let me go, in the name of Jesus.
37. Unprofitable delay, of my breakthroughs, receive the consuming fire of God,
in the name of Jesus.
38. Glory demotion, assigned to my life, receive thick darkness, in the name of
39. Pestilence, assigned to trouble my life, receive the fierce anger of the Lord,
in the name of Jesus.
40. Evil arrows from witchcraft coven, receive the hooks at the Lord and
backfire, in the name of Jesus.
41. Marital failure of my father's house, receive destroying storm, in the name of
42. Obstacles set on my way to the top, receive lightning and scatter, in the name
of Jesus.

SECTION 7 DAY 3 (07-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
43. Curses, issued on my labour, receive flames of devouring fire, in the name of
44. Evil covenants, of my father's house, receive terrors of God, in the name of
45. Incantations, from the covens against my life, receive thunder and die, in the
name of Jesus.
46. Sorceries, working against my destiny, receive great noise and scatter, in the
name of Jesus.
47. Enchantments, spoken against my breakthroughs, receive discomfort on all
sides and die, in the name of Jesus.
48. Evil initiations, done to my life when I was a baby, die by the blood of the
Lamb, in the name of Jesus.
49. Collective captivity, of my fathers house, receive the whirlwind of God and
let me go, in the name of Jesus.
50. Problem expanders, assigned against my life, receive the fire of God, in the
name of Jesus.
51. Unprofitable loads, in my life, receive great earthquake and go back to your
senders, in the name of Jesus.
52. Backward progress, assigned against my life, receive sea-quake and die, in
the name of Jesus.
53. Arrows of infirmity, hear the word of the Lord, receive air-quake and be
shaken out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
54. Star hijackers, assigned against my destiny, receive horrible tempest, in the
name of Jesus.
55. Every dark power; responsible for late progress in my life, receive furnace of
affliction, in the name of Jesus.
56. Destiny killers, of my father's house, receive thunder and fire and die, in the
name of Jesus.
57. Shame distributors, I am not your candidate, receive brimstone and fire, in
the name of Jesus.
58. Glory killers, of my fathers house, receive great furnace, in Jesus' name.
59. Evil spies, monitoring my life, receive blindness, in the name of Jesus.
60. Satanic prayers, offered against my destiny, receive double destruction, in
the name of Jesus.
61. Money swallowers, assigned against my finance, receive unbearable heat and
die, in the name of Jesus.
62. Evil hindering angel, receive concentrated acid and die, in Jesus' name.
63. Head manipulators, loose your hold upon my life and receive destruction, in
the name of Jesus.

