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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


 Choose the letter of the word/words that will complete the thought of each
sentence. Shade the letter of your answer in the ZIPGRADE FORM
Grade and Section: __________________
Quarter: Second Week Number: 9
Name: ____________________________

Blacken the

circle that
corresponds to
your answer.

NOTE: Please refer to your SELF-LEARNING MODULES for the reading texts indicated in the following

Nabuslot National High School

Nabuslot, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, 5208
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
1. Which type of text connection happens when a reader relates the content of the text to his/her personal
A. Text-to-Self C. Text-to-World
B. Text-to-Text D. Text-to-Experience
2. Which type of text connection happens when a reader relates the content of the text to things that
happen in the real world?
A. Text-to-Self C. Text-to-World
B. Text-to-Text D. Text-to-Experience
3. Which type of text connection happens when a reader relates the content of the text to other reading
A. Text-to-Self C. Text-to-World
B. Text-to-Text D. Text-to-Experience
4. In A Raisin in the Sun, who wants to be a doctor?
A. Ruth C. Walter
B. Lena D. Beneatha
5. What business might Walter invest with from the money given by his mother?
A. Liquor C. Beach
B. Clothes D. Restaurant
6. What information do raisins stand for in the play?
A. Black Market C. Black House
B. Black Widow D. Black Americans
7. What is the main reason why the author writes the article For Conversation, Press #1?
A. To invite the readers to disagree with the author
B. To reveal the author’s confusion about technology
C. To challenge the readers to find answer to the problems
D. To realize that people are forgetting to communicate with others
8. Which statement bothers the author most about the effect of communications technology on his life?
A. Lack of social formula
B. Extreme preference for cellphones
C. Limited communication with stranger
D. Deviation from a meaningful interaction
9. In The Telephone, what is the predominant feeling of the speaker in the first two lines?
“My happiness depends on an electric appliance,
And I do not mind giving it so much credit”
A. Joy C. Excitement
B. Surprise D. Amazement
10. What would have been the result if the speaker had no telephone?
A. He would have stayed at home
B. He would have gone to his friends
C. He would have slept like a bear in a cave
D. He would have walked out into the sunshine
11. In The Seven Ages of Man, which line states how the second age of man shows his attitude towards
A. Sighing with furnace, with a woeful ballad
B. Full of strange oaths, and bearded like a pard
C. And shining morning face, creeping like a snail
D. His youthful hose well saved, a world too wide

Nabuslot National High School

Nabuslot, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, 5208
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
12. In Mother to Son, which of the following quotes best provides support for the theme?
A. “Don’t you fall now” C. “Places with no carpet on the floor”
B. “Well, son, I’ll tell you” D. “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair”
13. What does the quote “And reachin’ landin’s, and turnin’ corners” show about the speaker in the poem?
A. She was able to find a mountain
B. She couldn’t overcome her difficulties
C. She needed to keep stopping for a rest
D. She was able to move through her obstacles
14. Based on the poem, what conclusion will the reader arrive at?
A. I should be thankful for what I have
B. I should appreciate the beauty of life
C. I should stop trying when things get difficult
D. I should work hard to overcome obstacles in life
15. I read a book about how grocery stores get their food. It reminded me of the grocery trucks that drive
by on the highway every day. What type of connection is shown in this example?
A. Text-to-Text
B. Text-to-Self
C. Text-to-World
D. Text-to-Experience
16. I read a book about what life was like before electricity. It reminded me of the time I went camping in a
cabin that had no electricity. What type of connection is shown in this example?
A. Text-to-Text
B. Text-to-Self
C. Text-to-World
D. Text-to-Experience
17. I read a nonfiction book about how to get better at tennis. It reminded me of last summer when I
attended a tennis camp to improve my skills. What type of connection is shown in this example?
A. Text-to-Text
B. Text-to-Self
C. Text-to-World
D. Text-to-Experience
18. I read a magazine about the new airport the city is planning to build. It reminded me of how small many
local airports are. What type of connection is shown in this example?
A. Text-to-Text
B. Text-to-Self
C. Text-to-World
D. Text-to-Experience
19. It is very difficult to anticipate what will happen to the world nowadays. It means that we live in a/an
____________ world.
A. Volatile
B. Uncertain
C. Complex
D. Ambiguous
20. Because our world nowadays has different layers intermingled, it is impossible to get an overview of
how things are related. It means that we live in a/an ____________ world.
A. Volatile
B. Uncertain
C. Complex
D. Ambiguous

