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Villanueva, Allen James D.

August 16, 2021

STEM 2 Ruby

Earth Science
1. Define what is Science.

- Science is information about the normal world that

depends on realities learned through trials and

2. Give at least (3) limits of Science

- Observation may broke.

- A man's conviction impacts his decisions.

- Science should manage repeatable outcomes.

3. Cite the 5 Major Branches of Science.

Chemistry - The study of the properties of matter and how
matter changes.
Science - The investigation of the properties of issue and how
matter changes.
Physical science - investigation of issue and energy and the
communications between the two through powers and

Geography - investigation of the construction of the earth.

Cosmology - the investigation of the universe.

Science - The investigation of life.

4. Give three examples/subcategories of each branches of



• Organic Chemistry is a sub-field of science that

includes considering the atoms of life.

• Analytical Chemistry is the study of distinguishing

proof and measurement of materials in a blend.

• Physical Chemistry is the investigation of the major

actual rules that oversee the way that particles, atoms, and
other compound frameworks act.
Material science:

• Mechanics is a part of actual science that

arrangements with energy and powers and their impact on

• Heat and Thermodynamics is the part of physical

science that arrangements with the connections among heat
and different types of energy.

• Electromagnetism is a part of physical science

including the investigation of the electromagnetic power, a
sort of actual collaboration that happens between
electrically charged particles.


• Geochemistry is the investigation of the compound

cycles which structure and shape the Earth.

• Oceanography is the investigation of the structure and

movement of the water section and the cycles which are
answerable for that movement.

• Paleontology is the examination fossils and how old

living beings lived.

• Astrophysics: applying the laws of material science in

• Astrogeology: Examining rocks, territory and material

in space

• Astrobiology: Searching for life outside Earth


• Anatomy: Study of the construction of living things

and their parts

• Botany: Scientific investigation of plants

• Marine Biology: Study of marine living beings and

marine life
5. Differentiate Theories vs. Law

The contrast among hypotheses and laws are speculations

clarifies why regular wonders happen

While law sums up a bunch of perceptions about normal


6. Cite 6 theories how the universe began and include their

Plasma cosmology

Plasma cosmology is a model of the beginnings of the

Universe wherein plasma and electromagnetic powers assume
a huge part, and in which an actuality approach is liked: for
example, beginning from the noticed present-state and
attempting to extrapolate in reverse on schedule to much more
old states.

Hannes Alfvén likewise researched the benefits of a

cosmology in which the universe may be matter-antimatter
symmetric. In view of crafted by Oskar Klein, it is known as
Klein-Alfvén Cosmology.

The Big Bang

Since the early piece of the 1900s, one clarification of the

beginning and destiny of the universe, the Big Bang
hypothesis, has ruled the conversation. Advocates of the Big
Bang keep up with that, between 13 billion and 15 billion
years’ prior, all the matter and energy in the realized universe
was packed into a little, minimal point. Indeed, as per this
hypothesis, matter and energy in those days were exactly the
same thing, and it was difficult to recognize one from the

Disciples of the Big Bang accept that this little however

extraordinarily thick place of crude matter/energy detonated.
Inside the space of seconds, the fireball catapulted
matter/energy at speeds moving toward the speed of light. At
some later time—possibly seconds after the fact, perhaps
years after the fact—energy and matter started to divide
separated and become independent substances. The entirety of
the various components in the universe today created from
what heaved of this unique blast.

Enormous detonation scholars guarantee that the entirety of

the systems, stars, planets actually hold the unstable
movement existing apart from everything else of creation and
are moving away from one another at extraordinary speed.
This notion came from a surprising finding about our
adjoining worlds. In 1929 stargazer Edwin Hubble, working
at the Mount Wilson Observatory in California, reported that
the entirety of the systems he had noticed were subsiding
from us, and from one another, at velocities of up to a few
thousand miles each second.

Maker: Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady

The Redshift

To clock the paces of these cosmic systems, Hubble exploited

the Doppler impact. This marvel happens when a wellspring
of waves, like light or sound, is moving concerning an
onlooker or audience. On the off chance that the wellspring of
sound or light is advancing toward you, you see the waves as
ascending in recurrence: sound becomes higher in pitch, while
light becomes moved toward the blue finish of the apparent
range. On the off chance that the source is moving away from
you, the waves drop in recurrence: sound

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