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Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores Monterrey

Ethics, Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Homework 5: Animal Liberation (Summary and Personal Reflection)

Julio Araiza Elizalde (A01753923)


The document argues for the principle of animal liberation, which asserts that animals should
be given the same rights and considerations as humans. The author argues that the
principle of equality should be extended to animals, as it is a moral idea rather than an
assertion of fact. The capacity for suffering is the vital characteristic that gives a being the
right to equal consideration.

The document condemns speciesism, which is the attitude of bias in favor of one's own
species and against those of other species. The author argues that animals have interests
because they can suffer and experience enjoyment. The principle of equality requires that
their suffering be counted equally with the like suffering of any other being.

The argument for animal liberation does not rest on the existence of rights, but on the
possibilities for suffering and happiness. The ability to use language is not relevant to the
question of how a being ought to be treated, unless it can be linked to the capacity to suffer.
The document argues that it is wrong to kill animals painlessly, and animals should be given
the same respect as humans at a similar mental level.

The preference for saving a human life over an animal's life is based on the characteristics
that normal humans have, not just because they are members of our own species. However,
the document acknowledges that humans have a moral duty to protect and care for those in
their own communities, which may sometimes involve choosing humans over animals.

Lastly, the document argues that experimentation on animals and rearing animals for food
cause more suffering to a greater number of animals than anything else that humans do. To
stop this, there needs to be a change in government policies and our own diets. The author
advocates for a reduction in the number of animals used for these purposes, and a shift
towards a plant-based diet.

Overall, the document presents a strong argument for the principle of animal liberation, and
calls on individuals and governments to consider the interests of animals and work towards
reducing their suffering.

Personal Reflection

As a university student, I find the argument for animal liberation presented in the document
to be thought-provoking. I believe that animals should be treated with respect and dignity as
they too have the capacity to experience pain and pleasure. It is unfortunate that speciesism
exists and that humans tend to prioritize their own species over others. This has led to the
exploitation and mistreatment of animals, especially those used for food and

I agree with the author's assertion that the capacity for suffering is a vital characteristic that
gives a being the right to equal consideration. It is wrong to cause unnecessary suffering to
animals, and we should give the same respect to the lives of animals as we give to the lives
of humans at a similar mental level. It is not justifiable to kill animals painlessly, as they have
a right to life, just like humans.
In conclusion, the principles of animal liberation presented in the document are valid and
should be considered by society. We need to extend the principle of equality to animals and
treat them with respect and dignity, just like humans. It is time for us to take responsibility for
our actions and work towards reducing the suffering of animals.

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