SECTION 7 DAY 4 (08-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
64. Hidden changed body, receive fear of day and night, in the name of Jesus.
65. Progress arresters, of my father's house, receive raging fire and let me go, in
the name of Jesus.
66. Basket bank, assigned to swallow my money, receive destruction, in the
name of Jesus.
67. Satanic ministers, on evil errand against my life, receive failure and die, in
the name of Jesus.
68. Evil prophecies, against my life, receive desolation, in the name of Jesus.
69. Poverty activators, of my father's house, receive the broom of destruction, in
the name of Jesus.
70. Evil traffic wardens, on the path to my breakthroughs, receive the spirit of
deep sleep and die, in the name of Jesus.
71. Demon idols, assigned against my destiny, receive double destruction, in the
name of Jesus.
72. Dream manipulators, hear the word of the Lord, receive desolation, in the
name of Jesus.
73. Rags of poverty, on my body, receive raging fire and burn to ashes, in the
name of Jesus.
74. Household arrows, receive the blast of God and go back to your senders, in
the name of Jesus.
75. Coffin spirits, receive destroying storms, in the name of Jesus.
76. Destroying flood, receive flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus.
77. Round-about spirits, receive the wrath of God and let me go, in the name of
78. Evil advertisement, of my destiny, receive horrible tempest, in the name of
79. Vagabond anointing, upon my life, receive confusion, in Jesus' name.
80. Destructive oppression, of my father's house, receive fetters of iron, in the
name of Jesus.
81. Demons of rocks, receive indignation of God and scatter, in Jesus' name.
82. Placental manipulators, receive hooks of the Lord and die, in the name of
83. Forest spirits, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of Jesus.
84. Satanic programmes, receive the consuming fire of God, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 7 DAY 5 (09-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
85. Counterfeit blessings, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
86. Spirit of death and hell, receive red-hot charcoal and die, in Jesus' name.
87. Rain of affliction, receive raging fire and let me go, in the name of Jesus.
88. Evil observers, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in Jesus' name.
89. Internal attacks, receive the spirit of deep sleep and die, in Jesus' name.
90. Strange money, receive raging fire and let me go, in the name of Jesus.
91. Helper-manipulators, receive destroying storm, in the name of Jesus.
92. Witchcraft handwriting, receive territorial demotion, in Jesus' name.
93. Wandering stars, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of Jesus.
94. Satanic arrows, receive the consuming fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
95. Counterfeit children, receive red-hot charcoal and die, in Jesus' name.
96. Evil bullets, receive flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus.
97. Counterfeit money, receive cloud of sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
98. Desert spirits, receive red-hot charcoal and die, in the name of Jesus.
99. Shame distributors, receive the raging fire of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
100. Spirit of tragedy, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
101. Satanic prayers, receive the fierce anger of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
102. Amputated breakthrough, receive raging fire and let me go, in the name of
103. Evil hidden oppressors, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of
104. Evil marks, receive concentrated acid and perish, in the name of Jesus.
105. Madness, receive terrors of God, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 7 DAY 6 (10-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11&12)
106. Progress diverters, receive raging fire and let me go, in Jesus' name.
107. Evil financial cage, receive horrible tempest, in the name of Jesus.
108. Evil reporters, receive flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus.
109. Pocket with holes, receive the consuming fire of God, in Jesus' name.
110. Wicked broadcasters, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in the
name of Jesus.
111. Evil reinforcement, receive the spirit of deep sleep and die, in the name of
112. Dark agents, loose your hold upon my life and receive destruction, in the
name of Jesus.
113. Bitter destruction, receive water of affliction and die, in Jesus' name.
114. Evil arresters, receive the consuming fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
115. Arrows of infirmity, receive the spirit of deep sleep and die, in the name of
116. Iron-like curses, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in the name of
117. Satanic opinion, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
118. Multiple evil covenants, receive terrors of God, in the name of Jesus.
119. Evil transfer of blessings, receive the word of God as a sword and die, in
the name of Jesus.
120. Business bewitchments, receive destroying storm, in Jesus' name.
121. The gates of evil, receive concentrated acid and perish, in Jesus' name.
122. Marriage killers, receive cloud of sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
123. Late progress, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of Jesus.
124. Children killers, receive the spirit of deep sleep and die, in Jesus' name.
125. Disorderliness, receive flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus.
126. Evil spiritual marriage, receive territorial demotion, in Jesus' name.

