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Google App Engine is a fully-managed platform offered by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that

enables users to develop and deploy web and mobile applications on a serverless environment
without having to manage underlying infrastructure.
App Engine supports multiple programming languages, including Java, Python, Node.js, Ruby,
PHP, and Go. It allows developers to focus on building their applications while App Engine handles
the underlying infrastructure, auto-scaling, and load balancing.
One of the key benefits of App Engine is its scalability. It allows users to easily scale their
applications up or down as needed, without the need for manual intervention. App Engine also
supports features such as automatic scaling, traffic splitting, and application versioning, allowing
users to deploy new versions of their applications without disrupting existing traffic.
App Engine is also integrated with other GCP services such as Google Cloud Datastore, Google
Cloud Storage, and Google Cloud Identity and Access Management, allowing users to build
complex architectures and solutions on GCP.
Overall, App Engine is a powerful and flexible platform that enables users to easily develop and
deploy web and mobile applications on a serverless environment with ease and efficiency, allowing
developers to focus on writing code without worrying about infrastructure.

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