Nabuslot National High School

Nabuslot, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, 5208
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
21. Which among them shows TEXT-TO-TEXT connection?
A. I read a chapter book about a girl who worked in a factory in New York. It reminded me of an article
that I read in school about child labor laws.
B. I read an article about how to catch a football. It reminded me of the time I caught the football
during the championship football game and captured the victory for my team.
C. I read a story about a woman who was afraid of black cats. It reminded me of all the black cats left
behind in animal shelters.
D. I read a review of my favorite book. It reminded me that not everyone has the same taste in books.
22. The unpredictable phenomenon like COVID-19 is an example of an event under ________ in the
VUCA aspect.
A. Volatile
B. Uncertain
C. Complex
D. Ambiguous
23. Jose failed his three subjects this quarter. Using your understanding about VUCA, what would be your
best advice for him?
A. It's a very fast-changing world. You need to adopt the new normal.
B. The questions are very difficult, we should tell this to the principal.
C. I know that it was a very complicated and difficult experience, but no one knows; maybe you can be
successful next time.
D. You need to hire a tutor.
24. VUCA is a term used as the challenge people encounter reflected in literature. What is the ultimate
purpose of VUCA for characters to overcome challenges of any kind?
A. Hardwork
B. Love
C. Flexibility
D. Negativity
25. In the Mother to Son, the mother compares her life to a __________.
A. river B. road C. staircase D. journey
26. What are the 7 age groups tackled in The Seven Ages of Man?
A. Infant, school boy, soldier, lover, justice, pantaloons, being child again
B. Infant, school boy, lover, justice, soldier, pantaloons, being child again
C. Infant, school boy, lover, soldier, justice, pantaloons, being child again
D. Infant, school boy, soldier, justice, lover, pantaloons, being child again
27. Who is the author of the poem If?
A. Rupyard Kipling B. Rudyard Kipling C. Rubyard Kipling D. Rucyard Kipling
28. What does the following line mean: “If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue.”
A. Make sure you are loyal.
B. Listen to what others say.
C. Don’t share your opinions if others disagree.
D. Keep your morals even if you may be influenced by others.
29. The first person point of view in Mother to Son helps the reader to __________.
A. emphasize with the son C. reflect on why the son is struggling
B. understand the struggles faced by the mom D. show mother and son’s relationship
30. What does the quote “And reachin’ landin’s, and turnin corners show about the speaker in the poem?
A. She couldn’t overcome her difficulties. C. She was able to climb a mountain.
B. She was able to move through her obstacles. D. She needed to keep stopping for a rest.
31. Based on lines 5 and 6 of If, what can you conclude about the speaker’s values?
A.The speaker values patience and honesty.
B. the speaker values curiosity and creativity.
C.The speaker values the opinions of others.