SECTION 7 DAY 7 (11-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
127. Confusion, receive red-hot charcoal and die, in the name of Jesus.
128. Unprofitable loads, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in the name
of Jesus.
129. Internal demotion, receive the consuming fire of God, in Jesus' name.
130. External demotion, receive the raging fire of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
131. Contenders, with my angel of blessings, receive the fierce anger of the
Lord, in the name of Jesus.
132. Blood pollution, be swept out of my life with the broom of destruction, in
the name of Jesus.
133. Failure of divine promise, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of
134. Polygamous contamination, receive terrors of God, in Jesus' name.
135. Peppery arrows, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in the name of
136. Satanic syringe, receive concentrated acid and perish, in Jesus' name.
137. Parental curses, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
138. Success manipulation, receive the whirlwind of God, in Jesus' name
139. Examination failure, receive the consuming fire of God, in Jesus' name.
140. Hair manipulation, receive flames of devouring fire, in Jesus' name.
141. Drug dependence, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
142. Debts, receive destroying storm, in the name of Jesus.
143. Caged finances, receive water of affliction and die, in Jesus' name.
144. Unexplainable hatred, receive great earthquake, in the name of Jesus.
145. Prayer lukewarmness, receive fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus.
146. Incomplete victories, receive the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
147. Open curses and threats, receive terrors of God, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 7 DAY 8 (12-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:1.4: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 & 12)
148. All closed roads, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
149. Marital downgrading, receive sea-quake and die, in the name of Jesus.
150. Spiritual confiscation, receive air-quake and die, in the name of Jesus.
151. Night feeding, receive territorial demotion, in the name of Jesus.
152. Miracle delayers, receive the fierce anger of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
153. Anti-promotion spirits, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of
154. Self-declared antagonists, receive concentrated acid and perish, in the name
of Jesus.
155. Lack of direction, receive fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus.
156. Slowed down progress, receive the consuming fire of God, in the name of
157. Circle of problems, receive territorial demotion, in the name of Jesus.
158. Periodic problems, receive destroying storm, in the name of Jesus.
159. Infirmity, receive red-hot charcoal and die, in the name of Jesus.
160. Satanic timetable, receive cloud of sorrow, in the name of Jesus.
161. Parental hatred, receive terrors of God, in the name of Jesus.
162. False vision, receive the raging fire of the Lord, in the name of Jesus.
163. Rejection, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of Jesus.
164. Poverty, receive the furnace of affliction and die, in the name of Jesus.
165. Untimely death, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in the name of
166. Dream attacks, receive flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus.
167. Backsliding, receive horrible tempest and release my finances, in the name
of Jesus.
168. Unprofitable delay, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 7 DAY 9 (13-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
169. Glory demotion, receive the fierce anger of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
170. Pestilence, receive brimstone and fire and get out of my life, in the name of
171. Evil arrows, receive the consuming fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
172. Marital failure, receive concentrated acid and perish, in Jesus' name.
173. Obstacles, receive water of affliction and die, in the name of Jesus.
174. Curses, receive great furnace and die, in the name of Jesus.
175. Evil covenants, receive fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus.
176. Incantations, receive unbearable heat and die, in the name of Jesus.
177. Sorcery, receive the consuming fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
178. Enchantments, receive concentrated acid and perish, in Jesus' name.
179. Evil initiations, receive terrors of God, in the name of Jesus.
180. Collective captivity, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
181. Problem expanders, receive destroying storm, in the name of Jesus.
182. Unprofitable loads, receive concentrated acid and perish, in the name of
183. Backward progress, receive water of affliction and die, in Jesus' name.
184. Arrows of infirmity, receive shock and die, in the name of Jesus.
185. Star hijackers, receive the fierce anger of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
186. Late progress, receive territorial demotion, in the name of Jesus.
187. Destiny killers, receive the consuming fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
188. Shame distributors, receive red-hot charcoal and die, in Jesus' name.
189. Destiny killers, receive cloud of sorrow, in the name of Jesus.

SECTION 7 DAY 10 (14-10-2012)

Confession: Isaiah 54:14: In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou
shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it
shall not come near thee.
Devotional Songs (Pages 9-10)
Praise Worship
Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving (Pages 11 &12)
190. Evil spies, receive flames of devouring fire, in the name of Jesus.
191. Satanic prayers, receive the raging fire of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
192. Money swallowers, receive fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus.
193. Evil hindering angel, receive water of affliction and die, in Jesus' name.
194. Head manipulators, receive concentrated acid and perish, in the name of
195. Hidden changed body, receive terrors of God, in the name of Jesus.
196. Progress arresters, receive territorial demotion, in the name of Jesus.
197. Basket bank, receive destruction, in the name of Jesus.
198. Satanic ministers, receive the fierce anger of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
199. Evil prophecies, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
200. Poverty activators, receive the consuming fire of God, in Jesus' name.
201. Evil traffic wardens, receive territorial demotion, in the name of Jesus.
202. Demon idols, receive failure, in the name of Jesus.
203. Dream manipulators, receive water of affliction and die, in Jesus' name.
204. Rags of poverty, receive the Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus.
205. Household arrows, receive terrors of God, in the name of Jesus.
206. Coffin spirits, receive the whirlwind of God, in the name of Jesus.
207. Destroying flood, receive the fierce anger of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
208. Round-about spirits, receive fetters of iron, in the name of Jesus.
209. Evil advertisement, receive the raging fire of the Lord, in Jesus' name.
210. Vagabond anointing, receive the consuming fire of God and die, in the
name of Jesus.

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