Nabuslot National High School

Nabuslot, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, 5208
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
D The speaker values good looks and political debates.
32. In Mother to Son, Langston Hughes says that “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.” As used in the
poem,, crystal means _____.
A. rough C. clear and smooth
B. transparent and slippery D. beautiful and dangerous
33. Why do you think the author began and finished the piece with, “Life for me ain’t been no crystal
A. to describe the stair C. to emphasize an important idea
B. to show the passage of time D. to show that the author is forgetful
34. Which of the following best summarizes the central theme of the poem, If?
35. A. Friendship is an important support system to young adults.
B. Growing up is complicated and challenging, but is ultimately worth it for what can be accomplished.
C. Identity must come from within a person, not from what others tell you to be.
D. People, especially young people, should resist the social pressure and obey other people’s rules.
36. In The Seven Ages of Man, what does the justice’s “beard of formal cut” symbolize?
A. silly B. humble C. modest D. wise and pompous
37. All the world’s a stage is an extended metaphor for _____.
A. Life of well-known actors
B. Seeing the well-known plays
C. Life of man that comes to an end
D. The life shown in well-known plays
38. The seven roles that a man plays corresponds to his _____.
A. desires C. mental age in life
B. chronological age in life D. idea of a perfect life
39. Which line from the poem Mother to Son reflects a lesson the speaker wants her son to learn
A. Bare. C. So, boy, don’t you turn back.
B. Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair. D. And places with no carpet on the floor.
40. Which of the following would best exemplify the theme in Mother to Son?
A. Love your mother.
B. Don’t be afraid to try something new.
C. Don’t put off tomorrow what you should do today.
D. It is important to persevere even when life gets tough.
41. Which of the following quotes best provides support for the theme??
A. “Don’t you fall now.” C. “Places with no carpet on the floor.”
B. “Well, son, I’ll tell you.” D. “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.”
42. In The Seven Ages of Man, the term “their exits and entrances” refers to ______.
A. birth and death C. coming and going of actors
B. beginning and end of a play D. the end of Shakespearean era
43. How does the author’s use of metaphor effect the reader’s understanding of the poem?
A. The metaphor of the staircase conveys to the reader that life is an easy climb.
B. the metaphor of the staircase conveys to the reader that life isn’t always easy.
C. The metaphor of the staircase conveys to the reader that the author steps on a tack.
D. The metaphor of the staircase conveys to the reader that the speaker doesn’t have carpet on the
44. What is the speaker’s purpose in the poem If?
A. There is nothing more important in life than to live with if.
B. Everything in life should be thought about and planned out.
C. Whatever you do in life needs to be rushed and have no regrets.
D. Mae sure that your focus in life is on yourself and nothing else.

Nabuslot National High School

Nabuslot, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, 5208
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
The lion is feared by the other animals in the jungle because of his strength. He is respected by everyone.
All the animals give him a big share of the food they catch. The rabbit was late in paying respects to the lion
but he gave an excuse which the lion believed at once. The rabbit said that a demon lived in the pool. When
the lion went to the pool and looked into it, he saw the demon. The lion jumped into the pool and fought the
demon. The lion did not come out of the pool. The rabbit was able to make the lion believe that there was a
demon in the pool. The lion never realized that the demon he saw in the pool was his own reflection.

45. In the text above, the rabbit was _____ than the lion.
A. Weak C. More cruel
B. Wiser D. More dangerous
46. Clarrise is the daughter of a very wealthy couple. All her classmates and friends envied her for she
lived in a huge mansion and had all the material possessions most girls her age could only wish for.
What do you think her friends and classmates would feel if they found out that Clarrise did not have a
happy home life?
A. Happy
B. Sad
C. Envious
D. Angry
47. But Clarrise hardly ever saw her parents and was often left alone in the house with only nannies to look
after her. Her parents were too busy to even check up on her. So, she learned to hang out with the
wrong crowd. She would sneak out of the house at night and do foolish things with her friends. What
do you think would have happened if Clarisse’s parents spent more time with her and showered her
with attention instead of material things?
A. She will live a happy life.
B. She will live a positive life.
C. She will live life to the fullest.
D. All of the Above
48. Clarrise was an intelligent girl but her studies began to suffer because she would often skip classes or
was unprepared if she ever showed up. Later, she dropped out of school without the knowledge of her
parents. What would have happened if Clarrise had concentrated in her studies instead of skipping
classes and doing foolish things?
A. She would have received good grades.
B. She would have been reprimanded by her parents.
C. She would be left by her friends.
D. None of the Above
49. One day, Clarrise’s parents were shocked to find out their daughter had been caught buying drugs
from a notorious durg pusher. What do you think the parent felt upon finding out what Clarrise had
been doing?
A. Her parents will be happy upon their discovery.
B. Her parents will be disappointed upon their discovery.
C. Her parents will hold a party to celebrate.
D. Her parents will try to cover their daughter’s mistakes.
50. If her parents did not neglect her, what do you think Clarrise’s life would be like?
A. Her life would be complicated.
B. Her life would be full of wonderful surprises.
C. Her life would be a mess.
D. Her life would be like a prisoner

Nabuslot National High School

Nabuslot, Pinamalayan Oriental Mindoro, 5208
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